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单词 Unpublished
1) All his unpublished writing should be destroyed unread.
2) Her papers included unpublished articles and correspondence.
3) This new biography contains a wealth of previously unpublished material.
4) The new edition is based on previously unpublished manuscripts with full annotation.
5) Literary scholars are piecing together her last unpublished novel from fragments of a recently discovered manuscript.
6) Ian Fleming's original unpublished notes are to go under the hammer at London auctioneers Sotheby's.
7) After his death, his daughter found an unpublished manuscript among his papers.
8) Then we find there's masses of stuff still unpublished.
9) A work on armorial book-stamps remained unpublished.
10) Should unpublished data be included in meta-analyses?
11) Nabokov may have left behind some unpublished manuscripts.
12) Much of his writing remains unpublished.
13) Nothing stinks like a pile of unpublished writing. Sylvia Plath 
14) Nicholas Branch has unpublished state documents, polygraph reports,(http:///unpublished.html) Dictabelt recordings from the police radio net on November 22.
15) They are embodied in unpublished theses, research reports of limited circulation or in monographs and journals which are not widely distributed.
16) In one unpublished crime novel, the extortion plan was mentioned, he added.
17) Our own unpublished data on absorption from these enemas indicates that less than 0.02% of administered bismuth is absorbed.
18) The unfinished and unpublished memoirs of Farini are replete with such hyperbole.
19) The unpublished results of the Birmingham community aneurysm screening project were considered along with those of other, larger projects.
20) In an unpublished term paper, a high-school wrestler describes one such experience: Late in that last period something strange happened.
21) Should unpublished data be included in meta-analyses? Current convictions and controversies.
22) The catalogue includes entries by the curator as well as previously unpublished articles by Dora Vallier and Pierre Gianadda.
23) O'Mara listened to extracts from several tape recorded interviews(), read certain documents and looked through a number of previously unpublished pictures.
24) Attention was given to materials not easily obtainable in Northern Ireland - pamphlets, monographs, unpublished theses etc.
25) In this anthology the earliest poems included were some previously unpublished works dating from 1916 to 1921.
26) He used some such expression in the text of an unpublished essay that I later found at Harvard.
27) In addition, these authors reported the personal communication of three possible unpublished cases of carcinoids developing in patients with sporadic Zollinger-Ellison sydrome.
28) Khrushchev's secret speech in 1956 to the Twentieth Party Congress, denouncing Stalin, remained unpublished.
29) Here I will briefly comment on a few items and themes in the unpublished section of the commentary which provide significant information.
30) It includes an illustrated catalogue of more than 700 mainly unpublished artifacts from the site.
1) All his unpublished writing should be destroyed unread.
31) It is illustrated with, among others, photos from Ivo Peters' albums, some previously unpublished.
32) The scientists want details of all permanent dyes, including unpublished data on any possible cancer-causing properties.
33) It is clear then that passive receipt of unpublished price sensitive information will suffice for liability for tippee trading.
34) His as-yet unpublished review concludes that conservation has had little impact on overall energy policy.
35) Departments with an eye to the ratings tend to appoint established researchers with proven records, rather than younger, unpublished candidates.
36) The book contains previously unpublished material, including extracts from diaries, letters and taped interviews.
37) With a book in mind a close friend has begun collecting previously unpublished photographs, mostly borrowed from private albums.
38) We collect published and unpublished balance sheet and other data for the majority of banks in the period.
39) The second example is from an unpublished document about arbitration procedures in Cairo.
40) We circulated a letter to various individuals in the field asking if they had any unpublished records we might need.
41) She had blocked him out since his mention of the two unpublished novels.
42) A further unpublished project attempted to assess the anxiety characteristics of the type of client who benefited most from the treatment package.
43) New Scientist has obtained a copy of the unpublished report.
43) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
44) The blurred margin between published and unpublished materials affects all of our work.
