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单词 Contaminated
1 Have any fish been contaminated in the Arctic Ocean?
2 Drinking water supplies are believed to have been contaminated.
3 The river was contaminated with waste.
4 Much of the coast has been contaminated by nuclear waste.
5 From here, contaminated air radiates out to the open countryside.
6 Haemophiliacs are seeking compensation for being given contaminated blood.
7 The meat was believed to be contaminated with salmonella.
8 There are fears that groundwater might become contaminated.
9 The food which had been contaminated was destroyed.
10 Cholera is transmitted through contaminated water.
11 The site was found to be contaminated by radioactivity.
12 They drummed contaminated water and disposed of it.
13 The river was contaminated with waste from the factory.
14 The drinking water has become contaminated with lead.
15 Several outbreaks of infection have been traced to contaminated food.
16 Nuclear weapons plants across the country are heavily contaminated with toxic wastes.
17 Large areas of land have been contaminated by the leakage from the nuclear reactor.
18 The infection was probably caused by swimming in contaminated water/water contaminated with sewage.
19 The poisons seeping from Hanford's contaminated land quickly dilute in the water.
20 The food was contaminated during the production process.
21 Don't be contaminated by bureaucratism.
22 She accidentally pricked herself with a contaminated needle.
23 Children suffering from the illness had bathed in sea water contaminated by sewage.
24 A lot of our drinking water is now heavily contaminated.
25 In these areas,[] typhoid and cholera are often caught from contaminated water supplies.
26 Some of the money has been earmarked to pay for the re-settlement of people from contaminated areas.
27 More than 100,000 people could fall ill after drinking contaminated water.
28 There is a strong possibility that the cat contracted the condition by eating contaminated pet food.
29 The outbreak of food poisoning was traced to some contaminated shellfish.
30 Water from shallow wells should be regarded with suspicion, as it may be contaminated.
1 Have any fish been contaminated in the Arctic Ocean?
2 Drinking water supplies are believed to have been contaminated.
3 The river was contaminated with waste.
4 Much of the coast has been contaminated by nuclear waste.
5 Children suffering from the illness had bathed in sea water contaminated by sewage.
6 A lot of our drinking water is now heavily contaminated.
7 From here, contaminated air radiates out to the open countryside.
8 The site was found to be contaminated by radioactivity.
9 Large areas of land have been contaminated by the leakage from the nuclear reactor.
31 Contaminated water leaked from the nuclear reactor.
32 Top left: failed wound: a clean contaminated abdominal incision.
33 Wild mushrooms continue to be heavily contaminated by radiation.
34 By leaking, like cesspits, they contaminated ground water.
35 The soil around the plant is heavily contaminated.
36 Snow close to the coast is often additionally contaminated by mineral salts and organic material from the sea.
37 Sanitized trucks and combines will sport green stickers, and any other vehicles working in contaminated fields will be labeled in red.
38 Top predators, such as toothed whales and dolphins[/contaminated.html], can accumulate large quantities in their tissues if they keep eating contaminated prey.
39 It would have obliged local authorities to draw up a register of contaminated sites in their area, and supervise their clean-up.
40 Objectors say ground water supplies could be contaminated if bodies are buried in the site that's been chosen.
41 The allegation was that the defendants had supplied contaminated water to the plaintiffs thereby causing them personal injury.
42 Three thousand factories and defense facilities are contaminated by radiation.
43 People eating contaminated whipped cream quickly become ill with stomach pains.
44 Surely she accepts that the Government were right to provide compensation for haemophiliacs who became infected through contaminated blood factor 8.
45 Residents fearful of their wells becoming contaminated would like to see the one of the wells moved farther south.
46 The virus is spread through contact with contaminated food and water.
47 Does she agree that haemophiliacs and others who are given contaminated blood transfusions receive them from the national health service?
