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单词 Shingle
1 He hung out his own shingle .
2 There is a shingle beach in the town, with bathing facilities.
3 Behind the shingle formation Romney Marsh gradually grew up and completely filled the former bay.
4 They consist of ridges of shingle and sand projecting above high water level and generally lying a few kilometres offshore.
5 Construction: shingle construction - sections of fibre are sewn to the outer and liner and overlaid to eliminate any cold spots.
6 The house had a shingle roof, and the traditional brickwork was graced by corbels,[] roll-locks and soldier courses.
7 Colourful parasols dot its fine shingle beach and, inland, rolling rural landscapes await those who like to explore.
8 There is, therefore, good reason to believe the Shingle Street story is true.
9 Ten minutes walk from the harbour are shingle beaches with safe swimming, pedalo hire and a windsurfing school for the energetic.
10 All the houses are wooden shingle, window boxes overflowing with wooden flowers on every balcony and window ledge.
11 They have washed up on a shingle strand beside a lonely and barely habitable estancia.
12 On the shingle beach, where the burnet rose grows, ringed plovers incubate eggs in shallow scrapes.
13 We walked along the shingle bank - and it was then the blizzard hit us.
14 Shingle: sections of filling overlap each other for extra warmth.
15 A nine-mile bleak shingle bank - growing each year - separating Orford from the sea.
16 In low conditions a shingle bar is visible between the old and new bridges.
17 I love the noise of the waves on the shingle.
18 Taking courage in both hands(), I began to steer the fish towards the shingle beach.
19 Large breakers thundered in through a line of rocks, running ashore on to a beach of coarse shingle.
20 Below Dalrachney the river levels out into long, steady-flowing, deep pools, interspersed by rough, shallow, shingle banks.
21 Over to the right is rough dune land, a big area before you top a ridge of shingle.
22 The tide was high, he could hear the sound of waves on the shingle beach.
23 Outside, we could hear the sea crashing on the shingle.
24 Elsewhere anyone was at liberty to hang up a shingle and go into practice as a physician.
25 The downy chicks of terns and gulls are so patterned that they are almost invisible crouching on shingle.
26 Over the course of the year, Farnham learned how to shingle a roof, wear bloomers, and repair a fence.
27 The place fascinated me - narrow country roads, little lost villages, great shingle beaches and lonely salt marshes.
28 The concealed flakes must have reminded him of hunting for food on a shingle beach.
29 Sea-pinks were thick everywhere, with here and there patches of small shingle glistening with broken shells.
30 Trees loomed, hung with mist, and below them lake water lapped on the flattened shingle.
1 I love the noise of the waves on the shingle.
31 I couldn't carry her, but she dragged easily enough, and at first the shingle was hard enough to walk on.
32 Bardolino is just five minutes by local bus from Garda and the shingle beaches are a ten minute walk from the village.
33 All new shingle roofs need sun to melt the tar between the layers and make them stick together.
34 It was about noon when I came through the trees out on to the shingle of the beach with the chapel.
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35 Channels and salt marsh, reed beds and pools, shingle and fore shore.
36 More than 80 of these include mudflats, sand dunes, salt marshes and shingle banks.
37 A five minute rough walk in the moonlight took him to the top of the shingle ridge.
38 The boat grounded on a shingle bank.
39 We listened to the rain on the shingle roof.
40 She cut the hair in a shingle.
41 He hung out his grandfather's shingle.
42 I prefer a sandy beach to a shingle one.
43 With a bit of bravado, the old gang hung out their new shingle: the Prediction Company.
44 The doctor hung out his shingle at the beginning of this year.
45 Then he scraped away the dirt, and exposed a pine shingle.
46 The riverbed contained by the dike was deep and broad, lined with iron - grey shingle.
47 Even leaf, brick, shingle and blade of grass is fresh - washed and shining.
48 Soil type consisting of various compositions of sandstone, marl, dolomite, and shingle common in Alsace dating back from the Middle Triassic period.
49 Straight ahead beyond a narrow shingle ofbeach, the water beckoned to her.
50 On this beach there's too much shingle and not enough sand.
51 In addition, a kind of statistical filter algorithm fit to shingle chip microprocessor system and its program configuration used by this PCR instrument are presented.
52 She sighed slightly as she sat on shingle in the sunshine.
53 Every leaf , brick , shingle and blade of grass is fresh - washed and shining.
54 Tramping over the shingle and larger rocks on the beach , he secretly stifled his anger.
55 He hung out grandfather's shingle, and waited for opportunity to knock.
56 They lapped one shingle over another in laying a roof.
57 The fibreglass is also important because it gives the mechanical resistance to the shingle.
58 Among those deck-chairs, slammed out on the shingle by a yobbish pair of entrepreneurs (though they are meant to be free), a man moves in the morning with a grabber and a black bag.
59 On Feburary 25, 1997, shandong article publishes city farming report finite liability company shingle hold water.
60 Since the fact that before the ice gos forward together with cowers time and again, Takeing shape the moraine mire shingle the moraine mire shingle presents interlocking shape against ice water grit.
61 Group of Chinese harbour construction hangs out his shingle formally hold water already two years many.
62 When he came out of the service, he hung out his shingle in his home town.
63 Every leaf, brick, shingle and of grass is fresh - washed and shining.




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