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单词 Gleam
1. He had a speculative gleam in his eyes.
2. A gleam of interest in the matter came into her eye.
3. A gleam of humour momentarily lit his face.
4. His words resurrected a gleam of hope of mine.
5. They saw a sudden gleam of light.
6. A gleam of interest came into his eyes.
7. They saw the gleam of a lamp ahead.
8. His eyes held a sceptical gleam.
9. A mischievous gleam lit up her eyes.
10. She saw a gleam of amusement in his eyes.
11. There was a mischievous gleam in her eyes.
12. A gleam of laughter lit his eyes.
13. The lamplight struck a gleam from her bracelets.
14. The gleam in his eye made her uncomfortable .
15. Rose looked at me with a furious gleam in her eyes.
16. A sudden gleam came into her eye as she remembered that tomorrow was her day off.
16. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
17. I saw the gleam of the knife as it flashed through the air.
18. In those days, CD-ROMs were still just a gleam in the eye of some young engineer.
19. Suburban schools gleam with modern gadgetry, while inner city schools lack basic textbooks.
20. There is a gleam of luminous gold , where the sinking western sun has found a first direct interstice in the clouds.
21. There was a gleam of hope for a peaceful settlement.
22. Rincewind saw the gleam of gold and bronze.
23. I noticed a gleam of gold from his watch.
24. I saw them gleam in the lamp-light.
25. There was a gleam of happiness on his face.
26. A gleam of light showed its crossed front teeth.
27. Make them gleam in the dark.
28. There was a mad gleam in his bloodshot eyes.
29. The plans for the new town hall were then still only a gleam in the architect's eye.
30. In the light from the hall, her hair had a golden gleam.
1. He had a speculative gleam in his eyes.
2. A gleam of interest in the matter came into her eye.
3. A gleam of interest came into his eyes.
4. They saw the gleam of a lamp ahead.
5. The lamplight struck a gleam from her bracelets.
6. There is a gleam of luminous gold , where the sinking western sun has found a first direct interstice in the clouds.
31. On the second day after she first saw the white gleam she saw it again in the same place.
32. They marched on, goaded by a fanaticism which made everything possible, a manic gleam in the eye.
33. Each wears reflector sunglasses, and the gleam off the frames matches the gleam off the buckles on their holsters.
34. She saw those cold eyes turn towards her, caught a gleam of pure malice.
35. The gleam of the candle was clearly visible through the water as the device sank.
36. A sweep of light remained between frayed brocade curtains, without a gleam on the parquet floor.
37. His shoes are spit-shined and the buttons on his jersey gleam.
38. I heard the back door of the house open, and saw the gleam of a lantern.
39. Something with a dull gleam flew from his hand, tumbling down the slope of the dune.
40. Paintwork will gleam, welds will be even, hydraulic pipes neatly threaded about the machine.
41. She saw the gleam of excitement in his eyes as she swallowed.
42. When they are installed the structure will gleam in reflected sunlight to become one of the brightest objects in the night sky.
43. Their well-groomed coats gleam like a couple of sleek self-conscious thoroughbreds.
44. Strings of paraffin lamps gleam along the upper decks and dance in the inky water.
45. Now, seeing the sober blue gleam from the Police Station she went in.
46. Then he winked again, a gleam in his eye,[http:///gleam.html] at Helen.
47. We will build theories that gleam like jade idols, intriguing systems of assumption, four-faced, graceful.
48. His tears had frozen so that his cheeks and eyes continued to gleam with ice.
49. The predatory gleam in his eyes told her in no uncertain manner that he wanted her too.
50. Now and then the gleam of a flashlight would wink out through the shrubbery.
51. But he was a sucker for that gleam in her eye.
52. Joan holds up a new bottle, which Barbara examines with an optimistic gleam in her eye.
53. At times when he took a drag on his cigarette, one caught a gleam of sorrow in his features.
54. She saw the gleam through the green, she could not resist it.
55. She'd slipped her arm through his, urging him to go with her, a gleam of possession in her eyes.
56. She saw water gleam from the roadside ditch, smelled wet grass.
57. They saw the gleam of the lighthouse in the distance.
58. I could see the gleam of arms and the twinkling of bayonets.
59. A lunch box is opened, and a cluster of plastic and aluminium jewels gleam from inside.
60. The perverted originality of Iago's ruse, now linked to a cause, thereby loses its lurid gleam.
61. Maybe there was going to be a gleam of light this morning.
62. The eyes of Mr. Morrissey gleam with a missionary zeal that shames into submission the cringing doubts of those yet unconvinced.
63. Here the doves soared up to a tree through whose foliage came a bright yellow gleam.
64. Sunset was still a couple of hours away, but the town roofs seemed touched with a silver gleam.
65. Under the floodlights his full mouth and his eyes seemed to gleam.
66. At last, faint and far off in the total blackness which now surrounded him, he saw another gleam of light.
67. The accelerating walkway has been a gleam in the eye of town and transport planners for some time.
68. The whole building was painted the frost white of cake icing and its shine echoed the gleam of the silent Thames behind.
