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单词 Voice over
1) Her voice over the loudspeaker was distorted.
2) The voice over the loudspeaker said the flight was delayed.
3) "May I help you?" said a bright American voice over the telephone.
4) Voice over Music ending on sound effects.
5) Voice over Others are in worse straits.
6) Voice over Indeed the task is becoming almost impossible.
7) Voice over 300 elderly people were in the audience.
8) Voice over International table tennis is something else.
9) Voice over Politicians are divided on the issue.
10) Video-Taped report follows Voice over Read in studio Hello.
11) Voice over Police have descriptions of the two conmen.
12) Voice over Car crime is the fastest growing crime.
13) Voice over It's an inspiration for their creative talents.
14) Voice over It's got to be a political solution.
15) Voice over Imaculate conifers dominate this garden.
16) Voice over David readily admits he hates the cold!
17) Voice over Tescos in Abingdon will escape prosecution.
18) Voice over For shop keepers it's a constant worry.
19) Voice over Not everyone shares the enthusiasm.
20) Voice over Bamboo grows at an amazing pace.
21) Voice over After beating him, they ransacked the house,[http:///voice over.html] but could only find £10's worth of coins.
22) Voice over Landlords say they're increasingly serving more food than drink, especially in country pubs.
23) Voice over Anyone considering selling counterfeit goods at car boot sales could face two years in prison or unlimited fines.
24) Voice over John and Vicki Strong say that's not good enough.
25) Voice over 13,000 children, across the country, have been treated to Kids Out today.
26) Voice over Shops selling fireworks are visited by fire officers to make sure they're complying with safety regulations.
27) Voice over Police have interviewed sixteen hundred people - some of them fellow walkers -in their search for the killers.
28) Voice over Clare takes conventional subjects and gives them a twist, physically and artistically.
29) Voice over On the M40, our police driver struggles to keep up with a car in the outside lane.
30) Voice over It's difficult to say who is having most fun, but there's plenty to grab the attention.
31) Video-Taped report follows Voice over Despite missing 7 first team regulars Gloucester got off to a flying start.
32) Voice over Derby had one more chance to balance the books but Paul Kitson wasted a glorious opportunity by blasting wide.
33) Video-Taped report follows Voice over Read in studio Welcome back.
34) Voice over After spells in a wheelchair and weeks of lying in bed, Claire's just had an operation.
35) Voice over Meanwhile the closure has led to severe traffic congestion in the area.
36) Video-Tape, no voice over He's scored forty seven goals for Oxford, but has now joined first division rivals Portsmouth.
37) Voice over Douglas Cox is now safely back at home entertaining his friends with his tales of bravery.
38) Voice over Male speaker It's immoral to give a reward but murder is immoral.
39) Voice over Ray's now waiting for the outcome of his compensation claim.
40) Voice over They've been ballroom dancing in Cheltenham Town Hall for 50 years now.
41) Voice over A skeleton staff of eight is finishing off the company's orders.
42) Voice over Patients are delighted their local hospital has been saved from the axe.
42) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
43) Voice over Clarke was convicted of drink driving ten years ago and banned for 18 months.
44) Voice over Brian Horton takes a squad of fifteen ... Mike Ford returns to the team after a long break through injury.
45) Voice over Meanwhile villagers say they're shocked by the news the nuns are to go.
46) Voice over For the children, those memories will always be tainted by their terrible death.
47) Voice over A postmortem has revealed the man died from natural causes, there are no suspicious circumstances.
48) Video-Tape, no voice over ARNCOTT/Oxfordshire Prison officers at Bullingdon prison near Bicester began their work to rule last night.
49) Voice over Sergeant Newitt says he didn't stop to think about the danger.
50) Voice over Fire Noise was formed a year ago; a few jugglers and drummers got together.
51) Voice over There's 42 miles of railway track in the 15 square miles the base covers.
52) Read in studio Voice over A unique collection of drawings and paintings of life in a coal mine are going on display.
53) Voice over Firefighters wearing special protective clothing made their way through the dense smoke towards the fuel flask.
