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单词 Plugged
1 They plugged in their tape-recorders.
2 Andy is really plugged into the popular music scene.
3 All our computers are plugged into the main network.
4 Is the printer plugged in?
5 The workers plugged the hole in the gas pipe.
6 Her instructor plugged live bullets into the gun's chamber.
7 He plugged at the birds.
8 Sure, boss, we plugged the guy .
9 He plugged his razor in to recharge it.
10 The coffee grains plugged up the kitchen drain.
11 The recorder wasn't plugged in.
12 Rory plugged the cable back into the socket.
13 They plugged their guitars into amplifiers.
14 My nose was bleeding and I plugged it with cotton wool.
15 Are the young men really plugged in to these modern ideas about clothing?
16 He plugged the hole in the pipe with an old rag.
17 He plugged his ears with tissue paper to drown out the music.
18 Your phone can be plugged into the cigarette lighter socket in your car.
19 Unconsciously, by force of habit, she plugged the coffee pot in.
20 The pipe seems to be plugged up and the water can't flow away.
21 He took the machine from its bag and plugged it into the wall socket.
22 The new president has plugged into a great national yearning.
23 He plugged in his guitar.
24 In any case, Fred worked, worried, plugged away.
25 Marion filled the kettle and plugged it in.
26 They plugged him full of lead.
27 Milken plugged the hole in the system.
28 Then she ran water into the kettle and plugged it in.
29 Of course the radio isn't working - you haven't plugged it in!
30 I filled the kettle while she was talking and plugged it in.
1 They plugged in their tape-recorders.
2 Andy is really plugged into the popular music scene.
3 Of course the radio isn't working - you haven't plugged it in!
4 The coffee grains plugged up the kitchen drain.
31 But if the artery stays plugged up for something like 15 minutes or more, permanent damage occurs.
32 He glowered at the instrument, plugged it in, then picked up the receiver.
33 The adjusting device is located on the amplifier that the microphone is plugged into.
34 It will be plugged into the White House e-mail system.
35 They had the latches closed, the headsets on and plugged in at the console.
36 Costs can be cut because the new reactors could be plugged into the existing grid lines that serve the Magnox reactors.
37 A sprinkle more, seeking him; he plugged his ear with his pinky.
38 However, I'd like an individual monitor plugged in as well.
39 Or they could be outside insiders who were plugged into the shadow structures of dissidence.
40 My well of songs would dry up, or be plugged up with concrete.
41 Certainly there are commercially available recognition units which can be plugged into home computers but they are very unsophisticated.
42 I plugged my naked feet in between the empty seats as tears rolled down my cheeks.
43 Finally, we compared the three different ways the Acousticube can be plugged into a desk, and we found some problems.
44 The network topology is such that new file-servers can be plugged in at any time should the need arise.
45 Plugged liver biopsies are both effective and safe when used to perform percutaneous liver biopsies in patients with impaired coagulation.
46 On Sept. 3, another Premium pipe became plugged up, sending more waste into the Mussel Fork.
47 A second plugged liver biopsy was performed with ultrasound guidance to assess necrosis.
48 He turned the shower off, and plugged his razor into the wall outlet.
49 I checked the phone cord and made sure it was plugged in correctly.
50 An electric kettle, plugged into the wall, steamed on a tin tray, surrounded by waiting cups.
51 All information plugged into the household net will also be shared.
52 When one of the cofferdams sprang a huge leak, it was plugged with old mattresses.
53 Once plugged into western markets, poor countries are better able to compete squarely with the rest of the world.
54 Through the interface of the black carapace the suit plugged into his spine with nerve electrodes and into his motor nervous system.
55 For safety reasons therefore, the box must be assembled whenever the unit is plugged in.
56 They were retained in the fax modem's memory and as soon as I plugged it in, tried to send them.
57 Often the furore stemmed from audiences' unease at being plugged into a musical idiom shorn of familiar signposts.
58 She was also extremely plugged in at Salomon Brothers, in a way that the opportunist was not.
59 The guy flies on planes with a lap top computer plugged into a in-flight phone.
60 If a new unit was plugged in, it would probably burn out at once.
61 Plugged pond filter I have a filter unit which is gravity-fed from a second tank.
62 Co., Xilinx Inc. and Federal National Mortgage Association plugged the leak in the U.
63 The swag leads to a wall outlet where the fan is plugged in.
64 Then she put two slices of toast into the toaster, and plugged the kettle in.
65 Smug but sexy dumbo darlings, lens-friendly superstars plugged into the ears and groins of a love-struck generation.
66 The cord of the electric razor was plugged in above.
67 The grocer had a grinder somewhere, and his wife unearthed it, dusted it down and plugged it in for me.
68 This potential security breach has been plugged in most of the new mail systems.
69 One example demonstrated at a news conference would require spray cans to be plugged in.
70 Other Ketamine users also report being plugged in to information networks while in K cyberspace.
71 She ducked into the phone hood, unreeled the plug from her headset and plugged in.
72 He even does rounds at the local hospital, ensuring that the terminally ill remain plugged in.
73 A device resembling a coaster was attached to the bottom of the can and plugged in, which opened the valve.
74 You have to keep plugged into the latest artistic fashions.
75 It's a portable car phone that can be plugged into the socket of a cigarette lighter.
76 Lashed to the mast, did he think the wax he'd also plugged his own ears with would work?
77 Ian plugged away at the lab that was to become Roslin, trying to improve the technology of animal transgenesis.
78 It was cold in the bedroom and she had shivered and kneeling down he had plugged in a small electric fire.
79 This was a fluke( ), a one-time loophole that has been plugged.
80 No modem detected: Is your modem installed, plugged into the right port, and switched on?
81 Dial tone not detected: Is your phone line plugged in?
82 She plugged a cork in the wine bottle.
83 The druggist plugged in an electric coffee pot.
84 He plugged his ears with cotton balls.
85 However, many people always keep their recharger plugged in.
86 Some have to be plugged into an electrical outlet.
87 When the vent became plugged, the engine would stop.
88 He plugged the sensor into a outlet.
89 In this work, the data acquisition subsystem is integrated into an expansion card, based on a single chip, and plugged in the expansion slot of the computer.
