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单词 Anna
1. He tossed Anna the ball.
2. Anna and her conscience had a little tussle.
3. Anna felt shut out of the conversation.
4. Anna hit on a path to the pound.
5. He hugged Anna to him.
6. He tossed the ball to Anna.
7. Anna was almost crying with frustration.
8. Anna squinted in the sudden bright sunlight.
9. Anna swivelled round to face him.
10. 'I don't know,' Anna replied, shrugging her shoulders.
11. Her best friend at school was called Anna.
12. Anna is a rising star in the world of modelling.
13. Anna was born in 1923 in Ardwick, a suburb of Manchester.
14. Anna couldn't swim and was left floundering about in the deep end of the swimming-pool.
14. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
15. Anna couldn't swim and was left floundering in the deep end of the swimming-pool.
16. I'd met Anna before, but her friend was a complete/total stranger to me.
17. Look out for Anna while you're there.
18. Anna will drive me home after work.
19. Anna looks after costumes and props.
20. Anna is always attacking other children, pushing them over.
21. Anna is studying French literature.
22. I'm in close touch with Anna.
23. You should swear by Anna who's a good lawyer.
24. Anna thinks I'm lazy-what do you say ?
25. Anna stood with her back to the window.
26. Neither Anna nor I are interested in high finance.
27. Anna slipped her hand into his.
28. Anna, stop that. Sit down this minute.
29. Anna stared blankly at the wall.
30. Harry loosened his grip momentarily and Anna wriggled free.
1. He tossed Anna the ball.
2. Anna and her conscience had a little tussle.
3. Anna felt shut out of the conversation.
4. Anna hit on a path to the pound.
5. He hugged Anna to him.
6. He tossed the ball to Anna.
7. Anna was almost crying with frustration.
8. Anna squinted in the sudden bright sunlight.
9. Anna swivelled round to face him.
10. 'I don't know,' Anna replied, shrugging her shoulders.
11. Her best friend at school was called Anna.
12. Anna is a rising star in the world of modelling.
13. Anna was born in 1923 in Ardwick, a suburb of Manchester.
14. Anna couldn't swim and was left floundering about in the deep end of the swimming-pool.
14. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
31. I mistook Anna for his sister.
32. Anna was the last person to see him alive.
33. Anna put up a mild protest.
34. Anna flipped the switch that opened the front gate.
35. With Anna he learned the meaning of love.
36. Anna sat her finals in the summer.
37. Nothing could cure her of her impatience with Anna.
38. "I suppose so," said Anna with a shrug.
39. Anna read the letter with incomprehension.
40. Anna sat her finals last summer.
41. Anna insisted on having the baby at home.
42. What's all this 'Mrs Smith' stuff? Call me Anna.
43. Life without Anna had no savour, was tedious, insupportable.
44. Anna shook some powdered chocolate over her coffee.
45. Until recently,[/anna.html] Anna worked as a teacher in Japan.
46. She came to Anna her arms outstretched.
47. Anna recoiled in horror as the snake approached.
48. Anna with a hot temper sweetened after getting married.
49. 'Oh, I'm fine,' Anna replied with a smile.
50. Sadly, Anna lost the baby .
51. He threw Anna a big smile.
52. It was generous of them to ask Anna along.
53. Anna has poshed herself up for the Christmas party.
54. Anna has major issues with her employer.
55. Tom's very keen on Anna.
56. She drove Anna to London.
57. Anna was nowhere to be found .
58. Anna got fed up with waiting.
59. Anna has a new man in her life.
60. Anna felt thoroughly ashamed when she realized what she'd said.
61. I'd love to know what Anna thinks about things, but she always keeps her own counsel.
62. Anna says she feels jealous every time another woman looks at her boyfriend.
63. Ten minutes after we'd left home, Anna announced that she needed to poo.
64. Be careful what you say to Anna - she's in a rather tetchy mood.
65. The students began to enter the classroom and Anna was startled at their loudness.
66. Anna asked Philip if he would like to go for a walk with them.
67. Anna tried to look interested. Actually, she was bored stiff.
68. Anna left yesterday afternoon.
69. Anna reached out her hand to him and clasped his.
70. Anna doesn't like him walking home late at night .
71. Anna and I were wrong for each other in dozens of ways .
72. It was clear that Anna had no worries about her husband's attempts to flirt.
73. Anna approached several builders and was fortunate to come across Eddie.
74. Anna is far too shambolic to be able to run a business.
75. I saw Anna at the other end of the room,[] resplendent in a red sequined cocktail dress.
76. Anna wants to get married, but Bob's not sure he wants to commit.
77. Anna looked up at him with her head tilted to one side.
78. "What is the matter with Signora Anna?" he whispered, horror-struck at her vacant face.
