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单词 Assuming
(1) The country's industry is assuming a new aspect.
(2) assuming it true, what should we do now?
(3) You can pay by cheque, assuming of course you have a valid cheque card.
(4) You were mistaken in assuming it.
(5) I am assuming that the present situation is going to continue.
(6) Aren't you rather previous in assuming I am going to pay?
(7) Even assuming that smokers do see the health warnings, I doubt they'll take any notice.
(8) In the courtroom everybody went into overdrive, assuming that there might well be a verdict soon.
(9) Even assuming this to be in principle possible, it will not be achieved soon.
(10) We can all leave together assuming the others aren't late.
(11) We'll leave on Tuesday -- always assuming the car's repaired by then.
(12) "Assuming you're right," he said, "there's not much I can do about it, is there?".
(13) Assuming that you get a place at university, how are you going to finance your studies?
(14) Financial management is now assuming greater importance.
(15) Assuming the worst was always safer. And usually truer. Laurell K. Hamilton 
(16) Don't be too assuming, it doesn't get you anywhere. Anne Frank 
(17) Assuming he quit the lay-by about twelve-twenty.
(18) His wife was assuming rather too much.
(19) Assuming this means we are near a final draft we should meet to discuss cover design.
(20) And you took too much for granted by assuming your audience was familiar with sponges.
(21) The yield, assuming dividends rise to 14.4p, is 5.6 p.c.
(22) We can stop assuming that women are going to volunteer for the caretaking jobs regardless of how our society treats caretakers.
(23) However, Figure 18-1 is simplified by assuming constant average and marginal short-run operating costs up to full capacity.
(24) Assuming licensees and magistrates act sensibly in seeking and granting approval, I can not see any strong objection to this.
(25) Assuming that Fred's wife has accepted the dinner invitation, have they made a contract? 2.
(26) Now there's confidence for you, assuming that if anybody gets hurt it won't be you.
(27) I hope to go to college next year, always assuming I pass my exams.
(28) Self-managed teams operate in a similar fashion to work-unit teams, but with employees assuming greatly expanded responsibilities.
(29) Their appearance is connected with anharmonicity, which leads to a breakdown of the selection rules derived assuming simple harmonic motion.
(30) Voltmeter readings around IC2 should produce the following results, assuming that the negative lead of the voltmeter is connected to 0V.
(1) The country's industry is assuming a new aspect.
(2) assuming it true, what should we do now?
(3) I hope to go to college next year, always assuming I pass my exams.
(4) You can pay by cheque, assuming of course you have a valid cheque card.
(5) You were mistaken in assuming it.
(31) Assuming Manuel clears waivers, the 49ers said they would sign him to their practice squad.
(32) Here the increment in individual risk from a slight increase in contact rate is negligible, assuming the individual acts alone.
(33) Assuming that some damage has been caused, is negligence necessary for liability for unintentional trespass to goods?
(34) Assuming that this happened in your area, how would you use your increased leisure time?
(35) He leads the reader into assuming that the tribunal is anything other than a kangaroo court.
(36) Assuming the number of buckets is large, the Poisson distribution can once more be used as an approximation to the binomial distribution.
(37) An analysis of the anguished reactions of parents assuming new roles of parenting a handicapped child illustrates some typical responses.
(38) If parents reject advice - and assuming you can not compromise your professional judgement - respect them and leave.
(39) Assuming a free choice becomes possible, it is difficult to foresee any great increase in the numbers of limited partnerships.
(40) Assuming a budget which does not allow for year-round spending, the next major consideration is how to divide it up.
(41) Frequent feeding is the key to producing good offspring, assuming they inherit the potential from their parents.
(42) In the textbook theory of the firm, the cost function is drawn assuming both technical and economic efficiency.
(43) The most vicious can suddenly look very prim when assuming the role of the victim.
(44) Assuming that Short had been playing it straight(), then there remained the question of who stood to lose if Pendero won.
(45) They parked up among some bombed-out ruins, assuming that they had been rumbled.
