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单词 Subdiscipline
1. In psychology, it allows it to compete on near-equal terms with a crowd of other sub-disciplines.
2. Physical Geography is a subdiscipline of Geography.
3. As an important subdiscipline of information hiding, steganography is one of important research fields in recent years.
4. A relatively new subdiscipline in architecture that has gained significant prominence is the Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA).
5. As a subdiscipline of anthropology, visual anthropology has the function of interpreting the cultural phenomenon with the audio-visual language.
6. Heredity is one of the most fascinating subdiscipline in modern biology.
7. Gender language has emerged as the subdiscipline of sociolinguistics in which it also plays an important role.
8. Pedology is the subdiscipline of soil science that integrates and quantifies the distribution, morphology, genesis, and classification of soils as natural landscape bodies.
9. Chaos is an important subdiscipline of nonlinear science. Cryptology is an important field of information security.
10. Trying to find a mechanism for describing something that is understandable by both humans and computers is the role of the "human/computer interaction" (HCI) subdiscipline within computer science.
11. Nobody can be the master of everything, even in a subspecialty of a subdiscipline of a discipline.
12. Nonlinear science is a foundational discipline which concerns the common properties of nonlinear phenomena. Particularly, Chaos theory is one of important subdiscipline of nonlinear science.
13. illustrationFor the last 15 years, software reengineering has become an important subdiscipline within computer science.http://
14. In the United States and the rest of the Anglophone world, "philosophy of law" is a subdiscipline of philosophy, a special branch of what is nowadays frequently called "normative theory.
15. Educational economics should become an interdisciplinarity of pedagogics and economics, but not a subdiscipline of them.




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