79. He started at once to compose a reply to Anna.
80. Anna stopped to examine a plant growing by the stream.
81. It's no good asking me all the time, Anna - you're going to have to learn to think for yourself.
82. Anna was laughing up her sleeve when Joe fell into the trap she set.
83. This is what I will do. I will telephone Anna and explain.
84. Anna and Rosemary arrived burdened by bags and food baskets.
85. Anna was determined to keep a tight hold on her feelings.
86. Anna has always made out that her father was rich, but it isn't true.
87. The drugs didn't seem to affect Anna in the same way .
88. Did you hear what happened to Anna yesterday - oh, speak of the devil(), here she is.
89. She wouldn't have to deal with Anna by herself.
90. From the first she took her meals with Anna.
91. Anna felt a great sense of relief.
92. He's too thin now, Anna thought, kneeling in Loxford.
93. Anna realised she had been mistaken about Dennis.
94. Anna started to slice up runner beans.
95. Suppose Anna dropped a piece of the best china?
96. Anna usually paints in the afternoons.
97. Give her a message to pass on to Anna.
98. Mary and Anna never married, however.
99. So Anna became my legal guardian.
100. Santa Anna then resigned himself to his fate.
101. Put them in the order that Anna sees them.
102. Couldn't Anna tell that she ought to take care?
103. Understandably, Anna Mae herself took the charges more seriously.
104. I got a letter from Anna today.
104. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
105. Later that afternoon, Anna came to see me.
106. Anna said something at lunch about leaving.
107. Anna frowned slightly as they rose to leave.
108. Francis's illegitimate daughter, Anna, was there with her boyfriend.
109. The gold medal was won by Anna Svensen.
110. It'd help me more if you keep Anna cool.
111. Anna looks better, there's no denying it.
112. Anna is still lying low in the bath.
113. Anna has a habit of losing her glasses.
114. When Anna left Inspector Aziz, she was much happier.
115. Anna was in the doorway, staring fearfully at her.
116. Anna had me baptized by a Catholic priest.
117. Honey Anna Scott-so clear-cut, so far in the lead.
118. Anna Well, get a message through to him too.
119. Anna forked some more potatoes onto her plate.
120. The smell of frying bacon must have woken Anna.
121. Once again, Herrera inherited this problem from Santa Anna.
122. William and Anna stand in the middle of the room.
123. Anna was rubbing her arm where Liz had held it, rubbing as if the pain would never fade.
124. Santa Anna was not yet aware of the extent to which the nation had become aroused.
125. Anna hadn't really meant here, but she felt she'd better not say anything.
126. For about a year afterwards Anna received aromatherapy massage whenever she felt the need - once, sometimes twice, a month.
