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单词 Lone
1. The lone sheep is in danger of the wolf. 
2. He was shot by a lone gunman.
3. Lone parents have to be self-reliant, resilient and inventive.
4. A lone figure was standing at the bus stop.
5. A lone wolf howled under the full moon.
6. In the silence of the night, a lone wolf howled.
6. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
7. The attack was carried out by a lone gunman in a crowded shopping centre.
8. He would attack at night, preying on lone women in their twenties or thirties.
9. A lone piper played a lament.
10. In the silence that followed, a lone voice piped up from the back of the room.
11. Only 29% of lone parents receive financial support from their former partners.
12. Ninety per cent of lone parent families are headed by mothers.
13. I noticed a lone man in the cafeteria swabbing the floor as I passed.
14. We could hear a lone piper player playing in the distance.
15. He was by no means a lone voice criticizing the government.
16. Two-thirds of lone parents are on benefit.
17. You know how he is - a lone wolf.
18. A lone naked bulb dangled from the ceiling.
19. So much for the lone gunman theory.
20. Lone wolves are seldom seen in threes.
21. The lone horse pranced flimsily on.
22. Councilman Dexter cast the lone "no" vote.
23. The lone survivor was a 2-1 / 4-year-old girl.
24. A lone fisherman up early looking for sea trout...?
25. Suddenly(), a lone gunman appeared.
26. George Thacher cast the lone dissenting vote.
27. She felt proud that she had raised four children as a lone mother.
28. Laugh, and the world laughs with you; Weep, and you weep lone.
29. In the police force he had the reputation of being something of a lone wolf.
30. Or did they simply betray the presence of a lone woman in a dark deserted place?
1. He was shot by a lone gunman.
2. Lone parents have to be self-reliant, resilient and inventive.
3. A lone figure was standing at the bus stop.
4. A lone wolf howled under the full moon.
5. She felt proud that she had raised four children as a lone mother.
6. In the silence of the night, a lone wolf howled.
6. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
7. The attack was carried out by a lone gunman in a crowded shopping centre.
8. He would attack at night, preying on lone women in their twenties or thirties.
31. It is a regular, tax-free cash payment for working people with children, self-employed people and lone parents.
32. The telltale entry was the lone item on the credit side: £2,000, from deposit account.
33. A lone clerk sifts through, consigning some to the incinerator and some to a filed.
34. Some 42 percent of households containing an elderly person consist of a lone woman.
35. I got the impression you're something of a lone wolf.
36. When people were in trouble, the police were more welcome than the Lone Ranger and Tonto.
37. Paul Wilkinson operated as a lone striker, with Slaven in a midfield role.
38. Family graves may occasionally receive a visit by a lone person shouldering a glum aura.
39. Family Expenditure Survey data also show the widening gap between the incomes of lone parents and the incomes of couples with children.
40. A lone distant figure walks down the road that bleeds across the lower margin of the photograph.
41. Aurigny inaugurated services on 1st March 1968, flying a lone Islander.
42. But in practice, if most countries want to go ahead with something, they may well ignore a lone dissenter.
43. To have one lone voice attacking royalty in Jubilee week seemed perfectly fair.
44. Wigeon A lone pair of gad wall preened on shrinking tussocks.
45. Just one lone ancestor standing in the spotlight without anyone or anything else the current generation can blame.
46. He is the lone crusader righting wrongs, rescuing damsels, killing dragons.
47. Did lone gunmen commit both murders, as initial investigations concluded?
48. Running the rum shack was a lone, bold and beautiful woman, with the unlikely name of Madonna.
49. And he led me towards the hills and the breaking of day in the lone east.
50. The Lone Ranger, the incarnation of the individual problem solver,() is dead.
51. Compared with his lone ordeal in the Danube, it wasn't too bad.
52. The inequality between lone men and lone women is greatest among those aged 75 and over.
53. The lone, unarmed, constable on guard could only close the polling station.
54. The majority of lone parents become so as the result of separation, divorce or death.
55. Thirdly, we must consider further ways to assist lone parents.
56. Table Number of lone parents by type Percentage changes in the numbers of one parent families, 1976-1986, Great Britain.
57. Except, of course, for the lone and level sands of the wrecked economy, which stretch away in all directions.
58. Half-facet ... Obispal spotted a lone purestrain Stealer lurking some way down a dismal arcade lined by shuttered clothing stores.
