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单词 Eternity
1 Eternity is in love with the productions of time. 
2 A day is a miniature of eternity
3 A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops. 
4 I have always found the thought of eternity terrifying.
5 God will live for all eternity.
6 Eternity is not a distance.
7 Though the sunset fell, love eternity.
8 It seemed an eternity before the police arrived.
9 Eternity is not a distance but a decision.
10 They vowed to love each other through all eternity.
11 They haven't been given these rights for eternity - they should justify having them just like most other people have to.
12 Here she waited for what seemed like an eternity .
13 A teacher affects eternity.
14 1.A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.
15 The idea of eternity is beyond our full understanding.
16 He waited for an eternity.
17 That week was an eternity of solitude and boredom.
18 There will be rich and poor for all eternity.
19 The war continued for an eternity.
20 He gave her an eternity ring when their son was born.
21 After what seemed like an eternity the nurse returned with the results of the test.
22 Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in a mirror. Kahlil Gibran 
23 It seemed an eternity in coming.
24 To feel the flame of dreaming and to feel the moment of dancing,when all the romance is far away,the eternity is always there.
25 Hold infinity in the palm of your hand. And eternity in an hour.
26 to feel the flame of dreaming and to feel the moment of dancing,when all the romance is far away,the eternity is always there.
27 When everything is gone with the wind, when all those special moments into eternity.
28 The film went on for what seemed like an eternity.
29 Nine months is a long time for anyone, but it's an eternity for the very young.
30 They believed that their souls would be condemned to burn in hell for eternity.
1 I have always found the thought of eternity terrifying.
2 God will live for all eternity.
3 They vowed to love each other through all eternity.
4 They haven't been given these rights for eternity - they should justify having them just like most other people have to.
5 Here she waited for what seemed like an eternity .
31 Suddenly, two weeks seemed an eternity.
32 The problem was to define eternity.
33 Its thin current slides away, but eternity remains.
34 I would slide unmoving into eternity.
35 Here she remained for what seemed an eternity.
36 Held so tightly, she had to endure his demanding kiss for what seemed an eternity.
37 The few moments seemed like eternity: no movement, no conversation, no development.
38 I lay there for what seemed like an eternity and feeling in a sort of panic.
39 They had practised together for only an hour, yet it seemed like an eternity.
40 From an observer's point of view this adhoc approach to eternity and salvation poses acute problems of description.
41 Just seven days since he'd gone, and each one had seemed like an eternity.
42 Life and death are one, even as the river and the sea are one.In the depths of your hopes and desires lies your silent knowledge of the beyond; and like seeds dreaming beneath the snow, your heart dreams of spring. Trust the dreams, for in them is hidden the gate to eternity. Kahlil Gibran 
43 As well as the physical provisions, certain moral and ethical standards had to be met in order to gain eternity.
44 I love you, I need you, I want you by my side for all eternity.
45 His reply astounded me, and will ring in my ears for eternity.
46 It is therefore often wise to pitch such descents, which of course can take an eternity.
47 As for being out with Susan, Tom and Cyril, that seemed like an eternity ago.
48 Did Brampton's soul hover here, as he would for eternity, between heaven and hell?
49 We only waited five minutes, but it seemed like an eternity.
50 The moment was eternity, trembling like a dewdrop on a rose, endlessly about to fall.
51 For death is no more than a turning of us over from time to eternity. William Penn 
52 His body ached to be tucked into bed for the night or for eternity.
53 The cause of the crash will continue to be a mystery for all eternity.
54 Commuting between Time and eternity, Iyer helps us to understand the disoriented, directionless contemporary condition.
55 There is, to be sure, a certain logic in the view which advocates the relinquishment of doomed creatures to eternity.
56 It will be a great happiness to meet George MacDonald in eternity, if I get there as well.
57 After what seemed an eternity the engine was restarted and gradually faded away into the night.
58 In this, of course, he was helped by Jacob Marley, his dead partner doomed to roam through eternity in chains.
59 All that live must die, passing through nature to eternity. William Shakespeare 
60 These were intensified by the fact that he had been accused of believing that the world would continue to exist for eternity.
