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单词 Repression
(1) We will aid their struggle against violent repression.
(2) The trade unions suffered brutal repression after the coup.
(3) In a very real sense, post - war repression was the continuation of the war.
(4) Up with freedom, down with repression!
(5) Repression made him behave worse.
(6) He had tacitly sanctioned repression against the opposition parties.
(7) People are fighting against repression and injustice.
(8) They were fighting against repression and injustice in their country.
(9) The political repression in this country is enforced by terror.
(10) They suffered years of repression at the hands of the old regime.
(11) It stops people fighting against capitalism and repression.
(12) His repression is caused by his stiff-necked[], stifled upbringing.
(13) In spite of consistent repression, they produced five children.
(14) Hugh was a City prig of exemplary emotional repression.
(15) Religious ideas about sin made sexual repression commonplace.
(16) Are we that nostalgic for repression?
(17) Indeed the repression of anger can be positively harmful.
(18) But the military repression of 1989 tipped the scales.
(19) Internal dissension as much as military repression was to prove the rebels' undoing in 1699.
(20) Since that time,() it has suffered repression from the government and military authorities.
(21) There were months of interrogations, torture and repression as the military tightened its grip on the country.
(22) After years of political repression, the education system has little credibility with those it is supposed to serve.
(23) Over the past weeks, Milosevic has alternated between repression and reconciliation, and this week was no exception.
(24) Here, insulated by repression from direct awareness, mental representations can live on unsuspected and unknown.
(25) War, repression and increasing poverty have driven ethnic groups in upon themselves.
(26) Repression through fear, combined with rescue work for the fallen, was no longer enough.
(27) History shows that the usual response to violent protest is repression.
(28) Reports claimed that civilians were being subjected to ruthless repression.
(29) What appears to be contrary can always be assimilated as evidence of repression, or as a defence mechanism.
(30) The report accused the government of intensifying the violence by resorting to widespread repression.
(1) We will aid their struggle against violent repression.
(2) The trade unions suffered brutal repression after the coup.
(3) In a very real sense, post - war repression was the continuation of the war.
(4) Repression made him behave worse.
(31) They were arrested on 5 October while staging a peaceful protest to highlight repression in Bophuthatswana.
(32) As black participation in the economy increased, the level of repression to enforce apartheid was stepped up.
(33) Years of repression now fuel an urgent desire for independence.
(34) Instead, the governments in the Middle East - survive to a greater or lesser degree by simple repression.
(35) The most immediate consequence was the swingeing repression carried out during the autumn and winter of 1934-5.
(36) Away from the colourful markets selling bananas, tomatoes and baskets,[] the peasants face a life of poverty and ferocious government repression.
(37) It represents an extreme of repression in a continent that has loosened up in recent years.
(38) Northern whites tolerated this repression and, in fact, adopted these policies when expedient.
(39) But tensions continued as victims of the repression took revenge against the cadres who had persecuted them.
(40) Now, to political and economic repression in these areas was added cultural suppression.
(41) But the old guard in the leadership sends in the tanks and introduces a new phase of vicious repression.
(42) Political repression and racial discrimination were at a high point.
(43) She had not even attracted any positive repression(), nor been significant enough to affect her husband's career.
(44) There is a subtle heritage that connects the military repression of homosexuality with negligent pollution.
(45) It was against this uncertain political backdrop that the cycle of relaxation and repression in political and intellectual life began again.
(46) Strong repression of one emotion often succeeds inadvertently in suppressing the desire as well.
(47) Even so, the repression of each revolt inspired later uprisings, sowing the seeds of future resistance.
(48) The second source of error is the preoccupation with repression as the task of the agencies of the bourgeois class.
(49) The repression against members of the party, the trade union movement and other progressive organizations increased.
(50) The prison system became, by default, a major enforcer of repression.
(51) To build a national identity takes more than just a shared memory of Soviet repression and occupation.
(52) Replacing one military dictator with another is a recipe for continuing repression and instability.
(53) It's easy to romanticize this basically squalid lifestyle and the repression is bound to slow down development.
(54) The repression which followed temporarily halted the labour movement and dealt the party a heavy blow.
(55) Thus the endless cycle of reform, repression and violent response may be about to enter a new phase.
(56) Carrie freed herself from repression by both her schoolfriends and her religious fanatic of a mother.
(57) Repression is self-evidently a defensive procedure, designed to obliterate any trace of the repressed material and to safeguard against its return.
(58) History shows that the usual response to violent protest and riots was repression.
(59) Repression of these impulses may produce symptoms in the bowel region.
(60) At its worst, the life of faith is portrayed in a way that it is tantamount to spiritual repression.
(61) On the Freudian model it is the repression and sublimation of homosexual desire that helps secure identity and social organization.
(62) The Securitate has regained its former power and keeps the minorities in the same old state of terror and repression.
(63) And even among the scrupulously neutral, there were those who spoke against the inequality and repression which inspired the fighting.
