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单词 Stained
1. Water and other liquids can stained unprotected wood surfaces.
2. The blackberry juice stained their fingers .
3. The juice from the berries stained their fingers red.
4. His sheet was stained with blood running from his nose.
5. The windows have beautiful stained glass insets.
6. They stained the floors dark brown.
7. His clothing was stained with mud.
8. Her fingers were stained yellow from years of smoking.
9. His white coat was grubby and stained.
10. She stained the wood green.
11. This cup is stained on the inside.
12. His black cassock was dusty and sweat - stained.
13. The events had stained the city's reputation unfairly.
14. His crimes stained the family honour.
15. The incident stained his career.
16. The children's fingers were stained purple with blackberry juice.
17. Nicotine marks stained his chin and fingers.
18. He stained the wood brown.
19. He stained the wood reddish - brown .
20. He stained the wood dark brown.
21. The foot of the wall should be stained brown.
22. The doors are then stained and varnished.
23. The coffee stained his shirt brown.
24. The shirt was heavily stained with blood.
25. He soaked his stained shirt in hot water.
26. Damp had stained the walls.
27. Your shirt has stained. Change another one.
28. The toilet bowl was cracked and stained,(/stained.html) and the walls were covered in mould.
29. He has stained the good honor of his family with the guilt of his crime.
30. While she was changing the wheel on her car, her coat had become stained with oil.
1. Water and other liquids can stained unprotected wood surfaces.
2. The juice from the berries stained their fingers red.
3. His sheet was stained with blood running from his nose.
4. His black cassock was dusty and sweat - stained.
5. His crimes stained the family honour.
6. He stained the wood brown.
7. He stained the wood reddish - brown .
8. He has stained the good honor of his family with the guilt of his crime.
9. His teeth were stained with nicotine from years of smoking.
31. The biologist stained the specimen before looking at it through the microscope.
32. The murderess felt that her hands were stained with blood long after the marks had been removed.
33. You could even order windows from a catalogue — a sort of mail order stained glass service.
34. His teeth were stained with nicotine from years of smoking.
35. Several important politicians have had their reputations stained by this scandal.
36. The blood soaked through his shirt and stained his jacket.
37. She stripped the floorboards in the living room and stained them dark brown.
38. The whitewashed walls were stained with mould.
39. It was spacious, panelled with stained mahogany and well-furnished.
40. The chapels glow through stained glass.
41. Lightly rub 1 or 2 drops into stained area.
42. Blood stained sputum, salty, sour or yellow.
43. The priest's cassock was stained with vomit and blood.
43. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
44. Windows are larger, stained glass richer, tracery more complex.
45. The bed occupied a high platform of stained pine.
46. And new stained glass in the windows.
47. Wire mesh covered the stained and permanently soiled windows.
48. Sweat stained his dusty cowboy hat.
49. The paraffin sections were stained with haematoxylin and eosin.
50. The pocket's all stained and that's mouldy too.
51. The inside of the cup was stained.
52. Both minerals are stained yellow; other minerals are unstained.
53. The blackberry juice had stained their clothes and fingers.
54. There are extensive records on nineteenth-century stained glass.
55. The light gave butterflies wings of stained glass.
56. Would not the courier also be stained by it?
57. But hope seeped through and stained you anyway.
58. Opened in 1903, the building had a huge domed trading hall lined with marble pillars and stained glass.
59. The sun has half risen in that time and it lights up the fabric of the yellow shirt like stained glass.
60. A tiny pile of dust debris was collected beside his knee, and some had stained the material of his grey trousers.
61. They wear ragged work clothes stained with patches of sweat; their faces are drawn.
62. Here muted lights, soft leather, stained wood and anaesthetic chamber music prevailed.
63. The new building was stained by smoke, but there was no disruption to normal operations.
64. The floor at the edge was stained a dark oak.
65. Sunlight streams through stained glass on to polished mahogany walls, reminders of the Episcopal church this child-care center once was.
