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单词 Gotten
1 Ill (or Evil) gotten, ill (or evil) spent. 
2 Ill gotten money is soon spent. 
3 Ill gotten [got] ill spent.
4 A friend is not so soon gotten as lost. 
5 Soon gotten, soon spent.
6 Riches are gotten with pain, kept with care, and lost with grief. 
7 Evil gotten, evil spent.
8 Money would be gotten if there were money to get it with. 
9 I'm glad I've gotten to know you.
10 Have you gotten used to life in Japan?
11 You've gotten so pretty.
12 Mimi had gotten over her pique at Susan's refusal to accept the job.
13 Casey was sorry he'd gotten so angry.
14 They had always gotten along, even when they sparred.
15 She and Frank had never gotten around to opening a joint account.
16 I've gotten my feet thoroughly soaked and feel frozen through and through.
17 Would you have gotten the promotion if you hadn't bellied up to the boss?
18 The first year was rough, but things have gotten better.
19 My brother had gotten the upper hand in their fight, but I was kept standing by if necessary.
20 You've gotten to first base if you've landed an interview.
21 Mom's never really gotten over the shock of Dad's death.
22 Angelita, like Primo, had gotten married at twenty-one.
23 And Main Street really has gotten quite nice.
24 She's gotten flabby since she stopped swimming.
25 I've really gotten to feel safe in Winnipeg.
26 They've gotten so smooth and perfect and it's amazing.
27 If she hadn't been so persistent she might not have gotten the job.
28 When he regained consciousness he was disoriented and not sure how he had gotten there.
29 John has been trying to horn in on my club for years,but he hasn't gotten any chance given by me.
30 She had compiled pages of notes, but she had not yet gotten down to doing the actual writing.
1 I'm glad I've gotten to know you.
2 Have you gotten used to life in Japan?
3 You've gotten so pretty.
4 If she hadn't been so persistent she might not have gotten the job.
5 Mimi had gotten over her pique at Susan's refusal to accept the job.
31 The child psychologists have gotten very clever.
32 Some recent columns have gotten readers' dander up.
33 Minorities say they've gotten a small toehold in broadcasting.
34 He's already gotten two tickets for speeding this year.
35 I'd barely gotten home when the phone rang.
36 They've already gotten some offers to buy their house.
37 Evidently, the two of them have gotten back together.
37 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
38 Long-distance phone calls have gotten so much cheaper.
39 You must have gotten the directions wrong.
40 She had gotten her tip from a radio show.
41 Our situation has gotten materially worse.
42 There he had gotten to know the abbot.
43 How had it gotten so black out?
44 The leash had gotten wrapped around his legs.
45 Brian's gotten very heavy since we last saw him.
46 The case has gotten so bizarre that Sen.
47 We have gotten absolutely zilch in return.
48 Some water must have gotten into the gas tank.
49 Though why had she gotten high heels?
50 Lois has gotten tired of the late night feedings.
51 One third said they had gotten into fist fights.
52 For that $ 110 million, the taxpayers have gotten little in return in terms of lasting criminal convictions.
53 Prosecutors say Moore had gotten in the car a few minutes earlier, pretending to be friendly with Hammond.
54 On stage, one of the waiter girls had gotten down on her hands and knees.
55 Certainly, such insubordination and disloyalty would have gotten a less well connected man court-martialed.
56 Jasper had gotten into a habit of saying that he would not live to see this or that.
57 Evidently he was irritated at himself for having gotten into a heated conversation with a provincial youth.
58 By now he had gotten used to reporters' impertinent questions about his private life.
59 Buildings that had gotten hit by bombs had still not been repaired.
60 As a result, the groundwater overdraft, instead of being alleviated, has gotten worse.
61 Billy had lost track momentarily of where he was or how he had gotten there.
62 Because at graduation I had gotten one of those awards sponsored by the Society of Women Engineers.
63 Has any daughter ever gotten a better present from a parent?
64 I've been trying to learn my lines, but I haven't gotten very far.
65 Whittier omitted to mention exactly where he had gotten the money.
66 The Democratic attorney general of Tennessee told Shipley to do what he thought right, and Shipley had gotten his notes together.
