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单词 Railroad
1 Bridges over railroad tracks root danger out in crossing.
2 The supplies were sent on the railroad.
3 A new railroad is under construction.
4 They will railroad these goods to Shanghai.
5 The railroad slopes up slightly at this point.
6 The railroad connects two cities, namely, New York and Chicago.
7 The railroad has been piggybacking for quite a number of years.
8 The engineers carried the railroad across the desert.
9 They ran a railroad into the forest region.
10 The railroad yard was a desert now.
11 The railroad was blocked by a landslide.
12 The railroad workers have asked for a wage increase.
13 My brother is working on the railroad.
14 We railed off our paddyfield from the railroad.
15 Troops have seized the airport and railroad terminals.
16 The trail follows a disused railroad line along the edge of the valley.
17 The railroad runs extra trains to Beidaihe Beach during summer vacations.
18 Citizens lit torches along the railroad track to pay their last respects to Lincoln.
19 Hundreds of railroad cars were burned by strikers.
20 Railroad tracks lead away from all the strip mines.
21 The railroad took its sweet time arriving.
22 I knew that they was going to railroad me.
23 The railroad tracks paralleled the stream for several miles.
24 A mangled bicycle lay by the railroad tracks.
25 Railroad traffic is a mortal danger.
26 First, he quit a post on the Texas Railroad Commission to accept an appointment from then-Gov.
27 We moved to Willing Street then, by the railroad tracks.
28 Most western towns were created by the railroad land grant companies.
29 The railroad provided transportation to the eastern markets and it cut the great remaining herd in two.
30 During the four decades following the Civil War, 183 million acres went out of the public domain into railroad ownership.
1 Bridges over railroad tracks root danger out in crossing.
2 The supplies were sent on the railroad.
3 A new railroad is under construction.
4 The railroad slopes up slightly at this point.
5 My brother is working on the railroad.
6 Citizens lit torches along the railroad track to pay their last respects to Lincoln.
31 His crowning achievement was his invention of the railroad air brake.
32 But she laid out several principles that would appear to rule out control of Conrail by either railroad.
33 It sat forlornly in the middle of an arid coastal basin, lacking both a port and a railroad.
34 This year, 1, 000 starter homes are planned east of the railroad tracks.
35 It started with a cross placed along the railroad tracks, where legend has it that he was lynched.
36 With three air-force pilots along for the ride, James flew along a railroad track bordered by tall trees.
37 To be managed by the Federal Railroad Administration, the programme will offer loans and loan guarantees for up to 25 years.
38 Bars had sprung up on South Railroad Street and around the depot, and robberies and brawls were commonplace.
39 Thousands of miles of old railroad lines have been converted to trails.
40 He had attended church, had a family, helped in the underground railroad, fought in the Civil War.
41 You can pick one up near the old railroad station that has been transformed into a visitor center.
42 Heavy rain halted five railroad lines in the Tokyo area.
43 In 1866 he emigrated to Philadelphia, where he painted railway carriages in the workshops of the Pennsylvania Railroad Co.
44 The families and surviving victims were seeking hundreds of millions of dollars in damages from the railroad.
45 He was able to go directly to the railroad supervisor and convince him to change the pace of slab deliveries.
46 Stations of the Pennsylvania Railroad were used for picking up passengers and selling tickets.
47 Loops and spurs of railroad track laced it all together.
48 Almost all locomotive firemen were slaves, either hired from slave masters or owned directly by the railroad companies.
49 Navasota grew as it became established as a railroad terminus.
50 Shortly after the rampage, the railroad established a victims fund that raised $ 519, 397.
51 The railroad lost $ 11, 300 in fiscal year 1907-08, Templeton said, and continued to lose ground.
52 The government had long since perceived that the way west depended on the transcontinental railroad.
53 The last boxcar was the railroad guards' heaven on wheels.
54 The name was derived from dense mesquite groves that early railroad workers encountered there.
55 In addition to civil aviation crashes, the independent board looks into some highway, railroad, marine and pipeline accidents.
56 James Hogg in 1894 called for creation of the railroad to bolster prison operations.
57 By 1875 Atchison could boast of a railroad bridge spanning the Missouri, a mechanical marvel that turned in order to open.
58 The problem there is that the railroad is so close to the interstate and the traffic lights are controlled by rail traffic.
