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单词 Signalled
1. We signalled him to pull over.
2. The boat came abreast of us and signalled us to stop.
3. He signalled left, and turned the lorry slowly.
4. The whistle signalled the end of the match.
5. Impact occurred seconds after the pilot signalled for help.
6. She signalled(/signalled.html), and the waiter brought the bill.
7. The referee signalled a foul.
8. The marriage signalled James's embrace of the Catholic faith.
9. She signalled it was time to leave.
10. The teacher signalled to the boy to begin.
11. The policeman signalled to him to pull over.
12. He pushed his plate away and signalled for coffee.
13. We signalled the taxi driver to pull over.
14. This announcement signalled a clear change of policy.
15. British sources last night signalled their readiness to talk.
16. She signalled to the bus driver to stop.
17. She signalled him to follow.
18. Heavy footsteps signalled the teacher's approach.
19. She signalled frantically to us.
20. He signalled his discontent by refusing to vote.
21. He raised his hand and signalled for the waiter.
22. The patrolman signalled for her to stop.
23. The union has signalled the workers' intention to strike.
24. A fanfare signalled the entrance of the king.
25. He signalled to us to join him.
26. She signalled to the children to come inside.
27. Mary signalled wildly at them, but they didn't notice.
28. He signalled to the waiter for the bill.
29. The police car signalled to us to pull in.
30. Motioning aside the other people in the room, the doctor signalled to me to come forward.
1. We signalled him to pull over.
2. Motioning aside the other people in the room, the doctor signalled to me to come forward.
3. The visIt ' signalled the normalization of relations between the two countries.
4. When all the instruments had been checked out, the pilot signalled that he was ready for takeoff.
31. She signalled and pulled over into the slow lane.
32. Violent squalls signalled the approach of the hurricane.
33. He has, by submitting his resignation, signalled his unhappiness with the government's decision.
34. The visIt ' signalled the normalization of relations between the two countries.
35. She has signalled she is willing to stand as a candidate.
35. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
36. The man signalled for me to gather the children together.
37. The visit signalled the normalization of relations between the two countries.
38. When all the instruments had been checked out, the pilot signalled that he was ready for takeoff.
39. That was classic! That van-driver signalled right, and then turned left.
40. The new legislation signalled a move away from state involvement in telecommunications.
41. A police car drew abreast of us and signalled us to stop.
42. The government last night signalled its determination to resist tax cuts.
43. The professor's speech marked/signalled a retreat from his usual extreme views.
44. Hingis signalled her return to form with a convincing victory.
45. She signalled for help.
46. She signalled a passing taxi and ordered him to take her to the rue Marengo.
47. Graham finished his drink and signalled to the waiter.
48. He tapped Oliver's arm and signalled him to follow.
49. She signalled the nomes to follow her.
50. In 1844 he signalled a change of direction by appointing Mikhail Vorontsov to the new post of Caucasian Viceroy.
51. An official signalled that it was time for the race to begin.
52. She drank up her brandy and signalled to the waiter to bring another.
53. Any movement detected by the sensor is signalled to the electronic switching circuit which automatically turns on the lights.
54. However, 1985 signalled the end of the post-war trend of decline in working hours in Britain.
55. Thiercelin signalled to the sharpshooters manning the lower windows of the dining-room to hold their fire.
56. He kept his temper and signalled the other galley to turn to the shore at Drimnin, to do the repairs.
57. Myeloski nudged Duncan and signalled him to watch a scene farther on, just by a small playground.
58. Better Schools signalled the government's intention to offer a further statement on the organisation and content of the 5-16 curriculum.
59. He was back: but, the gym shoe signalled, on his own terms.
60. But even as the reformers celebrated, the result signalled further bitter division in the church.
61. Ford signalled his intention to treat legislators as allies rather than adversaries.
62. Once one-person-one-vote is accepted, some have already signalled a willingness to surrender much of their power.
63. Mardonios reoccupied it, and signalled the news by beacons to Xerxes at Sardis.
64. In an Inland Revenue consultation paper, Mr Brown also signalled a willingness to disregard student loans when calculating tax credit levels.
65. He also signalled that he hoped to have talks with Zulu leaders, including Buthelezi, in the near future.
65. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
66. But last night he signalled he is ready to launch a comeback with the reserves within the next week.
67. Last week the Soviet embassy in East Berlin even signalled it would not intervene if unrest became uncontrollable.
68. Despite the foregoing criticisms, we recognise and welcome the change of direction signalled by the draft guidance.
69. The stolid chugging, the intense revving of big diesels, the bass throb: it all signalled heavy machinery at work.
70. The Chancellor also signalled he did not favour an early cut in interest rates.
71. He signalled us to keep still as he stood upright, tightening the grip on his spear.
72. Aldridge, however, signalled a no-ball, ruling that the ball flew above the permitted height under the series rules.
73. The 1885 Criminal Law Amendment Act signalled a new,() more coercive system of state intervention into the domain of sexuality.