61 She is said to be bricked up in her room, spinning her hand loom for all eternity.
62 The ball bobbled along the goal-line for what seemed an eternity before Olney screwed it wide.
63 Dickinson, to the contrary, used the dash to stitch her meaning to -- Eternity.
64 It will feel like an eternity, but you will have learned to handle silence for half a minute.
65 Yet how much time do we give to where we will spend eternity?
66 He overthrew the Pythia, who with her ancestors had ruled for an eternity.
67 Death is nothing else but going home to God, the bond of love will be unbroken for all eternity. Mother Teresa 
68 I am not afraid to make a mistake, even a great mistake, a lifelong mistake and perhaps as long as eternity too. James Joyce 
69 Surely in time and eternity only death and hell were really serious.
70 The day which we fear as our last is but the birthday of eternity. Seneca 
71 He held her with those ice-blue pools for what seemed an eternity, draining her resistance, mesmerising her.
72 There is luminous motion that binds family together for eternity.
73 Days, months, years, and so on were all members of relay teams marching through eternity.
74 This 1 2 4 series will repeat, generation after generation, into eternity.
75 He uses relativity to throw light on time and eternity, and indeterminacy to comment on free will.
76 It seemed like an eternity before the shots were taken and the interview with the local Press was wrapped up.
77 Do you think the ice around your own heart might have melted for eternity?
78 How could I not resent some stupid clouds robbing me of my one, brief glimpse of eternity?
79 This new phase, following on the day of judgement, was to last for all eternity.
80 But as the period of relative calm continued, it seemed to last an eternity.
81 She told him about the Elder, and of the eternity of memories he had poured unasked into her head.
82 The mystery kept secret from all eternity is now about to be made clear.
83 I drop into an unchangeable eternity!
84 Every day an eternity, every minute precious and energizing.
85 Archimonde : Your soul will languish for eternity.
86 Yells: Your soul will languish for eternity.
87 Time's thievish progress to eternity.
88 Your soul will languish for eternity.
89 As if you could kill time without injuring eternity.
90 Eternity is inapprehensible to mankind.
91 The preacher promised us eternity.
92 My soul. An eternity of servitude.
93 That key is your own self,(http:///eternity.html) and in the development and the purification and in the incorruptibility of that self alone is the Kingdom of Eternity.
94 A fleeting glimpse of eternity, and in a flash , they are gone.
95 And stands like a blank milestone along the way to eternity.
96 This circular pendant symbolizing harmony and eternity is both timeless and classic.
97 We pulled up at a canvas tent out on the ice that seemed to stretch to eternity.
98 He studied the scrawled words for what seemed an eternity.
99 Knowing full well that men could abolish poverty, you are nevertheless aware of its eternity and you feel a bitter anxiety in which man appears in all his petty inconsequence.
100 At this time of beauty, I speak to our careful tutor that to see a world in a grain of sand and a heaven in a wild flower, to show infinity in the glim of your eyes and eternity in an hour.
101 In the former chapter, we see the toughness of wood and steadiness of stone combined together. Now we represent the incisiveness of metal and eternity of stone.
102 That key is your own immolation, and in the development and the purification and in the incorruptibility of that immolation alone is the Kingdom of Eternity.
103 Bootstrap Bill, you're a liar and you will spend an eternity on this ship.
104 I have shown you everything we have. Unless you want your mother to spend eternity in a lemon yellow pant-suit, go with the burgundy.
105 His sick heart lifted in the haunting eternity of the hills.
106 After what seems like an eternity, Lars emerges in a chaos of crab legs, pincers and human arms.
107 The values of imperishability and eternity are attached to childhood in its unique properties even in those points in which it differs from life in its broader phases.
108 Stage 9: All who failed their saving throw verus paralyzation now turn into skeletons and will roam this place for the rest of eternity.
109 King Oedipus by Sophocles-the famous playwright of ancient Greece-was a representative of the eternity of classical Greek tragedies.
110 Any other future complement than the one fixed from eternity is impossible.
111 In the Standard Model , the fine structure constant is immutable throughout eternity.
112 The statues here portray Ramses II as Osiris, god of the afterlife, who helps the dead live for eternity.
113 He thus implicitly compares himself toSisyphus, a Greek king condemned to Hades for double-dealing andpunished by being forced to roll boulders uphill, only to have themroll down again for eternity.
114 The eternity of things in itself or in God must also astonish our brief duration.
115 Illidan Stormrage: It has an eternity, brother. An eternity spent in darkness!
116 Control: emotional, language and behavior. Think: Life, death and eternity. Abandon: evil, ignorance and betrayal. Train: a rational and humble and curiousness.
