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单词 Memorable
1 It was a truly memorable experience.
2 I haven't seen them since that memorable evening when the boat capsized.
3 This was indeed the most memorable day of my life.
4 Her novels are full of memorable characters.
5 Those who saw the performance thought it memorable.
6 The lavish production makes this musical truly memorable.
7 The holiday was memorable for the food.
8 The city is memorable for its fantastic beaches.
9 This romantic evening cruise is a memorable experience.
10 Franklin gave a memorable performance at last year's festival.
11 On this memorable occasion we salute the wonderful work done by the association.
12 Her speech was memorable for its polemic rather than its substance.
13 Movie music can be made memorable because its themes are repeated throughout the film.
14 She was, in her own memorable phrase,'a woman without a past '.
15 The film was memorable for the fine acting of the two main characters.
16 It was a memorable flight because the wings iced up.
17 We want to make this a truly memorable day for the children.
18 Two very interesting and memorable days followed.
19 Through such breaks, an enjoyable day became memorable.
20 This proved to be an enjoyable and memorable day.
21 It was still a memorable night for Gloucester.
22 The free ranging lemurs are particularly memorable.
23 No hooks, no memorable riffs.
24 It was a memorable night of riotous jollity.
25 Annette's performance as Eliza Doolittle in "Pygmalion" was truly memorable.
26 Without you, I still will smile carefree, please don't think that you have more memorable.
27 The games, the dancing and the good food all added together to make a memorable occasion.
28 It was no dishonour to finish out of the medals in the most memorable 100 metres race ever seen.
29 Fronted by Alan Hull, the band had a number of memorable hits.
30 Although many consider Crouching Tiger,Hidden Dragon to be foremost an excellent kung fu movie,the story depicts many forms of love,the most memorable of which is the poignant romance between the two star-crossed lovers played by Chow Yun fat and Michelle Yeoh.
1 It was a truly memorable experience.
2 Annette's performance as Eliza Doolittle in "Pygmalion" was truly memorable.
3 I haven't seen them since that memorable evening when the boat capsized.
4 This was indeed the most memorable day of my life.
5 She was, in her own memorable phrase,'a woman without a past '.
31 It was a memorable experience for all of us.
32 Has it made the ideas more memorable?
33 The playing is truly memorable, the recording faithful.
34 We all quote more memorable examples.
35 Now those pears made a truly memorable tart.
35 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
36 Dickens' characters are very vivid and memorable.
37 Great inaugural speeches generally have one memorable sound bite.
38 One memorable afternoon, we visited a Shinto shrine.
39 A fitting end to what was a memorable trip.
40 All in all, a memorable night.
41 It was a particularly memorable night for Frank Thurmond.
42 The band is quietly leading a sincere revolution, knitting a genuine boyish irony and bookish intellectualism to instantly memorable songs.
43 As are Nelson and Hennigan, even if the most memorable scene will always remain their naked basketball game.
44 The landing was one of the more memorable moments of my life.
45 But there was no doubt that it was Rangers who deserved to emerge from this memorable encounter as worthy victors.
46 He also addressed innumerable public meetings and spent two memorable week ends at Oxford.
47 One memorable day I wandered along to a municipal course and sat waiting while they fixed me up with a fourball.
48 The resulting chaos was so memorable that I've never dared take a holiday during a conference again!
49 It was a memorable moment for the team, the third successive one-two achieved at the Circuit de Catalunya by the partnership.
50 On one memorable occasion, she thinks to communicate her feelings about Catholic beliefs to some of her older pupils.
51 I enjoyed the courses with Charles Cliffe, and Roy Sutton and hope your efforts will provide future memorable courses.
52 Of my seven healers, three, two at the Centre and one at home stand out as memorable.
53 One possibility is that certain junctions are both intrinsically more memorable and more risky than others.
54 From Ottawa we spent a memorable day in Prescott where the club was celebrating its centenary.
55 No one in his right mind would call the Delinquents a memorable piece of work.
56 White, a big, light-skinned black woman who made memorable hamburgers, chicken and ice cream.
57 Kirk Gibson hit a memorable World Series home run despite an injured leg, but he was only pinch-hitting.
58 Her large grin and knotted black curls were, strangely enough, more memorable.
59 The Spartans gave a memorable account of themselves, displaying their skill as past masters in the art of war among amateurs.
