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单词 Focused
1. Suspicion focused on her husband.
2. The study was criticized for being too narrowly focused.
3. He focused his mind on his lessons.
4. The discussion focused on topical issues in medicine.
5. The discussion focused on three main problems.
6. The pith of his speech was focused on the importance of education.
7. He focused the sun's rays on a paper with a burning glass.
8. Life never stops pushing forward. Stay focused and never slow down with regrets.
9. He focused his binoculars on the building in the distance.
10. He focused his blue eyes on her.
11. It's as if all eyes are focused on me.
12. I quickly focused the camera on the children.
13. Piaget's research focused on children's thought processes .
14. The department undertakes highly focused research.
15. All eyes were focused on him.
16. His eyes focused slowly in the dark room.
17. Research has focused on improving the car's aerodynamics.
18. Althusser's writings are focused mainly on France.
19. He focused his binoculars on the building opposite.
20. The camera was focused on an old woman.
21. Media attention focused today on the prince's business affairs.
22. He found the binoculars and focused them on the boat.
23. Business managers are focused on increasing their personal wealth by any available means.
24. The company has gradually focused on its current areas of specialization.
25. They're making judgments based on a narrowly focused vision of the world.
26. Media coverage of the march focused on the few fights that broke out.
27. Had she kept the camera focused on the river bank she might have captured a vital scene.
28. I think it is time you woke up and focused your thoughts on more worldly matters.
29. She should do well in her studies this year—she's very focused.
30. These big general issues should be broken down into more narrowly focused questions.
1. Suspicion focused on her husband.
2. The study was criticized for being too narrowly focused.
3. He focused his mind on his lessons.
4. The discussion focused on topical issues in medicine.
5. The discussion focused on three main problems.
6. The pith of his speech was focused on the importance of education.
7. I think it is time you woke up and focused your thoughts on more worldly matters.
8. He focused the sun's rays on a paper with a burning glass.
9. He focused his binoculars on the building in the distance.
10. If a person is short - sighted, images are focused in front of their retina.
11. Degree courses have traditionally focused on the established great writers of the past.
12. All eyes were focused on him when he came in.
31. The beams of light moved across the sky and focused on the aircraft.
32. Following a day of medical research, the conference focused on educational practices.
33. If a person is short - sighted, images are focused in front of their retina.
34. Degree courses have traditionally focused on the established great writers of the past.
35. For all maternity clothing retailers, most above-the-line promotion is conducted through focused sources such as mother and baby magazines.
36. Every ounce of attention was focused on our common goal.
37. All eyes were focused on him when he came in.
38. I spent the next year just wandering. I wasn't focused.
39. He inevitably focused on his own concerns, with only a passing query about Jeff.
40. Laura was almost tangibly aware of his hard grey eyes focused on her.
41. The attention of the news media was firmly focused on the elections.
41. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
42. Letting it go he focused on the dell.
43. Matanzas Creek has focused so far on aromatic products.
44. The picture focused upon the questing, flexing fingers.
45. For 20 years, it focused exclusively on white men.
46. Avon was compulsively focused on long-term business plans.
47. Two pairs of accusing eyes focused on her.
48. It is too narrowly focused and costly.
49. The small blue eyes focused on Nanny Ogg.
50. The new plan focused on reducing carbon dioxide emissions by cutting energy consumption.
51. Indeed, according to Booth, it is only in the last couple of years that it has focused on product marketing.
52. To the extent that he focused on Indochina at all, he was ambivalent.
53. First, their case focused attention upon the ambiguous ethical relationship between campaign contributions and political favours by elected officials.
54. It has focused on congestion, vocational education and the freight sector's public image.
55. Imperialism focused on one or two natural resources, thus creating a homogeneous agricultural proletariat, all doing the same labouring job.
56. It's a traditional western focused on the adventures of black cowboys.
57. And some clues emerged to the motives of the group that seemed focused on reaching for an extraterrestrial haven.
58. Their coverage is tightly focused in order to achieve rapid but lasting impact on managers' effectiveness.
59. Although the new managers had focused on the privileges that came with formal authority, the superiors emphasized the duties-the accountability.
