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单词 Swallowing
1) Always chew food well before swallowing it.
2) The snake swallowing its tail is a representation of infinity.
3) Chew your food properly before swallowing it.
4) Jamie's always had trouble swallowing pills.
5) Old men have to chew thoroughly before swallowing.
6) She went into a coma after swallowing a whole bottle of sleeping pills.
7) You'll probably notice her having difficulty swallowing. If this is the case, give her plenty of liquids.
8) The sound of her own chewing and swallowing were explosively loud.
9) Swallowing, she moistened her lips.
10) I start swallowing antihistamines; they give me some relief.
11) She looked away, swallowing hard as disappointment choked her.
12) Difficulty swallowing from the pain and paralytic weakness.
13) Swallowing her tears, she went back to the kitchen to clear up.
14) With their large mouths they are capable of swallowing smaller aquarium fishes.
15) Even after swallowing it, its bitter taste lingered long in my mouth.
16) After accidentally swallowing a certain brand of flake, you find you are irresistible to females.
17) Then, swallowing embarrassment at making a request after his kindness, I brought up the subject of the dog.
18) Swallowing convulsively, she rubbed vigorously at her face and hair with a large bath towel until her skin burned.
19) Then, swallowing once, he shut his eyes and squeezed the trigger.
20) By swallowing evil words unsaid, no one has ever harmed his stomach. Winston Churchill 
21) An 11-month old baby died after accidentally swallowing a few laetrile tablets.
22) She tried to feed it with a little warm milk(), but there was no swallowing response.
23) In experiments with rats, increased electrical activity was recorded in the satiety centre of the brain during chewing and swallowing.
24) All patients ate normal food, but some reported more thorough mastication and slower swallowing than before.
25) He was holding his glass of port wine and swallowing hard.
26) If she chews each mouthful of food 32 times before swallowing, she probably does.
27) Most notably, it bans firms from frustrating a bidder by crippling themselves with debt or swallowing poison pills.
28) Six other people taking refuge in the house also committed suicide,[http:///swallowing.html] each by swallowing cyanide capsules.
29) Birds can be injured by getting tangled in it, she says, or by swallowing hooks.
30) A J Trevett and colleagues reported on two patients who developed acute respiratory obstruction from swallowing live fish.
1) Always chew food well before swallowing it.
2) The snake swallowing its tail is a representation of infinity.
31) He reads at high speed, hoarsely swallowing words deformed by an imaginary cigar.
32) Her feral body takes its own route, grinding, convulsing, swallowing.
33) There was an unwonted gaiety in her manner as if the superintendent had spent the morning swallowing double Scotches.
34) Swallowing hard, she crawled once more under the rail and inched forward, keeping her eyes on the ground as she went.
35) The critics of Spinning were swallowing large slices of humble pie after the reformed gelding completed a fabulous Goodwood double yesterday.
36) Half way through our second drink he attacked like a hawk, the cavernous leather sofa almost swallowing me.
37) This requires a level of co-ordination in tongue movements and swallowing.
38) The horse softens food before swallowing by chewing the food between his molars with a sideways grinding action of the lower jaw.
39) Surprised for the second time, Merrill nodded, swallowing the lump which had unexpectedly risen in her throat.
40) Entities zoom around in simulated three-dimensional space, colliding with each other, shooting each other down, swallowing each other amid revolting noises.
41) Swallowing the last of the scone he ran over the drive and into the house to see Martin disappearing into the study.
42) Lake killed himself by swallowing cyanide as police interviewed him.
43) In addition, help is required for motor neurone disease patients with swallowing disorders.
44) He may not even drink water at night, for fear of swallowing insects possibly floating on the surface.
45) They obtained propulsive rates of 87% and 93% when swallowing liquids and solids respectively.
46) It looked like something out of a horror film, a malevolent presence swallowing everything before it.
47) His sister-in-law kills hers, along with its two small cousins, before swallowing poison herself sooner than surrender to the gas ovens.
48) Swallowing the stiffness in her throat, she folded the towel neatly on to the rail and combed her hair.
49) Hundreds of children are taken to hospital after swallowing vitamin pills, often because they mistake them for sweets.
50) They have no bearing on postwar peace and stability in the area or stopping some other middle-sized gangster swallowing a weaker neighbour.
51) London is expanding outwards at an alarming rate, swallowing up large areas of beautiful countryside.
52) The primary function of snake venom is, of course, to quieten prey before swallowing them.
53) He'd pushed forkfuls of food into his mouth, chewing it mechanically, drinking water to make swallowing easier.
54) Secondly, hemiplegic patients often have difficulties eating, chewing and swallowing, and this can seem repulsive to the carer.
55) For small children, an overdose can result from swallowing as few as three vitamins with iron.
56) Their aim was to keep the Catholic Habsburgs from swallowing them up.
57) With it, he took snow into his mouth to help the swallowing, which was difficult.