60 Perhaps my most memorable day occurred with Paul on our ascent of Kichik Kumdan.
61 She was memorable for her clear, round face and dark eyes.
62 The Mansi family owners take great pride in ensuring guests have a memorable stay.
63 Not only did he concede the penalty but he also presented White with the perfect chance to cap a memorable day.
64 What's your most memorable moment from your years on the stage?
65 Children's Bowling Parties: Birthday cakes, balloons, badges and bowling all added together to make a memorable occasion.
66 Have you had any memorable adventures on the high seas?
67 The goal is to give you the most memorable day, the best day for you that is possible.
68 Simon Garrett has compiled our look back at the most memorable moments of nineteen ninety two.
69 On one memorable occasion I worked twenty-seven days straight without a day off-it was memorable only because it was insane.
70 Although these last are not major works, each has some major minor memorable moments.
71 To be accepted as member there really would cap a memorable few years.
72 Perhaps most memorable was a which left me feeling as no other opera performance had ever done before.
73 This stimulates the note-maker's imagination and also tends to make the note memorable.
74 Whether there is a special attraction or not a visit to the Bluebell is a memorable occasion.
75 We cooled off on our way back to camp with a swim in a roadside lake; a memorable day.
76 The other is in the twilight of a memorable run.
77 The latter are shapes so memorable that knowing they exist matters more than actually seeing them.
78 There are some memorable one-liners in every Woody Allen film.
79 The snake has enemies more lethal than Laverne's memorable mild teasing.
80 Laura is destined to become as memorable as Madame Bovary or-a character she meets in the novel-Frida Kahlo.
81 That bath was one of the more memorable experiences of my life.
82 Shall we nail our flags to the mast, and make what remains of it just as memorable?
83 Her arrangements reveal her gift for weaving classical masterpieces with memorable hymns.
84 Take-up on that scale could make Mr Major's first budget a lot more memorable than it first appeared.
85 A memorable strike from Paul Scholes and a deserved goal for the influential David Beckham completed a routine day for the champions.
86 When he does that, the confrontation between the generations could provide us with a memorable battle of perspectives.
87 It is, in a memorable phrase from the 1930s, a faraway country of which we know little.
88 Despite our spectacular surroundings it was those people who made our trek the memorable experience it was.
89 Memorable village scenes are created by these traditional building materials, often capped with a thatched roof.
90 Donovan is 71, a former defensive tackle with the memorable Baltimore Colts teams of the 1950s and early 1960s.
91 The rally was intended to provide a memorable send-off to the Republican convention in San Diego, where they will arrive Sunday.
92 That conference was also memorable, of course, for other quite separate reasons, as I would like now to explain.
93 It is Bassani's unique gift that their familiar ordinariness should make them, often frighteningly, so memorable.
94 The Tyson-Douglas fight was one of the most memorable events in boxing history.
95 Tonight,() we look at other memorable programmes from the archives and ask what the future holds?
96 For non-troglodytes, with a penchant for the unusual, the trip can provide a memorable experience.
97 So the honeymoon was memorable for the soul-searching I did and the tears I shed.
98 Wilson makes a memorable cameo appearance showing some serious cleavage as a cocktail waitress who attempts to seduce Guy.
99 On another memorable night, coming home in a thick fog Jimmy got us completely lost.
100 Both were to exercise their joint theory in memorable performances.
101 It is what Freud called in a memorable phrase, an impoverishment of the ego on a grand scale.
102 Emotional but effective and with some memorable flashes of gallows humour.
103 The incidents that are reported the following day are necessarily the more memorable ones - memorable for their oddity.
104 What happened Saturday night might have been the most memorable post-victory celebration in the history of the World Series.
105 But the action developing on the streets was making him more memorable as a head breaker than as a king maker.
106 For they were all there, as on the memorable occasions in the past.
107 On the great balance sheet of a human life, the losses are seldom as memorable in the end as the gains.
108 It was a memorable return for the man who seemed to have ended his career a convicted cocaine user in Naples.
109 And so the day we bought the piano was memorable for many reasons.
110 My stomach knots as we're confronted with the most memorable view from the film.
111 There was one memorable moment during Needham's canvassing in Chippenham last week.
112 Now, Mutola and Quirot are expected to provide some of the Games' most memorable moments on the track.
113 A pipe band coached by Forties platform manager Brian Lynch capped a memorable season by becoming champion of champions in their class.