117 Those deemed unworthy were condemned to Tartarus to suffer for eternity.
118 I long for eternity because there I shall meet my unwritten poems and my unpainted pictures.
119 For this, we are cherished, value each land, we will as always fine to product essence carve carve, the view that leaves eternity for the city is consecratory our force.
120 I long for eternity because there I shall meet my unwritten poems and unpainted pictures.
121 You have your own conception of eternity and you as everyone want to eternalize yourself.
122 The swift strokes of the timepiece chopped Eternity to pieces.
123 Mathias: Then come with me. I will give you eternity, too.
123 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
124 King Oedipus by Sophocles-the famous playwright of n1ait Greece-was a representative of the eternity of classical Greek tragedies.
125 Lost somewhere between immensity and eternity is our tiny planetary home, the Earth.
126 "Constant Tao" suggests such features of the Tao as eternity , indescribability , profundity , subtlety , irreplaceability and imperishability , etc.
127 This verse omits sanctification. Here, the application of redemption is viewed from eternity to eternity.
128 Tanizakijunichirou, well-known for the various' deformed and even vicious characters created in his fictive world in his early works, sets his keynote in the pursuit of "women of eternity".
129 Philosophy seeks eternity and goodliness , but political practice always has deficiency.
130 Athos a little clod of the universe: all the present time is a point in eternity.
131 Six seasons without a World Series is an eternity in Yankeeland.
132 He is on a mission to bring us back into community with the Father, to get us through the narrow gate into the kingdom of heaven, and his view of eternity keeps him focused on the unity of the law.
133 After a fleeting online eternity of each side giving gainful employment to the other, a sort of synthesis of opposites was reached by some liberal and some conservative pundits.
134 The word eternity represented itself with all its incomprehensible additions.
135 A snowslide may make an everlasting love story, but even the snowslide cannot ensure Eternity.
136 Such wide and undetermined prospects are as pleasing to the fancy, as the speculations of eternity or infinitude are to the understanding.
137 For it was they, and their ox little abbot, who plotted to incarcerate me in this dungeon hall for an eternity.
138 Communism is the birth of right person, it is the devotional practice of human eternity.
139 Which would really suck – pregnant for eternity ? I'm shuddering at the thought.
140 Seasonal commutation replace eternity is changeless, and the index of tide always is metabolic multiterminal however.
141 I believe that life is infinitesimally brief in relation to the immensity of eternity.
142 Standing upon the shore of eternity, I turn for a last look landward over the course by which I came.
143 We are told that given eternity, this is a task that could be accomplished, always supposing somebody were there to whisk away the sheets whenever they wrote a word and finally put it back together.
144 I looked at her silhouette as she took an eternity to tune the boom box to a station playing soft romantic Son.
145 In Tibetan Buddhism, a pair of and female fished signify an unfixed realm, rebirth and eternity.
146 So it does, the freedom and education are the Eros, are the pursuit of the eternity.
147 Andrew Marvell, a British poet structured his verse To His Coy Mistress with syllogism, of which the mid paragraph dealt with time and existence with the universe, i. e. eternity.
148 Love is blinding, an eternity a singe moment, a religion worth dying for and time consuming.
149 But in all my past offerings is there not a single flower made fadeless by the eternity of tears ?
150 He regarded the soul not only as immortal but as preexisting through all eternity.
151 They are unknown but the names of that quartette have been known ever since and will be throughout Eternity. We will meet them all ourselves someday.
152 I am convinced that the West marriage went well beyond "till death us do part" and will last throughout eternity.
153 After the dispute of datival Linhaotai, what how answer hotel industry oneself is straight sell promotion,(Sentencedict) or the topic for discussion that will become the eternity that carry Cheng.
154 Progress is the eternal as eternity and is posited on action not inaction through inane waiting.
155 From "Eternity and the Charnel Ground" in Crazy Wisdom , pages 42 to 43.
156 Ross: I have shown you everything we have. Unless you want your mother to spend eternity in a lemon yellow pant-suit, go with the burgundy.
157 Love may last forever except in a snowslide , but even snowslide cannot ensure Eternity.
158 Four years is a long time for a direct port to be in development, and two years is an eternity to go without a status update.
159 In savasana, I did not see a corpse, or feel like this was an end, but instead saw eternity and the endlessness of our breath.
160 In the fragile and fugacious extent of life, Li Ming has been trying to reach that eternity.




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