58) The medical staff had realized that she wasn't swallowing her medication,[http:///swallowing.html] and it was now dissolved before being administered.
59) But he still he is swallowing own hard water.
60) Conclusion Swallowing center is distributed in multiple encephalic regions.
61) He received physiotherapy and therapy for the swallowing disorder.
62) Swallowing ( or deglutition ): Act that moves food from the mouth to the stomach.
63) He stood there dumbly, craning his neck and swallowing noisily.
64) In addition, the alligators far outperformed their inebriated human counterparts in the following areas: lunging, biting, crushing, dismembering, and swallowing.
65) Objective : To study the value of Barium swallow radioscopy in assessing neurogenic swallowing dysfunction.
66) Some combinations - especially those involving a protease inhibitor - require swallowing many pills throughout the day, which some people find hard to do.
67) The astral dreadnought hunts astral bodies, tearing them apart, then swallowing them whole.
68) Anti - vacuum skirt prevents air swallowing, reducing the risk of colic.
69) Conclusion The neuromuscular electrical stimulation therapy can significantly improve stroke patients with dysphasia and swallowing function. Its efficacy is better than conventional training.
70) Kobayashi has triumphed four years straight at the July 4 hot-dog contest in New York City, this year breaking his previous record by swallowing 53 and a half frankfurters.
71) Results: The laryngeal function of breathing thonating and swallowing were recovered well.
72) They can get it into their bodies by breathing or swallowing lead dust, or by eating soil or pieces of lead paint.
73) By swallowing the Oceanid and her unborn child, Zeus became pregnant with Athena, but he wasn't built to deliver a baby and he seems to have gestated the baby in his head.
74) Patients with epilepsy or bipolar disorder can have difficulty swallowing tablets.
75) 'It was less than three minutes from catching the bird's foot to the alligator swallowing the bird.'
76) Method: Barium swallow radioscopy were performed in 30 cases with neurogenic swallowing dysfunction before and after rehabilitation training.
77) Instead of swallowing a pill, my cure involved reconditioning the responses that lead to pain buildup.
78) Also known as blowfish[], these creatures are so named for their ability to inflate themselves to several times their normal size by swallowing water or air when threatened.
79) Free ileocolic flap is an ideal flap for swallowing function restoration for the patients after total pharyngolaryngectomy.
80) Conclusion: Acupuncture can improve the swallowing function and blood oxygen degree of stork patient with swallowing disfunction and safety without side effect.
81) The vitality of the temporalis myofascial flap, function of speech and, swallowing is valuated.
82) "Swallowing a Ball of Hot Iron" examines a means of teaching embodied in the koan method of Zen Buddhism.
83) The accompanied problems are motor incoordination, difficulties in chewing and swallowing, and developmental language problem.
84) Eating after swallowing abody at the sternum infarction sense of tingling or unconsciously, the slow food.
85) Symptoms strep throat include fever, painful swallowing, swelling of the throat, and headache.
86) The generic woman appears to have an extraordinary faculty for swallowing the individual.
87) It thumps the catch against the branch to stun it—a lesson some young birds learn only after swallowing a stickleback that erects its dorsal spine on the way down.
88) Objectives To observe how cere spore bacilli resulted in swallowing infection.
88) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
89) Biting, chewing, swallowing and digesting food takes energy -- it's known as the thermic effect of food and it can burn up to 30 percent of the calories on your plate.
90) Physical manifestations may occur in the throat area such as a sore throat, laryngitis , sinus problems, thyroid problems, stiff neck muscles and difficulty in swallowing.
91) Results Postoperatively, 90.7% of patients regained good swallowing function and 88.7% of patients remained phonatory function at the same time.
92) She had taken the hemp rope Zhao Yong used for catching crabs and was stuffing it into her mouth and swallowing it!
93) A speech therapist can also help patients who have trouble swallowing.
94) Avoid swallowing for it dissolves in gastric juice and turns into poisonous soluble barium chloride.
95) The abnormal, spasmodic swallowing of air, especially as a symptom of hysteria.
96) The weakness of the muscles of the left side of his face, tongue, jaw and pharynx accounted for his difficulty in swallowing and the impairment of his speech. His voice was weak and dysarthric . .
97) Conclusion: The technique of brim shape epiglottis plasty had avoid aspiration of food and also improved function of speech and swallowing for total laryngectomy patients.
98) Sitting next to me was an old man. Swallowing his slobber, he said: "could you let me share one shot?" so I gave him the half bottle of beer that I had left.
99) During swallowing, the soft palate closes off the back of the nose against food.
100) Some people played fair during the second round, swallowing their disappointment at "losing" the first time and making reasonable efforts to reach an evenhanded outcome.
101) Congratulations! The eaglet started trying to eat by himself, tearing and swallowing his prey like a real raptor.
102) ConclusionThe hyoid bone moves both upward and forward during swallowing, the amplitude of upward displacement is highly variable and influenced by food viscosity.