54) Voice over Rover set up their Career Challenge as a way of interesting young people in engineering and the car industry.
55) Voice over Richard Latkowsky from Witny was seriously injured in a motorcycle crash several years ago.
56) Voice over Charles will be flying just forty feet above the rain forest canopy, at night.
57) Voice over A second scanner at the John Radcliffe Hospital can help make the diagnosis even clearer.
58) Voice over Kidney failure has meant Rebekah has suffered from anaemia, low energy and restricted growth.
59) Voice over Reporter says: turning to cycling now, it's clean, it's healthy and it's green.
60) We don't know how we got in either Voice over Within minutes, the machines were beeping and the tills humming.
61) Voice over Oxfordshire County Council wants service areas included in motorways right from the planning stage.
62) Voice over Colleagues from Tetbury Rugby were equally determined to win, despite Garry's absence.
63) Voice over Paul sells the Mini driving seats for around five hundred pounds.
64) Voice over Trading Standards officers raided a factory in North Oxfordshire last month and seized files and company records.
65) Voice over Elsewhere investigations are continuing into a separate security alert in Gloucester City Centre yesterday.
66) Five hours is much shorter than normal Voice over Cotwold Council officers say they're not running a vendetta against the Hintons.
67) Voice over Mrs Frak was sacked after the incident and was told by magistrates she could now face prison.
68) Voice over New technology may be the only way some will get to meet the love of their life.
69) Read in studio Voice over Kevin Maxwell has caused a stir by turning out for his village cricket team.
70) Voice over Mrs Hayward can now look forward to proper care for the rest of her life.
71) Voice over Bob Peckham has been juggling for 12 years he regularly entertains shoppers in Oxford city centre.
72) Voice over Mark fell on to the road with such force that he went into a coma from which he never recovered.
72) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
73) Voice over Here it's a virtue to have no belief in what you say, bandying words is an admired skill.
74) Voice over Multiple Sclerosis is a nervous condition brought about by the destruction of blood vessels in the brain.
75) Voice over Okan, a production engineer, has seen his collection of reptiles grow as has his electricity bill.
76) Voice over For growers across Herefordshire, Worcestershire and Gloucestershire the extra demand for apples is truly an unexpected windfall.
77) Voice over It's now believed the worst of the outbreak is over and some birds are getting over the disease.
78) Voice over However that party is facing strong opposition from people living in nearby Wavenden.
79) Voice over Largely because of absentee owners, the gardens at Shotover have changed remarkably little.
80) Voice over Sarajevo Airport; and the Hercules is unloaded at top speed.
81) Voice over Police are hoping to trace original owners but admit it's an uphill task.
82) Voice over Nuclear Electric were making light of the delay and praised the way the mock emergency was being handled.
83) Voice over Urbanisation has also put pressure on the sewage system.
84) Voice over Any legislation comes far to late for the family of Anna McGuirk.
85) Female speaker Read in studio Voice over A report has condemned the state of prisoners rooms at a low security gaol.
86) Voice over Dinmore Manor is on the site of a Knights Hospital dating back to the days of the crusades.
87) Voice over She's not the only metal worker at the exhibition.
88) Voice over There's currently a programme under way to improve the state of the canal towpath.
89) Voice over Joyriding is the youth crime of the 90s.
90) Video-Tape, no voice over SWINDON/Wiltshire A spokesman said the workload is unusually high for the time of year.
91) The height may be reduced and the other buildings will be lowered and not much else will show in profile Voice over.
92) Voice over Mary Greenstead's book is accompanied by an exhibition at Cheltenham Museum.
93) Voice over Doctors are baffled by the cause of Francesca's brain disorder.
94) Voice over Another faithful sign that winter is truly upon us, is when wildlife comes in from the cold.
95) Female speaker I think it adds to the occasion Voice over Finally dinner is served ... and there are still some surprises.
96) Voice over Kington was recently chosen to spearhead a hi-tech answer to job creation.
97) "Welcome to St. Petersburg," said a voice over the intercom.