60. Recent attention has focused on endoscopic injection with encouraging results.
61. Chrysler too has focused on management change to increase its competitiveness.
62. Our particular strength is that we have progressively focused into areas of specialisation including pharmaceuticals and fine chemicals.
63. Officials were at pains to point out that it was focused on resolving border disputes and promoting trade.
64. It was raining then, but she was focused on the job, on the opportunity to coach in the Pac-10.
65. Demonstrations throughout the city have focused on immigration and an calling for an amnesty for illegal aliens.
66. A dropped tail continues to wriggle, keeping the attention of the predator focused on it while the prey makes its escape.
67. The interest is simply focused on the few individuals who commit several serious atrocities.
68. Much academic attention has been focused on the classification of the social groups comprising the new types of communities in rural areas.
69. The investigation focused on a college course Gingrich taught with financial support from nonprofit foundations.
70. Traditionally, the study of politics and its relationship to the mass media has focused on institutions and bonafide political actors.
71. If your attention is not focused, it inevitably becomes the territory into which your mind will wander.
71. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
72. But gas prices remained low, and car buyers focused on comfort and performance rather than fuel-efficiency.
73. In 1961, the New Abolitionists focused their attention on segregation in interstate transportation, particularly on passenger buses.
74. The process used to derive criteria commenced with a general view of the learning objectives to be focused upon.
75. As the recession has deepened, so greater attention has focused on the issue of the late payment of debt.
76. In the analysis of change, the various theorists have focused on different agents of change, which are often social classes.
77. This point is considered further below. Legal intervention in truancy cases has focused on the notion of parental responsibility.
78. Tight supplies worldwide have kept traders focused on any potential crop failure.
79. The group focused heavily on its three core areas,() and disposed of several operations which fell outside its strategy.
80. Other initiatives include regular meetings between customers and management and more frequent and focused sales and technical visits to customers.
81. For millions of years of human evolution, male eroticism has focused on fertile women.
82. Ambitious, focused, and in command, Plum was highly respected by his staff end patients.
83. This study was very focused, and clearly established the bottom line for obese men.
84. Thus attention may be focused on the educational process or on the output or product of this process.
85. Texaco is also focused on exploration, and has three deepwater gas discoveries in the Gulf.
86. The School Book Award, which rewards excellence in educational publishing, this year focused on science, with 49 entries.
87. While not solely triggered by political concerns, they all eventually focused on the need for reform and the lack of democratisation.
88. The certified question was addressed and answered after argument focused exclusively on it.
89. This was a formal process which focused on staff development by setting goals for the coming year.
90. But Friday, long-term interest rates fell as investors focused primarily on the good inflation news.
91. He focused his attention on them, concentrating on trivia, blocking out anxiety.
92. The impact of inflation and high interest rates has focused increased attention on the financial implications of nearly all business decisions.
93. For now, attention is focused on the first two reasons why firms invest, rather than rely purely on third-party trade.
94. Much of it is therefore being focused on new developments for commercial exploitation in industry.
95. Of medium height and build, he crouched behind the car, perched elbows on the roof, focused the binoculars.
96. The study, at a large Fortune 100 manufacturing company, focused on employees who provide personal care to an older relative.
97. Since then, Pepper has focused his efforts on gaining a trial in criminal court.
98. Does he like you to be laid-back with him or very focused on him and very enthusiastic?
99. He then focused on the possibility of a reconciliation mediated by elders in the Mandelas' branch of the Xhosa tribe.
100. He got it close and holed out and then the camera focused on Brian Harley, who had a slightly shorter putt.
101. Do see weaknesses as mechanical problems, which, with consistent and focused tweaking, you can fix.
101. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
102. She tried to keep her blurred eyes focused on the sky.
103. Its activities were largely focused on telecommunications, the heavy electrical sector and on defence electronics and avionics.
104. The survey focused on four major factors: diet, exercise, smoking, and alcohol consumption.
105. In attempting to halt the worst offences of multinationals, many proposed alternatives have focused on the protection of basic rights.