(46) Assuming for the moment that you did get the job, where would you live?
(47) Because of the stress on argumentation, the rhetorical approach warns against assuming the internal consistency of social consciousness or social representations.
(48) They thus show the number of synonyms created, assuming a perfect randomizing algorithm, for various packing factors.
(49) For example, using the same logic and assuming a constant required rate of return, may be defined as follows:.
(50) I began by assuming I was as good as anyone; better than most.
(51) Jaubert named a price and interest rate, assuming that the man would amortize the cost with a ten-year note.
(52) I am assuming that you have decided not to pursue your initial interest.
(53) Assuming a proportionally similar take-up on university validated courses, there were about 8,500 students on all Dip.HE courses.
(54) Assuming similar proportions even a study of 5000 patients would not have shown a significant difference between the two groups.
(55) Better therefore to try to anticipate such a calamity by assuming the role of an active and vigilant peace-maker.
(56) Assuming authorization has been agreed, actual expenditures, or appropriations, are considered by the appropriation committees.
(57) Company loyalty is in question, however, and assuming workers' commitment to their corporations is unwarranted.
(58) Owners are granted this power in exchange for investing capital or assuming responsibility.
(59) Fourth, we should be cautious in assuming that factor prices are equalized.
(60) His refusal to talk to the media is but the latest example of his disinterest in assuming any leadership responsibilities.
(61) From the benefit of hindsight, it was somewhat naive on my part, assuming that anybody can do anything.
(62) Mr Mayo estimates that loan loss reserves will have to be increased by a third, assuming an economic soft landing.
(63) Baxter had offered to pay up to $ 100 million, with Grace assuming responsibility for the remainder.
(64) The same youngster will have spent only thirteen thousand hours in school, assuming that he or she is regular in attendance.
(65) Assuming the form of the lost love, the spirit comes in a dream to sexually possess the abandoned one.
(66) The other 90 games would be played against teams from other divisions and the other league, assuming interleague play really happens.
(67) Since assuming the helm at Samsung in 1987, Lee has relentlessly pursued growth through exports and foreign investments and partnerships.
(68) The accusing voice was changing, assuming a different timbre, resonant with menace.
(69) Out with the corks of the wine, assuming you haven't done so already, and empty it into a saucepan.
(70) The Stranglers were the punk band your dad could appreciate; assuming you had a dad, that is.
(71) By assuming in dilute solutions the molar mass can be obtained from the Mark-Houwink relation.
(72) The state is just assuming responsibility for building and repairing schools(), which carries a billion-plus price tag.
(73) They took assets on to their books assuming they would sell them at a profit shortly afterwards.
(74) That being the case, the company had been taking his premiums without assuming any actual risk.
(75) An actuary, assuming no casual connection, might calculate the odds against such a coincidence.
(76) Assuming genetic influences, the mode of inheritance can be investigated by segregation analysis of pedigree data.
(77) She spied on him and watched closely over the friendships he formed, in order to prevent him from assuming power.
(78) While assuming a pose of utmost civility and cordiality, Caroline is relentless in her campaign to undermine me.
(79) And assuming, of course, the call wasn't a double bluff.
(80) Adam began to move restlessly in his chair, assuming that the proceedings were now drawing to a close.
(81) He could not abduct Ruth, even assuming he had instructions to do so, which seemed unlikely.
(82) Baillie and Sherrard resigned in 1932 and Leese became the sole leader of the organization, assuming the title of director-general.
(83) That is, assuming there will be room for them once the full panoply of testing and assessment is in place.
(84) Julio Lugo gets the nod at shortstop from the start, assuming he is recovered from a mild shoulder separation.
(84) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
(85) Assuming that shares are purchased, whether to acquire full control, majority holding or a minority stake?
(86) And the world is all too prone to assuming that a scientific solution can work a miracle.
(87) Assuming the same thing happens in the gut, then a vitamin deficiency might make the yeast convert to the hyphal form.
(88) Assuming that eventually ail data users handling personal data on computers are registered, what has been achieved?
