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单词 Circling
1. They caught occasional glimpses of great birds circling.
2. The birds are circling around in the air.
3. They saw the birds were circling again.
4. A plane trailing a banner was circling overhead.
5. The helicopter was circling slowly, very low.
6. We saw three birds circling very high up.
7. A buzzard was circling overhead.
8. An aeroplane was circling round far overhead.
9. The vultures were already circling around the dead animal.
10. The birds were circling around over the lake.
11. There were two helicopters circling around.
12. Emily kept circling around her mother.
13. Several airliners were circling above the airport.
14. Sharks were circling around our boat.
15. Hundreds of gulls were circling overhead.
16. The committee have been circling round the main question throughout the meeting.
17. The teachers are used to circling the pupils' spelling mistakes in red ink.
18. A helicopter was circling around, looking for somewhere to land.
19. These hawks are magnificent in flight, soaring and circling for long periods.
20. He jammed his brakes, and stopped his circling feet.
21. You were both circling like gladiators.
22. Circling, circling, the white walls rising up around you.
23. I breathe, sucking air while circling left.
24. Rich's novels are circling and discursive.
25. Police set up roadblocks circling Harare and prevented thousands of people from gathering in the city centre.
26. He hands them over wordlessly, his other arm circling a briefcase with a broken clasp.
27. However, circling before the horse is presented at the obstacle is not penalised - unlike showjumping.
28. Now shipwreck looters brave a police helicopter circling overhead as they carry their spoils away by bicycle.
28. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
29. He was now heading back in the direction of New York City, by circling the perimeter of the vast estate.
30. In the Sokol valley I was lucky enough to watch a stock circling above for several minutes.
1. They caught occasional glimpses of great birds circling.
2. The birds are circling around in the air.
3. They saw the birds were circling again.
4. A plane trailing a banner was circling overhead.
5. The vultures were already circling around the dead animal.
31. He rocked for a moment on the edge, his arms circling wildly, desperately trying to regain his balance.
32. Luckily, Janice had already glanced away, her eyes circling with interest the splendid sitting-room.
33. Setting specific numbers, circling W's gets you walking a narrow ledge.
34. But this time, not to shadow-box, to merely practice circling and throwing punches inside the roped enclosure.
35. Beneath her the river snaked silver amongst the rushes and meadowsweet and a buzzard circling on high gave its own mournful cry.
36. The woman was wearing a wedding ring with diamonds circling a blue sapphire stone, Rodriguez said.
37. Those that are wounded and stunned will be consumed by the swordfish at leisure, circling round any that start to sink.
38. Once he even took off after a circling turkey vulture.
39. Mack Stroupe is circling like a vulture, even as we speak.
40. Both Annie and Elizabeth were disturbed to find that each morning brought fresh fox tracks circling the hen huts.
41. We had our little mock boxing-matches, in my study, circling round the table as if it were a ring.
42. Keep your foot flexed and start slowly circling your right leg, at the same time bringing it up in the air.
43. Feet astride, knees flexed, bodies perfectly balanced, the two began circling slowly, eyes locked, watchful.
44. Circling once to see where they wanted us to land, he made the approach.
45. What would the editors think of my circling around these benighted fields for six months?
46. Circling a frozen pond, we made our way uphill to rocky outcrops.
47. Two other buzzards wheel in on big circling paths further along, about 30m above the woods.
48. Harbury was doing what Holly would call a lap of honour, circling the room saying goodbyes.
49. Thenceforth, it seems that everything is in ecstatic motion, and the church itself is circling round.
50. Now the ship was in orbit, circling low above the surface of this strangely piebald moon.
51. The males responded by puffing up their chests and circling slowly towards each other.
52. And then I saw a bee circling my head and I could not move.
53. So we find him circling for months around the insoluble problem of Kee, exulting and then despairing, then exulting again.
54. They sell riding over boulders in the outback to people circling the city for parking spaces.
55. The aeroplane - quite a small one - was circling round far overhead.
56. Circling the earth every 100 minutes, it will observe the entire planet every three days.
57. As we watched, some of them took flight and went into their circling display, calling all the time.
58. For example, listening comprehension may be measured by circling true or false after each statement which is heard.
59. She keeps circling between past and present, memory and oblivion, like some one trying to wake up from a nightmare.
60. And as I think this, I watch the birds circling in the sky.
61. As we walked along the beach, I could see seagulls circling above the cliffs.
62. We catch sight of a small plane circling the mountain.
63. When critical habitat is designated, it does not mean federal agents in unmarked helicopters start circling private property.
64. Soon the kites were circling the thermals, a great helix of wide-winged birds sailing the vectors in sweeping corkscrew spirals.
65. They walked off the brick sidewalk, into the street and back again, circling the crowd without looking at them.
66. Gently slide your hands over your partner's face starting from the chin, circling the eyes and over the forehead.
67. We seemed to be circling it like the ribbons of a maypole.
68. Rain falling on to the theatre nearby was collected in a channel circling the orchestra to fill a large rock-cut storage cistern.
69. At Cologne we turned for home, circling the great cathedral at what felt like an angle of forty five degrees.
70. She felt the weight of something fastened on her head, circling her brow.
71. I sat down and he stretched out on the foot of the bed, circling her left ankle with one hand.
72. I went circling as the rains came down, the track cleared and all the other initial trialists went home.
73. We all looked towards the sky where the vultures were circling.
74. An image of a wild rider, white clay on long hair, circling the pyre where her lover lay.
75. Its engine is missing badly and it's circling round as if looking for a landing-place.
76. A reconnaissance plane was circling over the enemy's position.
77. The airplane is circling overhead.
78. A number of birds are circling overhead.
79. A pilgrim circling the Great Hall of Sera Monastery.
80. He turned quickly, his black cloak circling.
81. People are circling around the bonfire and dancing happily.
82. Plastic Circling Box, Plastic Salver, Small Trolley etc.
83. A number of planes were circling overhead.
84. They are circling the Lazuli stone in clockwise direction.
85. I don't know why the cow is fidgeted and circling in the cattle pen.
86. Fly eventually by the flight of Muscovite sailing in the sky face Cuba, circling, preparation lands.
87. It is known that the Lifan 620 media activities are circling ruggedly four sides mountain hold.
88. And one of them, known as HD 85512 b, circling a star about 36 light-years away in the constellation Vela,[http:///circling.html] is sitting just inside its sun's habitable zone.