59. Maintenance and child support Bradshaw and Millar found that only 29 percent of lone parents received maintenance from their former partners.
60. For the first time the significance of lone pairs of electrons, in determining the overall shape of molecules was recognised.
61. A lone gunman with an apparent grudge can do great harm.
62. He was standing with his back to a tree as all lone men stand if they can who are attacked by many.
63. Different perspectives, shared in an atmosphere of mutual respect, will always get a better result than Lone Ranger approaches.
64. However, other fires burning in the state have taken a toll on efforts to fight the Lone fire.
65. Chequers fishing well off the boats and around the lone tree.
66. A lone horse and cart approached,[] coming at a snail's pace from the direction of the Elephant and Castle.
67. It never bothered her before to be a lone voice.
68. This lone air reconnaissance effort, however, would obviously not be enough.
69. A lone man was walking by and Ezra lowered his window and leaned out and asked the way to the cemetery.
70. Sheila is a lone parent with two children, aged 13 and 15.
71. Attorney General Dan Lungren is the lone Republican candidate thus far.
72. For start-ups it was the lone inventor in a garage.
73. A lone gunman burst into his house and shot him dead.
74. More than half of lone parents with two or more children had incomes below their absolute poverty level at £227 a week.
75. Morgan was the lone survivor of a shipwreck off the California coast.
76. Typically the fisherman is a lone black smudge hunched on his bait-box for hours at a time.
77. One man, the lone survivor of the massacre, carried the gruesome story to Tihosuco.
78. Was President Kennedy killed by a lone gunman, or was there a conspiracy?
79. Ski start: the major tour operators run learn to ski weeks which are especially useful for lone learners.
80. At last a lone figure staggered out, singing raucously as he swaggered in a drunken stupor.
81. Thus the incomes of the lone parents were equivalent to about 57 percent of those of the couples.
82. But as I ploughed through the trough in the snow, a lone figure came weaving drunkenly towards me.
83. The 29 men and one lone woman arrived here in 1859.
84. What Lone Star gave us was a rich, complex story, told at a leisurely pace through brilliantly written dialogue.
85. Often they are ploughed up from agricultural land, lone victims, their bodies incomplete.
86. There are more business people and other professionals, homemakers and clergy in the Lone Star brigade.
87. Who'd travel far must cross the seas. Lone wolves are seldom seen in threes.
88. If we add expertise as a variable, then the lone expert will far outperform the inexperienced group.
89. A lone sentry stood watching on the ramparts some way off.
90. We hike back to camp and begin preparing a hearty dinner, when up rides a lone horseman.
91. Two members lived in local authority homes and 15 in households characterised by unemployment and chronically sick and/or lone parents.
92. But that lone bad habit burns through your writing like a blowtorch, outshining all the others.
93. At five a lone bugle woke his companions from their drowsy slumber.
94. Fortunately a lone plane touched down, and took him off.
95. But even proponents of the lone gunman theory acknowledge the wealth of interests served by Kabila's removal.
96. Three lone boys finally started up his walk in a sullen clump[sentencedict .com], and the rest followed in a bigger clump.
97. Out of the stillness, a lone bird began to sing.
98. From far off where the Zoo lay the howl of a lone wolf wound up into the night.
99. A lone electric lightbulb dangled from the ceiling in the middle of the room.
100. The gap between the incomes of two-carer families and lone mothers with children has widened.
101. The Lone fire is being fought with a lot more than just water.
102. A To help alleviate the personal security fears of lone lady drivers, and allow drivers to make business calls whilst enroute.
103. The economy booms like cannon, far out at sea on a lone ship.
104. First I checked the lone pines, by orienting them with respect to the sun.
105. Consumer durables Lone parent families are less likely than two parent families to have household consumer durables.
106. A lone bicycle had been left leaning into the bushes.
107. Philpott understood the gesture and browsed through the antiques until the lone customer had left the shop.
108. It should not be imagined, however, that Storni was a lone trailblazer in a male-dominated world of poetry.
109. Assuming the dossier is genuine, is he a lone whistle-blower or is he a messenger?
110. Kabila was shot on Tuesday last week, allegedly by a lone bodyguard in what may have been a coup attempt.
111. Another drunken former farmhand draped himself across the counter of the farm's lone grocery store.
112. Lone parents have much smaller proportions of household heads in the labour market than two parent families.
113. His sweatshirt hood, steeply pitched overhead: a lone monk kneeling at prayer at a partially disinterred altar.
114. One Parent Benefit is paid to 75% of lone parents.
115. Families headed by lone parents have fewer children than two parent families, with an average 1.6 dependent children compared with 1.8.
