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单词 ago
释义  a·go /əˈɡəʊ $ əˈɡoʊ/ ●●● S1 W1 adverb  PASTused to show how far back in the past something happened 以前5 minutes/an hour/20 years etc ago Her husband died 14 years ago. 她的丈夫14年前去世了。long ago/a long time ago He should have finished at university long ago, but he kept taking extra courses. 他大学早就该毕业了,但是他不停地选修额外课程。a minute/moment ago The little girl you saw a moment ago was my niece. 你刚才看到的那个小女孩是我侄女。a little/short while ago Tom got a letter from him just a little while ago. 汤姆刚在不久之前收到他的一封来信。 They moved to a new house some time ago (=a fairly long time ago). 他们搬进新居已有些日子了。 We had our bicentenary celebrations not that long ago. 不久前,我们举行了200周年庆典活动。5 GRAMMAR 语法:ago, before, previously• Use ago to say how much time has passed from the time something happened to the present time 用ago表示从事情发生到现在时间过去了多久We went to Madrid two years ago.我们两年前去了马德里。• Use before to say how much time passed from the time something happened to a time in the past 用before表示从事情发生到过去某个时间是多久Her husband had died many years before.那时她丈夫已去世多年。• Previously is used in the same way, but is more formal previously的用法相同,但更加正式The meeting was a follow-up to one that had been held four days previously.这次会议是四天前那次会议的后续。• Use the past tense, not the present perfect, with ago ago和过去时连用,不和现在完成时连用I started (NOT 不说 I've started) a new job a few weeks ago.几星期前我开始了新工作。• Do not use a preposition ('at', 'in', 'on' etc) before a phrase with ago 带ago的短语之前不用at,in,on等介词They first met fifteen years ago (NOT 不说 at/in fifteen years ago).他们15年前相识。• Do not use 'since' or 'before' with ago ago不和since或before连用I came to the US two months ago (NOT 不说 since/before two months ago).我两个月前来到美国。n GRAMMAR: Patterns with ago• Use the simple past, not the present perfect, with ago. You say: ago和过去时连用,不和现在完成时连用I started a new job a few weeks ago. 几星期前我开始了新工作。 ✗Don’t say: I’ve started a new job a few weeks ago.• Don’t use a preposition such as ‘at’, ‘in’, or ‘on’ before a phrase with ago. You say: They first met fifteen years ago. 他们15年前相识。 ✗Don’t say: They first met at/in/fifteen years ago.• Don’t use ‘since’ or ‘before’ with ago. You say: I came to the US two months ago. 我两个月前来到美国。 ✗Don’t say: I came to the US since/before two months ago.Examples from the Corpusago• Thirty years ago 33 % of university students were female; now there are more women than men.• "When did you hurt your back?" "About a fortnight ago".• Michael left the office 20 minutes ago.• Michael left the office about half an hour ago.• My daughter was married just over a year ago.• Pauline wrote to me once, but that was ages ago.• We went down to see a show in London not so long ago.• After all, he was supposed to have been hanged half a century ago.• Even their twittering seems fairly low-key compared with the excited sounds they made just a few weeks ago.• The good ole boys had their day two years ago.• "When did you live in Germany?" "Oh, it was a long time ago."• The only thing we ever get is old, stale news about where they used to be, some time ago.• Did you see that program about genetics that was on a little while ago?• I met your father once, a long time ago.• Lucy's aunt died a few months ago.• I had my keys a minute ago, and now I can't find them.• That was less than three and a half hours ago, but it might have been years.• The gun was pieced together over twenty years ago by Caltech geophysicist Tom Ahrens.• George went out half an hour ago. Can I have him call you back?• The company a year ago changed its reporting period to a fiscal year that ends March 31 from a calendar year.• How long ago did you buy the computer?• How long ago was that, Dad?some time ago• Her father died some time ago.• I lost my taste for sweets some time ago.• The only thing we ever get is old, stale news about where they used to be, some time ago.• They moved to Chicago some time ago , a couple of years I think.• We did a job for Jett some time ago, and he told me to drop in whenever I was passing.• She had arrived with her parents some time ago but seemed to be dancing with a matador.• She must have gone to bed some time ago, else Jessie wouldn't have been able to sneak out.• The extent to which certain species of marine fishes may be tamed was published some time ago in a popular weekly magazine.• Maybe your financial position has changed recently and plans you made some time ago need reviewing.Origin ago (1400-1500) From the past participle of ago “to pass away” ((11-17 centuries)), from Old English agan, from gan “to go”a·go adverb →5 GRAMMAR1 →n GRAMMAR2LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  used to show the how happened in far Corpus past back something




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