98) Video-Tape, no voice over CHELTENHAM/Gloucestershire Police interviewed five hundred people on Saturday in the search for witnesses.
99) Voice over Police are already monitoring the movements of travellers convoys and the exclusion order will give them widespread powers of arrest.
100) Voice over A register of known offenders would narrow the field.
101) Voice over Clinching the deal with Lockheed makes Dowty the biggest manufacturer of propellers in the world.
102) Voice over Question: Do you feel you have fulfilled your duties towards him?
102) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
103) Voice over There's no chance of dirt being swept under the carpet.
104) Voice over For the time being, he's nailed up the back door, just in case anyone feels like trying again.
105) Voice over Hereford and Worcester Community Council helped draw up the damning report on village amenities.
106) Voice over Whether or not Aldershot need to take up Swindon's offer of hospitality depends on a high court hearing on Wednesday.
107) Voice over More recently the Hercules has again headed for a battle zone.
108) Voice over Reporter asks? Do they want to carry on playing rugby?
109) Voice over A minute's silence was observed before the start of the event as a tribute to Garry Manning.
110) Voice over Monitoring of the service has already begun, and results for the first four months will be published in May.
111) Video-Taped report follows Voice over It's called a bean machine ... more like a mean machine.
112) Voice over Fresh hope ... new lead in hunt for man who attacked pensioner in her own home.
113) Voice over One of the big four supermarkets, Sainsbury's says it's happy to take up the gauntlet.
114) Male speaker I would take out my shotgun ... Voice over Mr Cox has put up a plaque explaining the stones.
115) Voice over Border Oak builds around 30 timber framed homes a year from manor houses to small cottages.
116) Voice over Reporter asks: What does it mean to you to be playing competitive sport?
117) Voice over There's concern the programme could have prompted the latest round of violence.
118) Voice over Commuters are calculating the price they have to pay for comfort and punctuality.
119) Voice over Count Tolstoy has been overwhelmed by the support he's received.
120) Voice over Lawrence wrote the service manuals for the craft.
121) Voice over For a world class decathlete it's something of a gear change.
122) Voice over Meanwhile up to 1,000 more break-ins are expected in Gloucestershire before the year is out.
123) Voice over It's a recruiting ground for the younger generation and a meeting place for old friends like Billy Connolly.
124) Voice over Soon it's time for the cyclists to get ready for the next stage of their 1,500 mile journey.
125) Voice over Hampden's great house was bought by Hammer films in the 70's to make horror movies.
126) Voice over Others are in worse straits. Male speaker I know farmers who still have two hundred acres to get in.
127) Voice over Back to the 1950's ... and all the pomp and ceremony of an Encaenia at the Sheldonian Theatre.
128) Read in studio Voice over Detectives have started a murder investigation after part of a human torso was found in a lake.
129) Voice over Even the governor is on first name terms with the inmates, although the staff still keep a respectful distance.
130) Voice over Police in Cam gave chase for a short distance but were easily shaken off by the robbers stolen Sierra Cosworth.
131) Voice over Mrs Bloomer has offered a one thousand pounds reward for the return of the items stolen.
132) Voice over Feelings were running high as the meeting continued.
132) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
133) Voice over Meanwhile council officers in Swindon say they can't cope with any more terrapins.
134) Voice over Britain may have to bide it's time for it's next tennis hero ... It could be Tim Henman.
135) Voice over Around Oxford students from other colleges had mixed feelings. Female speaker I think it's good.
136) Voice over Police are now using DNA testing, or genetic fingerprinting in an attempt to track down the rapist.
137) Voice over Trading standards say legal action could follow if the company wasn't bonded, to safeguard customers.
138) Voice over Meanwhile, sporting venues across the region have disappeared in the deluge.
139) Voice over At Thames Valley police headquarters today rising crime statistics were on the agenda of a meeting of the police authority.
140) Voice over Professors flew in especially from Prague to supervise the entrance examinations and emphasise the benefits of studying in their country.