48 Food producers do their best to make sure that food is not contaminated with any food poisoning organisms.
49 The health department has linked several cases of food poisoning with contaminated shellfish.
50 The child suffered painful stomach cramps and vomiting after drinking one of the contaminated drinks.
51 It was quite a shock when 400 square metres of the site was found to be contaminated by radioactivity.
52 This contaminated water eventually resurfaces as a spring, and effectively poisons the plants all around.
53 When whales eat contaminated prey, organochlorines go first to the digestive system, and are then deposited in fatty tissues.
54 Friends of the Earth accused the government of retreating from a firmly-stated commitment to identify contaminated land.
55 Federal and state engineers are seeking way to capture and treat the contaminated runoff.
56 Children suffer exposure when they either chew the products or put hands contaminated with the metals into their mouths.
57 That was before it became contaminated and perverted into what it is today.
58 Several people became ill after eating hamburger meat contaminated with the E.coli bacteria.
59 Sometimes conventional biological reactors are used to clean-up groundwater and/or contaminated soils.
60 Registers of contaminated land would be available for public scrutiny from April 1993.
61 Humans can be affected by pesticides through breathing in spray, brushing against treated plants and eating contaminated food.
62 No one knows whether the area is contaminated or not.
63 Also be careful that the polish is not contaminated with grit from whatever you normally use it on.
64 I am painfully aware of how we get caught up in our times and become contaminated by our own hypocrisy.
65 Most of the debate about cleaning contaminated sites has concentrated on the Superfund programme.
66 Process Description Catalytic hydrogenation of contaminated organic waste streams is carried out at moderate temperatures and pressures.
67 Over the past two springs between 500 and 600 farmers have unwittingly planted the contaminated seed bought from a company called Advanta.
68 Finds widespread agreement that the government should take the lead in securing the re-use of contaminated land.
69 The second subcategory of blood-to-blood contact is transmission by receipt of contaminated blood transfusions or of contaminated blood products.
70 For two decades therefore villagers lived near cyanide- contaminated land without even knowing.
71 Chlorine was first used to treat water after the Maidstone epidemic of 1897-8 when hop-pickers contaminated spring water.
72 Clostridium bacteria can grow only in the complete absence of oxygen,[] so they have been found in contaminated cans of food.
73 Humans can not catch foot and mouth but they can become contaminated by the airborne virus and transport it between areas.
74 Its hold is estimated to contain some 2,000 tons of contaminated water.
75 Advanta is trying to determine which farms used the contaminated seed.
76 Horses are thought to acquire infection mainly from pastures contaminated by donkeys during the summer months.
77 Section 143 requires local authorities to compile registers of land that might be contaminated and open them for public inspection.
78 Most of the cases affected rural families where children slept near stored grain that investigators believed was contaminated with the fungus.
79 An interim ground water removal system has been in operation for several years, removing 7 millions gallons of contaminated water.
80 Hikers and campers often become infected by drinking water from contaminated streams.
81 A major scandal erupted in November 1989, with the discovery that cattle in the UK and Netherlands had been given food contaminated with lead.
82 As a result, there has been a steady inflow of contaminated food since July 1986.
83 Should a corporation receive less proportionate punishment for having contaminated its workers with deadly plutonium?
84 He foresees truck-mounted accelerator X-ray units being driven to contaminated sites.
85 The people nearby who drank beer did not get cholera: ergo, contaminated water spread the disease.
86 Many tenants claim to have lost everything in last week's storms, as sewage contaminated floodwaters surged into their homes.
87 Or Pavitra, who drinks contaminated water in her Delhi slum.
88 Millions of people will have eaten food contaminated with small amounts of dioxin.
89 Arable land on some islands in the Palau archipelago has been contaminated by sea water, forcing their inhabitants to import food.
90 Of chicken liver samples, three-quarters are typically found to be contaminated with Campylobacter.
91 This process involves the addition of microorganisms, nutrients and an electron acceptor into the saturation zone of a contaminated aquifer.