114 They must faithfully convey the historian's meaning and still be memorable for you. 3.
115 It also adds an air mystery that makes you more memorable.
116 The story was memorable because, as far as I recall, it was the only book in the school library that even mentioned a black person.
117 Rooms are beautifully furnished, and a stay at this hotel is nothing short of a memorable experience.
118 All were greeted by a splendid reflecting pool, the centerpiece around which many of the most memorable buildings were grouped.
119 Most memorable is the Andrex one showing a cute puppy, and a boy on a loo.
120 It was George Orwell who gave the most memorable expression to the socialist patriotism of 1940.
121 Altogether, an enjoyable and memorable occasion to reflect on the highlights of your day.
122 It was a memorable weekend for Pierre, as his son Paul, won the singles championship just 24 hours later.
123 Some memorable moments also have come during the singing of the national anthem.
124 Not all memorable sightings were on the seaward side of the wall.
125 A football match with a one-legged goalkeeper and all of the crowd bearing arms was one of many memorable scenes.
126 There was another memorable face, that of the attorney NamSoon Hong, seventy-five,(/memorable.html) whom I interviewed for a story.
127 Hooke had already made several memorable names for himself in science.
128 The times are only moderately propitious for establishing a memorable record.
129 It was the superb musicianship of the band that made this a memorable show.
130 For certain memorable periods, such as the two world wars, several interconnected vignettes form a longer sequence.
131 Or, to put this all differently ... Pattern-notes arrange information spatially to create memorable and coherent patterns.
132 She did forget the name of the other most memorable character, bearded and effusive.
133 Rebecca also gives us Manderley, the first house to become a truly memorable character in a gothic novel.
134 My report cards, memorable for their mediocrity, were a regular agony.
135 After all, anybody can write a blues song, but few can write one as memorable as this.
136 A rotten Big Boy hitting the target is a memorable sound.
137 I had some memorable test drives after buying a dozen 6R4s when they were up for grabs at the factory.
138 Your visit to the West Bank of the Nile will be a memorable experience.
139 This survey of personal experiences, ranging from close combat to literary society, constructs a memorable portrait of the last war.
140 The show includes more than 200 memorable movie clips and offers chats with pivotal behind-the-scenes people.
141 Of course lamb and fine burgundy were born for each other and the Chateau Grancey 1982 was memorable.
142 However, those privileged to make the journey to Cape Wrath can be sure of a memorable experience.
143 It lasted only about 60 seconds, and perhaps it doesn't sound like a particularly memorable sighting.
144 She sends a message of thanks to all those who made her birthday so happy and memorable.
145 Invitations to meditate, his vast colour-soaked canvases are memorable for the sensations evoked in the viewer rather than for their imagery.
146 The end of a memorable experience for Elizabeth, Natalie and Diane.
147 The most memorable occasions are often the ones you didn't plan.
148 There followed the strangest and most memorable night watch of my seagoing experience.
149 On the whole for some one who takes some interest in serious music it was a worthwhile and memorable experience.
150 Anything worthwhile, impressive or memorable, emerged shining with a White face.
151 And when you think about it, commercials often are more memorable than the series they interrupt.
152 Leigh's solitary Cup victory over Salford came in a memorable quarter-final replay in 1959.
153 For Clarissa Grey, the summer had been memorable because she had been consistently happy.
154 Your patience will be rewarded by a memorable event-the sound of crust and the taste that comes with it.
155 It promoted Polgar,(http:///memorable.html) leaving his colleagues a memorable lesson on how to get ahead.
156 The atmosphere, beautiful surroundings and music will create a truly memorable occasion.
157 The particular colour pattern of a Heliconius presumably does not matter much, so long as it is memorable to the local birds.
158 Our prank became clear, but it had set the tone for an evening of memorable jollity.
159 Samantha typifies why the Bronx Zoo is so memorable and fun.
160 Kennedy and Nixon are less memorable for specific achievements than for what they did for our politics and national psyche.