127. The breakdown of his marriage to Anna and remarriage to Wendi Deng were not done easily or with a light heart.
128. New York is now home to Kissin and his close-knit family, which includes his first and only teacher, Anna Kantor.
129. Anna said they are the ones who score low grades and throw spitballs in class.
130. Anna was hanging back and trying to open her mouth.
131. Liz's face must have said so, for Anna undressed in the master bedroom and climbed into bed.
132. She couldn't bear things like Anna refusing to keep house or giving any pleasure to herself.
133. What Eleanor and Mary took for granted in their lives Anna was just creeping towards, as a novice.
134. For the past three years, Anna has lived with her mother in this rickety flophouse in downtown San Diego.
135. The rain had ended, and only Anna had come to dinner.
136. Battaglia set it up so that whenever Anna needed something for college, a trustee would cut a check.
137. Anna: Anna telephoned early one morning in a distressed state, hoping I would be able to see her that day.
138. She saw Anna, and was visibly struggling to compose herself as she came to the door.
139. Anna was a fiercely idealistic woman whose prematurely white hair flared like flame from her freckled face.
140. My mother is called Anna, and by coincidence my wife's mother is called Anna too.
141. There was, Anna saw with clarity, no possibility of intimate friendship within the parish, and never would be.
142. Anna was raped and strangled by a man who was on bail awaiting trial for rape.
143. He was remanded to an open bail hostel, but while he was there he raped and murdered office worker Anna McGurk.
144. It was significant because during the course of it two things became very plain to Anna.
145. One day Anna came in, all emotional, but beaming this time. Wonderful news!
146. She brought with her news of the gipsy encampment- and of Anna.
147. Mr Mullen's face seemed to darken and swell, and Anna retreated behind Jimmy.
148. Gail had made mummy angrier, but she wouldn't save Anna.
149. So it produces an odd sensation to learn, again from Anna, that this superstition was in fact Dostoevsky's.
150. It wasn't just that she'd dragged Anna out of bed in the middle of the night and into the dark.
151. Voice over Any legislation comes far to late for the family of Anna McGuirk.
152. Perhaps if she herself had been more insistent on spending time with Anna ...?
153. With school starting, Anna will have to juggle her love of swimming with her homework.
154. Straightening up for a second time, Anna thought Isobel looked more like a librarian than a deacon.
155. They were thick with dust, Anna said, but they too would never be removed.
156. She was trying to tiptoe down and at the same time keep hold of Anna, who seemed determined to stumble.
157. Anna couldn't hide her excitement at the possibility of meeting the band.
158. Flora had to be detached from Anna physically as the bus approached her school.
159. Anna's family are appalled. meaningful pay-off Andrew hagans was staying at this bail hostel when he murdered Anna McGurk.
160. Disheartened, Santa Anna separated from his large escort and planned to slip through the mountainous country with three attendants.
161. Maybe it was time Anna faced reality and dealt with the truth about her beloved grandson.
162. When she jerked awake and saw that Anna was nodding over the book, she sent her up to bed.
163. She grimaced for Anna to step over it too, but the child trod on it before Liz could wrench her arm.
164. Anna did not go to the front door but round the back.
164. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
165. The school bus was late, so Anna was on time.
166. Forty-one Liz stood in her darkening bedroom and gazed down at Anna.
167. The provisional government, fearing that Santa Anna might be the source of later trouble, agreed to his departure.
168. Now you and Anna are our guests this evening, all right?
169. She'd thought it was Anna, snuffling in her sleep or from grief.
170. When Peter was made curate in a northern suburb of Bristol, Anna celebrated the event by becoming pregnant.
171. In no particular cause, just for the fun of it, the bond of it, like baiting Anna about democracy.
172. Anna Harland put her hand on her daughter's arm, and smiled at them.
173. You and Ugo can go now if you like, Anna.
174. A toy would have run down eventually, but Anna would undoubtedly start up all over again in the morning.
175. She would have closed the window, except that then Anna would probably be unable to sleep for the heat.
176. Mummy was worried because she didn't know when daddy was coming home - Anna was sure of that now.
177. The unwise patronage policy of the Santa Anna administration had been very costly.
178. Anna wore a short cream dress, from which her long legs emerged, seemingly, for ever.
179. In Vera Cruz, a mob gathered in front of the government building and demanded a picture of Santa Anna.
180. They mentioned that you and Anna walked a hundred miles and that you were following it up with a heavy date.
181. Kouao tried to offload Anna on to a family who had done childminding for her in the past.
182. If Anna wanted to be sullen, Liz decided she was best ignored.
183. His daughter Anna might well have expected to benefit from his death. her boyfriend likewise, though indirectly.
184. Constanza did ask, Anna simply repeated, Something too dreadful to speak about.
185. Anna tapped on the glass and Griselda opened her eyes, stared with cold indifference and closed them again.
186. She wakened Anna and dressed her and the two of them went on deck.
187. She gave Anna a shake and let her go, and went into the bathroom.
188. Without speaking to doctors or examining Anna without clothes, they let her go.
189. The censors had also insisted on a cut in his stage adaptation of Anna Karenina.
190. At some future date it might become necessary for Anna Beckett to be admitted to a private asylum.
191. Anna and William stand and shake hands formally Well, it was nice to meet you.
192. In the evening, bone-tired, she left the kitchen and went to put a reluctant Anna to bed.
193. Sister Mary Anna DiGiacomo, 72, was listed in serious condition at the hospital.
194. Sincerely yours, R. von Krafft-Ebing Cautiously, trying not to waken him,[http:///anna.html] Anna disengaged from the carezza.
