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单词 Spinning
1. She is skilled at spinning and weaving.
2. The plane's propellers were spinning.
3. The plane was spinning out of control.
4. The car slid sideways, its rear wheels spinning .
5. The spinning wheel was a Chinese invention.
6. My head is spinning .
7. He saw the weathervane spinning madly in the powerful breeze.
8. He watched a spider spinning its web .
8. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
9. The children were spinning round and round.
10. A spinning maelstrom of rain swept around the mountain.
11. She sat by the window spinning.
12. Spinning is one of my hobbies.
13. The car was spinning merrily along .
14. My head was spinning from the wine.
15. They went spinning along the roads on their bikes.
16. The children were spinning around like whirling dervishes.
17. The carriage was spinning along at a good speed.
18. She span on a spinning wheel.
19. The top is spinning down.
20. The blow sent him spinning back against the wall.
21. They do their own cooking, spinning, and woodworking.
22. The collision sent the car spinning across the road.
23. She felt sick and the room was spinning.
24. There has been increasing automation of spinning and weaving.
25. The room started spinning and I felt faint.
26. The wheels of the car were spinning.
27. He could feel his head spinning after only one drink.
28. Gandhi urged Indians to return to spinning their own yarn.
29. An aide was already spinning the senator's defeat as 'almost as good as an outright win'.
30. The impact of the blow sent me spinning like a top.
1. She is skilled at spinning and weaving.
2. The plane's propellers were spinning.
3. The plane was spinning out of control.
4. The car slid sideways, its rear wheels spinning .
5. The spinning wheel was a Chinese invention.
6. My head is spinning .
7. He saw the weathervane spinning madly in the powerful breeze.
8. Spinning is one of my hobbies.
8. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
9. The carriage was spinning along at a good speed.
10. They tried to gain time by spinning out the negotiation.
31. They tried to gain time by spinning out the negotiation.
32. She was so confused-her mind was spinning like a top.
33. The revolving sign was spinning round and round in the wind.
34. We were spinning along, when suddenly one of our tyres burst.
35. I felt like I was just spinning my wheels trying to make him understand.
36. The country's economy seemed to be spinning out of control.
37. I was pouring with sweat, and my head was spinning.
38. On the sidewalk[ ], children took turns spinning a top.
39. Just watching those kids spinning makes me feel giddy.
40. A nimbus of light had collected there, spinning gently.
41. There are two group spinning mills based nearby.
42. You're tilted slightly, and spinning, but you're still attached.
43. In retrospect, they were spinning straw into gold.
44. My shirt is soaked through, my head is spinning.
45. The great moment comes while the wheel is spinning, and he does not yet know the outcome.
46. Stevie would start spinning stuff out of whole cloth to Bill, and before long, the whole camp would fall silent.
47. Obviously, any knock could send her mind spinning like a top.
48. These were similar to miniature flywheels and added extra momentum while spinning the thread.
49. Schuster -- is spinning out of control, driven by the mercurial ambitions of the 72-year-old Redstone.
50. She suggested to Robin Hood that they switch clothing and that Robin Hood work at the spinning wheel.
51. And then the Alouette was spinning like a top and curving off over the Aegean.
52. That seemed reasonable to the princess, so she climbed a tree and set about spinning to pass the time.
53. He was, he had to admit, spinning out of control and leaving the road.
54. But then a couple of features clicked into place, and the world stopped its spinning.
55. He was deadly pale, and he felt the room spinning round him.
56. The top is spinning.
57. I laid there for a second, and when I tried to get up, my head was just spinning.
58. Man, the thing worked, had a nice kick; it sent bits of chimney chipping in sharp spinning chunks.
59. Cesar threw half a dozen steering wheels, spinning like quoits, and then the saddle.
60. When the whole rotor system is spinning in clean air, it suddenly lifts very strongly-translational lift.
61. He confessed to enjoying making spinning wheels and rocking horses in his spare time.
62. It reported that drivers' spinning of the radio dial accounted for far more crashes.
63. Or four men round the bat, off-spinners spinning the ball the other way.
64. Here we were subjected to a process of pounding and separating, carding and spinning.
65. Bailey converted again, with a twisting, spinning six-footer, and the Bruins had finally found some offensive rhythm.
66. But then the Triad thug was falling backward, the knife spinning away harmlessly through the air.
67. Distaffs may also be attached to a spinning wheel or be floor standing.
68. There is, however, a different way in which spinning objects can turn over.
69. Somewhere, the gods are madly spinning a cosmic radio dial across nine billion frequencies.
70. He said it was an extraordinary decision and would send many industries spinning into recession.
71. Practising aerobatics and spinning will help to overcome any misgivings you may have about flying in steep turns at low speeds.
72. The wheel kept spinning, the damned kept pouring away their money.
73. They held the bat like a pen and set the game spinning in weird and wonderful ways.
74. The wheels where spinning in the mud, but the car wouldn't move.
75. As soon as that happens, the spider stops spinning, turns round, pulls the filament tight and secures it on her side.
