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单词 Humble
(1) The more noble the more humble
(2) Knowledge makes humble; ignorance makes proud. 
(3) Many great men have arisen from humble beginnings. 
(4) Be it ever so humble, there is no place like home. 
(5) In my humble opinion, he will win the election.
(6) He's very humble about his success.
(7) Be humble enough to learn from your mistakes.
(8) He started his career as a humble peanut farmer.
(9) Welcome to my humble abode.
(10) She's contemptuous of my humble background.
(11) Defeat and failure make people humble.
(12) Like a person, will humble to dust, then flower leaves come.
(13) He always makes much of his humble origins.
(14) Welcome to my humble dwelling.
(15) She was ashamed of her humble background.
(16) Let me take you to my humble abode!
(17) He is a man of humble birth.
(18) In my humble opinion, you were in the wrong.
(19) His views come from his own humble beginnings.
(20) My humble apologies. I did not understand.
(21) He rose from humble beginnings to great wealth.
(22) He had risen from humble origins through hard work.
(23) He knelt in humble devotion.
(24) He is indurated to humble fare.
(25) She has risen from humble origins to immense wealth.
(26) They tried to humble your importance in that achievement.
(27) I am accustomed to humble fare.
(28) Will you do us the great favour of partaking of our humble wine?
(29) He gave a great performance, but he was very humble.
(30) May I be firm and resolute! May I be kind, compassionate, and friendly! May I be humble, calm, quiet, unruffled and serene! May I serve to be perfect! May I be perfect to serve!
(1) In my humble opinion, he will win the election.
(2) He's very humble about his success.
(3) Be humble enough to learn from your mistakes.
(4) He started his career as a humble peanut farmer.
(5) Welcome to my humble abode.
(6) She's contemptuous of my humble background.
(7) Defeat and failure make people humble.
(8) Will you do us the great favour of partaking of our humble wine?
(9) He gave a great performance, but he was very humble.
(10) Welcome to my humble dwelling.
(31) Iris excused herself with humble words.
(32) She never forgot her humble origins .
(33) He never forgot his humble origins.
(34) You are most welcome to my humble abode.
(35) Despite his wealth, he never forgot his humble roots.
(36) Welcome to our humble abode!
(37) We live in a humble cottage.
(38) Thomas has not forgotten his humble origins.
(39) At that time she was just a humble mechanic.
(40) He has built a huge business empire from humble beginnings.
(41) The general manager was bumped up from some more humble position.
(42) The doctor was humble about his work, although he cured many people.
(43) Iacocca rose from humble beginnings to become boss of Ford.
(44) Anson was forced to eat humble pie and publicly apologise to her.
(45) He had struggled hard to rise above his humble background.
(46) The humble potato may be the key to feeding the world's population.
(47) I occupy only a humble position in the company,but there are several people below me.
(48) He was looked down on because of his humble background.
(49) It is, in my humble opinion,[http:///humble.html] perhaps the best steak restaurant in Great Britain.
(50) Most of us have never considered the humble potato as a precious gift from nature.
(51) After boasting that his company could outperform the industry's best, he's been forced to eat humble pie.
(52) There are restaurants, both humble and expensive, that specialize in them.
(53) Even when she became rich and famous, she never forgot her humble background.
(54) He is still the butt of cruel jokes about his humble origins.
(55) Spyros Latsis started his career as a humble fisherman in the Aegean.
(56) Now experts are extolling the virtues of the humble potato.
(57) He has risen up the social scale from rather humble beginnings.
(58) When he realized his mistake, he had to eat humble pie.
(59) The company has worked its way up from humble beginnings to become the market leader.
(60) And my humble opinion is this.
(61) Eat humble pie and get used to it mate.
(62) Cooke could never forget his humble origins.
(63) He was adored by the powerful and humble alike.
(64) What can he do to help the humble suppliant?
(65) Excellently done nevertheless, in my humble opinion.
(66) Come and take potluck eat humble pie whatever.
(67) Be humble, be patient, be persistent. Dr T.P.Chia 
(68) Cosmic questions are slightly beyond my humble scope, Doctor.
(69) Joe was humble and diffident about his own success.
(70) From humble beginnings sales have quadrupled and are set for further high growth in the next three years.
(71) Families cherished their forbears, whether these had lived in humble cottages or in manor houses.
(72) He appears a rather humble man; but he expends considerable effort telling his full story.
(73) Jack had left her a shamefaced note with no explanation, a humble note.
(74) There is a more humble and positive value attached to Morrissey's lyricism.
(75) Be grateful, be smart, be clean, be true, be humble, be prayerful. Gordon B. Hinckley 
(76) However humble, it was an escape route for them from dead-end Shaanxi village life.