(89) Assuming that the more expensive units are stronger and better designed, the birds will produce above the extra outlay.
(90) Companies bid low to get the first contract, assuming they can jack up the price later.
(91) Company staff will begin moving into Topcliffe in April, assuming full responsibility for the operation from July.
(92) Grumman had installed them on the lunar module assuming that the astronauts would wish to use them.
(93) Assuming a standard loan rate of 14.75 percent, a typical £60,000 repayment mortgage would cost £669.77 per month.
(94) He was surprised, assuming that all the uproar at the castle must have been heard.
(95) Capital costs are expressed as annual equivalents assuming a seven year lifespan for the equipment and a 5% discount rate.
(96) However, don't make the mistake of assuming that you necessarily need a conventional bass to construct a bassline.
(97) Am I right in assuming that you have no use for it?
(98) In short, even assuming the highest feasible outcidence rate, the number of heroin users in Wirral appeared to be still increasing.
(99) But this can not be taken as carteblanche for assuming that long-term recorded crime trends correspond to victimization.
(100) Assuming the dossier is genuine, is he a lone whistle-blower or is he a messenger?
(101) Privately financed and provided group medical plans are assuming greater importance.
(102) He persuaded Eisner that interest rates were ideal for assuming a large amount of debt.
(103) Many of us ignore government, assuming that we are too busy to waste our time on such a hopeless cause.
(104) You will not succeed by assuming that decisions alone will achieve behavior change.
(105) Assuming the department would approve, I could tell a story or two.
(106) Adaptation to a culture does not mean automatically assuming all the values of the culture.
(107) Assuming he is fit, he will again share the front row of the grid with his Williams team-mate, Riccardo Patrese.
(108) Thus, assuming two-thirds of those retiring were replaced in work by unemployment beneficiaries, the financial costs could have been halved.
(109) This seemed very Californian; assuming the Peace Position with my llama grazing by my side.
(110) Assuming this passes the Congress, it will change the defence outlook radically.
(111) Furthermore, there are good grounds for assuming that the distinction between sentence processing and discourse processing is by no means a clear one.
(112) Bosnia's five-member presidency has announced the formation of a republican army after assuming emergency powers to prepare a co-ordinated defence.
(113) Classification of Coligny's white grapes jumped from 85% to 90% in 1985, assuming premier cru status.
(114) Assuming voluntary labour in sport to consist of half manual and half professional work gives an average value per hour of £10.38.
(115) Assuming no undue delays this means that telematics may be adopted in the next few weeks.
(116) Police and military leaders have insisted they are not interested in assuming power.
(117) It may be simplified by assuming that the share is held to infinity.
(118) This worker can prescribe and dispense medicine, assuming a major function of a psychiatrist,[http:///assuming.html] for less money.
(119) Assuming the new equilibrium price is instantly established, they derived an expression for the change in price between transactions.
(120) For they beg the questions they ask by simply assuming the truth of individualism.
(121) Lawyers may also add an additional hourly charge for the actual time at trial, assuming the case does proceed to trial.
(122) The purchaser should ask the vendor for a copy of the shareholders' agreement, assuming that the vendor is a party.
(123) But assuming for the moment that we can do better than fight over the trough, how do we do it?
(124) At times the yoke of his vocation was almost unbearable, although there is no indication that he ever regretted assuming it.
(125) Therefore, a purchaser would avoid automatically assuming liabilities by requiring a vendor to dismiss all or some employees prior to completion.
(126) John Smith, once everyone's favourite, looks like assuming the same well worn cloak.
(127) She had made the mistake of assuming they would think as she did.
(128) Here, assuming managers move or can move between company types, this constraint potentially bears on all cases.
(129) After assuming office, he was reluctant to use the existing speech writers because they were strangers to him.
(130) He was even assuming that she was a willing accomplice in all of this ... this madness.
(131) On the evening of the first full rehearsal she is again pressured into assuming a role.
(132) The women were on the whole surprised at the question, apparently assuming that a dispersal of concentration is intrinsic to housework.
