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单词 Enthusiast
1 Whatever you do, don't call a "railway enthusiast" a trainspotter?it's the ultimate insult.
2 My brother is a real DIY enthusiast.
3 He was an enthusiast for the avant-garde.
4 He is a great sports enthusiast.
5 He is a lifelong railway enthusiast.
6 I must confess I'm not a great enthusiast for long political programmes.
7 The exhibition is interesting to both the enthusiast and the casual visitor.
8 He's a real enthusiast - he goes fishing in all weathers.
9 He was also, incidentally, a fellow sailing enthusiast.
10 Dennis was a genuine enthusiast for financial matters.
11 Verdict: The only compact camera for the underwater enthusiast.
12 He was an enthusiast for covert action.
13 The whole package is well worthwhile for the enthusiast.
14 But for the curious wine enthusiast,[] Madeira offers a unique taste sensation.
15 This impressive sight attracts the camera enthusiast to Swanland from where excellent photographs of the bridge can be taken.
16 To the railway enthusiast, however, it was the location of a crack Southern Railway and Southern Region steam depot.
17 Mrs Thatcher duly sacked the junior minister, space enthusiast Geoffrey Pattie.
18 C S Collins An obvious enthusiast, with a strong sense of humour which did not detract from his very informative presentation.
19 I had been a big enthusiast, a cheerleader, with louder noises coming from my throat than from my gloves.
20 One enthusiast has constructed a gallows-like contraption in order to perfect his technique.
21 A Roman soldier's pay, found by a metal detector enthusiast in Norfolk, has been declared treasure trove at an inquest in Diss.
22 She went about the task with the zeal of an enthusiast.
23 Most important of all was Barbarossa's inherent intelligence; he was no mere warrior king or religious enthusiast.
24 Millar himself is a young-looking man in his mid-thirties with dark brown hair and the demeanor and bearing of a born enthusiast.
25 From there he told Wesley Smith about his life as a railway enthusiast, composer and rock climber.
26 And the sumptuous pictures will satisfy the most avid architectural enthusiast.
27 It was then that a friend who was also a water-power enthusiast suggested a compressor.
28 When Clement Attlee became Prime Minister in 1945, he was no enthusiast of atomic weapons, but that programme proceeded.
29 This book should be in the Christmas stocking of any serious aircraft enthusiast, although it would make walking difficult!
30 It's worth £20 of anybody's money, whether you're an owner or an enthusiast.
1 Whatever you do, don't call a "railway enthusiast" a trainspotter?it's the ultimate insult.
2 A Roman soldier's pay, found by a metal detector enthusiast in Norfolk, has been declared treasure trove at an inquest in Diss.
31 But, what is there for the art enthusiast in this cultural centre?
32 As one enthusiast to another they were soon deep in discussion until the children began to get restless.
33 It's the ideal one-stop shopping option for the d-i-y enthusiast.
34 Anyone going to that kind of trouble, he said, has likely crossed the line from enthusiast to spook.
35 Read in studio A lifelong railway enthusiast has been celebrating his perfect birthday.
36 Her brother Martin, a Guardian reporter and steam-train enthusiast, did likewise.
37 A theft from a vehicle in Beaumont Street saw a diving enthusiast lose all his equipment valued at £1,145.
38 The holiday was one I have always dreamed about and I would highly recommend the centre to any outdoor enthusiast.
39 This is not the book of a scholar, as you will soon realize, but that of a genuine enthusiast.
40 The walk was started by T.V. star Fred Wedlock who is himself a railway enthusiast.
41 He was an anglophile and an enthusiast of the works of Jeremy Bentham.
42 Some were in business suits, others in uniforms which had clearly been designed by a Gilbert and Sullivan enthusiast.http://
43 The competition is being bankrolled by a New York businessman and computer enthusiast.
44 Everyone there was an aviation enthusiast - they either flew or wanted to fly.
45 This is probably not the camera for the photographic enthusiast.
46 Neither company has uncorked its marketing just yet, but enthusiast Web sites are already buzzing with commentary and rumors.
