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单词 Completeness
1. For the sake of completeness I should mention one further argument.
2. For the sake of completeness, all names are given in full.
3. It has a sense of fulfilment, of completeness.
4. These include considerations of the completeness of the system's coverage and the delay in making the data available.
5. Completeness of the study sample was evaluated by scrutiny of neurology outpatient and general hospital records.
6. The completeness in such lengthy expositions might provide useful checklists for managerial reviews.
7. For completeness, the relevant data are included in Fig.3 as bracketed points.
8. Fig. 3.8 Relative completeness of the humerus and femur compared.
9. These diagnoses have been included for completeness and for consistency with previous reports.
10. Fig. 3.13 Percentage completeness of mandibles from recent owl prey assemblages.
11. The completeness of the 1989-90 material is more difficult to evaluate because the drugs in this period were available over the counter.
12. He loves the opacity of her life, its completeness without him.
13. The TAs will check the notebooks for completeness periodically.
14. Our second object design concept is that of completeness.
15. The valuation and completeness objectives emphasize opposite audit concerns.
16. Included here for historical code set completeness.
17. Yeah, and Yuanxiao symbolizes family unity, completeness and happiness.
18. Check control box it is connected completeness and exactness.
19. Completeness - make sure to crosshatch every missing number in every box, so that you start the second stage of solving with complete candidate lists.
20. Overall the strongest correlations are with clarity of problem definition, clarity of problem understanding and completeness of information.
20. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
21. A particular difficulty about task synthesis is that there is no easy way of confirming completeness.
22. That is why they are a more reliable guide to completeness.
23. For registry staff to monitor effectively the accuracy and completeness of this operation requires detailed record-keeping and effortless access to data.
24. As a result, theories of the type proposed by Althusser and Poulantzas can not honour their own claims to completeness.
25. The full Moon stirs up powerful emotions but also shows us an image of completeness.
26. A second and more serious objection to this definition concerns the impossibility of completeness in another direction.
27. At worst there is a parochialism about this culture even though its completeness embraces a wide range of human activity and potential.
28. The expressive power of XQuery is comparable to the criterion of "relational completeness" defined for database query languages, though no such formal standard has been defined for an XML data model.
29. A set of inference rules for XML weak functional dependency was presented and its soundness and completeness were given.
30. Where a financial institution has any doubt about the authenticity, validity or completeness of a client's identification data obtained earlier, it shall have the client's identity distinguished anew.
31. Each carton will be laid on air bubble for the completeness when shipping ( delivering ).
32. Whether the E-R schema constructed caters for database requirement and how correctness and completeness of the conceptual schema is evaluated remains a problem needed for further research.
33. What the Internet hucksters won't tell you is that the World Wide Web is an ocean of unedited data, without any pretense of completeness .
34. Quality documentation completeness and correctness verification to each finished part.
35. The used view in Accounting Information System is great important for protected data completeness and sofety.
36. Whether or not it is completeness , consummation and gain don't change his humbleness.
37. While for the sinusoidal approximation method, a detail derivation of the amplitude of each sinusoidal function is re-derived for completeness.
38. In regard to every line document material, the completeness should be stressed.
39. The new beta release finally delivers the level of performance, reliability, and functional completeness needed to make Fennec a practical choice for day-to-day use.
40. In addition, China Water Network do not guarantee a bridge site information the absolute accuracy and completeness.
41. Track and follow - up on all special orders for accuracy, completeness, and promptness.
42. This version of the example includes some made-up data for completeness — in particular, data needed for correlation.
43. And this one, just for completeness, is what the antibonding orbital would look like.
44. The round shape of the dumpling is a symbol of wholeness, completeness and unity.
45. Article 24 To underwrite securities, a securities company shall examine the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the public offer documents.
46. Prepare industrial hygiene and environmental air monitoring reports, as well as peer-review other such documents for technical accuracy and completeness.
47. Yuanxiao is sticky, sweet and round in shape, symbolizing family unity, completeness and happiness.
48. Responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the financial and management accounting records of the company.
49. Round in shape, tang yuan symbolizes family unity, completeness and happiness.
50. Authorized representative of PetroChinaPTCN Co Ltd. Iraq Branch reviews the contract to ensure completeness, and signs it.
50. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
51. A formal semantics is given. We prove 79's soundness, consistency, completeness, and decidability with respect to the semantics.
52. The third is the obscure logic absolutely formulated by ideas of "Beauty's Vacuum", "beauty's completeness", and "Beauty's omnipresence".
53. The directors, supervisors and senior managers of the issuer shall confirm in writing the listing announcement so as to ensure the genuineness, accuracy and completeness of the information disclosed.
54. The paper has made an approach to the control system, the backtracking method, the completeness of data and various table forms.
55. The number of contacting particles and the shortest distance among particles were the key factors, which decided the completeness and closely knit degree of the framework.