66. I abhor vivisection with my whole soul. All the scientific discoveries stained with innocent blood I count as of no consequence. Mahatma Gandhi 
67. I propose to use a fairly dark hardwood, or even stained oak depending on the cost. 2.
68. The new building had both an organ and stained glass windows and was meant as a memorial to the brothers' parents.
69. Impression smears of the filters on glass slides were air dried, acetone fixed and Gram stained.
70. He slumped there on the wet street, coat muddied and stained.
71. The window was designed by C.E. Kempe, a leading Victorian stained glass colourist and designer.
72. Wycliffe pressed a bell push in a door with stained glass panels.
73. Plasteel mullions divided the narrow, high lancet windows of stained armour-glass.
73. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
74. The rest stood round in groups or knelt on half-bald knees stained by the grass.
75. His prosecution perhaps heralds an end to the systematic corruption that has stained this government's reputation.
76. You order your meal from the tablecloth, which is stained.
77. Now stained with bird droppings and weathering, it shows a pair of intertwined and horribly mutated lovers.
78. Other arms took on the burden, and blood stained richly on the sleeves of Holly's tunic.
79. The collar of his jacket was stained with something yellow.
80. I live in a crumbling cathedral, a beaux-arts building festooned with curling stone and stained glass.
81. First Floor Stained wood staircase rises to Landing: Access to insulate loft space with folding loft ladder.
82. All the tables and chairs are of solid dark wood to match the dark stained original wooden beams of the mill.
83. To make the spur less conspicuous, it can be stained brown with a special concrete stain.
84. The blanket slipped from his shoulders, disclosing the white T-shirt, its front stained soaked - with blood.
85. Her abdomen was generally tender and rectal examination showed watery stool stained with mucus and a small amount of blood.
86. The five storey building features a circular atrium topped by a stained glass dome.
87. It is my favorite, especially on a sunny morning when the sun streams through the stained glass front door.
88. Slides were incubated with 1:16 diluted patient's sera and stained with fluorescein conjugated rabbit antihuman IgG antibodies.
89. One section was stained with haematoxylin and eosin for histological evaluation.
90. We see through the stained glass a figure coming towards us.
91. Stained peels or thin sections may be enhanced by using a complementary filter on the illuminator.
92. A wind-blown polystyrene tray squeals along the stained pavement like a nail on slate.
93. In addition to those with macrophage morphology, a population of smaller and more densely stained cells, could be identified.
94. Algae stained plastic plants can be bleached and rinsed cleaned.
95. The amplified products were electrophoresed through a 1.5% agarose gel stained with ethidium bromide and viewed under ultraviolet light.
96. After electrophoresis the gels were stained with ethidium bromide and photographed.
97. Inside, several original features remain, including the stained glass windows, oak and rosewood panelling, and parquet flooring.
98. With their armour somewhat stained, they returned to discard it and restore their weapons.
99. We were given clothes of hers that were stained with blood.
100. On top was a rug, colourless with age and stained with mildew.
101. She came gracefully enough, with a little gasp of thanks, and stood shaking out her stained and crumpled cloak.
102. Estimation of porosity in rocks is aided by impregnation with stained resin.
103. But when you were My Princess I could not bear to imagine you stained by me.
104. The tall, narrow windows each had a saint in stained glass.
105. Maxwell spent £350,000 on the house, installing a stained glass window and glitzy Fifties Neptune statue in the hall.
106. A stained glass window was recently kicked in - causing fifteen hundred pounds worth of damage.
107. His greatest holiday delight was to view old churches and their stained glass.
108. Even if it is the excess of a few, all members of Congress are stained by the abuse.
109. Q.. The oil man spilled heating oil on light-gray semitransparent stained clapboards.
110. An unshaven old man in a stained jacket comes to a stop beside us.
111. My dress was stained.
112. The first serial section from each block was stained by haematoxylin and eosin.
113. For modern sculpture, galleries use a tall wooden box, stained or painted.
114. Mildew is destructive to cotton whereas nylon looks stained and smells a bit but the fabric remains intact.
115. Roland, her damp mittens dangling from the insides of her stained coat sleeves.
116. Autumn came and they picked bilberries on the mountain: tiny, purple fruit that stained their teeth and their clothes.
117. This impious crime, wrote Ammianus, for ever stained the reign of Constantius.
118. Finally, the intestinal tract was excised, fixed in formalin, stained with haematoxylin and eosin, then coded.
119. Easily Accessible: Ely is an ancient market town famous for its magnificent medieval cathedral and stained glass museum.