106. As possible locations for a hotel became increasingly focused, Brown realised that he needed partners.
107. All my attention focused on the commissioning fee, which I regarded as derisory.
108. Debate within the Justice Department has focused in part on analyzing the constitutionality of Proposition 209, the Justice official said.
109. Parents say the catch is that they have to be careful not to be too focused on these children.
110. At its best it had focused ideas and inculcated democratic values.
111. A stunned silence fell upon the room as they focused their attention on what they thought was princess Voluptua.
112. And then your office can do what it does best: act as an arena for your focused business energies.
113. The advanced training program focused on estate planning and liability management.
114. In March, Emap Digital was formed into a separate division drawing together Emap's established internet presence in one focused organisation.
115. At first they just focused on the fun part, the social events.
116. Not one of them is focused, on message or safe to be left alone with a computer.
117. They focused popular discontent over the double-standard and the complicity of aristocratic men in child prostitution.
118. The research is focused on developing a suitable model of an export marketing system for Northern Ireland's seed potatoes.
119. I was so focused on setting the business up, I forgot I was a key to the whole business.
120. Where a country espouses outward-looking policies, it may continue to behave in many important respects as though it were still domestically focused.
121. Here we see that same attention to detail, physical presence and construction focused on much more accessible subject matter.
122. A final problem with applying traditional measurement techniques to white-collar professional groups was that traditional measurement focused primarily on efficiency.
123. Fortunately, he has a high worry temperature, focused on the right area: reaching a goal he has set.
124. The innovation once focused around Unix hardware vendors is slipping towards the personal computer.
125. But criticism of Mrs Roosevelt focused primarily on her involvement in public issues.
126. Interest is now focused on how this might manifest itself in the government's promised rethink on constitutional reform.
127. The structure that comes with limit setting helps such a child stay organized and focused.
128. It would seem that much effort up to now has focused upon information gathering to the neglect of the other two processes.
129. Attention is focused on the external environment and markets, rather than customers.
130. When museum planning began in 1991, officials were so focused on exhibits that souvenirs never crossed their minds.
131. Also, it is arguable that too much attention had been focused upon the spectacular and exciting youths.
132. Attention will be focused on young people who are not normally considered to be at risk in terms of drug misuse.
133. The marketing department was much more focused under his leadership.
134. Holtzman brought him down in a fierce primary battle that focused on his age.
135. The school had the equivalent of two full-time secondments available through the Sheffield school focused development programme.
136. Margarit's attention is sharply focused, however, as she brings on stage a small mound of straw.
137. Most of its partisans had focused mainly on military actions, neglecting political efforts necessary to mobilize mass support.
138. Until recently, attention has focused on the measurement and disclosure issues associated with representational faithfulness and neutrality.
139. I focused on a light red DeVille with plush leather seats and electric windows.
140. The easy money regime focused attention on monetary policy and contributed to the significance accorded to the money supply in later years.
141. In spite of the increased emphasis on planning and focused decision-making, admission to local authority care was often hasty and ill-planned.
142. Statutory agencies can encourage the establishment of local ethnically focused voluntary organizations by targeting specific grant aid.
143. Ostentatious expenditure focused the attention of the poor on the wealth of the wealthy, for this of course was its purpose.
144. The latter allows more focused advertising and distribution and probably higher margins.
145. The case has again focused attention on tension between Miami's police force and the city's black community.
146. In karate the kiai is used during the execution of a focused technique.
147. Always the sound is superbly focused, the inflexion unanimous; it may be lean, but it is never thin.
148. Attention should be focused on developing renewable energy sources, he said.
149. It would focus his attention where it should be focused: on finding Samantha.
150. That has focused even more attention on the subject of quality management nationwide.
151. Do I inch forward confidently, eyes focused with determination on you-ahead, not back, down or sideways?
152. Attention has also focused on acid deposition effects on a wide range of crops.
153. Recent work has focused on the gastrin acid secretion feedback loop and identified a number of potential pathogenetic pathways.
