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单词 Maoist
1. Even in a Maoist context, these were often extreme.
2. Deng's words meant Maoist dogma and pragmatism was in.
3. Guerrillas from the Maoist Shining Path group killed 14 soldiers in two ambushes in a remote area of eastern Peru.
4. Deng's words meant Maoist dogma was out and pragmatism was in.
5. It is one of the few remaining self-styled Maoist collectives in thecountry.
6. Maoist victory could mean a lessening of Indian influence over its smaller neighbor to the north.
7. The process of integrating former Maoist fighters has stalled with attempts to write a new constitution.
8. MESS IN THE MESS : A Maoist cadre serving meal in the mess.
9. The dispute is over integrating former Maoist guerrillas supervised camps, into the Nepali military.
10. Wild Ginger grows up to become a model Maoist, but her love for a man soon places her in an untenable position — and ultimately in mortal danger.
11. The Maoist state preached egalitarianism and relied on the loyalty of workers and peasants.
12. The dismantling of the Maoist edifice after the Chairman's death in 1976 began more by stealth.
13. Maoist revolutionaries - cum - bandits stoke another fire inIndia's interior and staged attacks as polling began this week.
14. This is the biggest assault launched by the Maoist rebels in five months.
15. They should understand that the Maoist is not an easy thing for them.
16. The Shining Path Maoist guerrilla movement advocated a general offensive against the State and its military power.
17. China's e - bike industry started under the planned economy of the Maoist 1960 s.
18. 'Bo is a very typical princeling, and he now adopts rather popular and rather Maoist policies,() ' he says.
19. Up till now, there are at least 3 thousand Maoist rebels killed and thousands arrested.
20. The government shall be taking care of security arrangements of the Maoist leaders.
21. Officials say they suspect the bombs were planted by Maoist rebels.
22. The area where the helicopter went down is a Maoist - rebel stronghold.
23. Matrika Yadav has ruled out the possibility of his leaving the Maoist party to join underground Terai outfits.
24. The "loyalty dance" was a fixture of China's Cultural Revolution, and Kang Wenjie's performance at a giant Maoist teach-in was boffo.
25. Though Mr Mahato denies it, the PCAPA seems little more than a Maoist proxy.
26. REPORTING ALIVE: Kantipur Television reporter speaks into his camera while a Maoist cadre also shoots.
27. The MRTA was active in the 1980s and '90s, at the same time a larger Maoist insurgent group, the Shining Path, attempted to topple the government.
28. Your lumping everyone together despite different needs is very remnicient of the Stalinist and Maoist death camp mind set.
29. Besides, there are 22 "madhesi" (inhabitants of the eastern Terai), 11 dalits, and 22 from the indigenous groups also among the 73 Maoist MPs.
30. Enforcing their hold on Nepal's countryside, rifle - bearing Maoist rebels patrol the western village of Turmakhad.
31. The Maoist central committee meeting, running at a guesthouse in Bhaktapur since Friday, concluded today.
32. Forest dwellers lament being caught between Maoist bandits, exploitative miners and thuggish security men.




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