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单词 Housework
1. She is in charge of the housework.
2. He always helps with the housework.
3. Women usually do the larger share of the housework.
4. I spent all morning doing housework.
5. She lacked any inclination for housework.
6. Her hands were roughened by housework.
7. I spent all morning doing the housework.
8. Housework is negatively valued as a retreat from a disliked alternative — employment work.
9. How much do men share housework and the care of the children?
9. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
10. We all help with the housework.
11. We take it in turns to do the housework.
12. He is doing the housework.
13. I'll let her off the housework this weekend.
14. I don't like doing housework.
15. I just feel women are conditioned into doing housework.
16. I indulged in an orgy of housework.
17. Housework is low on her list of priorities.
18. His wife buckled down to her housework.
19. She has a fairly relaxed approach to housework.
20. You could see he was allergic to housework.
21. I have an aversion to housework.
22. Housework has traditionally been regarded as women's work.
23. I do my share of the housework.
24. They share the housework equally between them.
25. We have a maid to do the housework.
26. Most men are allergic to housework!
27. He always acts the martyr when he has to do the housework.
28. I had a quarrel with my flat-mate about who should do the housework.
29. I reckon her backache was just a way of getting out of the housework.
30. Ellen Malos, in her introduction to "The Politics of Housework", provides a summary of the debates.
1. She is in charge of the housework.
2. He always helps with the housework.
3. Women usually do the larger share of the housework.
4. I spent all morning doing housework.
5. She lacked any inclination for housework.
6. Her hands were roughened by housework.
7. I spent all morning doing the housework.
8. Housework is negatively valued as a retreat from a disliked alternative — employment work.
9. How much do men share housework and the care of the children?
9. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
10. I reckon her backache was just a way of getting out of the housework.
11. Ellen Malos, in her introduction to "The Politics of Housework", provides a summary of the debates.
12. I indulged in an orgy of housework.
13. Her sons were experts at getting out of housework.
14. The old couple have no one to do housework; they have to fend for themselves.
15. She spends her day doing housework, watching television, reading, and so on.
16. She hasn't been feeling well lately and she let the housework slide.
31. You can really work up a sweat doing housework.
32. I've been slaving at the housework all day.
33. She shared her mother's dislike of housework.
34. He always manages to dodge doing the housework.
35. My weekend was dominated by housework.
36. I'm in arrears with the housework.
37. I can't find fulfilment in doing housework.
38. Her husband never helps with the housework.
39. Her sons were experts at getting out of housework.
40. Strange though it may seem, I like housework.
41. There is a maid to do the housework.
42. Stop beefing about your housework and do some work!
43. They share the housework equally.
44. I rushed around manically, trying to finish the housework.
45. The old couple have no one to do housework; they have to fend for themselves.
46. She spends her day doing housework, watching television, reading, and so on.
47. He got through the housework like a dose of salts.
48. It's difficult to do housework with the children under my feet all the time.
49. I do every single bit of housework while he just does the dishes now and again.
50. How do those TV mothers always manage to look so immaculately coiffed as they do the housework?
51. She's always getting at her husband for not helping with the housework.
52. They cook their own meals but they share the housework.
53. He pays lip - service to feminism but his wife still does all the housework.
54. I try to get the kids to share in the housework.
55. I hate doing housework.
56. She longed to escape from the bonds of children and housework.
57. She's 85 now, but she will insist on doing all her own housework.
58. The study of housework as work is a topic entirely missing from sociology.
59. He makes a martyr of himself whenever it's his turn to do the housework.
60. There are problems. To start with, neither of us likes housework.
61. She hasn't been feeling well lately and she let the housework slide.
62. He never lifts a finger to help with the housework.
63. I promised Mum that I'd help more with the housework.
64. It's hard trying to juggle a job with kids and the housework.
65. It featured a solo dance in which a woman in a short overall mimed a lot of dainty housework.
66. It wouldn't hurt you to help with the housework occasionally.
67. She does not want to do housework.
68. Many of our interviewees mentioned their guilt about housework.
69. We encourage our kids to help with the housework.
70. Ruth Well, this business about housework being unwaged.
71. None of her kids ever help with the housework.
72. Housework, homework, work in fields, farms and factories.
73. In the morning Anne helped Marilla with the housework.
74. Marjorie did the housework, Margarett paid the bills.
75. Housework is a never-ending task.
76. I promised Mom I'd help more with the housework.
77. Yes, I do like housework.
78. The dwarfs said she could stay in exchange for housework.
79. A NEW survey says women spend up to 12 times longer on housework than men.
80. As a female is she prepared to do all the housework because she is biologically determined to do so?
81. The example of Marilyn Thornton emphasizes sharply the association of housework with social isolation.
82. She emphasised the status of housework as a moral code rather than a logical practice.
83. Modern inventions facilitate housework.
84. Various authors have suggested or claimed that working-class women are satisfied with housework while middle-class women are not.
85. Moderate exercise includes general housework, mowing a lawn, carrying golf clubs, gardening, leisurely canoeing and dancing.