92 More than eight thousand gallons of contaminated water had to be pumped out of Cannop Brook.
93 From 200 years on, risks are mainly from contaminated water infecting crops.
94 Not only can it be introduced by contaminated water changes but it is also self-generated as part of the biological filtration cycle.
95 But a survey by Which magazine has found that up to eighty percent of loose ham sold in delicatessens was contaminated with bacteria.
96 The programme will involve stripping lead paint from housing, replacing lead water pipes and removing contaminated soil from Tehranmany areas.
97 They say it's normal procedure at other Universities to wash contaminated materials like rubber gloves and glass containers.
98 Children pick up the eggs from contaminated food or pets, and the worms hatch out at night.
98 try its best to gather and create good sentences.
99 Projects already undertaken for pharmaceutical customers have involved removal of plant and equipment contaminated with low-levels of radioactivity and other hazardous materials.
100 Water in cooling towers can be contaminated with legionella bacteria: surveys found the organism in 40-70 percent of hotels and hospitals.
101 Milk contaminated Scientists are stepping up tests to find the source of dioxin contamination which has brought financial ruin to two farmers.
102 By last week, government and state officials had doubled their estimates of contaminated sites to about 100.
103 If you eat some contaminated food, you will not necessarily feel the ill-effects immediately.
104 The concern is that most contaminated food is caused by incorrect storage at home, where fridge temperatures may be too high.
105 Bioremediation appears to be a very attractive, and in many cases a cost-effective way of cleaning up many contaminated sites.
106 He talked about sloppy packaging that could have contaminated evidence.
107 Since June of last year two of them have not been allowed to sell their milk because it is contaminated with dioxins.
108 The abandoned mines would fill with water contaminated with iron, acids and chlorides which could seep through ground waters affecting rivers.
109 It requires putting a protective cover on the site, pumping out the contaminated substance, and then treating it.
110 The ordinance prohibits the city from recharging in contaminated areas.
111 Their task will be to help otters and seals which have been contaminated by the seven mile long oil slick.
112 Grazing cattle and sheep eat contaminated grass and plants, while fish eat plankton that has already consumed dioxin-covered microscopic particles.
113 The odds of being infected from a contaminated needle are 1 in 300, Gerberding said.
114 However, there is no scientific proof that the disease can be spread by eating contaminated beef.
115 It spread fast in the contaminated water of the great cities, killing in all four epidemics about 100,000 people.
116 The problem was caused by a worker who inadvertently contaminated the coffee machine by cleaning it with a toxic substance.
117 What was left was a reddish brown, contaminated by earth and blood.
118 It seemed an extremely odd locution for a scientist to be using about contaminated water.
119 Giardia is acquired by ingesting food containing the cysts or, more commonly, drinking contaminated water.
120 They were given contaminated blood before tests were introduced in 1985.
121 Stephanurus may occasionally cause severe liver damage in calves grazing on contaminated ground.
122 Scientists have even recorded a rich community of aquatic wildlife in one of the contaminated cooling ponds at the power station site.
123 Other genetically modified trees may help clean up contaminated land.
124 He said divers surveying the aftermath of the Braer tanker disaster found large numbers of razor shells contaminated with oil.
125 If consumers realize that they are likely to be contaminated by foodstuffs, they will not buy them.
126 A sign of the recession or fear that these impressionable young booksellers might be contaminated by their publishing counterparts in some way?
127 But it later emerged that the first of three contaminated cargoes arrived on October 5.
128 It arises when an immune animal is suddenly exposed to a massive larval challenge, usually from a heavily contaminated field.
128 try its best to gather and create good sentences.
129 Very occasionally a bottle will become contaminated and lose its potency.
130 Over decades, car traffic on the Bay Bridge and the removal of old lead-based paint may have contaminated the Bay muds.
131 Another reason is, plastic sacks are commonly contaminated by trash, such as paper and metal cans stuck inside.
132 There is also the question of whether it is better to treat on-site or to transport contaminated soil to a specialist plant.