141) Voice over Seeing the parachutes back in the air has been a great morale booster for the base.
142) Voice over A car similar to this G-T-O fetched four million pounds at auction last year.
143) Voice over An act of parliament was passed in 1747 which returned the summer assizes to Buckingham.
144) Voice over It's six cylinder engine has a top speed of seventy five miles an hour in forward and reverse.
145) Voice over Gavin now faces the prospect of having to have a metal plate inserted in his head.
146) Voice over Here the stars for the day rub shoulders with the stars of the show.
147) Voice over Swindon is one of the eighties boom towns which has had to shoulder the burden of recession.
148) Voice over Whilst drinking habits and drinking houses have changed, the beer making process hasn't.
149) Voice over Christine has just been given the all clear ... but only after an intensive five weeks of radiation treatment.
150) Video-Tape, no voice over MITCHELDEAN/Gloucestershire Rank Xerox has shed more than three thousand jobs at its plant in Mitcheldean in recent years.
151) Then the narrow gauge became the standard Voice over A rail system based on a horse's behind.
152) We're all ripping each other to pieces here Voice over Back in the tasting room they were still hard at it.
153) Read in studio Voice over Friends have been paying tribute to the man who drowned on an adventure holiday in California.
154) Voice over It's the second time thieves have stolen horse racing trophies from the family.
155) Voice over Today they had spam or sausage casserole and mash followed by rice pudding and jam.
156) Voice over Read in studio A pub with a difference has just opened in Herefordshire.
157) We have to get him out Voice over Those who are to be brought out will receive the best of care.
158) Voice over Unfortunately the attackers escaped, but without the pension book.
159) Voice over Doctors forecast that only half the people who stopped smoking will still be off cigarettes in a year.
160) Voice over There's very real joy and pride, as the the veterans of the resistance are reunited in Brussels.
161) Voice over April's pursuing compensation though no amount of mony can make up for what she's lost.
162) Voice over Once inside, it was clear just what a tight squeeze it would be.
162) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
163) Voice over Maybe not baggage, but you will need a lot of cash.
164) Voice over They've been following the progress of around 150 bats.
165) Voice over It's a chance for the film makers to make the most of the true Oxford experience.
166) Voice over Hay's booksellers justifiably boast that they cater for all tastes.
167) Voice over Bob is helping a dozen patients at Stoke Mandeville to prepare for a new independent life.
168) Voice over Around 1,000 prospective buyers are likely to turn up for tomorrow's sale.
169) Voice over Once again pensioners are advised not to keep large sums of money at home and not to let in strangers.
170) Voice over Three people who were in the car at the time were injured in the crash, one of them seriously.
171) Voice over A course in communication skills at the force's training college in Berkshire.
172) Voice over Charles has been polishing his flying skills at Enstone aerodrome in Oxfordshire.
173) Voice over It's a powerful image of Swindon in the 50s seen through the eyes of a girl called Anne.
174) Voice over John Major was suitably impressed with the offering.
175) Voice over Police are appealing for any witnesses to the attack to come forward.
176) Voice over Card fraud loses the banks at least 165 million pounds a year.
177) Voice over Three stolen cars were used in the raids.
178) Video-Taped report follows Voice over Read in studio A new authority's been set up to protect and manage the region's woodland.
179) Voice over Mr Foulkes is seeking Government safeguards to prevent Rayo from falling into the wrong hands.
180) Voice over Crucial to both crews' chances is the performance of the coxes.
181) Read in studio Voice over Nine hundred bootleg videos of pop concerts have been seized by trading standards officers.
182) Read in studio Video-Taped report follows Voice over Read in studio Good evening.
183) Voice over Sacha is now well on the road to recovery and is starting to put on some weight.
184) Video-Taped report follows Voice over Oxford's uphill battle against relegation continues tomorrow at Barnsley.
185) Voice over Those working in the tourist industry are opposed to any proposal to limit the number of visitors.
186) Voice over Mrs Blanchard's already told Mr Coombs of her plan for reducing the budget deficit.