69. Even there the gleam Of earlier memory like enchantment lay.
70. She remembered him and Agape said quite a gleam came in her eye.
71. Sure enough, her eyes could see the faint satiny gleam of his bronze skin.
72. A gleam of inspiration help him compose his music.
73. The gleam of dawn shimmered in the east.
74. A gleam of inspiration helped him compose his music.
75. She looked at him with a gleam of defiance.
76. A gleam of interest came into her eye.
77. We saw the gleam of headlights through the rain.
78. We can see the gleam of a distant lighthouse.
79. An intelligible gleam of assent twinkled in his eye.
80. There is no gleam of hope.
81. Even his spectacles seemed to wear an ironical gleam.
82. Had that made approach run of Qiao Dan from the dunk shotfoul shot taking off gleam?
83. And then she saw the bright gleam of her wide gold wedding ring.
84. There was a dark oily gleam in his sallow face.
85. Though the most successful founders are usually good people, they tend to have a piratical gleam in their eye.
86. In faceted and unfaceted Silver Shade crystal, the tiger's eyes gleam in Moroda Sahara crystal.
87. Every seam stitch every pull a gleam of, his hand appears very strong.
88. He took back the shifty, clever gleam , and replaced it with one of innocence.
89. Company leader visits manufacturing a gleam of, elaborate organization, science attempers.
90. 'Well, I'm Brinksley Meers, and my other name is Gloria Gleam.
91. In the pale light of the tunnel, 30-foot fossil traces of lycopsid gleam slickly in the shale roof like alligator skins.
92. A gleam of light shone through the partly opened door.
93. King section chief expresses, the choice is read to city of a gleam of grind without the problem, the key is should place on the life in the future and obtain employment problem state of mind.
94. Lightness, rapidity , nimbleness , grace and apparel all to theThe emeraldthethe topaz gleam upon its dress.
95. This unique bangle sparkles from all angles! The beautiful Emerald, Amethyst and Indian Pink crystals are highlighted by the warm gleam of the gold plating.
96. As we face each other in omnibuses and underground railways we are looking into the mirror that accounts for the vagueness, the gleam of glassiness, in our eyes.
97. The man imagined he saw a feverish gleam in the applicant's eye.
98. Her voice faded away at the sardonic gleam in his eyes.
99. The emerald, the ruby, and the topaz gleam upon its dress.
100. VANCL will hold to character of international a gleam of, the middle class is reasonable price.
101. The service bureau and the reactiveness having reinforced a gleam of service people train the customer who is a company's turn to have set up the problem specially, answering and handling a customer.
102. Her eyes gleam with Jet crystals. Red and black enamel highlight the beautiful body of this creature of nature.
103. One gleam from her beams one hundred kind of charm. The pricy clothes and skin care products are not nearly a bright smile.
104. A magnificent gleam of triumph sprang into Cowper - wood's eye.
105. Deerslayer hesitated a moment, and a gleam of pride and vanity came over him.
106. I caught the arrowy gleam of a scared fish shooting into the middle of the stream, my hook hung empty from the line.
106. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
107. Not a bough waved, not the gleam of a musket - barrel betrayed the presence of our foes.
108. The product is still only a gleam in an engineer's eye.
109. The faint , mad gleam of enthusiasm had come back into O'Brien's face.
110. A few faints gleam of sunshine lit up the gloomy afternoon.
111. The gleam of a thousand lights as effective as light in a wooing and fascinating eye.
112. His sword had a gold gleam as he drew it from its scabbard.
113. The first gleam of fairness shone in this proposition for Carrie.
114. Arequipa, the city at the foot of El Misti, is the commercial and agricultural hub of southern Peru. The city takes its gleam from volcanic building stone.
115. This is right the paper industry of stalemate at dawn of a gleam of.
116. I declined joining their breakfast, and, at the first gleam of dawn, took an opportunity of escaping into the free air, now clear, still, cold as impalpable ice.
117. But we do have this design leak now and can gleam from it some ideas about where Renault is going with the Clio design.
118. The soft gleam of the signal lamp told us our troops were ready for the attack.
119. I will not give up even if there is only a gleam of hope.
120. Growing up in the small town of Clarion, Pennsylvania, Jaeger spent much of his time watching "really bad SciFi movies just to gleam what ideas they had; good ideas, just executed really poorly."
121. I descended cautiously to the lower regions, and landed in the back-kitchen, where a gleam of fire, raked compactly together, enabled me to rekindle my candle.
122. I declined joining their breakfast, and, at the first gleam of dawn, took an opportunity of escaping into the free air, now clear, and still, and cold as impalpable ice.
123. As he and approached the witness stand, Pritchett's eyes appeared to gleam behind his rimless glasses.
124. I think I see a gleam of still quicker wit in your eye.
125. A gleam of anger could be seen in his eyes.
126. There was a diabolic gleam in his eyes as if something amused him greatly.
127. The child was standing with his back to the sun, which cast threads of gold in his hair and empurpled with its blood-red gleam the savage face of Jean Valjean.
128. There was a gleam in her eye when she looked at me.
129. Detecting the gleam of Governor Bellingham's lamp, the old lady quickly extinguished her own, and vanished.
130. 'This is a wonderful place for a picnic,'said Gloria Gleam.
131. Early in the morning the red sun makes the placid river gleam like glass.




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