86. Small semi-serious shopping expeditions are valued as a relief from the social isolation and the work of housework.
87. But because work is not a component of the feminine stereotype housework lacks any conceptualization in sociology as work.
88. But the drudgery of standing in queues for hours or doing housework is awful.
89. Of the six basic housework tasks cooking is, according to these women, potentially the most enjoyable activity.
90. Le Corbusier's ideas about houses, the household, and housework are expounded in his classic work, Vers Une Architecture.
91. This is one reason why standards and routines represent an important dimension of housework behaviour.
92. In response to a question Sheila described the South London women's group who had produced the pamphlet arguing for wages for housework.
93. Housework takes up most of my time in the evenings.
94. Even doing the housework with Aunt Margaret satisfied her; she had a part to play in the running of the home.
95. Unfortunately, both parents often work today, and after work they have housework, cleaning, laundry to do.
96. But calling it wages for housework not only simplifies the solution, it also simplifies the problem.
97. Our engineers also remain responsible for doing, or organising others to do, housework tasks.
98. After Mass they would begin their assigned housework duties, cooking, washing or administration.
99. Once in a blue moon Eric will offer to help with the dishes, but usually he doesn't do any housework at all.
99. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
100. For a woman, the bedroom is a haven, a refuge from the world of work, housework and homework.
101. Onyx notably lacked inclination for housework, not to mention motherly instinct.
102. Among these forty women, none referred spontaneously to her husband's comments as a source of personal reward for doing housework.
103. However, as feminists have consistently argued, potentially housework could be organised in a different way.
104. The one housework task the nanny has removed completely, the vacuuming, used to be her husband's.
105. Throughout the forty interviews a clear perception of housework as work emerges.
106. Moreover, housework was a highly privatised activity which was not as well regarded and was much less interesting than paid employment.
107. But when Tonia is due to jet in he hits the panic button and blitzes the housework.
108. The inherent frustrations of assembly line work are also to be found in housework.
109. Rachel Oh come off it, Sheil, I know men who do housework.
110. Many of Oakley's respondents complained about the loneliness of housework.
111. This, then, is the main justification for a study of housework.
112. We want our own money for the housework we do.
113. I grudged the time I had to spend doing housework instead of playing.
114. Just think what would happen if every single woman went on strike, refused to do housework.
115. At night, the lonesome limbs would be programmed to creep around and do housework while everyone is asleep.
116. Working-class women are no less likely than middle-class women to express dissatisfaction with housework.
117. Sheila had been enthusiastic, Annie icy and antagonistic to the idea of wages for housework.
118. Our housework goes on behind the scenes, unnoticed, uncounted, uncharted as long as it is unpaid.
119. She knew she had visited heavy housework upon herself because of her attitude.
120. A working-class housewife married to a machine operator declares: Housework is boring.
121. I've got to catch up on the housework this weekend.
122. The ruling meant he could not receive the £20-£30 pocket money allowed to au pairs, or officially help with the housework.
123. This suggests that the personal identification of women with the housewife role weights the balance in favour of a psychological involvement in housework.
124. The only difference in this definition between employment work and housework is housework's lack of pay.
125. In addition, she did all the housework, her graduate studies, and held down two part-time jobs.
126. Housework is not unique in this respect: other occupations also have apprenticeship schemes.
127. The maid would go and all of them would pitch in with the housework.
128. Well, I did all my housework this morning, though you wouldn't think it to look at the place now.
129. That's why I still cope now with all the everyday things like the ironing and housework.
130. The women could obtain permission from the agent to purchase the knives they needed for housework and tanning.
131. There are no conflicts about who does the housework, shopping(), gardening or pays the bills - I do!
132. A lack of structure is intrinsic to housework; thus a psychological structure is imported to it.
133. I loved getting the housework done during the week and then playing on the weekend, all the vacuuming done.
134. None of these writers looks at housework satisfaction; the notion of feminine domesticity is undefined and usually rather vague.
135. She says she does not like housework but she can manage some tasks.
136. She had several readily usable areas of special knowledge, although she thought she only knew about babies and housework.
137. According to the other, housework provides the opportunity for endless creative and leisure pursuits.
138. She put Hansel in a little cage and ordered Gretel to do housework.
139. Her only proviso is that she won't do any housework.
140. Most enjoyed the luxury of employing a cleaner to do their housework but a few took a puritanical delight in doing their own.
141. Thus some feminists have argued that there should be wages for housework.
142. And, lastly, the definition of rules for housework establishes a mechanism whereby the housewife can reward herself for doing it.
