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单词 Squint
(1) He was born with a squint.
(2) A squint can sometimes be corrected by an eyepatch.
(3) The bright sunlight made me squint.
(4) The bottle-top has been screwed on squint.
(5) Have / Take a squint at this.
(6) Have a squint at this.
(7) Sunlight poured in through the windows(Sentencedict), making him squint.
(8) Johnson gave the nest a little squint.
(9) Bring your glasses or you'll have to squint through the whole movie.
(10) Because a squint may be due to serious disease, its sudden appearance should always be taken seriously.
(11) But a constant squint in a baby under three months indicates a problem and you should speak to your doctor about it.
(12) Waiting till the next street lamp, for another squint at its contents?
(13) It then continues to squint at the water, weaving slightly with endearing cross-eyed concentration.
(14) Everyone will either sympathize with your terrible squint or think that you are offering some form of invitation.
(15) George is tall, red-haired, freckled, with deep squint lines at the outside corners of his blue eyes.
(16) That flaw replaced our smile with a squint on one long afternoon drive.
(17) Four photographers scampered round the podium, halting to squint through their viewfinders and freeze the scene with their flashlights.
(18) Will my child outgrow the squint?
(19) His speech shows a squint to your view.
(20) Clint Eastwood's trademark is his squint.
(21) Let me have a squint at it.
(22) DVD may have other types of squint at the same time.
(23) The bad light caused the guests to squint their eyes.
(24) The sun was shining straight in her eyes which made her squint.
(25) The sun was shinning straight in her eyes which made her squint.
(26) As a child she wore thick glasses and had a bad squint.
(27) If I remember, he was a dark young fellow, black hair and a squint in his right eye.
(28) Like a giant, bald-faced mole emerging from winter, I squint at the dark shapes of the nearby mountains.
(29) She and Nick, and a few tough-looking boys, and an ugly girl with a squint who had two little sisters.
(30) Then for a hundred years or so they had tightened up, and Sam had to squint and blink to count them.
(1) The sun was shining straight in her eyes which made her squint.
(2) A squint can sometimes be corrected by an eyepatch.
(31) Long-sighted children with a squint need to be monitored carefully to avoid a lazy eye developing.
(32) Equivalent squint wavenumber domain algorithm is an optimized algorithm suitable for precise imaging of high resolution spaceborne SAR with large range cell migration.
(33) Only because many people used to squint happiness, pagoda is only correct!
(34) When you look at the sun, you have to squint at it.
(35) Come here till I get a good squint at you.
(36) It is proved that the choice of the reference frequency in NCSA is unique. A multiple-look SAR imaging method for the large squint angle is presented.
(37) If you have to squint at a chart, there's probably no trade.
(38) Signal properties of spaceborne spotlight SAR were discussed. The relationships of centroid Doppler, Doppler bandwidth and PRF(Pluse Repetition Frequency) with squint angle were analyzed.
(39) These conclusions are important for choosing suitable radar system parameters such as center frequency , resolution and imaging squint angle in engineering design.
(40) He was hollow - chested, squint - eyed, and rather shambling, but spry enough withal.
(41) In our country, most of the family corporations squint towards familial on human resource management. On the one hand, it is rational, but on the other hand, there are also some disadvantages.
(42) All before you ... that you could only squint with your eyes to try to catch a glimpse of ... will be there ... as clear as day!
(43) If you squint to take a closer look at the eyeshadow you just 'applied', you’ll see it on the screen; turn your head slightly to see how that blusher looks and your mirror image will do likewise.
(44) True, I no longer wear glasses. But the 20/20 line on the eye chart is blurry. I can make it out only if I squint, and it takes about a minute to read.
(45) Accurate measurement of the angle of squint can ensure the suc - cess in operations.
(46) A modified frequency scaling algorithm to process the high squint spotlight SAR data is presented.
(47) He takes a squint at the weather and heaves a deep sigh.
(48) He has a squint,(http:///squint.html) but is otherwise a handsome fellow.
(49) Strabismus (or squint or heterotropia):Failure of the eyes to align properly to focus on an object. The affected eye may deviate in any direction, including inward ( cross-eye ) or outward (walleye).
(50) He lost his glasses and had to squint into the dark.
(51) Her family doctor broke the news to her that her son was squint - eyed.




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