74. The subsequent phase between 1934 and 1939 signalled the return of the party from the political wilderness of sectarian isolationism.
75. The fires signalled to something else as well ... Shortly before daybreak Tallis was woken by the distant sound of a hunting horn.
76. Harry nearly jumped back in surprise and flushed instantly in embarrassment at the distaste his flinching movement had signalled.
77. The emergence of a Five Nations cup, a handsome piece of silverware has signalled the end of an era.
78. He stood on the steps outside the building, tattered cloak flapping like a scarecrow's nightshirt, and signalled to me.
79. The presence of these links is often signalled by explicit cues within the text.
80. A lorry driver signalled to her to cross the road.
81. Richards came back and signalled clearly, but Tribe was busy with his gun again.
82. The Reagan New Federalism also signalled an increased dependence of urban areas on state government.
83. Scharnhorst, taking Rawalpindi for an unarmed merchant ship, signalled her to heave to.
84. In the past few days Mr Delors has signalled his determination to boost the executive powers held by Brussels.
85. It was always possible that Will Sin's death might have signalled the end for the band.
86. Again and again Cheryl signalled the message, hoping desperately that Angela would read it.
87. The footmen looked relieved to see me, and I immediately signalled them to get to their positions.
88. The move was signalled last week and, true to their promised response, management suspended the workers involved in the disruption.
89. I signalled to turn back in the direction of the motorway, then I changed my mind.
90. An eerie blast on a horn signalled the start of the ceremony and the crowd became silent.
91. The Department of Health has signalled its intention to review the formula in the light of 1991 census data, again using small area analysis.
92. This signalled the start of the victory celebrations as Randalstown swamped the Victorians circle.
93. He continued to box until 1910 when a deteriorating eye condition signalled the end of his active career.
94. He signalled to the driver to stop the car.
95. The conductor signalled the orchestra to rise.
96. The policeman signalled the children to cross the road.
97. She signalled that he was about to turn left.
98. The ship signalled her sister ship and then stood on.
99. Some analysts have suggested that the DP World case signalled growing US restiveness over the role of foreign investment in the economy.
100. The prompter signalled her.
101. Out of the array of machines and benches,(http:///signalled.html) Mr. Brown signalled a foreman.
102. entered into an advertising dalliance with Google, but this fell apart after antitrust authorities signalled that they would not approve such an agreement.
103. ON THE 24th of February, 1815, the look-out at Notre-Dame de la Garde signalled the three-master, the Pharaon from Smyrna, Trieste, and Naples.
104. Cabinet ministers signalled their determination to tough out the controversy.
105. A file descriptor would be signalled when new data were inserted to awaken the X server, and the X server could also directly examine the queue indices which were stored in the shared segment.
106. the Fed has signalled easier policy with quantitative easing proposed to stem steady disinflation.
107. The general signalled to his officers for the attack to begin.
108. China yesterday signalled it was prepared to accept foreign private equity groups, following last week's introduction of a law to encourage its fledgeling domestic private equity industry.
109. Lily had the doomed sense of the castaway who has signalled in vain to fleeing sails.
110. As has already been signalled by the treasury, if a super tax on mining can be introduced, then after that a Labor government will introduce super taxes on all businesses.
111. Pointing to his right - away from goalmouth - he signalled for a through pass.
112. It focuses on the grammar of case relations, signalled by morphological case, prepositions , and word order.
113. While the company's financial reports were improving, a number of vehicle recalls signalled that its famed quality was slipping, and Mr. Toyoda began to sound the warning bell.
114. He saw that he would not be able to run with the ball, so he signalled for a fair catch.
115. Benson signalled the auctioneer quietly and kicked the bid up another thousand.
116. Moscow has also signalled that it would supply Tehran with new surface-to-air missiles in defiance of US opposition.
117. ON THE 24th of February, 1810, the look-out at Notre-Dame de la Garde signalled the three-master, the Pharaon from Smyrna, Trieste, and Naples.
118. U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson then "reluctantly" called Buffett at Fuld's behest and signalled he would like the billionaire to invest in Lehman, but "did not load the dice."
119. Of course, a small penalty rate would not have solved the moral hazard problem; but it would have signalled the seriousness of the central bank in facing up to it.
120. The Canadian dollar eased back after the Bank of Canada cut interest rates 50bp to 3.5 per cent and signalled that further easing would be needed.
121. Joe, with his long sight, signalled several flocks of birds of grey hovering on the horizon.
122. I've tipped you a wink or signalled to you on the sly many times, but before you took the hint others had already noticed.
123. It needs no return link for audiovisual signal transmission, since a configuration is signalled by repeatedly transmitted codewords.
124. Some analysts said the move to delist signalled a first step in that restructuring process.
125. The Bank of Canada has signalled that it may soon raise interest rates.
126. Instead Yahoo! entered into an advertising dalliance with Google, but this fell apart after antitrust authorities signalled that they would not approve such an agreement.




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