116. Most lone parents - both men and women - have been married and are separated or divorced from their former partners.
117. Instead, we wander down to the conservatory, where a lone table is laid, its pink candles flickering.
118. The proportion of all families headed by a lone parent has increased from 8 percent in 1971 to 16 percent in 1988.
119. In the foreground stood a lone, empty railway freight car.
120. It can be seen that the lone elderly had the lowest median income levels and also the most restricted range of income.
121. Lone parents can earn up to £15 a week before their income support is reduced.
122. At one spot along the road, a lone flower escaped the flames that poured through the Three Bar Wildlife Area.
123. What role does labour force participation play in keeping lone parents out of poverty?
124. Observed by a lone seal we headed west, the wind now beginning to pick up.
125. Bailey emphasized that officials do not want to rupture any of the 236 uranium fuel rods in the lone remaining assembly.
126. Police documents also describe him as the suspect in the slaying of the lone eyewitness to one of those killings.
127. This was the time when the lone and often despairing voice of dissent was heard from the terraces.
128. Riker flew to the lone hill covered with tall brown grass and a few small trees.
129. She hesitated and then sat down at the far end of one where a lone man was wholly immersed in a newspaper.
130. A lone fisherman sorts through his gear as we approach.
131. It is quite possible to keep a lone specimen but to see them at their best a group is preferable.
132. The lone cyclist,[] the donkey rider heading for a distant horizon: wherever they are going the eye can not follow.
133. The bulk of this increase comes from families headed by a lone woman and, most often, a divorced woman.
134. It opened with a lone commuter waiting for a train late at night.
135. We can treat lone parents as poor people, needing means-tested social assistance of some sort - as we do now.
136. In these circumstances it is hardly surprising that many lone women parents do not work.
137. Two thirds of lone parent families depend mainly on social security benefits, compared with one in eight two parent families.
138. The proportion headed by a lone father, at 2%, has remained virtually unchanged in the last two decades.
139. Expressionless, their ill-fitting jackboots thumping up and down as they marched, the soldiers approached the lone kilted figure.
140. The most vulnerable were full-time students over 19; students from lower social classes; lone parents and couples with children.
141. Apparently, the murder of the lone black, Penn, was unworthy of note.
142. Suddenly, as if on cue, a lone figure appears on a horse.
143. Lone parents themselves are likely to be over 25 years of age - on average less than 10 percent were younger.
144. But nothing we could do would reverse fundamental social trends which were producing more and more lone parents.
145. Last week Kaczynski was arrested in his remote Montana cabin on a lone charge of possessing materials to make a bomb.
146. One was a stabbing spree in which 12 cabdrivers got knifed in one week by a lone assailant.
147. He suffered from post-traumatic stress because of a lone confrontation with eight youths two years earlier.
148. Across the rooftops, a lone cop prowler was the only thing moving on the cold expanse of the Grand Canal.
149. A lone cat was padding almost invisibly along in the lee of a low wall.
150. I disagree and think that a lone driver should never give lifts to strangers.
151. A quarter of lone fathers are over 50, reflecting their greater likelihood of being widowers.
152. Rosy evening clouds and lone ducks fly together.
153. Good leaders aren't " lone rangers ".
154. The calm, lone scene reassured her.
155. He always likes to play a lone hand.
156. The lone sentinel walked toward his post.
156. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
157. A lone sea gull flew across the sky.
158. She lived a lone life after her daughter's death.
159. a lone sailor crossing the Atlantic.
160. Tom was always a lone hand in investment circles.
161. So how many lone pair electrons do we have?
162. She could see a lone figure on the deserted beach.
163. The area is occupied by at least two Iberian wolf packs containing nine to 10 individuals and multiple lone wolves.
164. Photograph by James L. AmosA lone man perches on an outcrop on Gunnison Island amid the shimmering expanse of Great Salt Lake, the largest salt lake in the western hemisphere.
165. I always love to play a lone hand, that's cool!
166. A lone Chinese bicyclist , in the midst of Beijing's car - and - tower heavy Central Business District.
167. HSBC's offer to buy a 51 per cent stake in KEB from Lone Star, the US private equity group, will expire on April 30 if it has not been approved by regulators.