(64) From what I saw, the repression all seemed to originate externally, from parents and the rest of adult society.
(65) In some less democratic countries, state repression deters the great majority of citizens from participation.
(66) When we deny our doubts, repression takes its toll in personal integrity, faith, worship and witness.
(67) The jungle was filled with guerrilla activity and the repression by army troops searching for the subversives.
(68) The trade union federations called a general strike for 13 May to protest at government repression.
(69) The imposition of martial law will only increase violence and repression.
(70) The state consequently relied heavily upon instruments of repression and pragmatic administrative management.
(71) The atmosphere of grey repression that clung to the eastern side of the city is being purged at an astonishing speed.
(72) Harsh repression firmly put it down, outlaws taking as usual to a scattered and precarious existence in the Weald.
(73) The repression can be total in adult women(), hence their frigidity.
(74) But for his weakness and vacillation, peasant unrest and working-class militancy could have been kept in check by efficient and unwavering repression.
(75) A dose of old-fashioned repression dealt with some of the bold exceptions.
(76) This was about a year before Soviet ideology began to move away from repression of religion and towards some degree of tolerance.
(77) The more unpopular he becomes, the more President Mugabe intensifies his repression. Local journalists are intimidated and foreign media expelled.
(78) As the measures of repression by the government grew, it became necessary to use the army to quell strikes and disturbances.
(79) In many cases, the work ethic is denigrated and impulse repression is replaced by an incitement to self-expression.
(80) Peter Novick dismisses the Freudian theory of repression of trauma leading to problems at a later date.
(81) There was nothing else for it. During the March 1982 elections, the repression increased again.
(82) This effect, however, appears to interact with retention interval in a way that is not necessarily consistent with repression interpretations.
(83) Yet the people targeted by them still live with economic stagnation, political repression, malnutrition and ecological crisis.
(84) Third, the use of violence and the level of repression have a direct bearing on movement outcomes.
(85) The law dominated the field, but it did not operate through the simple mechanisms of censorship and repression.
(86) Repression, Government spies and agents provocateur were the order of the day.
(87) Domination by political repression, the open domination of one class by another, is no longer necessary.
(88) Turbulence and violent death haunted his adolescence just as repression and hard tack had besieged his childhood.
(89) Pollution control work, then, is typical of the many areas of social control characterized by goals of regulation rather than repression.
(90) But as the repression has increased, more women have directly joined the combat forces.
(91) The latest wave of repression began after Ali Akbar SaidiSirjani died in detention under mysterious circumstances in the end of 1994.
(92) The philosophy of Americanism was being redefined. Political repression and racial discrimination were at a high point.
(93) The government responded to such pressure not with concessions or negotiations but with outright repression.
(94) A vindictive, cruel policy of repression also maimed the economy.
(95) The pendulum swung back and the feminine principle experienced five centuries of heavy repression.
(96) Brutal repression broke the strike,[http:///repression.html] and mobilization for the war initially subdued the labour movement.
(97) Corruption, economic mismanagement, repression and instability will proliferate.
(98) Consequently he threw Carrie into repression, which was irritating.
(99) Is (31) this elision the same thing as repression?
(100) Beijing's response to such tensions has long been repression.
(101) Not only is democratization out, but repression hardened.
(102) The main theme is the repression of cattle stealing.
(103) Enzyme repression was discovered by Jacques Monod in 1953.
(104) ' Repression is the only lasting philosophy.
(105) The new order also oversaw effective repression of opponents.
(106) As for political repression, few young Chinese experience it.
(107) This paper discusses the mechanism of cellobiose in fungal cellulase induction a nd repression, and its inhibition of cellulases hydrolytic activity.
(108) Russia's brutal repression and lawlessness have pushed people towards Islamic fundamentalism.
(109) That seems unlikely, given the junta's record of unmitigated repression.
(110) McGee, who spoke to U.S. reporters in a conference call, is urging Southern African countries to take a stronger stand against political repression there.
(111) This thesis is to analyze Eustacia s tragedy in the light of Feminist Criticism and reveals that it is the traditional patriarchalism caused the repression and bondage suffered by women.
(112) For its infectiousness as well as the immune repression and intercurrent brought to pigs, PRRSV caused huge economic loss to pig's feeding industry.
(113) Somewhere between this extreme repression of the monk and the license of the sensualist lies the truth.
(114) Lei - ring and general wear - resistant nitrile rubber by dipping the fabric from repression.
(115) Brazilian capitalism, at that time, was not only a matter of low salaries, insalubrious working conditions and repression of the union movement.
(116) Batista was keeping himself in power only by a mounting use of repression, corruption and violence.
(117) His pervasive, and often cruel and petty, repression, in the words of one of the country's most famous samizdat writers of the Ben Ali years, Om Zied, "put a policeman in everyone's head".
(118) The biosynthesis of spiramycin (SPM) by streptomyces spiramyceticus sp. 799 was regulated by carbon and nitrogen catabolite repression as well as end products feedback repression.