187) Voice over Horsewatch encourages its members to look out for each others animals and to improve their own security measures.
188) Voice over Meanwhile the pupils stressed the value of the teaching at Grange House.
189) Voice over People searching for work face a tough task.
190) I was terrified Voice over Nottingham Crown court heard medical evidence showed Fisher took no sadistic pleasure in violent attacks on women.
191) Voice over Open prisons like Leyhill house offenders who are coming to the end of their sentences.
192) Read in studio Voice over A youth has been charged with the murder of a security guard.
193) Voice over Ex-petty officer[http://], Sid Hall laid a wreath to remember lost colleagues.
194) Voice over Police hunting the culprits have condemned the attack.
195) Voice over Meanwhile downstairs neighbour Nikki Davies was delighted with her gas bills.
196) Voice over 13 other travellers were dealt with by the court for a variety of motoring offences arising out of the Castlemorton event.
197) Voice over Millie will need tender loving care and a lot of medical treatment before going home.
198) Voice over Oxfam is adamant that the charity concert will not attract the hippies back to the area.
199) Voice over It's been all hands to the deck at this tyre fitters.
200) Voice over Their show at the Pegassus Theatre in Oxford brought much critical acclaim.
201) Voice over A delegation of pensioners marched on Number 10 to present the petition.
202) Voice over Before they set sail there are final checks to be made.
203) Voice over Stroud District Council says it's aware of the shopkeepers' problems, but it must consider the conservation aspect.
204) Voice over Out of all my customers, satisfied customers, all of them went quietly and bravely to their death.
205) Voice over David is determined to breathe life back into an estate nursery that was once one of the finest in Gloucestershire.
206) Voice over Among the delegates are 8 prisoners on special release including Denis Sidebottom.
207) Voice over Meanwhile back at Tenbury,() the holly and mistletoe were fetching up to a pound for a pound in weight.
208) Voice over For motorists on the M4 today fines are a serious concern.
209) Voice over Male speaker I get enjoyment from helping them.
210) Voice over Police motorcyclists have to undergo an intensive training course.
211) Read in studio Video-Taped report follows Read in studio Voice over Good evening.
212) I hold the police responsible for my son's death Voice over Police denied any knowledge of who was on the bike.
213) Voice over Monitoring of large rivers has been made easier by a new device, which tells scientists where fish are lurking.
214) Voice over Finally, Dawn came here, where she's been given practical and moral support.
215) Music Voice over Many cottage gardeners avoid brilliant colours, fearing they look too gaudy.
216) Voice over Shaun Gooch, who was injured in the crash, was arrested on the day of his release from hospital.
217) Voice over Agassi it was who strung together a great series of returns to the big serving Ivanisovic.
218) It's hard work but she copes Voice over Saving premature babies has its costs.
219) Voice over Parents think the cards are a good way to raise the subject of safety.
220) Voice over Today the Prescott family business in nearby Didcot remained closed.
221) Voice over At the end of the week, production will finally cease in the Rover north works.
222) Voice over Iris's voice interrupts: It's the brain ... dying.
222) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
223) Voice over Unlike Jackie, Bouncer's bark was probably bigger than his bite.
224) Voice over One complaint against step aerobics has been the number of unqualified people taking the classes.
225) Voice over Rob begins the homeward bound trip next week.
226) Voice over Around Oxford students from other colleges had mixed feelings.
227) Voice over Northampton's Derek Redmond, is to resume his athletics career.
228) Voice over Our derby match inside produced ten goals in just half an hours play.
229) Voice over Mrs De Winter is already tipped as being one of the best sellers this year.
230) Voice over Back at the Young Telegraph, their final copy is put together under the watchful eye of a full-time reporter.
231) Voice over Despite the flooding, one angler at Ross on Wye was determined to enjoy his sport.
232) Voice over During her treatment, Christine was taking these jelly like capsules.
233) Read in studio Voice over That's it for the first half.
234) Voice over Katharine Spencer-Nairn faces the rest of her life in a wheelchair, with now no prospect of receiving any compensation.
