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单词 Lien
1. The court granted me a lien on my debtor's property.
2. A blanket lien is the least complex arrangement and is comparable to pledging accounts receivable.
3. The glum history of the heath lien gives reason to fear that these related forms may follow it into oblivion.
4. Instead, county governments auction off tax lien certificates that investors purchase for the amount of the delinquent taxes and penalties.
5. A power of sale under a general lien should not normally be exercised without recourse to legal advice.
6. Lien Chans recent Lian Jie, the harvest is due.
7. A lien may arise by operation of the law.
8. Hello. Is this the Lien An Restaurant?
9. This thesis elucidates the narrow possessory lien on vessel.
10. Afterwards, this Article discusses the content of maritime lien.
11. A lien is a type of security over property.
12. Things continue to get better since Lien s visit.
13. Chapter three discusses possessory lien on vessel.
14. The Carrier's lien shall survive delivery of the Goods.
15. In the latest research, participants were lien mental ability tests each year.
16. The lienor is the person over whose goods a lien exists.
17. Article 86 The lien holder shall have the obligation to maintain the retained property in good condition.
18. A tax lien could cost you your home, other property, or additional money.
19. Usually by that time, delivery will already have been made, thus depriving the seller of his lien.
20. An owner who refused to pay faced having a lien slapped on the rental property.
21. The trial judge instructed the jury to ignore the concept of a lien.
22. With one exception, the right of stoppage in transit is lost in the same circumstances as is the seller's lien.
23. The owner can still sell the goods even though they are in possession of the repairer who is exercising his lien.
24. But some two dozen states collect delinquent taxes on property by holding lien certificate auctions.
25. A trust receipt is a legal document that creates a lien on some specific item of inventory.
26. Where delivery is made in instalments, the extent of the unpaid seller's lien depends upon whether the contract is severable.
27. This paper analyses the difficult conditions confronted with ocean carriers when they exercise their lien on cargo, and describes domestic judicial practice and legislation tendency on right of lien.
28. In some cases, the property maybe encumbered by a lien from a contractor, service provider, bank or other lending institution.
29. Through a loan to the government of England, they held the first lien on Suez Canal.
30. And Abimelech said, What is this thou hast done unto us? one of the people might lightly have lien with thy wife, and thou shouldest have brought guiltiness upon us.
1. The court granted me a lien on my debtor's property.
31. The acquisition in good faith of lien has its composing element.
32. The object, subject, means, time of public security subpoena, along with its differences with the cross-examination under lien are expounded in the light of the current laws and practice.
33. During the currency of any such lien the Company is entitled to be paid reasonable storage charges for samples retained in the Company's custody.
33. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
34. For the loan, he could have a lien placed on your home.
35. Ship mortgage is also different from the ship preferred maritime lien and possessory lien.
36. A people's court may adopt the measure of property preservation to the object under mortgage or lien, but the mortgagee or lienor has the priority of compensation.
37. The part analyzes competition between the tax priority and hypothec, mortgage and lien.
38. For the writer, possessory lien on vessel attains the priority in compensation, in order to fully protects the lienor's right and interest.
39. It also should not be lien to diabetics who hae moderate kidney disease or heart failure.
40. Beginning with a case, this paper concludes that ship's possessory lien and the right to arrest a ship shouldn't be confused.
41. Article 240 Where the lien holder forfeits his possession of the retained property or accepts other security provided by the debtor, the right of lien shall extinguish.
42. Measurment results often deviate from their true results lien the earth resistance meter works in poor environments or improper operation.
43. The warehouse claims a lien for all lawful charges for storage and preservation of the goods.
44. In another example, I hold a small portion of my assets in tax lien certificates instead of CDS.
45. A pledge is something more that a mere lien and something less than a mortgage.
46. This paper, from the perspective of the practice of time charter, makes a research and discusses on the possessory lien to CMC. Finally, some opinions are put forward.
47. Where the trustor fails to pay the remuneration within the prescribed period, the trustee-trader is entitled to a possessory lien on the trust item, except otherwise agreed by the parties.
48. Judicial lien mainly contains attachment lien, garnishment lien and judgment lien.
49. This paper, from the perspective of the practice of time charter, makes a research and discusses on the possessory lien to CMC.