67 All filmmakers that have done that have gotten skewered over and over and over.
67 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
68 He had gotten a new job teaching philosophy at Rutgers.
69 Yet decades earlier, readers had already gotten a vivid fictionalized look at the inner earth from another science-fiction author.
70 That's a pretty thin excuse - he could have gotten there if he'd really wanted to.
71 I was playing in clubs and I'd gotten a following there.
72 They had gotten along well together until his parents came into the vicinity and began to malign his wife.
73 Wood that has gotten wet and allowed to dry out will not be damaged.
74 And yet, this plagiarist had gotten all the credit(), and the money.
75 Some animals hadn't gotten in the shed and made a mess.
76 It was a long, bitter strike, 119 days, and at the end of it the men had gotten nothing.
77 At some point his whole head had gotten thrust far out of line.
78 I was surprised by the ease with which I had gotten reservations.
79 If this was baseball, the next hitter would have gotten a fastball to the temple.
80 It had gotten so bad the Emporium had some one meet me at the door every time I ran in to buy pantyhose.
81 If he had liked her less, would she have only gotten a footstool or an armchair?
82 The physiotherapists, newcomers who had gotten a tremendous boost from Sister Kenny, championed physical therapy.
83 I'd gotten a lot done over the weekend and was happy about that.
84 And they say she would have gotten away with the murder were it not for a pang of conscience.
85 Over the years the generations had gotten into a chronological muddle.
86 I wrote to them a month ago but haven't gotten a response yet.
87 When we had not arrived as anticipated, my grandmother had gotten worried and had headed back.
88 Casey was sorry he'd gotten so angry at the kids over nothing.
89 At least she had gotten a logical, if nonverbal, response to her question.
90 To put it bluntly , the situation has gotten much worse.
91 Has anyone noticed that Nicolas Cage has gotten a sort of stoned-out, glazed look to him of late?
92 The birds had gotten into the cabin through a broken window.
93 The most important of the trends is that container ships have gotten bigger.
94 The competition between superstores and malls has gotten so bad that some companies are cannibalizing themselves.
95 I had the feeling Ted might have gotten a tattoo or something, made some drastic alteration in himself.
96 Yet, again and again, now as before, the people have pulled themselves together and gotten on with life.
97 Either the machine gun had been wiped out or the enemy had gotten smart.
98 Clinton told reporters that he had not gotten much sleep since learning of the crash last Wednesday morning.
99 However, a friend had gotten me a ticket to an afternoon performance at the last minute.
100 Sheila, who had changed ever since she had gotten her first period, wanted to sleep late on Saturday mornings.
101 Q: My teen-age daughter has acne that has gotten worse despite various diets and the vigorous use of different soaps.
102 I mean, journalists have gotten naked before, at least during working hours.
103 The film has gotten good reviews, but it has scared the wits out of some male film critics.
104 Jim Crabbe is probably the fund manager who has gotten the most press coverage for missing the 1995 rally.
105 My expectations of students have gotten much more demanding,() and they have met them.
106 The Rattlers have long gotten over the awestruck stage with Orlando.
107 In my opinion, Will and Martha should have never gotten married.
108 In a recent examination of the issue that has not gotten the attention it deserves, Democratic Sen.
109 Over the years pentecostals have gotten accustomed to exclusion and excommunication.
110 In most cases, such electronic smudging calls more attention to the items than they otherwise would have gotten.
111 Dominic had gotten himself slammed behind a bush, standing up, in the Tuileries.
112 When she heard they had gotten engaged, Jenny protested violently.
113 I admitted, warming to my subject now that I had gotten started, that I had not always felt this way.
114 Radio personality Don Imus has gotten in trouble again for what he said on the air.
115 Somewhere out on the trail, Johnnie had taken an alias or gotten married.
116 And yet he seems to have gotten away with it; he is as old as my grandpa.
117 These notes are postmarked from countries where the dollar has just gotten weaker, or depreciated.
118 At least he had gotten an assigned journal entry out of it.
119 For all the dieting and exercise that have been resorted to, often despairingly, they have in many cases gotten bigger.