59 Sixty thousand new acres would even make it worthwhile to run a railroad spur to Los Angeles.
60 By 1901, smelting operations were moved to Douglas, only 25 miles to the east, when a railroad was built.
61 Even though shelters were emerging, it was like the underground railroad.
62 San Francisco-based Bechtel is one of five companies in a consortium that is considered the prime candidate to build the 68-mile railroad.
63 Until he found his goal in life, hammering spikes into the railroad tracks, he was not fully happy.
64 If either railroad swallowed Conrail whole, it would dominate railroading east of the Mississippi River.
65 And, according to state law, railroad traffic can not be interrupted, even during the construction of an underpass.
66 They rode in the rickety wagon across the prairie until they reached a railroad track.
67 He was trying to locate a railroad station where he could leave us to continue on our journey.
68 She could walk without ever slipping on railroad tracks, across the tops offences, on swaying tree branches.
69 The fact that the railroad was willing to lease depot space came as welcome news.
70 Bribes were paid to railroad officials, of course, but other towns paid bigger ones.
71 Out West, all-powerful railroad interests dominated state governments and even owned several state legislatures outright.
72 Retired railroad cop and not a bad fellow for a cop.
73 Lawrence Evert, shot down 33 years ago as he tried to bomb a nearby railroad bridge.
74 Former railroad rights of way cut across river bottoms that used to be littered with bustling towns.
75 In one facetious article he promised to show the government how to double the number of jobs in the railroad industry.
76 The Metro-North railroad said it was operating bus service on its Bainbury branch.
77 The railroad station is listed in the National Register of Historic Places.
78 Viktor is ready to give up his apartment and sleep in a railroad car.
79 O Railroad museums, two neighboring institutions on the western side of downtown Baltimore.
80 We follow the railroad tracks a half-mile east of downtown, just shy of the train tunnel.
81 I crossed a railroad overpass and reached a bunch of shacks where two highways forked off, both for Denver.
82 Following the Civil War came the period of rapid railroad develop-ment that changed the face of Kansas for ever.
83 Efforts to convert the railroad into a state park succeeded in 1972.
84 Trains passing through the Anapra gap are now monitored by private security and railroad police.
85 The first was the battles of various railroad companies to enter cities.
86 I went to the telegraph office of the railroad for my money order from New York.
87 He was widely respected for his work as special master in chancery in the Minnesota Railroad Rate cases in 1910.
88 In bygone days,() both railroad and stagecoach deposited visitors in nearby Point Reyes Station.
89 The first transcontinental railroad, we were taught to believe, was a huge government success.
90 The Washington Monument would stick out of it like a spike in a railroad tie.
91 I was representing a young boy who had been injured playing in the railroad yards on a large cable spool.
92 We only drove as far as a deserted street by the railroad tracks in our hometown so we could make out.
93 But transcontinental status always brought a classical rush to the head of railroad companies.
94 Rebels bombed the Beira railroad, a vital link between the capital and the port.
95 Railroad managers then complained that the mails were being interrupted and asked for federal intervention.
96 Within a few years, railroad lines bridged the nation, moving people and goods into unsettled territories.
97 Friends of his had moved west to make fortunes now that livestock was shipped by railroad from the great range to Chicago.
98 The relative insignificance of malfunctioning signals is borne out by statistics from the Federal Railroad Administration.
99 We bounced over the railroad tracks in Fresno and hit the wild streets of Fresno Mextown.
100 I had left my bag at the railroad station and went back to retrieve it.
101 They fill their campaign coffers with money from the oligarchs and monopolists of timber, railroad, utilities and mining.
102 As they marched from the railroad stations, they were escorted by crowds cheering vociferously.
103 The railroad brought suit in state court on interstate-commerce grounds and won.
104 She also collected tales from those runaway slaves who escaped via the Underground Railroad.
105 One day a man from the railroad company brought a steam drill to the crew.
106 He worked on the railroad in the dining car for 41 years.
107 The use of the courts to end a railroad strike in 1922 ushered in a lean period for the unions.
108 On the southeastern corner of the property, one final slim reminder: a sweeping curve of railroad track.
109 There is also an 1830 Conestoga wagon, an observation platform of a railroad car, and a replica of a Tepee.
110 A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car; but if he has a university education, he may steal the whole railroad. Theodore Roosevelt 