(133) Assuming the past is irrecoverable, the obvious fall-back positions are ethnicity and religion, singly or in combination.
(134) At an interest reset date the bonds trade at around par, assuming the issuer's credit quality has not deteriorated.
(135) The Caf Gandoplhi is Glasgow's cooling stream bit, assuming you don't mind queuing.
(136) His parents welcomed him, assuming he was back for an indefinite stay and perhaps interpreting this as a change of heart.
(137) He had been to school one day and already he was using phrases and assuming roles that belonged to a different world.
(138) Many doctors make the mistake of assuming that poor sleep in the elderly is due to old age.
(139) Wolfe also contends that Sulloway was culturally biased by assuming all families throughout history have had the same structure.
(140) Assuming a carefree air, Luke picked up his jacket and walked to the door.
(141) Analysts are blithely assuming they can keep rising.
(142) We implement the principle of assuming responsibility for mistakes.
(143) He contented himself by assuming an air of superiority.
(144) Assuming constant acceleration, find the stopping time.
(145) The play group is assuming an increasing importance.
(146) I'm assuming everyone here has read executive order 1066?
(147) Assuming your driving the ball or hitting with topspin.
(148) Now, you're assuming you don't know anyone professional. Are you sure about that?Even if you're new to the working world, you already know many people who can help you get a good start.
(149) Could they ask to be paid for assuming illiquidity risk?
(150) Landon Donovan, Clint Dempsey and Tim Howard, assuming they come through the first two U.S. matches unscathed, will need to carry the day.
(151) Without assuming the boundedness, monotonicity and differentiability of the activation functions, the conditions ensuring existence and uniqueness of the equilibrium are obtained.
(152) Assuming that you want to measure this steady-state performance, you need to understand all the factors that lead up to it.
(153) Assuming this recession may be prolonged, infrastructure spending also scores well.
(154) A fading correlation model considering antenna spacing, scattering angel and the amount of delay spread was constructed assuming uniform circular antenna (UCA) at the receiver side.
(155) After assuming the title of Jedi Master, C'baoth served the Republic by overseeing the demilitarization of the aggressive Aqualish.
(156) Assuming that adequate investment capital is available, how does the typical U.S. start-up access it on terms that reward fairly both the founder's sweat equity and the investor's risk of capital?
(157) Reducing rent does not change production decisions, so economic rent can be taxed without any adverse impact on the real economy, assuming that it really is rent.
(158) Any of various Fishes, especially the ocean sunfish or puffer, having or capable of assuming a globular shape.
(159) An individual who starts investing $10,000 per year at age 35 will have $1.13 million at age 65, assuming an 8 percent average rate of return.
(160) He is legally discharged from all previous obligations, assuming that his former debts were legal.
(161) Assuming a 12V system in which all the components are properly specified, these circuits can survive load dumps, thanks to the 76V absolute maximum rating for the IC's input-power terminal, VIN.
(162) Below this kind of trend, computer memory is assuming heavier and heavier pressure.
(163) Using a dispatcher queue to execute the code in parallel with the caller and then an OS event to block a public method that waits for the result (assuming a synchronous future pattern).
(164) Or more likely, they're just assuming that we get discriminated against or judged constantly because of who we are(), so they want to make up for it by being as over-the-top pleasant as possible.
(165) Proto-Elamiteis the world's oldest undeciphered script - assuming that it really isa fully developed writing system, which is by no means certain.
(166) Assuming, of course, you wear undergarments. So many young girls these days seem to have no shame.
(167) Assuming a loan-to-value ratio of 70%, the initial payment for a 675-square-foot flat would be around four times median household income.
(168) Life was not so great for the peasants who did all the work, but I'm presumptuously assuming that I'd be a hanger-on at court.
(169) Whatever the organization, we need not only division individual responsibility, but also somebody assuming overall responsibility.
(170) Recommend quantitative target inventory levels for the six European options, assuming a weekly periodic review replenishment.
