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单词 debt
释义  debt /det/ ●●● S3 W2 noun  1  [countable]OWE a sum of money that a person or organization owes 债务,欠款debt of She had debts of over £100,000. 她有超过十万英镑的债。 He had enough money to pay off his outstanding debts. 他有足够的钱偿还亏欠的债务。 students who run up huge debts 欠下巨额债务的学生2  [uncountable]OWE when you owe money to someone 欠债,负债 OPP creditin debt (to somebody) Nearly half the students said they were in debt. 近一半的学生说自己负有债务。 The band will be in debt to the record company for years. 乐团将向唱片公司欠债很多年。£200/$1,000 etc in debt A rash business decision left him $600 in debt. 生意上一个草率的决定使他欠下了600美元的债。get/run/fall etc into debt The club sank deeper into debt. 这家俱乐部陷入更深的债务之中。be heavily/deeply in debt (=owe a lot of money) 负债累累3  EFFECT/INFLUENCE[countable usually singular] the degree to which you have learned from or been influenced by someone or something else 影响;教益debt to Braque acknowledged his debt to Impressionist painting. 布拉克承认受到了印象派绘画的影响。4  debt of gratitude/thanks THANKthe fact of being grateful to someone who has helped you 恩情,人情债 I owe a debt of gratitude to my tutors. 我要感谢我的导师。 COLLOCATIONSverbshave debts 欠债Fortunately, I have no debts. 所幸,我不欠债。run up debts (also amass debts formal) (=borrow more and more money) 积欠债务At that time he was drinking a lot and running up debts. 那时他酗酒,还欠了一屁股债。pay off a debt (=pay the money back) 还债The first thing I'm going to do is pay off my debts. 我要做的第一件事就是还债。repay/settle a debt formal (=pay the money back) 【正式】还债He was hoping he would soon have enough money to settle his debts. 他希望不久会有足够的钱来还债。clear your debts (=repay all of them) 还清债务It took him three years to clear his bank debts. 他用了三年时间还清欠银行的债务。service a debt (=pay the interest on a debt, but not pay it back) 支付债务利息By then, she was borrowing more money just to service her debts. 那时她借钱越来越多,还仅仅是用来还利息。write off/cancel a debt (=say officially that it does not have to be paid) 勾销债务The bank finally agreed to write off the debt. 银行最终同意勾销债务。be burdened with/saddled with debts (=have big debts) 债台高筑Many poor countries are saddled with huge debts. 许多贫困国家负债累累。reduce a debt 减少债务nThe programme aims to reduce the debt of the world's poorest countries.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + debtbig/large 大额的The debts got bigger and bigger. 债务越欠越多。huge (=very big) 巨额的Young people often leave university with huge debts. 年轻人常常背着一身债从大学毕业。unpaid/outstanding (=not yet paid) 未偿付的The average outstanding debt on credit cards in Britain is now over £3,000. 现在在英国,信用卡的平均未偿债务是三千多英镑。heavy debts (=big debts) 高额债务The company wanted to reduce its heavy debts. 这家公司想减少其高额债务。a bad debt (=one that is unlikely to be paid back) 坏账Companies lose millions of pounds each year from having to write off bad debts. 公司因为勾销坏账每年损失数百万英镑。a bank debt (=one that you owe to a bank) 银行债务nThe company closed with bank debts of about £350 million.the national debt (=the total amount that is owed by the government of a country) 国债nTheir national debt is the third largest in the world.Examples from the Corpusdebt• Debt is one of the main social problems of our time.• Lenders must try and protect themselves against bad debts.• In the past few years thousands of farmers have committed suicide because of escalating debts.• To pay the interest on our foreign debt, we will have to import less.• The government now has debts of $2.5 billion.• Since there are many different categories of debt issues, there are many different possible types of yield curves.• Unfortunately, widespread foot-dragging continues to act as a brake on debt relief.• It took us three years to pay off all our debts.• Shareholders and creditors agree to restructure debts and payment schedules and, often, to swap debt for riskier equity.• The Issue Department frequently engages in open-market operations as part of the Bank's debt management.• However, the members will be personally liable to the company to the full extent for the debts of the company.• He protected less profitable state farms by writing off their debts.• The credit industry argues that the changes are needed to prevent people who can repay their debts from hiding behind bankruptcy law.debt of• The company has debts of around $1,000, debt (to somebody)• The early years of hyperinflation after price controls were eased in 1992 led to backlogs in debts among businesses and the state.• P said its main concern is $ 3. 1 billion in debt that comes due in 1997.• The college takes 500 pupils from across the world and decided to call in debt collectors as a last resort.• I am for ever in debt, you must know.• Felcor will assume $ 14 million in debt for the hotel.• The colliery is struggling to fulfil its contracts and is burdened by £1.7 million in debts.• There was an up front charge and they will take a proportion of any reduction in debt.acknowledged ... debt• Shelley has always acknowledged his debt to the late doctor.• Certainly, Bentham acknowledged his debt to Beccaria.• Brooks attended to every detail of his churches and Mackmurdo later acknowledged his debt to him as an exemplar of methodical thoroughness.• Years later, she acknowledged the debt she owed him for those early lessons in self-determination.• Yet apart from this acknowledged intellectual debt and critical reaction to Spengler Mosley developed other ideas from his work.From Longman Business Dictionarydebtdebt /det/ noun1[countable] money that one person, organization, country etc owes to anotherThe country will not receive further funds after it failed to repay debts of $16 million.The importer will have to settle his debt in the exporter’s currency.Once we have cleared the debt (=paid it), we could buy a car with another loan.2[uncountable] the state of owing moneyFamilies in debt on their fuel bills are already choosing between heating and eating.People with children are much more likely to get into debt than people without children.He was so heavily in debt that he had to sell off his house and car.3[uncountable]FINANCECOMMERCE capital borrowed by a business or government organization on which it pays interestWe need to sell assets to reduce our debt.This company has enormous cash flow and it should have no problem servicing its debt (=making interest payments on its debt).If you possibly can, use the cash to pay down debt (=reduce the amount of debt owed).We should now be able to get cheaper loans, retire our costliest debt (=repay loans) and improve our capital structure.The IMF has failed to find money to help write off debts (=to no longer expect or demand repayment) of the poorest countries. → see also acknowledgement of debt → bad debt → bank debt → book debt → consumer debt → corporate debt → doubtful debt → external debt → fixed-rate debt → floating debt → foreign debt → investment-grade debt → judgement debt → junior debt → long-term debt → medium-term debt → mezzanine debt → national debt → public debt → secured debt → senior debt → short-term debt → sovereign debt → subordinated debt → Third World debt → trade debt → unsecured debtOrigin debt (1200-1300) Old French dette, from Latin debitum, from debere “to owe”debt noun →COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChinese   that money Business Corpus of a person a sum or




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