(77) Anyway, just my 2p worth ... all very humble opinions of course!
(78) He was so damned humble that O'Hara was obliged to offer him a cup of coffee.
(79) In truth, however,[] humble photocopying has been overtaken by the wonders of the fax and personal computers complete with printers.
(80) Plenty of people wish to become devout, but no one wishes to be humble. Joseph Addison 
(81) From such humble beginnings in a remote Lincolnshire village he was, however, destined to make his impression on the world.
(82) Louis Bertrand on his deathbed was accompanied by an intense light which brightened his humble cell for several minutes.
(83) There is a universal respect and even admiration for those who are humble and simple by nature, and who have absolute confidence in all human beings irrespective of their social status. Nelson Mandela 
(84) It makes us very humble that they can express this joy out of their nothingness.
(85) But who would have thought that a humble human could do these calculations?
(86) In the case of plumes, the evidence for how they look comes from humble origins.
(87) A third group, the humble parish churches, have their guide books.
(88) Libel Despite her fabulous wealth, Sam's only property is a humble £60,000 two-bedroom flat in North London.
(89) Taylor's students describe him as a humble and modest man.
(90) Their father was a genuinely humble man, who had worked hard for his family all his life.
(91) To think that a man of so many millions should visit our humble abode.
(92) Sid was always fond of reminding his audience of darts' humble origins.
(93) Religion is to do right. It is to love, it is to serve, it is to think, it is to be humble. Ralph Waldo Emerson 
(94) Yet the school offered him nothing and lie had to humble himself to plead with me.
(95) The church of All Saints is a humble edifice with a bell turret at the west end.
(96) Being humble means recognizing that we are not on earth to see how important we can become, but to see how much difference we can make in the lives of others. Gordon B. Hinckley 
(97) You may not realise, as you watch the humble caddie walk the fairways, how heavy that bag is.
(98) This humble mollusc can be unreservedly recommended as it is hardy and lives exclusively on algae.
(99) You do not become smarter by blowing your own horn. You become smarter by being humble. Dr T.P.Chia 
(100) She had her doubts: Perhaps it is true that women are kept humble by the nature of their everyday activities.
(101) And making SROs profitable for private builders is a task that would humble Hercules.
(102) In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual. Galileo Galilei 
(103) With my humble duty, I remain, Your Majesty's faithful and devoted servant.
(104) And for the family business with such humble beginnings the expansion is just the icing on the cake.
(105) Whoever loves becomes humble. Those who love have, so to speak, pawned a part of their narcissism. Sigmund Freud 
(106) He came down with a First and started his civil service career in the humble surroundings of the National Assistance Board.
(107) The fajita began life in South Texas as humble skirt steak, marinated and served in a tortilla.
(108) It started with Lacroix and Mizrahi glorifying the humble parka by reinterpreting the shape in deluxe brocades and satins.
(108) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(109) Social status, so quickly achieved, made the family unwilling in later years to acknowledge their very humble origins.
(110) A contented man is never poor. A humble man is never arrogant. Dr T.P.Chia 
(111) To his humble beginnings in Up Hatherely and his school days.
(112) They have not always been as humble as Balanchine in submitting to the dictates of the score as envisaged by the composer.
(113) At a rather more humble level of philosophical sophistication, sociologists of crime and deviance have built their theories on similar suppositions.
(114) The critics of Spinning were swallowing large slices of humble pie after the reformed gelding completed a fabulous Goodwood double yesterday.
(115) Taylor's victory in the semi-final has forced many of her critics to eat humble pie.
(116) Adler gave the instrument dignity, inspiring composers such as Vaughan Williams and Joaquin Rodrigo to write for the humble mouth organ.
(117) Dentists have a humble origin, in that they are part of the history of jewellery.
(118) The Midlanders have been eating humble pie this season, though they deserve better fare.
(119) Humble houses were cobbled together from leavings stuccoed over and painted in pastel tones of pink, ochre and yellow.
(120) According to a Lever Brothers spokesman, the humble bar is not as hygienic.
(121) From such apparently humble beginnings a competent operator can produce very professional documents indeed.
(122) It is a conversation between equals, even if you are applying for a relatively humble post.
(123) With Angel gone there was no need to humble herself and inquire if he had at last returned to work.
(124) This is because balding has helped women humble and silence our male critics.
(125) The list is bottomless, no doubt, but what about his humble origins?
(126) They soon recognized the humble status of these priests and so adopted the more revered robes of the literati.
(127) Five hours later Mr Humble was at the end of his tether.
(128) He went on to speak at length of how he, Fakhru, had started out from just such humble beginnings.