(171) I'm pretty sure that Sir Isaac would have loved to see this, assuming he wasn't spacesick, as it would have proved his first law of motion to be correct.
(172) Instead of assuming your co-worker is intentionally being rude or inconsiderate, assume he is unaware of how his actions are affecting you.
(173) The long-time creep deformation and strength of the casing in halite stratum were studied assuming the constant creep velocity.
(174) That's assuming they have to give refunds to the 750,000 fans who have paid big money for tickets. And that doesn't count the cost of hotel reservations and flights from across the world.
(175) Assuming her agenda is appealing, the best way to approach is with reciprocal flirtatious gestures.
(176) Assuming that there is at least one functioning traffic manager in a cluster, all traffic IP addresses remain reachable.
(177) Normally this may be calculated simply be assuming additive volumes.
(178) When you write "manual" camera, I' m assuming you are talking about a film camera with a metering system where the needle moves in the viewfinder.
(179) We looked at its relation to the new career that John Milton ended up assuming in the late 1630s: this new career as a polemical writer of political prose.
(180) Well, that is assuming the transmogrification polarity has not been reversed...
(181) Nonlinear motion equations of TLD liquid are established assuming the liquid is incompressible and irrotational. TLD c...
(182) Assuming the household saves 20% of its income for the down payment, it would take the household 18 years to save for just the initial payment.
(183) The code for processing an Atom feed is rather cavalier about assuming that summary is displayable text.
(184) DEVSTATE is an enumeration that I'm assuming you've declared elsewhere in your own header file.
(185) One heavy tank can hold a point by itself, assuming you've weakened them with heavy artillery barrages and fire from your heavy artillery unit.
(186) There is no a priori reason for assuming that these processes will necessarily " hang together " functionally.
(187) Responsible of assuming Party B's all the lost and casualties due to suffering of the claim indemnity that proposed by foreign importer.
(188) Plenty of big dividend payers have performed better than Con Ed over the past decade, assuming reinvestment.
(189) Current models of associative learning explain nonlinear discrimination by assuming that people store stimulus information configural.
(190) Declarative transactions, such as those in EJB's are [a] sledge hammer approach to simplifying transaction management, assuming that every database operation behind the bean is of equal importance.
(191) Assuming only authentic masseter muscle hypertrophy, you can get rid of the masseter muscle surgery.
(192) Assuming no anti - dilution protection Series A investor will suffer a 40 % loss.
(193) You are correct In assuming that we wish to open a charge account with you .
(194) In addition, all present RM research aim to maximize expected revenue, assuming decision-makers are risk neutral and not distinguishing the different risks under the same expected revenue.
(195) In such a case, it is usually settled in the consumer's favor, assuming just claim.
(196) We use partial order and cone theory to study mixed monotone operators , so get existence and uniqueness of fixed point without assuming the operator to be compact or continuous.
(197) Wrongly assuming that she was dehydrated, she chugged down a sports drink.
(198) If these assuming that the condition is nonexistent, element pay is changed equably come true hard.
(199) Assuming all of the documents are in order, the issuing bank will issue a banker's acceptance to the negotiating bank guaranteeing payment at a future point.
(200) Assuming the user selects a journal file, the code jumps back into a new NotesJob to update the bookmark's profile document and to run the code the caller wanted to execute.
(201) Operators assuming first responsibility for equipment, with backup and oversight by plant maintenance experts.
(202) The previous calculation determined the acceleration of the lander assuming a constant acceleration.
(203) Assuming the above screen shots are genuine, the rip-off seems pretty clear.
(204) Assuming that you have a good mail program, that will be very easy for you.
(204) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
(205) Assuming that you have your application modules mapped to multiple clusters and generated the static route file, your next step is to edit the file.
(206) Human relations become " atomised ", assuming a material character independent of human control and conscious activity.
(207) Assuming public accountability is the function of public finance, and government accounting is the assertion, measurement and communication of the process of the discharge of public accountability.
(208) Since assuming the chairmanship of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), Uzbekistan has done a large amount of effective work for the development of this Organization.