195. From 1957 to 1959 he was married to Anna Kashfi and then to Movita Castenada from 1960 to 1961.
196. That was followed in mid-1985 by production of engines and other components at a new factory in Anna, Ohio.
197. After a brief glance at Anna, the gipsy hurried off to find Boz and tell him where she was being taken.
198. This attempt to confuse the issue went unanswered, and Santa Anna continued his preparations to advance on the capital.
199. Anna had also been arrested in her nightclothes and taken to the station.
200. They often looked very strained to Anna, as if they were holding on to their loyalty for dear life.
201. They further felt that Scott and Trist had been the gullible dupes of Santa Anna.
202. It all started, she recalls, when Anna answered an ad at the Job Centre for a magician's assistant.
203. On one occasion, Anna fainted while out shopping with friends.
204. Santa Anna had created twelve thousand new civil and military positions and had obtained several loans at ruinous rates of interest.
205. How can Anna get Carl from the window of the room to the fire escape?
206. But lately I have begun to feel intensely curious about Anna herself.
207. He was jailed for life for murdering 23-year-old Anna McGurk two weeks after being on bail charged with rape.
208. He found Carrie seated by the bedside, but was distressed to find that Anna would not talk to him.
209. One afternoon that summer, over lunch in the park, Anna talked about her home life.
210. Army officers whose commissions were based on nothing more than a personal friendship with Santa Anna were relieved of their commands.
211. Like a priest in his parish, Lew took time to console Anna, an elderly stay-at-home who needs groceries.
212. Tennis babe Anna Kournikova delivers a series of magnificent backhands to her fiance's baseline on a hotel balcony.
213. Anna taught her and made her her own maid and they lived together ever after.
214. The parish magazines were Church business: Anna was the Rector's wife.
215. It is Anna Scott, the biggest movie star in the world-here-in his shop.
216. I withdrew into my reluctant imagination. 13 Anna lay back in the bath, staring at the wall tiles.
217. Now that she thought about it, he was just about the only person here whom she felt like trusting with Anna.
218. The next time Anna had to scramble after the ball, she risked a glance at mummy.
219. She was the great-granddaughter of the early nineteenth-century feminist Anna Wheeler.
220. Besides, Anna had struck up a conversation with a young girl who'd been swimming in the pool.
221. Anna Zborowska posed for two nude paintings, presumably painted in her rooms at the Sunny Hotel with Lunia acting as chaperone.
222. Before departing for Puebla, Santa Anna also resigned the presidency and supreme command of the army.
223. In my opinion Anna acted more childishly but through no fault of her own.
224. Instead he was extremely magnanimous towards Anna which irritated her further,[/anna.html] and made her repulsed by everything to do with him.
225. She couldn't blame him for frightening Anna, for losing his temper with the child.
226. What tales would Anna have told her parents about her?
227. While we were there, Anna Mae came in-she was real happy to see us, hugging everybody.
228. Anna Thomson Jane Green, 25, has been slowly going grey since she was 20.
229. Anna who had renal cancer, died just hours after she learned officially that she had graduated from Northumbria University.
230. Eventually Anna died from hypothermia caused by exposure to cold and wet conditions.
231. Anna Eshoo, D-Atherton, of industry-coveted legislation to reduce corporate exposure in stockholder suits.
232. She stroked Anna's forehead, as much to quieten her own resentment as to soothe Anna.
233. Anna was screaming for some one to stop them, while the gipsies were urging them to fight to a finish.
234. The virus masquerades as a picture of Anna Kournikova, the tennis star.
235. Anna Adams provides written commentary in prose and verse,() and Norman contributes nine watercolours.
236. So I say nothing to Anna; instead I quietly join her family for a meal.
237. At theological college, near Oxford, the docility of most of the wives of other students irritated Anna.
238. Aunt Anna makes the dough, and everybody sits there and cuts and makes tortellini.
239. Anna looked tanned and majestic in her linen caftan.
240. I'm meeting Anna Langenbach. Ah, this seems to be the train now.
241. Macaulay Culkin receives his first screen kiss from cutesy 11-year-old Anna Chlumsky.
242. Anna and Max are a teen fictive pair experience together.




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