47 Robin adds that as a boy he saw both the Graf Zeppelin and R-101, obviously an enthusiast from an early age.
48 It's a lively and cosmopolitan resort, which as well as being scenic, offers enormous potential to the sports enthusiast.
49 The first method is probably the easiest for the do-it-yourself enthusiast.
50 He is an enthusiast about politics.
51 I thought you might be an enthusiast.
52 The world belongs to the enthusiast who keeps cool.
53 The other is an enthusiast class gaming machine.
54 Since this is an enthusiast site, one must assume that Novell and Red Hat are way unrepresented, so one should add those guys into the top tier.
55 Make eight-sided dice and decorate them with paint pens by following advice from a gaming enthusiast in this free video on dice games.
56 Literally speaking, a "naive person" is an amateur, a layman, an enthusiast who from time to time joins the creation.
57 Music lovers and high fidelity enthusiast are always insearchfor better sound.
58 Turiaf, a hard-working enthusiast, has helped the Lakers survive injuries to Kwame Brown and Chris Mihm. Farmar, meanwhile, has become a sparkplug off the bench.
59 Fitzmaurice was Catholic enthusiast and made the Irish cause predominantly a religious one.
60 The idea began when Thompson was challenged by cycling enthusiast friend James Tully to build a wooden bike while watching the Tour of Britain last year.
61 At least 300,000 such volunteers will make up China's Olympic cheering squads. And 3,000 of those have been trained by Zhang Jinling, a professional enthusiast with a fixed rictus grin of joy.
62 The sight of incey wincey's legs poking out of a dark spidery lair can send even the toughest wildlife enthusiast screaming for the hills.
63 If you are a surfing enthusiast, in Jeffreys Bay, almost universally accepted throughout the year by the sea of super-pipe (tube).
64 an enthusiast of jazz.
65 Crop circle enthusiast Karen Alexander, from Gosport, Hants, said: "The phoenix is a mythical creature which symbolises rebirth and a new era in many cultures across the world."
66 Said one enthusiast: " Your phone will be your remote control for life. ".
67 If you're reading this, you are probably a budding wine enthusiast.
68 "Changed," she says, "from being a fitness enthusiast and an aspiring actress, I had been transported into the realm of the paralyzed: a C4-5 quadriplegic."
69 A wealthy European businessman and racing enthusiast named Emil Jellinek began selling Daimler's cars.
70 The enthusiast Kravchenko, a retired army engineer, is now refusing to move the vehicle, which came complete with caterpillar tracks and take up three-and-a-half normal parking spaces.
71 It got one thanks to an 11-year-old British girl named Venetia Burney, an enthusiast of the planets and classical myth.
72 Running day after day will eventually burn out even the most hard - core running enthusiast.
73 Subtilis Audio is an audio company founded by an enthusiast for enthusiasts.
74 We sincerely invite you enthusiast in hotel industry to step forward and create refulgence for hotel.
75 He was an enthusiast himself and loved to evoke enthusiasm in others.
76 Nine months ago, Alaskan outdoorsman and PETA enthusiast Heimo Korth was forced to shoot a rampaging grizzly who was trying to murder his wife, dog, self[/enthusiast.html], and visiting camera crew.
77 To a free - market enthusiast, the question might seem misguided.
78 Any water-skiing enthusiast can knock up a pair of skis in a few hours.
79 In these matters Olympias was an expert and an enthusiast.
80 He was an enthusiast and loved to evoke enthusiasm in others.
81 The scaled-down replica, built by marine enthusiast Stan Fraser, will open up as part of a maritime museum and cafe in time for next April, which will mark the 100th anniversary of the tragedy.
82 Paul was an enthusiast.
83 And I must again point out that I am an enthusiast rather than an expert!
84 This time the shoe in query could be the Nike oxygen Max Tailwind and in circumstance you are an oxygen Max enthusiast we do not need to inform you just how comfy these matters are.




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