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单词 Social policy
1 His book on social policy proved to be seminal.
2 In recent years, social policy has been dominated by cuts in spending.
3 This degree offers a major specialisation in Social Policy alongside a course in Sociology.
4 So they conclude with a social policy agenda.
5 An active regional and social policy.
6 Is it legitimate social policy to discourage childbearing?
7 It also has practical implications for social policy.
8 Nevertheless, the key decisions about resources for the social policy sector will be regarded as economic policy decisions.
9 It may have implications for social policy, but this is not the prime purpose.
10 We had other social policy commitments and we also needed to keep to those.
11 Success in social policy depends on growth in national prosperity.
12 Within social policy, however, the power of the doctors provides related examples.
13 It will be clear that to understand social policy considerable attention must be given to the findings of political science.
14 It is necessary to appreciate these facts if social policy is to be seen from a sociological perspective.
15 They covered six areas: advice giving, social policy, management committees, volunteers, fundraising and new technology.
16 The study of social policy particularly hives off a specific area of social activity in a way that must violate subject boundaries.
17 The study of social policy has been particularly conspicuous for the specific political or value commitments of those who write about it.
18 None of these third-tier authorities have significant social policy responsibilities, so they will not be examined further here.
19 But social policy making must also be seen as a political process.
20 Undoubtedly the political and economic climate for social policy growth has chilled.
21 The left of the party is pressing for a more progressive social policy.
22 In this sense it is not surprising that the study of social policy has been deeply concerned with the improvement of policies.
23 Readers will find a central concern about the factors that influence social welfare a characteristic of many writings on social policy.
24 A few years later, it made timid and ephemeral attempts to pursue a progressive social policy.
25 But his officials are stirring up their own controversy over social policy.
26 It was important to sketch in some of the history of developments in social policy.
27 To present it in this way is to emphasize social policy developments.
28 Between their hold on giant pension funds and their private wealth, they dominate political, economic, and social policy.
29 The political balance in Britain tipped quite markedly at that time, with important implications for social policy.
30 The research is being undertaken on an inter-disciplinary basis and the two principal investigators are an economist and a social policy specialist.
31 The G.L.C. could not use its grant making powers to achieve a social policy which was inconsistent with these obligations.
32 His main essays on social policy have recently been put together in a single volume.
33 Some significant social policy measures have become law in this way.
34 But in the study of social policy, the importance of individuals should not be wholly underestimated.
35 Understanding women's concerns about health has practical implications for the development of health and social policy.
36 He needs to find the courage to take such a stand in the name of decent social policy as well.
37 Alison Petch has undertaken research in a range of social policy areas, in both local authority and university settings.
38 An understanding of the factors that influence the character of social policy must rest upon several foundations.
39 To this principle of social policy, add a principle of government.
40 Unlike those stressed above, these are questions about the impact of social policy upon economic policy rather than the other way round.
41 However, a concern to understand social policy may be distinguished from a preoccupation with the determinants of welfare.
42 It is also necessary to examine what studying social policy implies.
43 But is the hallmark of social policy expenditure its contribution to public welfare, and what does this really mean?
44 Can even a limited degree of economic intervention take place without intervention on social policy too?
45 He has proposed a new tax credit that reinforces the traditional use of special tax breaks to affect social policy.
46 The field of social policy that does not have an even partly devolved structure below the national level is social security.
47 Its focus is the relevance of political and social ideas to public choices in the welfare state and social policy more generally.
48 First, social policy expenditure has to compete with other public expenditure dedicated to the defence of the realm.
49 The academic discipline of social policy was created in the late 19 th century.
50 Chapter Two is the comparative study of social policy articles in constitutions.
51 Like other nations, the United States uses tax revenues to maintain a government, to furnish common services and to implement social policy and economic objectives.
52 Social policy to find a good job of the future, need to focus on its history.
53 Broadly defined, neuroethics is concerned with ethical, legal and social policy implications of neuroscience.
54 Broadly defined, neuroethics is a science studying the influences of ethical, legal and social policy to neuroscience.
55 The social policy trend is linked to a revival of central government power.
56 The one - child policy was the single greatest social policy every implemented( ), and it's working well.
57 Meanwhile, foreign entanglements led him to neglect economic and social policy.
58 Family and gender friendly social policy will be placed in a gendered context for critical analysis.
59 The government is grappling with major areas of social policy.
60 They are increasingly standard practice in medicine, although they are new and scarce in social policy.
61 It goes on to outline the way in which British social policy itself has changed and to consider the problematical elements in its future.
62 EU Social Policy and European Integration, Tian Dewen , Beijing : Social Sciences Academic Press, 2005.
63 Stephen Lawrence and James Bulger were both included because of the "overwhelming soul-searching and examination of education and social policy" which followed their deaths.
64 This approach is unique among economic and social policy institute in Germany.
65 Rather, the president seems to think that no matter how high the current marginal tax rates, the correct social policy is to move them upward.
66 In Chapter One, constitutions which are to be analyzed are chosen andare social policy articles.
67 Duncan, assistant professor and professor of education and social policy, respectively.
68 This spring, Mr. Rollins is finishing his master's degree in comparative social policy at Oxford.
69 The nature and constituents of citizenship turns out to be at the center of debate on welfare provisions and delivery in these new discursive modes of. social policy.
70 These measures are meant to support long - term social policy goals however, rather spark a short - term stimulus.
71 Like tobacco, climate change has moved from social policy to the risk management category.
72 He was outspokenly critical of the government's new social policy.
73 Social policy is regarded as a productive factor in the Social Policy Agenda . which aims to modernize and improve the European social model.
74 Also the author puts forward two suggestions on how to perfect the social policy articles.
75 You don't run social policy for this government . How'bout that!




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