90 The druggist plugged in an electric percolator, found two cups and put them on a table that had a chair on either side of it.
91 Sieve area pores of mature sieve elements are lined with the thicker callose and plugged with the electron-opaque P-protein, which may be the response to wounding on the phloem in preparing samples.
92 So if you're fighting over leaving the curling iron plugged in, that's probably a sign that something bigger is going on.
93 A typical example of a ground loop can be seen when a number of instruments are plugged into power strips on different instrument racks.
94 She plugged in and began to cook with the cooker.
95 C. Notes: the wire end plugged in the terminal must not be over cut slantingly. No revolving pull is allowed since the wire is plugged in.
96 Computers could be plugged into a national network and be used like radios.
97 If desire, a telephone handset can be plugged into the tel.
98 Check the oil filter to see if it is plugged up with gunk. A clogged oil filter can also result in low oil pressure.
99 If you are using an external modem, make sure the "phone" end of your modem cable is plugged into your telephone.
100 Anyone touching the metal parts of the washing machine could receive an electric shock if the machine is plugged into an improperly grounded outlet.
101 The joysticks simply plugged into tiny DIN sockets, and there was a port for a Centronics printer.
102 Similarly all banks are now plugged into government life-support systems.
103 For example, a plug-compatible modem can be plugged into a computer without the cables having to be rewired.
104 Extension points for self-made virtual images to serve for specialized industry solution requirements that can be easily plugged into our framework's virtual image libraries.
105 When a USB device is plugged in, it is enumerated by the host controller driver using control pipes and assigned a device address (1 to 127).
106 The air inlet of the inflator can be tightly plugged in the valve inside the branch pipe port to open the valve.
107 Direct recording directly from music source to SD card when plugged into its docking station.
108 Make sure the power adapter is plugged to an available power outlet.
109 Do not attempt to dislodge food when the appliance is plugged into electrical outlet.
110 Pollen allergy, freckles, hair follicle plugged bacterial infections, skin wrinkles have smaller, better use.
111 The refrigerator should always be plugged into its own individual electrical outlet which has a voltage rating that matches the rating plate.
112 After the custom binder is plugged into the run time system, this binder interacts with the runtime through the use of SOAPElement in the following way.
113 The pipe seems to be plugged up and the water flow away.
114 In order to proceed your dongle must be present. Please plug it in now. Click here once the dongle has been plugged in.
115 My toilet is plugged up and my kitchen sink has a leak.
116 Check the oil filter to see if it is plugged up with gunk.
117 Open the front door have observed the power box light is lit, then check if there is light scanner power cord is plugged into the output plug on the transformer.
118 When used horizontally, the bottom connection can be used as a by-pass connection or plugged.
119 Tesla's vehicles use lithium - ion batteries that can be plugged in overnight to recharge.
120 Tube strain is first fixed, and after killing hybrid fungi, cooling, cutting strain volva, the strain is transplanted to new culture medium before a cotton cover is plugged.
121 The popular assumption is that they will be plugged into a wall socket in the garage late at night, taking advantage of cheap off-peak power.
122 Unauthorized network card is plugged in - Power off and remove the mini PCI network card.
123 When I plugged in the toaster,() the lights went out.
124 No Authorized InterLink found. Make sure your InterLink Plus is plugged in and try again.
125 He most likely looked for a dead port on the hub and plugged his laptop in with a packet sniffer installed on it, which promiscuously picks up traffic on a network segment.
126 She put the big hot coffee urn on the table and plugged it in.
127 Lonizing air molecules are divided into plugged, without power and nucleon and three methods.
128 The outer ends race ways shall be plugged to prevent air circulation.
129 Before charging work is started, the drill holo is plugged.
130 One screwed equal Tee, with open branch plugged and one three-piece coupling to be positioned every length.
131 Some barbecues can be plugged into a household electricity supply.
132 The drainpipe has plugged up because of something settling in it.
133 The scientists also plugged in the numbers for Apatosaurus, another huge plant-eating dinosaur.
134 The only time he seemed alive with a long extension cord plugged into the wall.
135 Note: When a cable is plugged into this jack, it automatically breaks the connection from the INPUT circuit to the 166XL's detection circuitry.
136 It is then pointed out that both major charge and minor shot hole which is plugged at top for good coupling should be used in high resolution seismic exploration.
137 When the unit is plugged into an AC outlet it automatically self-tests, checks for correct polarity and tests the integrity of the equipment ground, i. e. the green wire in the branch circuit.
138 The crossbow snapped. A bolt passed within a foot of him, shattering the crust of frozen snow that had plugged the closest crenel.
139 My ears feel plugged up and I can hear myself speaking very loudly.
140 Sverdrup and Munk hunted down old weather maps, then plugged the weather data into their model to "hindcast" wave heights for each Pan Am landing.




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