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单词 Impassion
(1) She made an impassioned plea for help.
(2) The director of the charity made an impassioned plea for help.
(3) He gave vent to his feelings in an impassioned speech.
(4) He made an impassioned appeal for peace.
(5) Durante dances with an impassioned physicality.
(6) After three hours of impassioned debate the motion was defeated.
(7) She appeared on television to make an impassioned plea for help.
(8) She wrote an impassioned letter to her local newspaper to complain about the new road.
(9) Relatives of the dead made an impassioned plea for the bodies to be flown back to this country.
(10) The jury listened to his impassioned explication of article 306.
(11) He subjected us to half an hour of impassioned declamation against the new motorway.
(12) His impassioned pleas went unheard.
(13) But debates about mouse buttons are impassioned and urgent.
(14) The sisters are concerned and making an impassioned plea.
(15) The Princess Royal yesterday made an impassioned plea for help on behalf of the country's six million carers.
(16) Ranging from Udaltsova's impassioned realism to Nussberg's cerebral cybernetics(http://), the stylistic range of the nonconformists was indeed wide.
(17) His lips were impassioned and she swum dizzily in the swarm of love that buzzed through her.
(18) There was an eloquent and impassioned speech from Mr Wash, Woolridge's defence lawyer.
(19) Great issues of conscience are thrashed out in impassioned, eloquent language.
(20) Focus on the things in your life that impassion you and give them your all!
(21) At the opening ceremony for a new building recently, a man made an impassioned speech about the wrongs of animal sacrifice.
(22) The critic is he who can translate into another manner or an new material his impassion of beautiful things.
(23) He has managed to attract the attention of the audience and impassion their desires to know more.




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更新时间:2025/2/1 4:45:47