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单词 Isozyme
1 The EST isozyme of butterflies possess polymorphosis.
2 Isozyme zymograms of peroxidase and esterase from seeds of two species of Lespedeza Michx were tested by adopting PAGE (polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis).
3 It's showed that peroxidase isozyme analysis provided the basis for the classification and identification of germplasm resources of pyrus.
4 Therefore, amylase isozyme electrophoresis can be used to detect the quality of honey and adulterant.
5 The esterase isozyme in leaf at acicula forming stage and the peroxidase isozyme in peanut leaf at pod producing stage was related to the formation of coarse protein and coarse fattiness of seed.
6 Peroxidase isozyme was analyzed by method of Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis(PAGE) in Oryciolagus cuniculus(Chinese albino rabbit), New Zealand Rabbit, Rex Rabbits blood serum.
7 A new EP isozyme with higher activity was detected by electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gels denatured hemoglobin.
8 In addition, the isozyme bands and enzyme activity of high yield female plant, low yield female plant and acarpous female plant were compared.
9 The mycelial antagonistic test, esterase isozyme zymogram, mycelial growth rate, mycelial biomass and polysaccharide content of 4 different Pleurotus eryngii strains were studied in this paper.
10 In some respects of isozyme zymogram of cytochrome oxidase and peroxidase exist obvious difference.
11 The electrophoregram of EST-PAGE can be used as isozyme fingerprint for identification of 10 nicotiana varieties.
12 As a result, esterase isozyme patterns show 2 representitive bands, and we think Amaranthus is a natural classification group.
13 Esterase isozyme analysis was used in the study of 64 commercial strains of oyster mushroom.
14 OBJECTIVE:To study the change regular of esterase isozyme and peroxidase isozyme of Polyporus umbellatus.
15 Isoenzyme ( isozyme ) An enzyme that occurs in different structural forms within a single species.
16 After many repetitions, the patterns of esterase isozyme and peroxidase isozyme of Pleurotus sapidus, Pleurotus ostreatus and their fusant strains were obtained.
17 Besides, though isozyme 4 derived from a mesophile, it showed thermosensitive just like the psychrophilic catalase, so we describe it as a cold-adapted enzyme.
18 There was isozyme variation in the grey - branch Chinese fir and - branch Chinese fir has large wood density.
19 The feasibility of using peroxidase isozyme to study interspecific relationships and the origin of allotetraploids in Gossypium was discussed.
20 Comparison on isozyme of esterase in two sibling species Anoplophora glabripennis and A. Nobilis.
21 To different species source of Taxodium ascendens Brongn enzyme scores of peroxidase and isozyme are different.
22 In this study, the morphological characters of chimeras of tuber mustard and red cabbage were described, the acid phosphatase isozyme banding patterns and the molecular marker were analyzed.
23 Oula sheep were used to investigate the polymorphism character of isozyme of serum amylase by means of polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.
24 A study of Citrus in Hunan Province by analysis of leaf peroxidase isozyme.
25 It is indicated that Suxiaohong grape has closest relationship with Vitis vinifera by 0.00 and0.20 distance ratios of EST and PER isozyme pattern.
26 The result showed that there was no difference in the patterns of POD isozyme of Fusarium oxysporum from cucumber. There were 3 main POD isozyme bands and their Rfs were 0.04, 0.20 and 0.33.
27 In consistent with the periodicity of cambial activity, the variability of peroxidase isozyme activity as demonstrated by isozymography was most sign.
28 The variations of polysaccharide content and zymogram and activity of peroxidase, esterase and amylase isozyme were related to the periodicity of cambial activity.
29 Some issues on studying the cultivated plant taxonomy and origin by mean of isozyme analysis.
30 The ways of probing genetic diversity of pines involve many aspects morphology, chromosome, isozyme, DNA, etc.
31 The mycelial growth rate, the antagonistic reaction and esterase isozyme zymogram analysis of 19 Agaricus blazei strains were tested in this paper.
32 Through the isozyme method to study the genetic diversity of Jatropha curcas is pending further work to verify.
33 This experiments studies on the changes of plant isozyme of different alfalfa cultivars withdifferent root regeneration ability(RRA)before and after their taproot were pruned.
34 It showed that the peroxidase isozyme zymogram and the soluble protein electrophoretogram of latex C-serum could not clarify the interaction between the rootstock and scion of grafted rubber tree.
35 The variability of esterase isozyme activity in the vascular tissues was in consistent with the periodicity of cambial activity.
36 Electrophoretic analysis of the isozyme and soluble proteins of two dominant genic male sterility lines in Brassica napus L.




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