154. There, the case for network computers is focused more on the desktop itself.
155. Concern was also focused on the fact that Ringaskiddy school was within 400 yards of the planned asbestos dump site.
156. To account for this process revisionist work has focused attention on the experience of students in higher education.
157. Government policies from 1979 have focused attention on the private sector.
158. Legal intervention in truancy cases has focused on the notion of parental responsibility.
159. But their worry is focused like a hot, illuminating light in the right ways.
160. In recent years, its growth has stalled as it focused on consolidating its far-flung empire into a unified national company.
161. Everyone was well prepared and focused on the key issues.
161. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
162. Fenn blinked his eyes and focused on the ceiling, the dream fading rapidly.
163. Hinn focused his gaze on the opposite end of the stadium, near the top.
164. Research into classroom interaction has not focused directly on children's explanations.
165. The technique involves the use of a micro-beam of electrons which are focused on the sample surface using electrostatic lenses.
166. Carefully, Kirov adjusted his position, his eyes focused on that cracked sink-edge.
167. This is primarily a Delightful Precipice album(), with much bravura contrapuntal writing and Django's vision more focused than ever.
168. Iris was discoursing with animation, her hands describing sweeping patterns in the air, her whole attention focused on her subject.
169. James K.. Glassman, a leading conservative columnist, recently complained that conservatives were too focused on balancing the budget.
170. Our response to recession must simply be to be more determined, focused and innovative.
171. Sear focused on the question of the extent to which degree results are correlated with A-level results.
172. The 6 month trial focused on the chain of events leading to the murder.
173. Be sure to get concrete and focused information from some one well connected to the writing world.
174. Attention is focused on the organization undergoing change, rather than on comparison with any control group.
175. Courage means to keep working a relationship, to continue seeking solutions to difficult problems, and to stay focused during stressful periods. Denis Waitley 
176. A comprehensive study done a few years ago focused on what particular quality was shared by winning race car drivers.
177. A lot of workers have very narrowly focused job skills.
178. Stock and bond markets recovered yesterday as investors focused on other issues besides the budget impasse.
179. After a year at Central Washington, where his interests focused on mathematics, Martin enlisted in the Navy.
180. The reporting of the paratroopers' case focused on events which were intrinsic to the court process.
181. Robson's text, which focused mainly on administrative adjudication, was complemented by the work of Willis on delegated legislation.
182. Now that the study of Latin has declined, interest has focused on how problem solving is taught in mathematics classes.
183. But while I spotted eighteen known spies in my first glance around, none of them seemed to me focused on me.
184. The notebooks and the focused career exploration give stun dents a sense of accomplishment and something to show to potential employers.
185. Businesses are focused on survival - everyone's battening down the hatches.
186. He focused on older kids, because he saw too many of them on street corners getting into trouble.
187. To achieve that, Mr Grass has focused on a prototype for new Rite Aids and makeovers of some current stores.
188. The Supreme Court's decision also focused attention on the Freedom of Choice bill currently awaiting congressional consideration.
189. Political explanations Radical feminist and Marxist feminist interpretations of the education system have focused less on attitudes and more on power structures.
190. His belting experiments, too, focused on costs more than on horsepower or coefficients of friction.
191. When audits have gone beyond counting activity alone they have focused mainly on blood glucose concentration as a proxy measure of outcome.
192. The killing, which occurred in 1988, was met with worldwide outrage and focused attention on environmental destruction of the Amazon.
193. Ministers as a professional group tend to be averse to data-gathering because they are more people focused than organisation orientated.
194. Goosby no doubt focused his attention on the knife and the blood.
195. But by giving the Government 60 days to cut the price of petrol they have focused ministers' attentions on the issue.
196. Market researchers focused on the firm figure it's more likely a half a million.
197. Thoughts around Salomon Brothers turned away from the greater glory of the firm and focused on self-preservation.
198. When the war ended and demand for aluminum declined, Reynolds Metals focused more energy on developing a household aluminum foil.
199. During the last few years our strategy has been clearly focused on those businesses where we have significant competitive advantage.
200. The district developed a coherent strategy to compete with its neighboring suburbs, focused on the use of technology in the classroom.