(209) Since joining Citigroup in 1999, he has focused mainly on strategy, assuming an "eminence grise" role as a close adviser to Prince, while leaving day-to-day business operations to others.
(210) In our example, we are assuming your annual premium would be $ 2,000.
(211) The domestic electronic payment is assuming the geometry numerical expression swift growth.
(212) Remove the disk from the rootvg (assuming that X is the disk device number), as seen on Listing 6.
(213) This means it should do more damage against lightly armored or fully sundered targets but less damage against heavily armored targets (assuming no armor pen).
(214) Therefore, further (assuming no change in velocity of circulation), the value of the monetary unit must vary exactly and inversely with the amount put into circulation.
(215) Your task is to tell us how many times the central system will have to switch between search engines, assuming that we program it optimally.
(216) Enable dynamic statement caching within your database (assuming it is supported).
(217) On the way out, they have the little girl with them, assuming the recovery went well.
(218) So assuming he's anticipated the fastest egress, it's the east terrace.
(219) May I not presume upon Your mercy by assuming there will be no consequences for my sin. Help me to confess and then to sin no more.
(220) The living standard improves gradually with the people, the glycuresis assuming "riches and honour falling ill " is always looked at previously, the prompt vergence "moderate prosperity falls ill ".
(221) " What is it?'she asked , assuming a cool air.
(222) That does not mean the child is incapable of relating at all. It only means you're assuming a shared system, a shared understanding of signals and meanings, that the child in fact does not share.
(223) Even assuming it's the latter, though, this bit of PR could backfire.
(224) Assuming the program could guess a different random sequence at the rate of 100 per second, it would take an average of 12 years to chance upon your chosen password.
(225) Assuming that the input range is valid, then the writes are safe.
(226) Assuming that you are capable of holding on to the key, just press the giant red button and a resounding belchwill issue forth from your Beer pager beer cozy/coaster.
(227) Learn the test with the most important SEO, I want to tell those learning the friend of SEO very much really: Want to master certain SEO technology, assuming He Peixun tax is otiose on you.
(228) By assuming that the polarized parton distributions and the polarized parton fragmentation functions in a photon satisfy an inhomogenous evolution equation, their moments are obtained.
(229) We find the leftists assuming leadership and becoming the spokesmen for an ideal of international revolution.
(230) Assuming that the buger confronts with the deterministic demand and the lead time is controllable, the vendor and the buyer's total expected cost model is constructed.
(231) Assuming the coming traffic flow to be stationary, a model of nonlinear programming is proposed to decide the arrangement of traffic light time of a single intersection.
(232) We're doing all our business planning assuming that 2002 stays as tough as it is right now. A zero-growth economy.
(233) President Ford's first act assuming the presidency was to reassure the public.
(234) Portland has about $ 8 million in cap space, assuming Channing Frye leaves.
(235) The huge pool of blood in front of her was already assuming the iridescence of coagulation.
(236) Assuming that addNode, shown in the next bit of code, is a variable representing the Add-type node we're interested in, we can access addNode's two children.
(237) In just about every industry (except electronic money transfer, apparently), assuming goodwill is not only more productive, it's also likely to be an accurate forecast.
(238) Then, a logic computational diagram is constructed for calculating diametral growth by assuming as tubing fatigues.
(239) Assuming a large number of concurrent users (for example, 2000), a good starting value for the maximum thread count is 100.
(240) Assuming a horizontal block of ups and downs on the ground, the water's surface and materials County line is a continuous contour.
(241) After assuming the foregoing liability, such directors and senior management personnel may file a claim for recovery from the defendant shareholder.
(242) The latter two of my design goals above can be fulfilled neatly by a neural network (assuming that the original computational problem can be solved with such a network, of course).
(243) Assuming that this can be achieved in a cost - effective manner, it will translate into business success.
(244) She was drawn to the scholastic and artistic crowds in high school but they rejected her point-blank, assuming either that she was a flighty airhead or was mocking the gawky students in those circles.