235) Voice over Until 12 months ago about 500 air force personnel worked here.
236) Voice over As an extra safeguard, the Commission has agreed a code of conduct for cyclists.
237) Read in studio Voice over There's growing support for a campaign to get cartoons accepted as a serious form of art.
238) Voice over Other drivers described how the Metro overtook a caravan and then started weaving from side to side.
239) Voice over Coetzer must draw that sting to stand any chance of survival on Saturday.
240) Voice over Thamesdown Borough Councillors have been told that expenditure to tackle the problem of subsidence is virtually inescapable.
241) Voice over Pavarotti and friends won't be losing too much sleep over this lot.
242) Voice over Thames Valley Police are known to be furious about the case.
243) Read in studio Voice over Two schools for children with special needs are locked in an argument over whether or not they should merge.
244) Voice over Jaguar has already served a writ on one customer who withdrew his order.
245) Voice over Female speaker Children like animals and there's no doubt this is a very attractive one.
246) Voice over Service areas are being built, but this one near junction ten at Ardley won; t open until spring.
247) Voice over To make the building safe, concrete joists will tie the south transept wall to the massive main tower pillars.
248) Voice over A tall order, when tennis time eats into valuable study time.
249) Voice over Police are renewing their appeal for help from the public.
250) Voice over Rebekah still manages to lead a robust life playing basketball with her two brothers and practising her flute playing.
251) Voice over Certainly staff at other prisons are astonished at the changes in inmates when they return from here.
252) Voice over Failure to stick to the safety rules is simply playing with fire.
253) Video-Taped report follows Voice over Gloucester are hoping history will be on their side tomorrow.
254) Voice over 16 officers are still working on the case full time.
255) Voice over Eleven gardens in North Moreton will open to the public on Saturday.
256) Voice over Police have been mounting a guard at the hunt's kennels in case Tom's death provokes further demonstrations.
257) Voice over Mrs Garvey's uncle Richard Moore, who formally identified the bodies,[] attended the inquest.
258) Voice over Dozens of disabled from all over Gloucestershire turned up to give it a try.
259) Female speaker Voice over It's mix and match at Chipping Norton, where they're staging their first ever mixed fours.
260) Voice over Stephen Morgan wants to mend fences with the council not build obstacles.
261) Voice over Children have been routinely immunised against polio since 1958 when the vaccine was introduced.
262) Voice over Mrs Fitchew said she was extremely relieved not to have been sent to prison.
263) Voice over Today's scouts proudly wear cooking and computer badges as well as the more traditional activities of camping and sports.
264) Voice over It's fairly simple to spot the difference between the real thing and a fake.
265) Voice over Since the raid police have put extra locks on Mr Goodyear's home.
266) Voice over Many thousands of signatures were collected on petitions across the region.
267) Voice over Lexie's parents are pleased that their efforts may prevent other children dying from the side effects of steroid treatment.
268) Voice over Not only birds from the chilly Northern hemisphere live at Slimbridge.
269) Voice over Obviously he has a long way to mature physically, but he's surpassed our hopes.
270) Video-Tape, no voice over An inspectorate will set the standards that have to be reached before bonuses can be paid.
271) Voice over It's the same bug that contaminated water supplies in the Swindon and Oxford areas 4 years ago.
272) We heard a muted voice over the intercom.
273) Experience with voice over work is essential.
274) Voice over Telephone: Hello, is this the pawnbroker's?
275) This makes it possible to voice over great distances.
276) He tried to find a way to send a voice over wires.
277) Please post a link to voice over examples that you have done.
278) Transport of voice over asynchronous transfer mode ( ATM ) network task in ATM technical development.
279) Voice Over: the court, Horace and shopkeepers are quarrelling together.
280) Telephony - The science of transmitting voice over a telecommunications network.
281) I could hear trying her voice over before the curtain went up.
282) Transport of voice over asynchronous transfer mode ( ATM ) network ATM technical development.
283) OLD ROSE: ( voice Over ) He must have been nervous but he never faltered.




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