201. The bombers are focused on one goal: to murder as many people as possible and eliminate the prospect for peace.
202. At Advanced Tissue, research has focused on replacement parts for accident victims or other patients.
203. Thus any analysis of modern racism should not be focused entirely upon majority groups' images and stereotypes of minority groups.
204. We're focused on the financial, rather than social, aspects of the problem.
205. In Fort Wayne, efforts to redevelop the Southtown Mall property have focused on increasing or changing the mix of tenants.
206. Concern for air pollution focused exclusively upon visible emissions, especially smoke.
207. Journalists, sensing something rotten, have focused on describing the odor rather than identifying the source.
208. In one event after another, audience members from diverse backgrounds asked questions that focused as much on writing as on reading.
209. Materials Technology Division showed significant advances over last year which are particularly gratifying given the management attention focused on this business.
210. The analyst was a prisoner of his own narrowly focused ambition.
211. We focused on those three initial regional managers then polled some of the neighboring ones.
212. Black disunity Mandela's release focused renewed attention on the deep divisions within the black communities.
213. The attention of both reactionary and liberally inclined noblemen focused upon the need to establish a new basis for local government.
214. It is focused on pricing and delivering saying Unix software has outgrown the long sales cycle.
215. Sensibly, the 1994 United Nations conference on population and development in Cairo focused on human needs rather than human numbers.
216. The best position for wall fittings is near to the centre line of the bed, with the light sources focused outwards.
217. Her mind was miles away, focused on imaginary scenarios being played out between Piers and Nicole.
218. Through the watery mist she focused on the red panic button that stood out upon the wall behind the door.
219. A number of geomorphic studies have focused on weathering profiles developed on granite under humid tropical and subtropical climates.
220. Her instants of selfless love, so focused upon me, are balm for my abraded ego.
221. I did want to be very clear and a lot more focused in what I was saying.
222. It is my contention that the response to causes of disruptive behaviour has focused too much on within-child factors.
223. The main debate within planning has focused on the first of these types of development.
224. C.,() at the time of the hearings and the publicity that surrounded him focused congressional attention on both issues.
225. Initial press reports on the Dec. 20 accident focused on how pilot errors got the crew into a navigational jam.
226. The location-factor approach focused on large numerical data sets and on finding statistically significant relationships between variables.
227. Sarah is completely focused on the needs of individual pupils instead of being centred on a particular area.
228. But she took little heed of her surroundings; all her attention was focused on the man himself.
229. I have focused attention on identification with the society as being the most characteristic attitude thus expressed by citizens.
230. While this chapter has focused on moving products back and forth across national borders(), some one has to pay for them.
231. Such stunts, so typical of Ellet, not only enhanced his own reputation but also focused public attention on his project.
232. They focused on concrete, short-term initiatives as well as long-range planning.. 4.
233. The world's greatest achievers have been those who have always stayed focused on their goals and have been consistent in their efforts. Dr Roopleen 
234. Social history Studies of the Miners' Strike have in general focused on their national political dimensions.
235. It focused on the fact that none of the trials showed a decrease in mortality within seven years of follow-up.
236. Having gained the support of the staff, attention then focused on the children.
237. His anger at her taking his carrion was gone and instead focused on the miserable hooded crows.
238. This means that bilingual education must be focused on from an early age and given a high profile throughout the school system.
239. Attention originally focused on the way caffeine affects muscle contraction and reflexes.
240. Under the circumstances, it was only natural that religious life be focused on their gods of war.
241. Thus resolved, Theodora focused her flashlight on the brass doorknob on the panelled door.
242. The voting is now more focused.
243. The foregoing paragraphs have focused on the feasibility of individual sources complying with emission limitations.
244. Russia is newly assertive, but is focused mainly on its own near - abroad.
245. The man focused some binoculars on the green peninsula ahead.
246. Microsoft Certified IT Professional ( MCITP ) : focused on advanced infrastructure design.
247. While advocating family planning, China has mainly focused on contraception.
248. In the poor countries the main concern focused on the question of growth versus income distribution.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 3:59:56