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单词 Demonstrated
1. He demonstrated an openness to change.
2. They demonstrated the new invention to us.
3. It has been demonstrated that this drug is effective.
4. The philosopher demonstrated a philosophical principle.
5. His sudden departure had demonstrated how unreliable he was.
6. The theories were demonstrated to be false.
7. He demonstrated how to use the instrument.
8. Large crowd demonstrated outside the British Embassy.
9. The truth of this statement has been effectively demonstrated in Chapter 1.
10. The disastrous merger demonstrated the incompatibility of the two companies.
11. The management's decision to ignore the safety warnings demonstrated a remarkable lapse of judgment.
12. The study also demonstrated a direct link between obesity and mortality.
13. Both players demonstrated their ability to hit the ball hard.
14. Management have demonstrated almost unbelievable incompetence in their handling of the dispute.
15. The fireman demonstrated great courage in saving the child.
16. The workers demonstrated for better working conditions.
17. They demonstrated against the government's nuclear policy.
17. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
18. The miners demonstrated for better working conditions.
19. They demonstrated just outside the perimeter of the embassy.
20. He has demonstrated an ability to meet deadlines.
21. He demonstrated the all-round skills of a quarterback.
22. Thousands demonstrated against the price increases.
23. 30,000 angry farmers demonstrated against possible cuts in subsidies.
24. He has demonstrated a genuine interest in the project.
25. Several thousand people chanted and demonstrated outside the building.
26. The attorney demonstrated that the witness was lying.
27. He had demonstrated considerable business acumen.
28. This was demonstrated in a laboratory experiment with rats.
29. Plato demonstrated the incorporeal nature of the soul.
30. She demonstrated her anger by slamming a door.
1. He demonstrated an openness to change.
2. They demonstrated the new invention to us.
3. It has been demonstrated that this drug is effective.
4. The philosopher demonstrated a philosophical principle.
5. His sudden departure had demonstrated how unreliable he was.
6. The theories were demonstrated to be false.
7. He demonstrated how to use the instrument.
8. Large crowd demonstrated outside the British Embassy.
9. The truth of this statement has been effectively demonstrated in Chapter 1.
10. The disastrous merger demonstrated the incompatibility of the two companies.
11. The management's decision to ignore the safety warnings demonstrated a remarkable lapse of judgment.
12. The study also demonstrated a direct link between obesity and mortality.
13. Both players demonstrated their ability to hit the ball hard.
14. Management have demonstrated almost unbelievable incompetence in their handling of the dispute.
31. Their striker demonstrated all his prowess with the boot.
32. They demonstrated for lower taxes.
33. Supporters demonstrated outside the courtroom during the trial.
34. Catherine demonstrated the proper way to cleanse the face.
35. An assistant demonstrated the washing machine .
36. The exam results demonstrated the effectiveness of personal tuition.
37. She demonstrated how the computer works.
38. He demonstrated how to use the new machine.
39. All of those demonstrated the correctness of his analysis.
40. Thousands of people demonstrated outside the parliament building.
41. She demonstrated how best to defend oneself.
42. Workers have already demonstrated their opposition to the plans.
43. He demonstrated the new invention to us.
44. A member of the cabin crew demonstrated the safety procedures.
45. Jonathan has demonstrated enormous practicality in his successful management of the shop.
46. She demonstrated a new car to customers in the department store.
47. The hero demonstrated his courage by his actions in battle.
48. Several hundred Bosnian refugees and emigres demonstrated outside the main entrance.
49. The present administration has demonstrated little regard for environmental issues.
50. The process is easy to understand when it is demonstrated visually.
51. Over the years he's demonstrated a certain prescience in foreign affairs.
52. He demonstrated the close connection between social conditions and health.
53. One of these lies is graphically and indisputably demonstrated by intelligence we collected on June 27(), last year.
54. The instructor demonstrated the proper way to sew in a zipper.
55. He's demonstrated how a campaign based on domestic issues can move votes.
56. Recent US history has amply demonstrated the risks of foreign intervention.
57. I demonstrated to them that a new computer would save considerable time.
58. The Australian team soon demonstrated their superiority over the opposition.
59. The BBC has just successfully demonstrated a new digital radio transmission system.
60. The soldier demonstrated great courage in saving the drowning child.
61. Her choice of outfit demonstrated her taste for the outrageous.
62. He has demonstrated a strong preference for being shod in running shoes.
63. The students and workers demonstrated against the government's nuclear policy.
64. This group aims to carry the torch for the millions who demonstrated and the thousands who died.
65. His answer demonstrated a complete lack of understanding of the question.
66. This tangibly demonstrated that the world situation could be improved.
67. But leadership, like art, can be demonstrated.
68. These results are demonstrated in Figures and.
69. This has been demonstrated with a bird classification system.
70. That is precisely the capability that was demonstrated by the unmanned Zond missions of 1968.
71. Marshall Sahlins demonstrated that Paleolithic people needed to work only 14 hours a week to feed, clothe, and shelter themselves.