(129) Pride slays thanksgiving, but a humble mind is the soil out of which thanks naturally grow. A proud man is seldom a grateful man, for he never thinks he gets as much as he deserves. Henry Ward Beecher 
(130) In the second section, he cuts himself off from his humble family and is influenced greatly by class distinctions.
(131) He had no one to envy, for life had been good to him, especially considering his humble beginnings.
(132) I was hoping that our humble efforts would help bring S.B. back.
(133) For more than 300 years, since 1602, the building was used as an almshouse, but its beginnings were less humble.
(134) From humble beginnings it has come to provide 20m subscribers with a pipe to the internet.
(135) Even the humble sparkler can cause horrific injuries when combined with a highly flammable shell suit.
(136) As a prime minister he probably ranked with Ramsay MacDonald in humble origin and modest wealth.
(137) Not a lot of former 20-game winners would humble themselves that way.
(138) The porter was reprimanded and a humble apology was presented to his Lordship.
(139) It was a bad defeat for an opponent who had already eaten humble pie after an outspoken attack on Wimbledon last year.
(140) In Ursula's humble opinion, the ice might start to thaw if you stop being a brutish, insensitive lout.
(141) A wise man is kind, humble, self-restrained, patient, empathetic, fair and just and is resistant to genitive temptations. Dr T.P.Chia 
(142) Carry your bag by yourself; carry your umbrella by yourself; open your door by yourself; light your own candle! Do your job by yourself! Don't use others! Don't behave like a king, don’t behave like a queen! Be humble! Mehmet Murat ildan 
(143) From those humble beginnings, Oxfam has grown into Britain's largest aid agency with an income of nearly 70 million pounds.
(144) Displaced from power, he had to toil in a humble farmhouse outside Florence.
(145) Corning's high-quality, high-priced pots and pans are more vulnerable to recession than more humble vessels.
(146) Humble clerks who have gone a bust on clothes for marriageable daughters are outraged but too timid to protest.
(147) The school had originally provided a good education for children of humble backgrounds.
(148) In later years the humble feast grew into a mysterious worship, about which we know little.
(149) The man making the humble request was Paul Tsongas, who just hours before had won the New Hampshire presidential primary.
(150) For, to the romantic, the bird of paradise is much more exciting than the humble house sparrow.
(151) She wanted university endowments to be used to fund poor preachers and scholars from humble backgrounds.
(152) In my humble opinion, Sarah is not so much interested in old relationships as new.
(153) Do not take life for granted. Be humble, learn more and work harder. Dr T.P.Chia 
(154) Nor would Edwin concede more than a spineless encouragement that she be hopeful and humble in their work together.
(155) Positive emotions produce kind, humble, rational and wise people. Negative emotions create unkind, arrogant,[sentencedict .com] irrational and foolish people. Dr T.P.Chia 
(156) Eisenhower, Nixon, and Ford were all men of humble origins and no inherited wealth.
(157) And along with their stirrup cups, they were all eating humble pie.
(158) Scientists say the humble potato may be the key to feeding the world's fast-growing population.
(159) Glad you could find the time to pop in on a humble scribe.
(160) In my humble opinion, he should not be called upon for such justification.
(161) The materials used may be selected from the humble waterproof ply-wood suitably painted to clear finished oak.
(162) Republican Presidents of the late twentieth century-Eisenhower, Nixon, Fordhad all been men of humble background and no inherited wealth.
(163) The proud would be brought low and the humble exalted.
(164) They were the sons of Thomas Jackson, a humble farm labourer who brought up ten children in a thatched cottage.
(165) The power of one hundred proud men cannot influence the world as much as of one humble servant of God. Tom Krause 
(166) Stephanie was humble enough to admit that others could probably do the job better than she could.
(167) Li's pock - marked wife was also waiting for him in a subdued , humble way.
(168) Just because architecture may be growing more humble doesn't mean there's no place for over-the-top lavishness.
(169) In order to understand it, a reader should be humble and with respectfulness to the Almighty God.
(170) We come to You today as little children – humble, teachable and full of trust.
(171) But regardless of its higher price, the humble garlic clove remains a commodity that Chinese customers simply cannot do without.
(172) Ephesians 4:2 - Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.
(173) Be careful of what you say or you'll have to eat humble pie.
(174) Cocoa Nibs: Before chocolate becomes chocolate, it originates from the humble cocoa bean.
(175) The vision of St. Helena is a work that belongs to his mature stage and portraits the mother of Constantine I, emperor of Rome. Raised in a humble home, St.
(176) The long - dead artisan had made Eahlstan humble and reverent, but had also made him bold.




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