76. So pull on those thinking caps, get the vinyl out of the closet and start spinning those records.
77. She turns the water to steam and frees the light inside her, twisting and turning in a sparkling, spinning column.
78. Corbett knew he had to leave but the room was spinning around him and he fell gratefully into the gathering blackness.
79. To watch the ceaseless spinning for too long made you feel sick and dizzy and a bit out of step with everything else.
80. A pair of incandescent explosions ripped the metal apart, and the door was knocked spinning into the cave.
81. Joe was in top form, spinning stories, issuing pronunciamentos, dropping withering quips at every opportunity.
82. A moment later gold coins were rolling across the floor, spinning, glittering.
83. Spinning on her heel, she stalked away with her head in the air.
84. The spinning wheel is a machine; a little toothpick is a machine.
85. His pale arms spinning through the water like the oiled wings of a doomed bird.
86. So let's catch up with all the action as we go spinning the globe.
87. Creed caught up with her in the hallway and grabbed her by the shoulder, spinning her round.
88. The unit included a spinning mill within its plant, producing one hundred percent wool yarn.
89. In one corner stood a spinning wheel, the threads still pulled tight.
90. A spinning cylinder generates lift in direct proportion to the acceleration it imparts on the air streaming by.
91. The company has also been asked to consider spinning cellular operations into a separate company.
92. At the heart of all of the basic questions about normality we shall find we are spinning our wheels.
93. Witnesses recalled a clap of wood and the sight of Bailey plunging toward the ground, then his dangling body spinning hard.
94. When Kylie returns as an air hostess for Spinning, the world suddenly seems perfect again.
95. During my stay with Gandhi in 1946, I entered his room while he was spinning.
96. The village has a reputation for spinning fine wool yarn.
97. Adler launched into Summertime-that glorious thing he has been playing since he worked with Gershwin, spinning out spiralling improvisations.
98. Remembering that what we were experiencing was meant to be enjoyable left our wits spinning like a lawn sprinkler.
99. In a world increasingly spinning out of control he finds few, if any, heroes.
100. Sarah felt as if the room was spinning round, fearing that everyone would glance in her direction.
101. Certainly women sat spinning upon them as we know from the description by Adam Sedgwick, a reliable witness.
102. This seat became mine, and I could rotate on it, spinning in a happy circle.
103. With the pitch flat, the rotors would contin-ue spinning, providing lift, as the helicopter descended.
104. It has enough twists and fakes, double-crosses and sneak attacks to keep your mind spinning.
105. He died for hours, shattering, fragmenting, spinning away over the tiles.
106. He was fearful that the bearings might seize; if that happened, the spinning flywheel would tear the ship to pieces.
107. I just keep it spinning until it gets to a point where it's not making more power and then shift gears.
108. The lyric, he realized, had been spinning through his head all morning-I know a girL, name is Jill!
109. A spinning earth eliminated the excessive speed of rotation currently ascribed to the outer spheres.
110. From left to right, a spinning maelstrom of snow and rain was sweeping around the block like a tornado.
111. And if the earth, as well as spinning, moves bodily around the sun, why doesn't it leave the moon behind?
112. New weaving sheds were built in 1912 and a new spinning mill in 1951.
113. And Dorothea talked so, about nothing at all, spinning her phrases out and for ever trying to win attention and applause.
114. Reels: A freshwater spinning reel with 6-pound-test line for the bait unit.
115. She replied it had come from treading the spinning wheel.
116. By her own testimony she exited when it started spinning out of control.
117. Tiny, beautiful spiders, infused with an inner light, spinning their vast webs across the endless darkness.
118. She knew she would not be able to sleep with so much tantalizing information spinning in her mind.
119. The critics of Spinning were swallowing large slices of humble pie after the reformed gelding completed a fabulous Goodwood double yesterday.
120. She is said to be bricked up in her room, spinning her hand loom for all eternity.
121. In times of unemployment and distress flax and hemp for spinning were distributed to the villagers.
122. He began to move, spinning quickly on the ball of his right foot.
123. At the Spinning Wheel Puppets exhibit, children can create masks and puppets.
124. Often local craftsmen and women exhibit their talents, such as spinning, corn-dolly making and weaving.
125. My heart was pounding, my stomach spinning like a child's top.
126. Co. will explore the possibility of finding a purchaser for the station or spinning it off to Disney shareholders.
127. Near as we can tell, it was Boyd himself who started spinning that scenario.
128. Mr Follett had complained in strong terms about Labour's spinning tactics.
128. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
129. In the distance, ponies in long-shafted light chariots trotted at a spanking pace, the wheels spinning around.
130. The defense lapsed in the sixth, when shortstop Craig Shipley muffed a spinning grounder.
131. And under the plate, among the spinning wheels, diamonds and rubies do battle against friction.
132. The prince proclaimed that the charming new princess would never again touch a spinning wheel.
133. But I fancy I can still hear the sounds of the metal detector and a globe spinning!
134. The grenade went up through the roof of my Huey, up through the spinning rotor blades.
135. I made it to the jeep but the earth was spinning off its axis.
136. This nasty creature never talks and is always spinning around.
137. This one appear to have broken shortly after impact spinning the car on to its jagged edge.
138. When his father died,() Marshall ventured with two partners into yarn manufacture by the new process of spinning flax by machinery.