(119) The repression of your true feelings is harmful to your health.
(120) This new and elemental environment seemed to call for a savage repression.
(121) I not control and make self - repression on such rational basic.
(122) The wave of petrol bomb attacks is more likely a ruse orchestrated by the police as part of the king's renewed repression of political opposition and civil society.
(123) Like Budapest in 1956 and Prague in 1968, it has become a global symbol of totalitarian repression.
(124) Their words tell us explicitly that the collaboration between the Wild Strawberry Movement and Tibetans is one important reason for the police to take this repression action this morning.
(125) Cohabitation produced virtually invisible pressure, so he has repressed into physiological psychology of repression.
(126) Only force and repression have made the wrecks the world.
(127) But if anyone persists in using violence against us, tries to bully us and resorts to repression,[sentence dictionary] the Communist Party will have to take a firm stand.
(128) For many young Iranians who are straining under double-digit inflation and social repression, the notion that a gilded and privileged son of royalty would take his own life came as its own shock.
(129) Our ancestors were sent there from Crimea at the time of Stalin's repression.
(130) This argument is only too blatantly an alibi for domestic repression.
(131) Date Line are constantly faced with the in - orbit downlink repression.
(132) Section II provides a conceptual framework of financing - motivated mergers and acquisitions under financial repression.
(133) If the bourgeoisie does start to protest, the party will be faced with an old dilemma: liberalise or step up repression.
(134) His economic successes were creating new political realities which could not be dealt with by repression.
(135) It requires feeling , repression,() thus :'The usual crowd of children accosted them for alms.'.
(136) It described the women under repression and gradually awake to revolt the patriarchy.
(137) In time, East Berlin emerged from Stalinist drabness, but as to its material well-being — to say nothing of the repression it endured in the Stasi-dominated society — it was a poor if evolving entity.
(138) Condemn the squash and repression of French government on the justicial actions of Corsica people.
(139) Short - term stock valuation by repression, have long - term investment value.
(140) For Myanmarese, the U.S. disengagement from the region after Sept. 11 meant stepped-up repression and a fading of the pro-democracy movement headed by Aung San Suu Kyi.
(141) The part of Sicily which Patton's forces traversed had at one time been completely controlled by the Sicilian Mafia, until Benito Mussolini smashed it through the use of police repression.
(142) It is suggested that several metabolic steps may be affected in catabolite repression of sporulation .
(143) Zimbabwean teachers, forced out by hunger and repression, work as security guards and shop assistants.
(144) But when there is a lack of political will to respect rights, pressure changes the cost-benefit analysis that leads a government to choose repression.
(145) In this grumpy repression hatred finds an excellent breeding ground.
(146) Compared to submerge fermentation, the solid - fermentation system has the ability to significantly overcome catabolic repression.
(147) Using high-frequency heating products can be completed once the repression stereotypes.
(148) She was young a fair , calm face, whose lines bespoke repression and even a certain strength.
(149) Cuba may be experiencing the beginnings of its own period of Glasnost — which will inevitably render policies of censorship and governmental repression unsustainable.
(150) His trial has become a showpiece of political interference and repression.
(151) They wanted to fight all forms of injustice and repression.
(152) For Freud, repression was a defence mechanism - the repressed memories are often traumatic in nature, but, although hidden, they continue to exert an effect on behaviour.
(153) She was young, with a fair , calm face lines bespoke repression and even a certain strength.
(154) Direct primary repression consists of 'an attitude of rejection' on the part of the Central Ego towards the Exciting Object and the Rejecting Object.
(155) Denial, displacement, intellectualization, fantasy, compensation, projection, rationalization, reaction formation, regression, repression and sublimation were the defense mechanisms Freud identified.
(156) The Thatcher revolution reasserted the wartime values of belligerence, stoicism,[http:///repression.html] chauvinism and repression.
(157) The repression of hexose catabolite on pentose fermentation could be resolved by controlling the amount of air supply.
(158) We think of it as a time of buttoned-up prudery and repression — and it was — but loosen the corset of 1860s England and out spills the kink.
(159) And with condemnation has come repression, from increased CCTV surveillance to punitive workfare rules.
(160) The results obtained suggested that glucoamylase in this strain is a constitutive enzyme and its formation is controlled by so-called catabolite repression.
(161) Although plant growth was affected by the herbicide, no evidence of repression or derepression was observed.
(162) The defense of the Faith and the repression of heresy is essentially an apostolic and pontifical work.
(163) CME Group trading margins to rise in the short term international crude oil prices have brought a certain amount of repression, but does not change the long-term trend of international crude oil.
(164) Catabolite repression is considered as a main factor controlling yield of cellulases.
(165) This story is just one of hundreds of tales of Francoist repression that have emerged as the result of a citizens' movement to disinter and identify victims.
(166) Repressive regimes make no secret of their secretiveness and their repression.
(167) Acetoin was shown to function as an inducer for the expression of aco genes, whereas glucose exhibited a repression effect.




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