143. And he knew I was a soft touch, that I did most of the housework so he could be free.
144. Then she would do housework, but it was such an austere cottage that there was hardly anything to do.
145. The resultant comparison with housework persistently branded it as a less enjoyed and less enjoyable occupation.
146. Unusually for the period he suited the action to the word and helped his wife to do the housework.
147. Until now all that women were taught to do, from housework to carpet weaving, was devalued and poorly paid.
148. Sometimes humans put out bowls of milk for us and we do all the housework for them.
149. I have to drag myself out of bed each day, and I can't get up the energy to do any housework.
150. She cooks the teas and does the housework and everything.
151. To class housework as manual work is thus to put it higher up the scale of job prestige.
152. However, a consequence of this autonomy is their responsibility for seeing that housework gets done.
153. You offer to iron his shirt and before you know it, he expects you to do all the housework.
154. The issue of satisfaction with housework is more complex than has been suggested so far.
155. The women were on the whole surprised at the question, apparently assuming that a dispersal of concentration is intrinsic to housework.
156. From what she had told me, I knew that she also did their housework for additional money.
157. Housework won't kill you, but then again, why take the chance? Phyllis Diller 
158. Joan did the laundry, washing up, and housework holding her with one arm.
159. I hate doing housework so I pay someone to do it for me.
160. No woman likes housework, but it's got to be done.
161. They were offering free accommodation and food to some one who would do what they described as a little gentle housework.
162. She was happy to do the housework, and live at home with Tabby and me.
163. Physical exertion such as housework, however, does little.
164. Karen gave Joan a lift with the housework.
165. Housework is usually miscellaneous and toilsome.
166. A good deal of housework can be mechanized.
167. I hate the daily grind of the housework.
168. Housework keeps mother on the fly all day.
169. Dust causes housewife hours and hours of housework week.
170. Marina has a heap of housework to do today.
171. The daughters Inga and Sigrid, help their mother the housework.
172. I discovered an addiction to housework which I had never felt before.
173. As a result , the average time women spend on housework daily has generally decreased.
174. Only by following her born trait, a woman will be endowed with irradiant beauty when lost in love, housework and rearing.
175. Avoid wearing your diamonds while doing housework, yard work or any other kind of rough work.
176. Do you use housework as a way to disengage emotionally?
177. Housework Service Canter provides service of tutor, family doctor, private lawyer, and other service.
178. Add the value of housework and child-rearing, and women probably account for just over half of world output.
179. Li Xiaofang remember when the original open shop is the case, she was to go to work during the day, evening work children have to go to school, come home we need to do housework.
180. Some people will never condescend to help their wives with the housework.
181. It takes so many things for a marriage to succeed — duties to each other's extended families, affection and appreciation, financial obligation, housework and children's education.
182. A man came to 40 years old, in order to continue neck uphill housework state concern, everything is hard shoulder, dare not sigh, afraid in front of let out the bottom spirit.
183. Use Monday Night Football as an opportunity to get housework pesky, if well intentioned (Sentence dictionary), husband underfoot.
184. Until he enter the class room , he not realize that forget doing housework.
185. Floor 4 - These men have jobs, love kids, are drop-dead good looking and help with the housework.
186. Women are still paid less than men, and they still bear the brunt of childrearing and housework. Women are portrayed in various media as sex object rather than human beings.
187. Thus for parents who value service, housework is an important teaching tool.
188. Through empirical model, in order to lessen the housework burden by married woman, the most efficient tool relies on the income she has and the income differential from her husband.
189. Add value of housework and child-rearing, and women account for just over half of world output.
190. Joanne: I really don't like to do housework. I would rather do anything than clean house.
191. Floor 5 - These men have jobs, love kids, are drop-dead gorgeous, help with the housework, and have a strong romantic streak.
192. to do the housework.
193. I'm very tired because I'm up to my neck in housework today. I think I'll hire a maid to help me.
194. I hate housework! You make the beds, you do the dishes – and six months later you have to start all over again. - Joan River.
195. Some people find that housework really helps as it makes you get up and do something and results in a satisfyingly clean house.
196. According to a recent report in Nanfang Daily, there are at least two housework service centers in Guangzhou that supply Filipino domestic help to residents.
197. Now you promised to help me with my housework - don't try to squirm out of it.
198. " I asked suggestively. "Yeah, " she said. "You doing housework.
199. "Feminists are wrong to claim that men should do a larger share of the housework and childcare because on average, men and women already do the same number of hours of productive work, " Hakim said.
200. Following up for 6 to 10 months, we found 2 patients had angina pectoris and l patient had ventricular extrasystole. All patients could do light housework and some physical training.
201. He was married to an American woman, obese and slatternly, fallen to this pass by Heaven knows what process of degradation, and every day the boarders took it in turns to help her with the housework.
202. University of California sociologists who surveyed 3, 563 parents found that when dads did more housework, their wives found them more sexually attractive.
203. Between housework, homework, workwork, and busywork, there are perpetually too many things to do, and not enough time to find that mythical balance.
204. Oakley locates housework in the wider context of economic, social and political structures.
205. Do a housework workout. Whenever you have to do those nagging chores, do them with some pizzazz.
206. It a little girl play the clarinet at home , while her mother the housework.
207. Some husbands always sing the blues about how much housework their wives leave with them.
208. Currently, various housework service facilities are surging in urban and rural China.




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