120. To be seen clearly under an optical microscope, cell tissues often have to be stained to increase contrast.
121. Her fingers were stained with dirt, her nail varnish chipped.
122. He knew the smell that came from dust and stale cigarette-smoke, from shoes and overcoats and old stained carpets.
123. Perkin was so excited that he immediately stained some silk cloth a striking purple.
124. A sudden gust of rain dashed against the red bricks that were already stained in patches by water.
125. The original stained glass window was destroyed by vandals in the 1960s and replaced by a plain glass one.
126. The stained glass is divine, the carpets rich and colorful and the tapestries simply beautiful.
127. Rays of afternoon light poured through the stained glass windows, drenching the sanctuary with splashes of color.
128. She is clad in chef whites stained with the morning's work.
129. Longitudinal sections along the duodenum were stained with haematoxylin and eosin for histological examination.
130. It was his blood that stained her dress and face and she was glad.
131. In the windows crystal prisms dangled so that faint rainbows stained the gauzy curtains.
132. He was a stock irritant, an ugly man in a shabby dressing gown over a stained shirt.
133. The table in the snooker room is waterlogged(Sentence dictionary), its baize stained and its wooden sides cracked.
134. She will not have her altar stained with human blood.
135. Old deal or pine kitchen chairs can be picked up reasonably in junk shops and painted or stained.
136. The plaster walls were damp and cracked, the floor unswept, its stones stained with dried blood and excrement.
137. His chest is suddenly stained with blood as something pulses frantically beneath his thin shirt.
138. He hands over one crisp dollar bill and 40,000 sucres in coins and stained notes.
139. As negative controls, additional sections were stained with appropriately diluted normal rabbit or sheep sera.
140. By the time he had pulled the corpse out into the street, Valenzuela's clothes were stained with blood.
141. He whiled away the time by contemplating the stained glass lancet windows behind the preacher and the holy table.
142. It may have been the way the exhaust pipe stained his boiler suit.
143. They were stained with her blood and with the pallid cream of Stephen's semen.
144. Tissue sections were stained by an immunohistochemical method and subjected to detailed counting of up to 50 longitudinal crypts per specimen.
145. The church of St Peter was built in 1875 by public subscription, and contains several fine stained glass windows.
146. Perhaps four feet high, a girl, daintily made, her body stained and streaked green with moss.
147. Paraffin sections were cut at three levels and stained with haematoxylin and eosin.
148. The trestle tables down each side were stained with wine and strewn with the stale remains of various meals.
149. Another of the antral biopsy specimens was Gram stained and cultured.
150. Wood can always be stained to a darker shade than its present state, but can not be lightened other than by bleaching.
151. The seats were cushioned and quilted, the windows glazed with fragments of stained glass.
152. Glass target: Vandals smashed a stained glass window worth £100 at a house in Willow Road, Northallerton.
153. Soft lights glowed on the mountains as if reflected from stained glass.
154. Notable painters included with stained glass panels by, embroidery by, lacework by and tapestry by who also exhibited watercolours.
155. Cytospin preparations of purified epithelial cells were stained by immunoperoxidase to ascertain purity and contaminating mononuclear cells.
156. He had a couple of hundred dollars on top of the dashboard, folded in butcher wrap stained with lamb-chop blood.
157. There was also a chipped enamel mug stained almost black inside and smelling of spirits.
158. Augmenting the club-like atmosphere are the carefully chosen dark wood paneling, beveled stained glass and forest-green carpets.
159. Her face was dirty and her gown stained, and like Jehana she had cut the skirt away at thigh level.
160. It was not only stiff and cracked and stained, but it smelled so bad that he had to hold his breath.
161. It has a three-story reception hall and turn-of-the century stained glass windows.
162. Samples are stained with a dye that has an affinity for the proteins.
163. The biopsies were fixed in formalin and stained with haematoxylin and eosin.
163. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
164. Standard haematoxylin and eosin stained preparations were scored according to the inflammatory scale previously established for use in reservoir mucosal biopsy tissue.
165. The people of Fairford can now enjoy a fresh glimpse of another of their unique stained glass windows, fully restored.
166. Dolomite is stained purple, calcite is unstained in the alkaline solution.
167. Consecutive sections were stained with haematoxylin and eosin for histological evaluation of in-situ hybridisation results.
168. The best of the decoration is certainly the stained glass in some of the side-chapels.
169. Subsequently, St Mark's has received many enrichments in the form of stained glass, memorials and other fittings.
170. It makes me shudder to read of a timber like teak being stained.
171. And next to the dresser was a mattress standing on its side, stained with secretions.
172. The Pin At night, no light penetrates the interior except through stained glass.
173. Within one to two months, the newly grown tumours were removed and their representative sections were stained with haematoxylin and eosin.