111 The Federals halted, turned, and fled, our friends crossing the railroad and pursuing them.
112 Lay my head on the railroad line, Train come along, pacify my mind.
113 Railroad apartment with windows on the street and windows in back that overlooked a courtyard.
113 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
114 History teaches that the lack of a railroad stop condemned many towns to a lingering death a hundred years ago.
115 Then, in 1875, the Somerset Railroad arrived, snaking into town along the east bank of the Kennebec River.
116 Police stood at highways and railroad stations to halt the exodus of thousands of city dwellers.
117 The search often wound up back at a railroad station bench.
118 The railroad land grants were a gift the size of California plus the major part of Montana.
119 But the state has lacked a full-time railroad signal inspector since October 1997.
120 The demand for Navajo blankets slowly grew until the railroad arrived at reservation boundaries in 1881.
121 Soon after John Henry got the railroad job, he married a woman named Polly Ann.
122 They tied up to a buoy near some railroad docks.
123 The railroad gates debar people from crossing the tracks.
124 Can anyone direct me to the Pacific Railroad Station?
125 Guns fired witheringly at the railroad cars.
126 The people that started Underground Railroad were amateurs.
127 Building the new railroad will be a mammoth job.
128 He walked along the railroad track.
129 The railroad private line may ship the lumber, coal.
130 Unsuspecting buyers paid exorbitant prices for their railroad stock.
131 China's first cross - sea railroad line.
132 The Underground Railroad is neither a railroad, nor underground.
133 We walked as far as the railroad station.
134 Is this the train to New York Railroad Station?
135 Then the railroad building era really began.
136 "Are you a railroad man?" said one.
137 Follow the railroad track about 100 meters.
138 The Greatest American Athlete The railroad station was jammed.
139 They are laying a railroad track.
140 You musta been a railroad man on that railroad.
141 Shanghai railroad is Shanghai external passageway of important transport.
142 It's a long way to the railroad station.
143 They took turns barging into railroad ticket lines.
144 The British call a railroad tie a sleeper.
145 A hush in railroad car, static terrible.
146 A railroad line was completed after six years of hard labour in the swamps andjungles.
147 A man stood upon a railroad bridge in northern Alabama, looking down into the swift water twenty feet below.
148 Shipping lines, airlines, trucking companies and railroad companies are all carriers.
149 Squatter houses along the track used the railroad as an access to their houses.
150 A fast railroad train, traveling 96 kilometers an hour, takes more than 48 hours to cross the country.
151 From the 1840s to the Civil War, Irish Catholic immigrants fleeing from famine spurred the growth of cities and provided the labor for canal building and railroad construction.
152 A host of friends met him at the railroad station.
153 The completion of the railroad was the precipitating cause in the extinction of waterborne commerce.
154 Southeast with coastal high - speed railroad docking, will radiate the area.
155 Can you tell me how to get to the railroad station?
156 In railroad car, air is foul, packed, brawl also with respect to unavoidable.
157 It is dangerous to play along the railroad; you may get hit by a train.
158 Railroad is in the development course of our country freightage , ever was in significant backbone position for a long time.
159 All fronts is a country one class railroad, - track , obligate double money, parcel area crewel.
160 And current, electrification is to promote railroad implementation to span the key that type develops.
161 Circuit bureau place administer railroad line opens to the outside world, collection circuitry uses fee.
162 Railroad freight rate reforms the main component that is railroad reform task.
163 There isn't in all the world a perfect railroad, nor a good government, nor a sound law.
164 The railroad workers have asked for a wage increase the management is working on that.
165 Workers are rushing to complete a makeshift levee by packing dirt on top of an old railroad bed.
166 I'd really like to pick up Grandpa at the railroad station.
167 Probability suggests she will return to the GDI medical colony near Provo, or enter the underground railroad here, near New Detroit. The decision is yours, Commander Slavik.
168 In position of countrywide railroad network , the the Xizang Autonomous Region is a blank spot.
169 When the railroad finally arrived in 1876, Fort Worth became a major shipping for livestock.
170 Have kiloton class berth 11, have railroad industrial siding 6.
171 There are a lot of people in the railroad station.
172 Add a taxi newly advertising video is not released so that install inside railroad car.
173 A portion of railroad track maintained by a single crew.
174 To fill ( a railroad bed ) with or as if with ballast.
175 About a year later,(http:///railroad.html) he was one of 17 men designated to sneak around and take out a fortified machine-gun encampment guarding a German railroad.
176 I cross the railroad bridge every day on my way to school.
177 Licht, Walter . Working for the Railroad. New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1983.
178 An excellent example is the railroad locomotive engineer who operates a train.
179 Supported joints in a railroad track have ties directly under the rail ends.
180 Every day Granny Fox led Reddy Fox over to the long railroad bridge and made him run back and forth across it until he had no fear of it whatever.