45) Had Leapor survived she might have burned some of her unpublished verses as she did her juvenilia.
46) In his unpublished notes Gauss anticipated major work of several mathematicians.
47) Be that as it may, Cooper was spoiling for a fight, as this unpublished letter shows.
48) It's also useful for making unpublished material available, and for getting feedback.
49) Hughes established that 36% of the single thesis which she studied was unpublished because it consisted of raw analytical data.
50) My files are stuffed with my imaginings, published and unpublished.
51) It's a book of some of his previously unpublished stories.
52) Warning: Published table'% 1'references unpublished table'% 2 '.
53) To enable this command, select an unpublished slide.
54) Warning: Unpublished table'% 1'references published table'% 2 '.
55) You want the unpublished manuscript?
56) When Comus is first performed, Milton's poetry hasn't yet been printed, but it's almost as if Sabrina seems to have died printless or unpublished so that Milton wouldn't have to.
57) The addition of unpublished information made no difference to the conclusion.
58) Use of I.M.R.T. rose tenfold from 2002 to 2006, according to unpublished RAND data.
59) Sutherland said that Austen's unpublished manuscripts "unpick her reputation for perfection in various ways."
60) Spermatozoa are seen in approximately 1 % of prostate biopsies ( unpublished personal obsecration ).
61) I was handled full manuscripts of unpublished books by indigenous writers.
62) After languishing unpublished for almost 130 years, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's first novel is set to be released for the first time this autumn.
63) Jones-Imhotep, Edward. "Inscribing the North: Sovereignty, knowledge, and the panoramic ionogram. " Unpublished manuscript, 2002.
64) Author, A . A . ( 1986 ). Dissertation title. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University Name, Place.
65) MEI Shi - long , 1991 . Middle and Late Cambrian conodont and trilobite biostratigraphy in Wanxian, Hebei . Unpublished Ph. D thesis of Peking University.
66) The memoirs of French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte and a draft copy of his unpublished will have been sold in Paris for more than 300,000 euros.
67) Romberger, J . E . ( 1988 ). Curriculum development leadership for elementary principals . Unpublished ED . D . Dissertation. University of Massachusetts.
68) Pendar, J . E . ( 1982 ). Curriculum and career . Unpublished master thesis, McGill University, Montreal.
69) The scholar compiled a bibliography of the unpublished writings of Emerson.
70) However, Newton believed that Leibniz stole his idea after being shown one of his unpublished manuscripts.
71) The team used an American law, the Freedom of Information Act, to get unpublished reports on thirty-five clinical trials of four drugs.
71) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
72) See Cartoon Generation: Report on Consumption Life in Southern China, unpublished text.
73) New, still unpublished work reveals that the Neandertal Y chromosome differs from the human one.
74) This course adopts Manuscript of Cultural Study of Chinese Characters ( unpublished ) written by the teacher - self.
75) At her death Emily Dickinson left over a thousand unpublished poems.
76) Feet, of course, has a lot of meanings, and Milton's poetic feet, the material of the verse written in six and eight and ten syllables in this poem, are also in 1634 printless -- they're unpublished.
77) Yu, L. (2000). Phonological representation and processing in Chinese spoken language production. Unpublished Doctorial Dissertation, Beijing Normal University.
78) The second way is to register with the site, then call the company's call centre, and get an "unpublished rate", which is 10-50 percent lower than other Internet rates, Diener said.
79) Mu - Yen Hsu , 1997 , Three Essays on Technology Policies , Unpublished Dissertation, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.
80) Since the late fifties , about 40% of the Scrolls, mostly fragments from Cave 4, remained unpublished and were unaccessible.
81) A previously unpublished diary by the Argentine-born revolutionary Ernesto Che Guevara has been unveiled in Cuba.
82) The findings are groundbreaking, says Egyptologist Willeke Wendrich of the University of California, Los Angeles, who has followed closely the team's as-yet unpublished work.




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