168. So in oxygen we have a similar situation where, in fact, we are not going to promote any of the electrons because we have two lone pair electrons no matter what we do.
169. For the carbon, we start with 4 valence electrons, we have 0 lone pair electrons minus 4, and we end up with a formal charge of 0.
170. Donald Duck, Ibsen, and The Lone Ranger, Sarah Bernhardt, and Poodles Hannaford, Lunt and Fontanne, Betty Grable, Rex and Wild, and Eleanora Duse. They are all Theater.
171. Glen is a lone wolf and seldom joins in the activities of the neightbourhood.
172. CNB synchromesh lone is of special design accord the customer's request. It also can be produced by customer's blueprint.
173. Peter is a good footballer, but he is a lone wolf.
174. Yes, the Lone Star State has some fall frippery to call its own.
175. Elsewhere, there have even been reports of lone visitors to the battlefield park stumbling across what they assume to be a battle reenactment, only to later learn that none took place that day.
176. Yes, this product was tested specifically against 4 tick species: the deer tick, the lone star tick, the American dog tick, and the brown dog tick.
177. You can't separate a single water molecule from its fellows with a tiny pair of tweezers, so isolating it in a carbon cage may reveal new secrets about the intrinsic nature of a lone H2O.
178. A lone man walks over sand dunes in the Saudi Arabian desert.
179. A lone woman motorist waited for six hours for help yesterday because of a name mix-up.
180. So it looks a lot less messy if we just draw our Lewis structure like this for h c n, where we have h bonded to c triple bonded to n, and then a lone pair on the nitrogen there.
181. I shall delight to pass the shores of those lone rock - islets where the sea - birds unmolested.
182. And so began the lone transmutation, in the white artificial academic atmosphere.
183. The hiker meets the only truly happy inhabitant in the area, a lone shepherd hermit.
184. Accustomed to flattering ,[http:///lone.html] flattery died upon his lips when he addressed Lone.
185. Presidential economic advisor Andrei Illarionov, the lone dissenter in the Kremlin on most aspects of its economic policy, has resigned, Russian news agencies reported Tuesday.
186. A lone mother Canada goose honked a warning to stay away from her nest.
187. Structure Fluorine perchlorate should be analogous to perchloric acid, but with the replacement of the lone hydrogen atom with an atom of fluorine.
188. With Sir Christopher Wren's cathedral as a backdrop, Mr Brown insisted "markets need morals" and claimed he was something of a lone voice in arguing in the past that markets should be restrained.
189. I stood under the persimmon tree, looking at the lone little persimmon.
190. Effect of lone electron pair on molecule configuration was analyzed, with the aim to predictmolecule configuration by knowing its lone electron pair numbers.
191. A lone wolf can be considered as either independent or socially awkward.
192. A mist-strewn landscape and a lone rustic cabin give this scene in Washington's Olympic National Park a storybook appearance.
193. Montolivo, 25, is competing with Gattuso to deputise for Pirlo while Marchisio, 24, is expected to start in the creative role behind Alberto Gilardino, the lone striker.
194. Lone gens often oversight breakfast, ferial perhaps eat very simply, stay need the talent when on the weekend belly-worship.
195. So if we take a look at nitrogen here, what you'll notice is we have thre available for bonding, - and we already have our lone pair -- one of our orbitals is already filled up.
196. He's the lone gunslinger, the masterless samurai, the silent killer whose professional life exacts a toll on his spirit.
197. In that cloudy sky only one lone star could be seen.
198. Effect of lone electron pair on bond angle was also introduced and discussed here.
199. ALAN: Port Maria ecclesia came into being largely through the lone work of sis. Dorothy Isaacs. And that really is the origin, from her faithful work there.
200. Leads me original to yearn for lone lily that turns toward the so - called dream vanguard.
201. In the afternoon it all became coffee-table photogenic: blue skies, white ice, calm waters, a lone cormorant on a steeple of ice, and twee chinstrap penguins hiking up snowy slopes.
202. A lone cow peers through a burned - out tree on a grassy paddock in Bermagui.
203. A lone arbutus tree perches atop a hill on Salt Spring Island in British Columbia.
204. There was only one conceivable reason this lone Covenant destroyer would turn tail.
205. Molecules or ions which act as ligands should therefore have lone pairs of electrons for donation.
206. Molecules orions which act a ligands should therefore have lone pairs of electrons for donation.
207. A lone plant juts defiantly from the arid sand of a dune in this evocative image.




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