89. However, we find the condition of their workplace is quite disgusting, with flies circling and a hogpen nearby.
90. Just then he saw a man-of-war bird with his long black wings circling in the sky ahead of him.
91. As Minister for Magic, it is my duty to inform you, Mr. Potter, earlier this evening your uncle's sister was located a little south of Sheffield, circling a chimney stack.
92. What they revealed is a planet circling the red dwarf star, Gliese 581.
93. More sawtooth, circling and frog - shaped strokes appeared, which look wild , bold and enigmatic.
94. For satellites circling the earth, the law of areas is also imperfect.
95. Circling from farcicality to irony and humor, at last returning to farcicality, comedy ends in absurdism, too.
96. They are circling the Lapis Lazuli stone in clockwise direction.
97. I don't know why the cow fidgeted and circling in the cattle pen.
98. Should Eris, and many other objects circling the sun beyond Neptune's orbit?
99. Stop word in between teeth but don't know where to complain, circling back and forth.
100. The video footage apparently showed the shark circling Kulcsar after bumping him off his kayak.
101. Yet an imperfect system can also increase traffic congestion caused by circling for on-street parking.
102. With such dangerously ill-considered threats emanating from the world's only nuclear superpower, little wonder Tehran's own hardliners are circling the wagons.
103. Planet G was the sixth planet found circling Gliese 581, a red dwarf star 20 light-years from Earth.
104. He could not see by the slant of the line that the fish was circling.
105. They starched two hundred white shirts, with a single gathering movement seizing a shirt so that the wristbands, neckband, yoke, and bosom protruded beyond the circling right hand.
106. MLS clubs are circling Juventus for star names Alessandro del Piero and Pavel Nedved.
107. Circling the globe, the boreal forest—its name derived from Boreas, the Greek god of the north wind—comprises one-third of Earth's wooded lands.
108. He practiced the art of circling among random facts to swoop down on the essentials.
109. After a while the fish stopped beating at the wire and started circling slowly again.
110. This maneuver must be done circling both clockwise and counterclockwise.
111. He rowed slowly and steadily toward where the bird was circling.
112. He will start circling soon and then I must work on him.
113. To fly a plane circling at altitude combat with the enemy of the game.
114. There were a few other cars parked close by and some eagles circling(), possibly by an eyrie.
115. We are only circling within a finite time and space, wandering along a tortuous path.
116. National Geographic assistant editor Melville Bell Grosvenor made the first aerial color photograph when he took this shot of the Statue of Liberty by circling the monument in a Navy Airship ZM C2.
117. The globe shows that the entire southern hemisphere is preponderantly water—the widest parts of the AtlanticPacific, the unbroken sweep of Antarctic seas circling the world.
118. Reports of great white shark encounters with humans have been abundant this summer, with a few harrowing incidents of sharks circling tourist and fishing boats yielding dramatic images.
118. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
119. It orbits one of a pair of stars 450 light years away, in the constellation Lacerta , circling its host every few days.
120. I'll let our own Clay Dillow describe this one:This is "a whirling image of the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope and the stars above it circling the southern celestial pole.
121. Rick got the Hellcat in his sights even while Karen was zeroing in on another Inorganic, an Odeon that had been circling toward the children by the fire pit.
122. Now the old man looked up and saw that the bird was circling again.
123. Cruising to the left , then right - circling, and then the small circle.
124. Elizabeth Gaskell has a memorable image of the three of them circling the Parsonage dining table at night, reading and discussing their work.
125. Here's the AC-47 circling the downed pilot together with an A-1 Skyraider, an aircraft which was often used to support such combat search and rescue missions.
126. The globe shows that the entire southern hemisphere is preponderantly water—the widest parts of the Atlantic and Pacific, the unbroken sweep of Antarctic seas circling the world.
127. When the fish are fighting for food and circling an opponent, they make a short, drum-like sound.
128. It may make him jump though and I would rather he stayed circling now.
129. Key warder : valve control lead storage battery; charge method; balanced; Circling life.
130. Due to the dragging force, trajectories of spacecraft circling planetoid can departure from the standard taper curve orbit which is obtained by the two-body hypothesis.
131. The first dream is an infinitely vast grassland, cattle and sheep flocks, goshawk circling overhead, shepherd girl humming the old songs do not.
132. Based on the principle of relativity of sense perceptions and consciousness and cognitive circling system[/circling.html], we put forward the idea that language cognition is to be developed into a modular structure.
133. The plane was kept circling about, waiting for a turn to land.
134. Concealed by snowfall, the chase is watched by golden eagles circling above.
135. Learn folkloric circling with a hop for the Egyptian walk in this free belly dancing video from a belly dancer.
136. Often when a major planet goes direct, like Uranus, you can see clues to strong, positive change in the air in the days closely circling the turnaround date.
137. Heating device: Electric heater unit and hot air circling type to dehumidification.
138. The Earth-size planet seen by the European astronomers appears to be one of seven circling the star, HD 10180, located in the constellation Hydrus.
139. He felt creeping of fate, the circling of wolves, the hover of vultures.
140. Taitung area in the early morning before the emergence of typhoon circling foehn .




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