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单词 invocation
释义  Related topics: Religionin·vo·ca·tion /ˌɪnvəˈkeɪʃən/ noun  1. the invocation American English a speech or prayer at the beginning of a ceremony or meeting 〔仪式或集会开始时的〕发言,祷文2. RRHELP[countable, uncountable] literary a request for help, especially from a god 〔尤指向神的〕求助Examples from the Corpusinvocation• Among other functions, priestesses probably chanted prayers and invocations to the deities.• At times, feminist invocations of psychology ignore or even reproduce traditional psychology's gender biases.• The existence of the covenant, however, provides the possibility of its future invocation.• Will they see this as largely superstitious - the invocation of a kind of magic?in·vo·ca·tion nounChineseSyllable  a of Corpus or speech the at beginning prayer a




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