(245) Few believed that the previous dictator, Than Shwe, had genuinely retired, assuming instead that he would pull the strings from behind the scenes.
(246) After doling out an additional $30 billion for General Motors Corp, the Treasury's unallocated financial rescue funds had dwindled to about $54 billion, assuming other programs get fully funded.
(247) Assuming the BP gusher is stopped and the cleanup successful, government and fishing industry scientists said the Gulf still could rebound to a healthy condition.
(248) There is no question that the templated version is smaller, easier to maintain and easier to grok than the first version (assuming a basic understanding of templates).
(249) With the introduction of LSG subvention mode, NGOs are assuming a more important role in aspects of finance and human resources management in their own organizations.
(250) When the requirement is ready to manage in RequisitePro (assuming a review and approval process has taken place), you can change the status attribute to "Approved."
(251) Assuming the Sampling Theorem is obeyed, what is the minimum rate of transmission of binary pulses , (which is) expressed in bits per second ?
(252) Traditionally, the Java language has always made the else clause of an if optional, assuming that you can simply skip the block of code if the condition holds false.
(253) S. dollars to record the incurrence and settlement of this foreign currency transaction assuming: a. A.
(254) It has been written assuming that you know nothing about Christian theology.
(255) Assuming they were talking about earthlike life — which they were, since it's the only kind we understand — the target planets would have to be earthlike too.
(256) Assuming that the composites are homogeneous and continuous on macrostructure, a representative volume element (RVU) including a stitch repeat and resin was taken to setup analysis model.
(257) Gnomish Poultryizer : Turns the target into a chicken for 15 seconds. Well, that is assuming the transmogrification polarity has not been reversed...
(258) "The market is assuming that this is going to be a normal cyclical recovery driven by Western consumption," said Iain Stewart, manager of the Newton Real Return fund. "We see this as unlikely."
(259) I've got a console app thats in a continuous processing loop, assuming there's data to process.
(260) It was noised abroad that he would be assuming the chairmanship of the company from January.
(261) But assuming that the talks make progress, won't they do too little, too late?
(262) Its board awarded him a cash and stock bonus valued at about US$22 million for that stint, at Jobs' recommendation, citing his "outstanding performance in assuming the day-to-day operations."
(263) The code then loads that file assuming that it is an RTF document file.
(264) The inking system was discrete and simulated by assuming a 0.5 split ratio.
(265) Without assuming noble or self-sacrificing motive, each individual has, nevertheless,[http:///assuming.html] become a microcosm of the whole.
(266) So it's pointing to China's secretiveness as justification for assuming the worst.
(267) By the time you got old enough to be reading this column – assuming you ever learned to drive – you could tootle on down 101 along with everyone else, and generally have a safe drive.
(268) Assuming duty form should be joint liability , not duty by shares.
(269) The allergist, assuming he is a graduate of an approved program, and board certified or eligable, was the most qualified person to manage your care.
(270) Remember, I said when we do a bisection method, we're assuming the answer lies somewhere between Well, what is the square root of a quarter?
(271) Assuming the network as one part of the close loop control, the establishment of the continuous model of the Suspension system is discussed when network exists.
(272) I exclaimed, assuming the cheerful. and I fear I shall be weather-bound for half an hour, if you can afford me shelter during that space.
(273) Hertz contact theory and dynamic load rating theory are used to study flexible bearing life assuming that the life is coincident with Weibull distribution.
(274) Detailed information display is best accomplished by assuming a sovereign stance.
(275) Being both a pessimist and an optimist gives the impression to friends that the analytical is wishy-washy, assuming he has any friends.
(276) Assuming that future technology innovation with random occurrence lead decline of the value of current new technology, this paper gives the valuation and adoption decision models of new technology.
(277) We're assuming that x is greater than or equal to 0, and epsilon is y strictly greater than 0, and we're y that y squared is within epsilon of x.
(278) After coming up with this egregious fallacy, Bernoulli topped it by blithely assuming that every individual's marginal utility of money moves in the very same constant proportion, b.




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