50. In the preface, this dissertation briefly concerns a few of the hot disputes onthe possessory lien stipulated in the Code and illustrates the methods of study.
51. They are reluctant to buy mortgage securities because of uncertainty around first lien.
52. The modes of guaranty as provided by this Law are suretyship , mortgage, pledge, lien and deposit.
53. Article 237 The debtor may request the lien holder to enforce the right of lien after the expiration of the time limit for payment of the debts.
54. Chapter 2 mainly analyses the theories of legal foundations and the effect of possessory lien on ship.
55. The Carrier's lien shall survive discharge or delivery of the Goods and the Carrier shall have the right to enforce such lien by public auction or private sale in its discretion.
56. In doing so, these judicial interpretations play the part of legislation right of lien as well.
57. If the truster fails to pay remuneration as scheduled, the broker shall enjoy the right of lien on the commissioned articles, unless the parties stipulate otherwise.
58. "Most of the reports today were fairly good. For anyone skeptical about the U.S. recovery, these should ease concern," said Kathy Lien, director of research at GTF Forex in New York.
59. Lien is one of Guarantee System of debt regulated by Civil Law.
60. Chapter 3 briefly discusses the reasons and the effects of extinguishment of possessory lien on ship.
61. The five part discusses the application of law in foreign possessory lien on vessel.
62. The Company's lien on a share shall extend to all dividends payable thereon .
63. The company's lien , if any , on a share shall extend to all dividends payable thereon .
63. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
64. The thesis makes it clear that a maritime lien on vessel shall have priority over possessory lien on vessel and possessory lien on vessel shall have priority over a ship mortgage.
65. Seller warrants that the goods are now free, and that at the time of delivery shall be free from any security interest or other lien or encumbrance.
66. Lien Chan s visit will facilitate mutual understanding between the two parties.
67. Establishment of the system of possessory lien on ship plays an important role in protecting the rights of maritime creditors effectively.
68. In order to ensure the realization of the debt to establish five kinds of guarantee ways: guarantee, mortgage, hypothecate , lien and earnest.
69. But there is no agreement about the nature of possessory lien on vessel.
70. The blanket lien covers all the assets of the project company, including real (unmovable) and personal (movable), tangible and intangible.
71. Article 240 The lien shall perish in case a lienor losses the possession of the property under lien or accepts other security separately provided by the obligor.
72. The Carrier shall have a lien on the Goods and any documents relating thereto for all sums payable to the Carrier under this contract and for general average contributions to whomsoever due.
73. As well as issuing unsecured bonds, Meridian had borrowed around $ 485 m in first - and second - lien loans.
74. The seller warrants that the goods are now free and at the time of delivery shall be free from any security interest or other lien or encumbrance.
75. Article 239 The lienor has the right to seek preferred payments in case the right to mortgage or the right of pledge has been established on a chattel before it is taken as lien.
76. The six part as the conclusion of this thesis, which summarizes the issues of possessory lien on vessel in this thesis.
77. According to art25 of CMC, the possessory lien originally is set up to protect the interests of ship-builder and ship-repairer as a security on ship.
78. Against the Company's claims the Client may only set off or lay a lien on claims that are undisputed or non- appealable .
79. Article 25 A maritime lien shall have possessory lienpossessory lien shall have priority over ship mortgage.
80. A lienee is the person in whose favour a lien exists.
81. Answer 9: Structural columns can be built between main lien and arrival and departure line, but not between main lines. The column shall meet the requirement of track spacing.
82. Possessory lien on ship is one of the most important contents of security right on ships.
83. During the activities of marine cargo transportation, right of lien , as a common problem often arisen has been defined by law in most countries.
84. This means Beijing is in a bind even if Lien is victorious.
85. However, the restrictive clause may neither resist against the lien, nor against the mortgage on the property purchased by the guarantor.
86. A lien against the property is granted to secure an obligation.
87. Moreover, the implementation of the limitation of liability for maritime liens and bankruptcy institution will affected realization of maritime lien.
88. The government's 13.8 % worst - case loss - rate forecast for second - lien mortgages seems fair.
89. Article 235 A lienor has the right to obtain the fruits generated from the property under lien.
90. The first two aspects concerns rank of maritime lien items, while the last one includes coexistence of maritime liens and ship mortgages as well as that of maritime liens and possessory liens on ship.




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