181 This time the men were imported as work crews to construct the first transcontinental railroad.
182 The others made it to the Ohio shore, where Parker hurriedly arranged for a wagon to take them to the next "station" on the Underground Railroad -- the first leg of their journey to safety in Canada.
183 Additionally this railroad is to belong to demesne share - holding system railroad.
184 AC : Whew ! I feel like I just made it through the Underground Railroad. Fried chicken anyone?
185 Coal suddenly rocketed this railroad flag stop into industrial importance.
186 His cries for help were deafened by the noise of the railroad.
187 The result was compared with result of railroad bridge and road criterion.
188 They also report that a fence now separates their neighborhood from the railroad track.
189 The electricity and fluid symmetrical railroad switch's safeness , reliableness and practicableness on lathedesign according to practice.
190 Why does the conductor cut hole in your railroad ticket?
191 They used spikes to fasten the rails to a railroad tie.
192 Can you say me how to get to the railroad station?
193 In the youth that there is her inside small railroad car, her love.
194 All the action in the play takes place at railroad station.
195 The railroad car was making it final stop before arriving at its destination.
196 Take bus No.4 from the world trade center to the railroad station.
197 He seems to have conceived an abject, unreasoned terror of the Railroad.
198 In the case of grade separation engineering for highway and railroad, underpass bridges are widely applied.
199 Cosmonautic flight group at the famous railroad guerrilla force hometown - Shandong Zaozhuang.
200 How do I get to your store from the railroad station?
201 Combine railroad of east-northeast ministry area to build, accelerate advance construction of classics trade big channel.
202 Trans - Siberian Railroad is a modernized passageway joining Europe - Russia and Far East.
203 At times his hatred of the Railroad shook him like a crisp and withered reed.
204 The train was already moving when we arrived at the railroad station.
205 The diner was small, but bright and clean . Brand - new,() built to resemble a converted railroad car.
206 Methods A railroad hospital bed efficiency index before and after the railroad! medical security system reform was analyzed through applying the method of quality control chart.
207 The structural appraisement of a used grade separation railroad bridge is studied in this paper as a important reference in order to confirm the reuse of grade separation railroad bridge.
208 That song was the old Grand Funk Railroad hit' Locomotion '.
209 The novel's heroine, a toothsome superwoman who runs a railroad.
210 There was a railroad viaduct in Pilsen that was rumored to be haunted.
211 On February 15, 2007, hundreds of people came to New York City's famous railroad station—Grand Central Terminal—to trade in old dollar bills for the new George Washington presidential US $1 coins.
212 Putting salt on a railroad track may be punishable by death.
213 Please tell me a landmark on the way to the railroad station.
214 A fault in the wheel flat of a railroad car would threaten the safety car.
215 The management activity case of railroad of Kazakstan Si Tan at present good.
216 The high point in railroad building came with the construction of the first transcontinental system.
217 A small open railroad car propelled by a hand pump or a small motor.
218 But during that decade, railroad cars were refrigerated and heated , helping preserve perishable goods.
219 They were from Evansville, Indiana, the wife and daughter of a railroad treasurer.
220 All the action in the play takes place at one railroad station.
221 Building the model railroad was a labour of love for the retired engineer.
222 Cross the railroad track and turn right at the first corner.
223 Is this the right subway to the London Railroad Station?
224 Other people say a railroad worker named Obadiah Kelly invented the word long ago.
225 The railroad has been given the green light on the proposed fare increase.
226 Railroad line innovation improves workload bigger is, must change average points to carry fast switch.
227 The officer detached thirty men to guard the railroad station.
228 There were conventional essays " Fire Worship " , " Buds and Bird Voices " ; satirical excursions " The Celestial Railroad ".
229 The Party member is loco, pulling railroad car to run at full speed.
230 Snakelike railroad, the train of boat form, heroic driver, daredevil passenger, this is the true portraiture of Yue Tiege of another name for Yunnan Province.
231 Take bus no .4 from the World Trade Center to the railroad station.
232 Jing - Guang Railroad, Beijing Su, 107 National Road runs through the urban area, traffic is very convenient.
233 Choose the railroad track style,(http:///railroad.html) red for color and a slightly wider width.
234 The railroad station is in the central part of the city.
235 Article wish you to have a good trip...To railroad train late point two hour the passenger who mean cut up rough , please toward that sow protest of kitchen inside.




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