103) Horace Fletcher earned the nickname "The Great Masticator" by his diet of chewing food thirty thirty two times (about 100 times per minute) before swallowing.
104) Mrs Reeve was reluctant , having just had trouble swallowing a big lump of octopus.
105) Functions for swallowing and phonation are the major concerns for patients after total pharyngolaryngectomy.
106) Even worse continuous price plunging trend is swallowing the steel's profIt'space.
107) Compared with that of volunteers, height and velocity of larynx elevation decreased, opening width of cricopharyngeal muscle reduced and swallowing latency prolonged in dysphagia patients.
108) Simple reflexes include sucking, swallowing, Blinking, scratching, and the knee jerk.
109) Conclusion The complete resection of tumor, swallowing function reconstruction, phonatory function preservation and the prevention and treatment of complications were the key of operation success.
110) I had taken the precaution of swallowing two sea sickness tablets.
111) Bacillus anthracis infection occurs in three forms: cutaneous (skin), inhalation and through swallowing spores.
112) The classic manometric findings are: (a) absence of esophageal peristalsis, and (b) hypertensive or normotensive LES which fails to relax completely in response to swallowing.
113) But don't worry, swallowing a sword whole won't destroy your gag reflex.
114) It was a picture of a boa constrictor of swallowing an animal.
115) Seven treasures equitable considering brush-off, on act not be cautious a bedcover pack to suffocate, hurriedly infuse a few orange juices just difficultly keep on swallowing.
116) Objective: observation to the influence on the swallowing function and the blood oxygen degree after acupuncture to stork patient with swallowing disfunction, and analysis therapy's security.
117) Except for some minor local wound problems there have been no complications in any of these 20 patients. Swallowing and respire-tory functions are normal in all of them.
118) The number of swallows and total swallowing time per bolus correlated significantly to maximal inspiratory pressure.
119) If client has difficulty swallowing[/swallowing.html], use mortar and pestle to grind pills or a pill - crushing device.
120) Feeling of choking when swallowing, a foreign body attached substernal burning sensation or feeling or dull ache.
121) The video also shows Gaga dressed in a latex nuns' outfit, suggestively swallowing a set of rosary beads, and appears to include references to Madonna's famous videos for Like A Prayer and Vogue.
122) And it may lead to epiglottitis (a life-threatening inflammation of the flexible cartilage that covers the gap in the vocal cords during swallowing).
123) It is helpful for stroke patients with dysphagia to improve their swallowing function by rehabilitation nursing.
124) ObjectiveTo explore effects of food viscosity and sex on hyoid motion during swallowing in normal elder.
125) The Watian drinking water test and Tendou-yilan swallowing disorder evaluation test were regard as standard for evaluation therapeutic effect in patients with cerebral apoplexy.
126) Consequently, the internal self-complacency and exclusivism have been broken, those that belong to internal radiance have also been turned into external swallowing flames.
127) Each volunteer was given a pork pie and filmed by a secret camera to test how many times they chewed before swallowing.
128) Up to 40 percent of patients given a common chemotherapy drug suffer from the painful sores known as oral mucositis, which can make eating and swallowing difficult.
129) The myotomy helped with the swallowing problems which was great.
130) Keep the coffee in your mouth without swallowing and swish it about.
131) Ulcer, colitis, difficulty swallowing, stomach problems, hernia or rectal problems?
132) The first signs of this disease include difficulty opening the mouth - often called lockjaw - and difficulty swallowing.
133) Therefore , the patients can obtain satisfactory function of respiration, swallowing and phonation postoperatively.
134) He was a prestidigitator who entertained the children by pulling rabbits out of his hats, swallowing fire, and other similar tricks.
135) "Toasting, " our term for the pronouncement of benedictions followed by a swallowing of alcohol, is believed to have taken its name from a practice involving a shared drinking vessel.
136) Typical jerking movements, mostly in the extremities and face,[sentencedict .com] may affect speech and swallowing and range from mild to incapacitating ; attacks last several weeks and recur frequently.
137) Oesophageal (gullet) candidiasis is a more serious condition which can cause pain in the chest that increases with swallowing.
138) The group notes that swallowing fluoridated toothpaste can cause problems.
139) Objective:To study the therapeutic efficacy and safety of the Fentanyl transdermal patch on the aged patients with moderate or severe cancer pain and swallowing difficulty.
140) Removal of the goitre may be necessary if it is causing difficulty with breathing or swallowing.
141) Objective To observe the effect of consciousness restoring obstruction clearing needing technique combined with swallowing function training on pseudobulbar paralysis after stroke.
142) As we begin chewing, the tongue shapes food in a ball-shaped bolus for swallowing.
143) Yet, implausible as it may seem, swallowing his pride, mastering his instinct for self-exculpation and apologising for the recession might be Mr Brown's best hope of political recovery.




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