174. The tomato ketchup stained her fingers and fell as uncompromisingly on her dress as blood, but her brain was racing.
175. The turbine is sealed off behind a tasteful stained wood casing with leaded windows lit from behind.
176. The robes were stained and torn, but there still seemed to be some blood on the bones.
177. The stained glass windows in the church were all placed as memorials.
178. With fingers stained and mouths puckered and purple, our memories of indulgently consuming these succulent fruits are almost sinful.
179. I came up with Spoogie the Badly Stained Carpet, who kids love.
180. The wooden panelling and stained glass windows created a genteel air from a bygone era.
181. Far above there was a skylight of stained glass, its reds and yellows on fire with sunlight.
182. The buildings and monuments mentioned on the list include: The stained glass windows of Sarajevo Cathedral.
183. Guiteras left the government stained by family violence, bribe, and abuse of power.
184. The final product was run in 1% agarose gel and stained with ethidium bromide.
185. Sunlight streamed into the church and through the stained glass windows, and a smell of grass and flowers permeated the air.
186. Blood oozed out of the meat and stained the carbon steel of the knife blade.
187. It stained negative by uranyl acetate and lead citrate.
188. The clothes are stained with grease.
189. The pillowcases are stained, and the bathtub is dirty.
190. The soup spilled over and stained his trouser legs.
191. The president's reputation was stained with accusations of indecency.
192. She wore a stained pink robe.
193. Walk without a cut through a stained glass wall.
194. What kind of job uses stained wood and slate?
195. The data of electron microscopic histochemical study showed that some slender collagen fibers and heavily stained elastic fibers were dispersed around myoepithelioma cells and in mucoid tissue.
196. In ferri-argillic horizon,(http:///stained.html) clay and silt become more and iron concentrations exist in the form of the matrix stained by iron.
197. Some of their cheeks are stained with indigo dye from their turbans, an age-old mark of the Tuareg that led early visitors to dub them the "blue men."
198. Tiffany lamps were the creation of Louis Comfort Tiffany (1848 to 1933), a brilliant American designer, best known for his work in stained glass.
199. The dress had been brightly coloured, but it was stained and dirty now.
200. During the late stage, the principal fibers stained for fibromodulin at the interfaces between cementum and new bone.
201. Dawn came glassy orange , stained from below by a gelatinous band pale green.
202. The survivors crowded out at ground level, many sobbing and tear - stained.
203. Electret air filter material has superior filter performance, as ideal filter material for coal - dust stained yarn.
204. It is fair to judge people and stained glass windows only in their best light.
205. This is a Cryptococcus neoformans meningitis stained with GMS to reveal the nuclei.
206. Adjacent sections were stained with crystal violet for demonstration of glial cells.
207. When all moisture has evaporated, the fibers develop a tight-knit, papyrus-like surface that can be bleached or stained with fruit and vegetable dyes such as turmeric, indigo, and beetroot.
208. CK7 stained strongly positive in 10/13 cases of CRCC, whereas focally positive in 2/6 cases of oncocytoma.
209. She also sanded down the original oak floors and stained them a dark Jacobean brown.
210. Feeble steps were heard on the stairs, and an old man, tall and frail, odorous of pipe smoke, with shaggy, unkept gray hair and a dingy beard, tobacco stained about the mouth, entered uncertainly.
211. In hatch No. 1 lower hold we found many bags stained by sweat.
212. Learn how to use a pistol grip to cut glass in this free video clip about using copper foiling for stained glass art.
213. It is autocracy reverting to its normal state of palace crime, blood - stained magnificence, and moral squalor.
214. Methods The endothelial cells of 91 corneal buttons obtained at the time of penetrating keratoplasty (PKP) were stained by 1%alizarin red and 0.25%trypan blue and observed under biomicroscope .
215. Gerald bronzed in the face and travel - stained from head to foot.
216. St George's Chapel is a magnificent example of the Perpendicular style with fan-vaulted ceilings and beautiful stained glass, and should not be missed.
217. It is autocracy state of palace crime, blood - stained magnificence, and moral squalor.
218. None of the fibers expression dystrophin was stained with Evans blue.
219. The prepared tissue was cut at 500A and stained with uranyl acetate andlead citrate, and then observed under JEM-100CX transmission electron microscope and photographed.