161 Perhaps his wedding in the big church next to the Waldorf-Astoria is the most memorable.
162 The most memorable thing about the complex power struggle that had this result was the fate of the losers.
163 That was one of the most memorable moments of all my award activities!
164 October lst, 1949 is a memorable day.
165 Many a quadrille table was spoiled that memorable evening.
166 Since liberation all its memorable sites have been restored.
167 My relations with Tigler were memorable.
168 Like Mardi, Pierre is resoundingly unsuccessful, and curiously memorable.
169 The smoothness of the flight was memorable.
170 The veteran soldier has fought many memorable battles.
171 Many accounts have been written of this memorable meeting.
172 It is a memorable portrait of an era.
173 In real-life, the band have memorable songs and a stage vigour that enthrals.
174 The Zabrak species, represented in Star Wars by such memorable characters as Darth Maul, Eeth Koth and Sugi the bounty hunter, are a culture that has spread across the galaxy.
175 November 30 was for me a crowded and memorable day.
176 His father, a lawyer, chose the letter C from the English alphabet, saying it was simple, memorable and stood for China.
177 Shortlisted for the German book prize, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung called it "phenomenal, moving and humbling novel, perhaps the most memorable read of the autumn".
178 Gross anatomy provided one of the most memorable experiences of my first year in medical school, and dissecting a human body made me keenly aware of the vastly complex nature of my chosen profession.
179 a truly memorable occasion.
180 Its great, memorable works, she argues, came about Because of acquisitiveness, bordering on avarice.
181 But we want to write a new chapter in Dortmund, make it as memorable as possible.
182 The wholesomeness of industrial society during this epoch was captured by the American economist and Nobel Laureate, Paul Krugman, in his memorable image of a picket fence.
183 An album that combines memorable hooks with brilliant, emotional choruses and lyrics.
184 But Emerson always keeps us up—not less by his memorable terseness than by his startling habit of illustration.
185 The first rush of effervescent sweetness paired with the dark balsamic spiciness is quite memorable.
186 I have just come from the closing ceremonies of the games, and China is to be noted for the magnificent preparations it has made to ensure that the Olympic Games are truly memorable.
187 This memorable race broke the previous Guinness record made by a 48-year-old Italian runner, who ran marathons for 51 straight days last year.
188 Couples want their wedding to be memorable and in an idyllic setting.
189 The second movement, or Funeral March, of Beethoven's Symphony No. 7 is an extremely memorable piece.
189 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
190 Its a kind of multimedia communication, community supporting, personal content sharing and memorable interactive TV experiences.
191 Whether you purchase a birthstone or a zodiac gemstone, you'll honor your friend's thirtieth birthday in a distinctive, personal, and memorable way.
192 One of my most memorable moments was at the Great Wall of China.
193 A frown a smile are so captivating, people Nanshe memorable.
194 All memorable events, I should say, transpire in morning time and in a morning atmosphere.
195 The Hour is at its most memorable, though, when Frank grabs the mic.
196 Phelps broke Spitz' record the next day, but it was his last one-hundredth of a second victory over Cavic that will prove the most memorable.
197 In the 911 case, the desperate rescue the wounded firemen and medical personnel, the brave struggle with terrorists of flight personnel and passengers, is always memorable hero and people's example.
198 Makhmalbaf adapts the volatile terrain to his story, such as in a harrowing and memorable scene set in a medical camp populated by limbless mine explosion victims.
199 Because they're memorable, they come readily to mind and we overgeneralize when drawing conclusions about what kind of person we are.
200 Join her on her fantastical journey for a memorable adventure.
201 To affirm how valuable these "sinners" are to God, Jesus told three memorable stories about a lost sheep (vv. 4-7), a lost coin (vv. 8-10), and a lost son (vv. 11-32).
202 By epiphany he means'the most delicate and evanescent of such memorable focusing moments.'.
203 February 24, 1988 was a memorable date for the Czechoslovakian football team as they recorded a 2-1 success against Spain in Malaga; their only victory on Spanish soil.
204 McGee is a hard-nosed "salvage expert" — actually a private eye who lives on a boat (called The Busted Flush) and is one of the most memorable detective characters since Sherlock Holmes.
205 This autographv is worth a lot because he's such a memorable figure in baseball and African-American history.
206 One enduringly memorable image that was omitted shows Kate stroking her partner's distended abdomen and feeling the thump of the unborn baby's kick.




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