120 He admitted that he had gotten us off on the wrong tack, and that we'd need to start again.
121 He was an alcoholic who has only recently gotten his life out of the gutter.
122 I had somehow gotten it into my head that loft and locomotion could only be achieved through a two-step process.
123 Since the textile company moved out, the area's gotten very run-down.
124 We've gotten a good number of contributions for the campaign.
125 That set us apart from the other customers, who looked to have gotten well past the planning stage.
126 He might as well have gotten down on his hands and knees and begged for it.
127 The drinking problem... has gotten worse with every passing year.
128 He had climbed a little way up the tree and gotten scared.
129 I find it really depressing that my old neighborhood has gotten so run-down.
130 Your gut feelings have gotten you this far; trust them.
131 She's gotten the job she wanted, but at what price?
132 I had failed before I had even gotten a chance to sit in a helicopter.
133 Spokesmen said they have gotten few, if any, reports of adverse reactions from consumers who used their products properly.
134 She had gotten involved in the paper chase to obtain U.S. citizenship.
135 The two had gotten to know each other in California when 95 both appeared in the movie Carmen Jones.
136 I used to be very bitter and angry, but I've gotten over it.
137 You haven't gotten my letter yet? It must have gotten lost in the mail.
138 For all its clout in Washington(), no member of the Gallo family has ever gotten that close to the Oval Office.
139 Average starting salaries for graduates with technical degrees have also gotten a boost.
140 Flo has been looking for a job but has gotten nowhere.
141 Many of them have gotten into aquarium literature, although they can not be cultivated in the aquarium.
142 He hasn't gotten much time off from work up to now, so he's really looking forward to his vacation.
143 She seems a little more mellow now that she's gotten married.
144 They carried on for another month, every night inspecting to see how dangerous things had gotten.
145 She said social programs of the 1960s have gotten a bad rap in the 1990s.
146 The wiring in your phone may have gotten rusty.
147 The watermelon has gotten bad.
148 [ Evelyn's Voice ] The whole industry's gotten gutless.
149 Have you ever gotten a parking ticket?
150 Have we gotten any updated intel on his location?
151 Anything else would have gotten me a black eye.
152 Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket?
153 I had gotten myself out of a questionable situation.
154 It's like the guards have gotten some sixth sense.
155 Their relationship had gotten off to a rocky start.
156 Frost Nova has gotten a big change in graphics.
157 The optimum distribution of the microseismic network is gotten by synthetic analysis of the calculation results,(http:///gotten.html) engineering conditions and economical efficiency.
158 The MSI of primary somatosensory cortex was gotten by superimposing MEG data on MRI.
159 "You've just gotten a second-degree burn," she explains. "Go treat it!"
160 Some sites covet ill - gotten gains and sell the personal information of users.
161 In this paper, the ionic absolute standard heat of formation is gotten.
162 Humeral ministry and the skin that the arm is in are gotten flabbily the fiercest, need exercises muscle regularly.
163 Main line should is in charge of centenary, shake to be not gotten.
164 Certainly the glory prestige family's blood relationship with thoroughly has also not gotten rid of sufficiently, for example with the heteromorphous head lamp headlamp which 750 inherit.
165 But Stetson had just gotten a good look at the Yamato. The ship appeared to be listing badly.
166 A bit exaggerative ? Perhaps be. Considering cosmetic itself nevertheless is a woman make beauty dote on countenance, indefinitely oneself weapon, why we cannot is narcissism gotten more luxuriant?
167 Now this whole goddamn mess has just gotten out ofhand here!
168 His passion had gotten to that stage now where it was no longer coloured with reason.
169 If say oneself know English, that deceives people, colloquial flooey is gotten very, total meeting blames an environment, it is interest and persistence actually, I think a society really.
170 The pictures were normal case photography method, and the relevant angle was gotten by digital theodolite.
171 All of that has gotten the Rockets exactly zero playoff - series wins.
172 The mode field distribution of end - face, gotten from the experiment , is accordant with theory.
173 Ultrafine active alumina was prepared by calcinating nano-sized pseudoboehmite which was gotten by chemical deposition method under strong agitation.
174 Abundant sweet orange has gotten a lot of recognition south, also greeted a few censure.
175 The blues has finally gotten me today. I really have the blues today.
176 Because, the product of OVM already was gotten on the international market coquettish!
177 Eventually, the relative position between mica - slot's center line and cutter is gotten.
178 The road initial profile is gotten by marked watershed segmentation in quaternion space with multi-spectral images which solve the question of how to set the initial border in the model.