133 That's a balancing act that few southwestern cities have managed -- as Tucson's crumbling streets and contaminated wells attest.
134 Nevertheless, no amount of sterile packs and antiseptic agents will protect a patient from a staff member who has contaminated hands.
135 An official account of the likely source of the outbreak points to contaminated meat smuggled into Britain.
136 Water running off the maize fields is contaminated with dieldrin, then drunk by cattle.
137 Other factors include two years of drought, acid rain, run-off from contaminated land and reduced governmental expenditure on sewage treatment.
138 In addition, the disposable spirometry mouthpiece filters used by each of these patients became heavily contaminated.
139 Burmester also included a few samples contaminated with polyethylene glycol, a modern preservative.
140 There is no single agency responsible either for monitoring food safety or for prosecuting those who sell contaminated food.
141 The site was contaminated with copper arsenate, a fairly noxious substance, but the fern was apparently thriving.
142 There are more than 1,000 haemophiliacs and nearly 100 others who received contaminated blood transfusions.
143 Many had no time to save their possessions as the filthy, sewage contaminated water surged into their homes.
144 The other three in four cases are caused by contaminated food, such as rotten meat.
145 There have been a lot of stories in the papers recently about contaminated food.
146 The Agency has also pledged to triple the number of cleanups of contaminated sites conducted under the Superfund programme by 1993.
147 He said that Beacon admitted the snow was contaminated with asphalt.
148 They put a notice in the press ordering the recall of all the baby food that might have been contaminated.
149 They were stopped because health tests found that water in the basement was contaminated by sewage.
150 Should it surprise us, then, that a child dies every eight seconds from drinking contaminated water?
151 In one city, contaminated waste was dumped next to a shopping centre.
152 Our hypothesis is that the dolphins ate contaminated fish, and this affected the dolphins' immune system.
153 After the floods, contaminated water was a serious threat to public health.
154 About 100 tons of contaminated sediments still lie on the ocean floor.
155 Voice over It's the same bug that contaminated water supplies in the Swindon and Oxford areas 4 years ago.
156 Easily contaminated by misuse or poor workmanship.
157 Farmland will be devastated, water supplies contaminated.
158 This food is contaminated with impurities.
158 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
159 Contaminated instruments and floor surfaces should be chemically disinfected.
160 People will start drinking contaminated water.
161 Food was contaminated as far as 1,000 miles away.
162 Flush contaminated area with large quantities of cool water or a diluted baking soda solution and expose the area to fresh air as soon as possible.
163 Anthrax: Infectious disease of warm-blooded animals, caused by Bacillus anthracis, a bacterium that, in spore form, can retain its virulence in contaminated soil or other material for many years.
164 Do not return potentially contaminated purge gas cylinders, except on explicit instructions of your cylinder gas supplier.
165 The contaminated vital vitamin made racial discrimination come to culmination.
166 Finally, resuspension rate of contaminated bottom sediment on the action of jet flow was calculated quantitatively.
167 The investigation achievements on bioremediation technology on petroleum hydrocarbon - contaminated soil are reviewed.
168 However, the researchers also found more than twice the number of bachelorette front doorknobs were contaminated with bacteria as compared with bachelor doorknobs.
169 Introduction is given to modification of conventional contaminated acid neutralizing system so as to produce zinc vitriol, copper sulphate and crude cadmium and recover cobalt residue.
170 If the arms deal is the poison well of South African politics, then it's Mbeki who contaminated the water".
171 Some of hand washing basin are installed in contaminated area of labs.
172 Used to blend and scoop out lotions, creams, gels and masks, ensure products are not contaminated.
173 It is demonstrated that there is little effect of Al contamination on GOI , while Zr contamination is the most detrimental to GOI , and early breakdown has happened to wafers contaminated by Ta.