220. Strong expression is first observed in prechordal plate at the stage of 50% epiboly, l the stained cells then migrate to the proctodeum .
221. After centrifugation , broth culture precipitates were smeared and stained with fuchsin to observe the morphology change in thallus under optical microscope.
222. The centromeric regions of almost chromosomes in Chinese White rabbit were darkly stained, but which varied in size.
223. Many are prepared to complain about a "tomato sauce stain on a restaurant tablecloth, whilst they luxuriate on a plush seat in their faecially stained pants."
223. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
224. I thought, like a boy whose pop fly has gone through a stained - glass window.
225. She went stealthily, mopping her flushed , stained cheeks, frightened, angry, very miserable.
226. Conclusion Tapeworm preparation stained by Indian ink and carmine is useful and can be preserved permanently.
227. HBD - 1 & HBD - 2 were both detected in the submandibular acinus and ducts , highly stained in the ducts.
228. For polymorphonuclear leucocytes count of gram stained cervical smear, the sensitivity was 23.1%, specificity 84.5%, positive predictive value (PPV) 7.7% and negative predicative value (NPV) 93.8%.
229. Objective To explore the epidemiology of meconium stained amniotic fluid peru - delivery.
230. Toluidine blue stained was used to number the remained neural cells in hippocampus and cortex of temporal and frontal lobe.
231. Red reaches into his jacket and pulls out a beautiful wooden box, carefully stained and varnished.
232. The embryo and sperm cell nuclei are stained purple while sperm tails are green.
233. Liver tissues were stained with HE and Masson trichrome staining.
234. As he laid his blood - stained bible in that hooker's hand.
235. A great interior wall of white oak stained a charcoal grey forms a perfect backdrop, maximizing the sense of space and turning the focus to the spectacular view and the contemporary furniture.
236. In plant cells, for example , this moderately stained material is particularly prominent at kinetochores.
237. I went to the church to see the stained glass.
238. Rilke is a poet deeply stained philosophical temperament, so his Leopard must be explained from a philosophical perspective.
239. Electret air filter material has superior filter performance, so it is considered as ideal filter material for coal-dust stained yarn.
240. Stained with toluidine blue, the stroma around the cells showed metachromia.
241. Then I added new beechwood veneer, cutting the grill to match the original and stained and oiled the entire box.
242. Conclusion:Under the ozone aging condition, the SY-1 silicone elastomers stained with oil pigment and inorganic salt may have better color stability than that with gouache color.
243. This cloth is still stained; You'll have to give it another bleach.
243. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
244. The sheet is stained and the bathtub is not clean.
245. If plaque, tooth decay, or tetracycline stained teeth whitening, you can choose 2 - Healing Series.
246. REPORTER: There were black hoods the kinds seen in those here prolific cost age videos, gloves that police have first said would blood stained, turns out to be residue from plastic explosive.
247. The undecalcified longitudinal proximal tibial metaphysical sections were cut and stained for the bone histomorphometric analysis.
248. Carol enjoys bicycling with her kids in the trailer, and playing racquetball. She has a longing to return to stained glass!
249. Methods A model for resection of sciatic nerve was used. L4-6 spinal cord was taken, and sectioned (paraffin embectling) and stained in brilliant cresyl violet.
250. Memories of bawling and burping stained my mind; I smelled vomit on my collar.
251. What I find most abominable in our politicians is that, even when their hands are stained with blood, they invariably adopt a holier-than-thou attitude.
252. Sometimes outer rushed about a day, travel - stained, took a door one buttock sits to go up in sofa, differ perhaps him meeting is wearing bedgown sleep again pants sits in same locally.
253. After fixed and stained, the shape of hatched spores changed compaired with that of unhatched spores and the long pole which extended out could be found.
254. The bathroom door had a glass window covered with a portrait of a woman in pre-Raphaelite style on a thin sheet that made it look like stained glass from a distance.
255. The sections of guinea pig asthma model lung tissues were stained with NADPH diaphorase .
256. Pistol Grip Glass CutterThis is the standard glass cutter used for stained glass and crafts.
257. This essay is trying to introduce the exemptible system of "stained witness" abroad to discuss the necessity and feasibility of the same system's establishment in China.
258. Two stained glass windows in the ballroom were engraved with quotation from Shakespeare.




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