72. Activists on both sides demonstrated outside the convention hall, as expected.
73. To depart substantially from them invites question unless it can be demonstrated that such departure conforms to accepted practice by rational analysis.
74. But it can be different, as demonstrated by schools and teachers who work daily to build schools into communities.
75. Along with excellent historical research, the benefits of science and technology to society were clearly demonstrated.
76. His attitude towards creature comforts was demonstrated by his regimen in Downing Street.
77. Sloan demonstrated impressive leadership in building a company that took employees' needs into account.
77. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
78. About 1,000 protesters, many from groups that were active in Seattle, demonstrated at the eastern edge of the village.
79. But clustering of the orbits of comets and asteroids is a demonstrated fact.
80. But its greater underlying significance is demonstrated by the fact that it, too, has been strongly opposed by Yard conservatives.
81. It also demonstrated how volatile the presidential race is, with change an ever-present participant.
82. Galileo was attracted by the implicit contrast between physical propositions that were demonstrated and those that were merely affirmed.
83. That theory was demonstrated as the Lakers nearly pulled off the upset in the closing seconds.
84. They have demonstrated that it is possible to construct systems of clinical budgeting in acute hospitals.
85. This will almost always accentuate the rigidity and sometimes is the only manner in which it can be demonstrated.
86. Lilov denied that this demonstrated the ascendancy of party conservatives.
87. At his laboratories Wednesday, Gray conducted an experiment that graphically demonstrated the differences in insulation.
88. The report demonstrated that the 1980s austerity measures had disproportionately affected blue collar workers in comparison with white collar workers.
89. Yet 1857 had also demonstrated the full strategic importance of railways and their role in maintaining future order.
90. At that time the Conservative majority over all other parties exceeded 130 so the result demonstrated a major back-bench rebellion.
91. This is acceptable only if it can be demonstrated that the method gives a reasonable approximation of the actual cost.
92. Joe and Helyne Victor have also demonstrated parent power in their own family and to this entire business.
93. An additional experiment demonstrated that the smell of mothballs had the same effect.
94. Meanwhile, three other candidates demonstrated for a national television audience their growing irrelevance to the struggle for the nomination.
95. So long as no viable cause for continental drift could be demonstrated, however, belief in it remained an act of faith.
96. To Mosley, the war had brought an end to traditional party politics and had demonstrated the need fur central economic planning.
97. In this first session she demonstrated how she nagged him and went on and on trying to get the response she wanted.
98. Conclusions To conclude, a basic script recognition system has been demonstrated.
99. Thousands of workers and students demonstrated against US involvement in the war.
100. We have demonstrated against petty apartheid because we are taking on the entire system of apartheid on all fronts.
101. Sue Cale demonstrated the art of making hot cross buns using fast action dried yeast.
102. It was an act that demonstrated how awesome are the power and prestige of the presidency.
103. This was demonstrated clearly in the recent debates in Parliament.
104. The continued competitiveness of Autocover is clearly demonstrated by the fact that 1,021 members arranged new Autocover policies during 1992.
105. Morihei Uyeshiba, the founder of aikido, often demonstrated his ability to elude attack in this way.
106. The Oder-Neisse episode demonstrated the potential that external and border issues possessed in calling into question the unification process.
107. She has demonstrated a wellknown fact about physical punishment - it can lead to avoidance.
108. Welfare and social services Recent research has demonstrated that people with severe mental handicaps can undertake productive work, with adequate support.
109. Anderson very carefully demonstrated the flight schools procedure for getting into and out of confined areas.
110. Nevertheless, the children also demonstrated an ability to use because and so constructions appropriately.
111. Ridgeway strongly resisted freeing the men, though he admitted that the evidence placed before the court had not demonstrated their guilt.
112. Only when Brearley demonstrated that the problem could be solved by carefully controlled heat treatment did the stainless-steel knife become widely used.