174 It needs some effective noise reduction algorithm to optimize the image contaminated by noise.
175 Remediation technologies for contaminated sites at the present in the world is summarized.
176 Man's original nature, contaminated by Adam's transgression, would be restored to full glory.
177 Pathogenic Eumycetes were isolated from highly contaminated Chinese chestnuts and tested for sensitivity to 6 drugs.
178 This tracking system consists of the model of contaminated normal distribution and robust tracking filter.
179 Before overcoating thoroughly clean the surface exposed in contaminated environment by high pressure fresh water hosing and allow to dry.
180 With contaminated hand, turn the child's head to right side to suction left bronchus.
181 In Case 1, RPE cells grew from the explants, but were contaminated with other cells such as fibroblasts and melanocytes, and no pure RPE cultures were obtained by explantation.
182 The current study showed that the hand-actuated inoculation of 2N3's strain could effectively increase degradation rate of chlorimuron-ethyl in contaminated soil .
183 It is a large nematode (roundworm), Dracunculus medinensis, which is ingested through drinking contaminated water.
184 "Enemy of the forest." Near Homyel, signs warn of the danger of forest fires on contaminated land.
185 However, it may be spread from person to person by fomites and contaminated water.
186 In 1997, school age children were getting hepatitis from strawberries contaminated with Hepatitis A virus. This resulted in 150 children getting sick.
187 Liu said the parents were hoping to hurt the dairy producer that sold them contaminated milk, but accepted that an out-of-court settlement might also ensue.
188 Men pull up stakes in the Russian village of Muslyumovo, literally disassembling an older home so that it can be moved from the heavily contaminated region to a new location.
189 Disclosed is a method for manufacturing an organic EL device which comprises a hole injection layer having a flat surface that is not contaminated.
190 Effectively prevent washes from becoming contaminated after being washed by synthetic detergent.
191 Heating is concerned with the supply of fresh air and removal of air that is vitiated , polluted, or contaminated.
192 Fresh water was at a premium after the reservoir was contaminated.
193 In humans, eating meat products contaminated with the illness is linked to variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, a rare and fatal malady.
194 DNA from fecal and blood samples contaminated artificially at different concentration of L. monocytogenes were extracted and tested by real-time PCR.
195 Crust source remelting series contains only anatectic magma stage. It experience the development processes from contaminated granite (porphyritic) to intrusive one (granular texture).
196 A study led by biologist Jon Puritz of the University of Hawaii found discharges from water treatment systems and contaminated rivers led to genetically different sea star populations of the species.
197 Many of the children developed cancer from drinking irradiated milk produced at dairies in the contaminated area.
198 Confucianist's orthodox ideas may not be contaminated unavoidably frequently in theirs dramatic work, inevitably takes into them to the lower level life performance in.
199 The Romans did not trust ground water since it was usually contaminated.
200 The main flavoring compositions including diethyl succinate, phenylethanol, octanoic acid and decanoic acid in contaminated grape wine decreased evidently and even not detected.
201 The collective risk model based on contaminated Gamma distribution is put forward and its probability character is considered.
202 The virus is transferred by the ingestion of fecal matter, even in microscopic amounts, from close person-to-person contact, or by ingestion of contaminated food or drinks.
203 Schistosome infected people or other mammals from the discharge of faecal egg, if manure contaminated the water, eggs were brought into the water, hatched miracidium in the water.
204 Clothing can also become contaminated with dust, feathers, and excrement.
205 Conversely, because every mental test is "contaminated" by the effects of specific mental skills, no single test measures only g.
206 People usually get Legionnaires' disease by breathing in mists that come from a water source contaminated with Legionella bacteria.
207 Mothers contaminated by radioactive materials may give birth to babies with mental deficiency.
208 It enhances stability for a contaminated wound and supports the application of a stoma appliance.
209 Four million people in the Ukraine, Byelorussia and western Russia are living on contaminated ground.




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