139. Dan lay on his back in the grass with his bike alongside him, wheels still spinning.
140. The cocker spaniel puppy stopped abruptly, then eyed the spinning leaf overhead.
141. It has more to do with spinning a fantasy world, and Hollywood is rather childish about gay actors.
142. The aircraft began spinning to the right and crashed on the roadway, receiving substantial damage.
143. For reasons linked to the physical strength needed to operate them at the beginning, spinning mules were operated by men.
144. Bradstreet said it will take a $ 448 million fourth-quarter charge for spinning off Cognizant and A. C. Nielsen.
145. It is like the mind spinning a cocoon around the I and Thou.
146. I grabbed his wrist and broke it, spinning him round and holding him up.
147. For campaign strategists, this was tantamount to spinning straw into gold.
148. She flung the fragment of saucer as far as she could, watching it spinning against the sky.
149. It is said to have been at one time the world's largest spinning mill under one roof.
150. I suspect a bird had found and eaten the caterpillars before they were finished spinning their protective shell.
151. In an adjoining spinning mill there is a fine collection of early spinning machinery and power looms.
152. It performed a Velcro impersonation, sending me spinning right back down to the pitch below.
153. Spinning bodies, eyes popping out of heads, hair standing on end, characters morphing into strange creatures.
154. The aerodynamic buffeting had stopped, and it was now spinning quietly in vacuum.
155. The advent of the spinning jenny did not at first destroy home employment in spinning.
156. The caterpillar had probably fed for a month or more on the viburnum leaves before spinning its elaborate double cocoon.
157. Women carne into his office and laid out narratives that left his head spinning.
158. The most obvious was that the River Bollin could be harnessed to power the spinning machinery.http:///spinning.html
159. Flight rather weak, but buoyant swimmers, like tiny gulls, often spinning round in circles and picking insects off surface.
160. I do believe that in years gone by they paid the annual rent for Low Birk Hatt by spinning and knitting.
161. At Hawkshead there used to be a famous market but after the invention of spinning machinery its importance declined.
162. The boy was spinning around in his father's desk chair.
163. One way of thinking of spin is to imagine the particles as little tops spinning about an axis.
164. Duvall was jerked away from Jimmy, spinning on his heels so that he was facing the office door again.
165. In twenty seconds more they were gone, to the sound of spinning wheels on the ice and grinding gears.
166. And so you stay stuck, spinning your wheels, and getting angry or depressed.
167. The scribbling and spinning mills which were erected in the river valleys soon attracted workers' houses alongside them.
168. All the heavy materials came from junk spinning somewhere around in the solar system.
169. Sandro Botticelli s chart of hell is like a mushroom cloud or a child s spinning top.
170. In our grief we hover with the hummingbirds: We are spinning on a paused world gone over to itinerant echo.
171. Chris Sheely looked like any other disc jockey spinning songs on a Saturday morning.
172. Spinning or selling of its kidney dialysis unit c. Anheuser-Busch Cos. 3.
173. Caldbeck is a pretty village with several attractions, including a spinning workshop and John Peel's grave.
174. Whilst this is on the screen, you will also hear the disk spinning in the disk drive.
175. The Audi came hurtling over the rise, too, one hubcap spinning away from it as it landed.
176. One boy, dressed like a refugee from Woodstock, was spinning around in circles.
177. The tail boom with the spinning rotor on the end had a clear slot to follow down to the ground.
178. I worked hard at the mission house, holding on to the labor to keep from spinning back into myself.
179. In many respects Bush is the most spun and spinning politician of the age.
180. The Audi followed, spinning slightly on the wet road, the back end swinging round as the driver revved too hard.
181. The subsidiary was built with the idea of spinning it off, they said.
182. She dawdled over her lunch, spinning out the minutes until she would see him.
183. The spinning top was losing momentum.
184. The collision sent the car spinning across the roadway.
185. The spinning turbine creates a vacuum.
186. The car was spinning along the highway.
187. The top was spinning merrily.
188. Our earth, it has been shown[/spinning.html], is a spinning globe.
189. The log began to turn around them, spinning faster and faster.
190. If you have vertigo it seems as if the whole room is spinning round you.
191. Stars appeared everywhere, spinning round and round, faster and faster.
192. The heavy blow sent the enemy spinning to the ground.
193. Maggie's head was spinning in a daze of ultramarine blue far removed from Catholicism or Polynesia.
194. Louisa was dancing, spinning by herself, her skirt flying out and coiling around her feet.




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