113. Using scissors, they demonstrated how the crustal building blocks moved around.
114. Experiments have demonstrated the ability to reproduce classical conditioning phenomena and robot control simulations.
115. By contrast MDC's land reclamation and infrastructural provisions have demonstrated a markedly weaker propensity for attracting private capital.
116. Robodyne Systems has already demonstrated the basic principle, albeit on a much bigger physical scale.
117. For reciprocal altruism in mobile animals, as demonstrated by packer in baboons, more is needed.
118. Time and again her paintings demonstrated an alternative to the brink which they sensed his were heading for.
119. Poverty is compounded by inflation which has reached extreme levels in the region, as demonstrated by consumer price indices.
120. There is already a strong commitment to developing expert practitioners in Medway, as demonstrated by the appointment of staff development officers.
121. On the one hand, he bemoans the development of a political underclass as demonstrated by poll-tax refuseniks and Los Angeles rioters.
122. Father Tim saw at once that the truest meaning of the term captive audience was being demonstrated right before his eyes.
123. But this study has, for the first time, clearly demonstrated a genetic difference between concordant and discordant identical twins.
124. The opportunity for cave painting, in an artificial cave, demonstrated man's earliest use of pigments as paints.
125. One experiment demonstrated reducing an 8-bit gray-scale image into 1 bit per pixel.
126. Many have demonstrated that professional competence can be acquired quite simply and successfully by less educated people.
127. The people consuming the caffeine demonstrated tolerance in several ways.
128. In addition, Los Angeles has always demonstrated a remarkably high tolerance for spiritual innovators, political cranks, and religious eccentrics.
129. These three young men have demonstrated a personal commitment and sacrifice which inspired them to attempt this daunting journey with enthusiasm.
130. And it did this because it demonstrated that they were among the most fervent believers in the primacy of economic life.
131. As their brilliant performance in the Gulf War later demonstrated so vividly, our new management system corrected that vexing problem.
132. His commitment to the company is demonstrated by his work on the project.
133. Thousands of people demonstrated outside the parliament building last night.
134. She demonstrated her dexterity by managing to pinch my cheek while wearing elbow-length white gloves.
135. That is demonstrated by the findings of every Gallup and Roper poll taken in recent years.
136. Several studies have demonstrated that sperm exposed to caffeine swim faster and more energetically than normal.
137. However,() when both have felt threatened by developments in the Middle East they have demonstrated their ability to work together.
138. The clinical symptoms of magnesium excess or deficiency can be demonstrated to relate to this dependence.
139. The effectiveness of rapid amphibious and air-transported intervention as a deterrent to predator states had been clearly demonstrated.
140. The Directive specifies three ways in which compliance can be demonstrated. Self certification is the first option.
141. The end of entitlement is perhaps best demonstrated by the introduction of the Social Fund in the social security reforms of 1988.
142. The tiny gray-haired woman chattered continuously as she demonstrated how to make a tortilla.
143. It was an era that demonstrated the incompatibility of labour and government as bedfellows.
144. But the social tact of the Masai was most impressively demonstrated by the fact that they rarely asked for anything.
145. This study demonstrated the need to do more careful appraisals of anthropometric measurements on a regularly scheduled basis.
146. The initial concern with social welfare was further demonstrated by the provision of state-hired social workers.
147. More than 13,000 boat people in three Hong Kong detention camps demonstrated against forced repatriation on Nov. 11-12.
148. Nevertheless, the subsequent press reviews demonstrated that no Smiths backlash was in motion.
149. There is not only one way, as is demonstrated by the compound eyes of arthropods.
150. A meeting in October demonstrated both the students' growing awareness of a sense of group responsibility and their frustration.
151. However, this initial, albeit restricted, study has demonstrated the usefulness of vitrinite reflectance data in other than strictly maturation-related applications.
152. In the long run, however, some results are expected to be demonstrated which have direct economic consequences.
153. The hub system has demonstrated the power of networks, where bigger is better.
154. They wanted to see a positive statement from the Government which demonstrated our commitment to the future of the railways.
155. But, Sakaida noted, he also demonstrated compassion for his opponents.
156. It is a powerful argument, as was demonstrated by the heated responses it provoked.
157. Other research demonstrated that should Canterbury Cathedral collapse in some dreadful calamity, it would actually pay the city to rebuild it.
158. Friends of the victims demonstrated on the streets, calling for action against the culprits, who had abused their power.
