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单词 you
释义  you /jə, jʊ; strong juː/ ●●● S1 W1 pronoun [used as subject or object]  1  XXused to refer to a person or group of people when speaking or writing to them 你;你们 Hi, Kelly. How are you? 嗨,凯利,你好吗? You must all listen carefully. 你们大家都必须仔细听着。 I have some news for you. 我有一些消息要告诉你们。 The letter is addressed to both of you. 信是寄给你们俩的。 Did Robin give you the money? 罗宾把钱给你了吗? Only you can make this decision. 只有你才能作这个决定。 You idiot! 你这个白痴! You boys have got to learn to behave yourselves. 你们这些男孩子必须学着规矩点。 Hey, you over there! Get out of the way! 嘿,说你呢,让开!2  XXpeople in general 〔泛指〕任何人 You have to be 21 or over to buy alcohol in Florida. 在佛罗里达,必须年满21岁才能买酒。 You can never be sure what Emily is thinking. 你永远摸不透埃米莉在想什么。Examples from the Corpusyou• Did Rob give the money to you?• You boys had better be home by 11:00.• You have to be careful with people you don't know.• I can take all of you in my car.• Hey, you in the blue shirt!• You jerk!• I told you this would happen.Origin you Old English eow, from ge; → YE1you pronounChinese  used to refer person to group Corpus or a of people




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