179 My hair's gotten a little too long. I want a crew cut.
180 And the hard truth is if I had let Eden play in the mud like a baby farm animal, he still may have gotten allergies.
181 Maggie: Don't you take that tone with me, young man. Raffles are illegal. You could've gotten our little Ben thrown in the slammer !
182 Mintz has gotten a rare glimpse at the underbelly of tireless ambition.
183 The long term strength has gotten from the isochronal curves.
184 Had the former chairman of Princeton's economicsdepartment had gotten that answer from an undergrad, Bernanke probably wouldhave winced.
185 Others in the room were dismayed that no one defended them or pointed out that Clinton had gotten himself into a bind over Haiti by promising too much during the campaign.
186 The trader may have just gotten lucky and experienced a profit windfall.
187 Senator McCain appears to have gotten a sizable boost from last week's Republican convention.
187 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
188 I just wish I could have gotten a recording of your snoring. "
189 By using stochastic optimal control theory, the Hamilton _ Jacobi _ Bellman ( HJB ) equation for target function was gotten.
190 What we have gotten here is more a brawl than a debate.
191 The factory has gotten the ISO9001: 2000 certificate, CE and CCC certificate. We have sale the product all over the world. We can produce according to your sample or special request.
192 The influences of slag on the formation Kinetics of portland cement Clinker have beeninvestigutea. The activation energy and reaction rate constant of Clinker formation reactionhawe been gotten.
193 We should have gotten steaks,'cause they don't have legs and run around.
194 I remembered that Peter had gotten my coat from the coatroom.
195 Darling has a fish, how is throat gotten stuck to do by fish bone?
196 Nash has never been great defensively, and he has gotten worse lately.
197 When upgrading runes gotten in - game the cost of the old rune will now be refunded.
198 I feel shivery and I have gotten a sore throat.
199 Moreover, with version 0.7, Pippy has gotten faster, more stable, and easier to use.
200 It's all fair game if they even think they can trace it to ill - gotten gains.
201 Taste what the management mode of dispatch net has gotten businessman and customer to approbate.
202 I often wonder what direction my life might have taken if I'd gotten the job at Montgomery Ward.
203 Even if they've gotten the suit meticulously dry-cleaned, the bags and dark circles under their eyes give away the sleepless nights they've spent thanks to bed-wetting and night terrors.
204 Many countries also began the domestic legislation - laundering ill - gotten gains.
205 Carrie had gotten herself up charmingly enough, but this woman pained her by contrast.
206 The school has gotten a black eye from this incident.
207 After Atheno-Peloponnesian War, the ancient Greek polis declined. But their humanism ideas have passed through the long history and gotten into the tradition of the western humanism.
208 Chondroitin sulfate was deposited by ethanol after eliminating the protein and fattiness with protease and lipase, then the product was gotten after desiccation.
209 Why are you being such a turd! I wish I hadn't gotten married!
210 Information of lithology, sediment structure and crack are gotten from imaging log measure information.
211 John seemed to have gotten his second wind after drinking a cup of coffee.
212 Ashley has gotten these accounts in an awful snarl -- Oh, that party?
213 A greenhorn who has gotten burned may ask for a guru's track record.
214 Through solving this equation regular formula of the eigen solution is gotten in the symplectic space.
215 The issue also gotten attention from U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates.
216 In the test of shooting range , it is called optics measure image which we have gotten images through using optical equipment as film altazimuth -, high speed film equipment -. trajectory camera.
217 Al: I applied for the job at the slaughterhouse, but still haven't gotten a reply.
218 He had, however, recently gotten an auto loan, which likely lowered his score.
219 So far, President Obama's economic relations with China have gotten off to a better start than any President's since George H.W. Bush.Sentence dictionary
220 The best condition of preparation for nanometer magnesium hydroxide are gotten.
221 One day I was visiting her just after she'd gotten a new BB gun.
222 The fusion belief function assignment is gotten by using D-S rule and fuzzy logic theory, and fault component is found.




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