159. Indeed, the relatively brief history of information technology has already demonstrated the dangers of even short-term forecasting.
160. In particular, he declared, Greenspan has demonstrated skill in adjusting interest rates.
161. Research studies demonstrated back in the 1970s the fact that exhaust emissions contained dangerous toxins, in particular lead.
162. They raised and lowered their muskets, fixed 18-inch-long bayonets to their weapons and demonstrated various marching maneuvers.
163. They demonstrated the importance of early socialisation for the development of social and mental skills in the individual.
164. All pupils had seen Prestel demonstrated in their information skills course.
165. One example demonstrated at a news conference would require spray cans to be plugged in.
166. The debacle of the 1971-3 property boom clearly demonstrated the significant extent to which city development was impacted by national economic policy.
167. But beyond this, Cuvier had demonstrated unity of plan and correlation of the parts in organisms.
167. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
168. The generalized assertion of privilege must yield to the demonstrated, specific need for evidence in a pending criminal trial.
169. P J Desmond Clearly demonstrated the complexity of the issues in a well-argued presentation which suffered at times from being a little unfocussed.
170. Rune had already demonstrated to her that he was far from cold-blooded.
171. Another ingenious construction technique is demonstrated by the house martin.
172. Especially where alcohol is concerned, this is no joke at all-as the men from Rutgers ably demonstrated in the 1970s.
173. This was demonstrated in the resettlement of Vila Planetario, a squatter settlement of refuse collectors in the centre of the city.
174. He had also demonstrated this commitment by appointing a dually qualified teacher-librarian as a Scale One probationer in charge of the library.
175. As Mr McCrindle had demonstrated by his phone call, the main concern of farmers was that their fences should be tight.
176. The Hawthorne experiments demonstrated that work and worker / manager relationships were more complicated than that.
177. There are lots of shirty assertions about independence, few actively demonstrated.
178. The morbidity data presented demonstrated higher prevalence of chronic health problems among women as compared with men.
179. For years almost all the research on ability grouping and tracking has demonstrated that it does not deliver the goods as promised.
180. His question-answering demonstrated an analytical ability, and respect for the questioner and for his audience.
181. More than a decade of performance and change has demonstrated a remarkably consistent, if counterintuitive, phenomenon.
182. Kenny Logan won his first cap and demonstrated he is a player for the future.
183. Few things were more demoralising than to stand uselessly by while other men demonstrated their professional competence.
184. Traditionally its importance is demonstrated by the fact that it underpinned Gloucester's usurpation and his brief reign.
185. As demonstrated, a percentage perannum return can be calculated for comparative purposes with other types of financial investment.
186. Others demonstrated that people's post-school careers were also dependent upon their social class background.
187. Lakoff and several others in his field have demonstrated, how-ever, that nearly all conceptual and abstract thought is structured metaphorically.
188. A long-range effort from Eyjolfur Sverrisson was parried by Lukic and Walter demonstrated his predatory instincts ruthlessly inside the box.
189. And as we demonstrated earlier, in organizations where everyone is to blame, no one is really to blame.
190. Old-fashioned amateurs used to admire colours with a golden glow, which conservators have demonstrated were the effect of discoloured varnish.
191. The phenomenon can be demonstrated by using the apparatus shown in figure 6.39.
192. It was perhaps even worse when public servants were or felt constrained to file affidavits which demonstrated a political purpose.
193. Evaluating the evidence, it demonstrated substantial storage by Capricorn of works of art on the premises in London.
194. For more senior jobs individuals will have already demonstrated an appropriate level of intelligence by their educational standards and successful work experience.
195. Systemic endotoxaemia has been demonstrated in ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease and correlates with the extent and activity of disease.
196. It demonstrated the brilliance of China's ancient culture.
197. The technician demonstrated the laws of physics with laboratory equipment.
198. Small lesions may exhibit no caseation, and no organism may be demonstrated.
199. Before Carver had demonstrated its possibilities ,(http:///demonstrated.html) the peanut was scarcely grown in the region.
200. Numerous experiments have demonstrated that mass is convertible to energy.
201. Effects were larger for those angiographically demonstrated coronary artery disease.
202. Two - dimensional collisions, both elastic and inelastic, may be demonstrated on this table.
203. Another colossus, Nike, has demonstrated that growth and authenticity be compatible.
204. A portion of the cardia is demonstrated above the diaphragm.




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