56. My signature certifies the accuracy and completeness of the information provided.
57. Note: Data validation may include format checks, completeness checks, check key tests, reasonableness checks and limit checks.
58. Simply put, SIP sacrifices completeness for simplicity, flexibility and extensibility.
59. In this paper it is proved that uniform convexity metric linear spaces with completeness are reflexive.
60. In the first paper of the second part , it studies two dimensional noncommutative Lie algebra and its solvability, completeness and nonsemisimplicity and so on .
61. The later mainly refers to keeping the content of information authenticity , secretiveness and completeness by using the certification techniques of digital participants' identity.
62. This result can be used to prove the completeness theorems of first order logic system and the universal refutation method proposed by us.
63. The Agency then confirms the submission date of this information and makes a further completeness check within 3 weeks of receipt of the updated dossier.
64. Review correctness and completeness of petty cash summary for replenishment of petty cash fund by petty cash custodian.
65. The round shape of the dumpling is a symbol of wholeness, completeness and comity.
66. Because DEM can integrate with control flow, data flow and time, the checking method can check consistency and completeness of software requirements for embedded real-time systems software.
67. The Company has taken prudent measures to ensure the accuracy of the information posted, but the information on this website does not guarantee the absolute accuracy and completeness.
68. Yuanxiao is sticky, sweet round in shape, symbolizing family unity, completeness and happiness.
69. Documentation has been reviewed for adequacy, completeness and current status.
70. Symmetry is one of the fundamental principles in gestaltism, a human behavior theory that proposes that our mind naturally creates order and completeness in the things we see and encounter.
71. The building of flamelet database is very important a step in improving flamelet model. It includes improving the exactness and completeness of combustion states as well as extinction limit capturing.
72. Monitoring the checking of production records including the completeness of the production data.
73. It provides proofs of the soundness and completeness for the algorithm.
74. Facial nerve is completeness is broken more from, often incorporate hematic tympanum and feeling sound sex are completely deaf.
75. The least instruction set based on the concepts of independence and functional completeness of instruction set is proposed, which establish foundation for designing optional instruction set.
76. The more hasty you arc , the slowcr you achieve completeness and success.
77. Supreme purity, clarity, and certainty at the cost of completeness.
78. First, an extended natural deduction system of the programming logic is established and then its completeness is proved.
79. Multiple Site Damage (MSD) is one of important factors which affect structural completeness of old aircraft.
80. At present, this method can only estimate the completeness of the stake when detecting the bore-hole stake but is incapable of detecting the intensity of it.
81. The Domain and Completeness screen allows you to make specific decisions around the completeness and validity of the values, whether by specific value, by range, or via a reference table.
82. We build a set of complete bases through resolving the eigenvalue problem of this linear operator and prove its completeness and orthogonality.
83. The completeness of a section plays an important role in interpretation of sedimentary facies, pattern analysis of organic evolution and studies of event or episodic sedimentation.
84. Conclusion By the analysis of theory and application, the fault diagnosis algorithm has the characteristic of universality, completeness and high efficiency in the fault diagnosis field.
85. We discuss the completeness and efficiency of this scheme, and also give list processing and garbage collection algorithm.
86. The legislator determines the feasibility of financial law by controlling its exclusiveness, symmetry and completeness.
87. We suggest that two object design concepts are useful: cohesion and completeness.
88. The obscure understanding on Newton's First law was cleared up. Some different idea about the relation of Newtion's three law and the theory's completeness and logic was put forward.
89. General deduction and strong completeness of the formal deductive system L? are further studied.
90. Finally, it analyzes the consistency, completeness and redundancy of emotion knowledge acquired.
91. That increases the completeness of combustion and neatly avoids the issue of degradation with time.
92. Outside the full exposition the semicircular canals outline and the anvil nest, maintains the osseous external auditory meatus behind completeness.
93. This paper talk about cellular encoding and prove its completeness , closure, compactness and recursive and modularity.
94. The ablation and burning completeness were tested by erosion tube and oxygen bomb method.
95. Godel's completeness shows that in the case of the first order logic the syntactical and semantical characters of reasoning coincide.
96. The infinite loops in PROLOG programs will directly interfere with the terminability and answer completeness of program execution.
97. Valuation deals with potential overstatement and completeness with unrecorded transactions and files.
98. The present paper covers a mistake in the completeness proof about generalized paramodulation, and presents another method of proving the completeness.
99. Subsequent assessment for medial malleolar fracture and then posterior malleolar fracture defines the stage of completeness of the injury and localizes the sites of ligamentous disruption.
100. After this, American Logician Kurt Godel proved the completeness theory of predicate calculus. This means the completion of the base of Modern Logic.
101. The primary objective is to ensure consistency and completeness of information in the Annual Reports submitted by the pharmaceutical industry and to standardize the general format.
102. The observation can be improved, the verification cycle can be reduced and the completeness of verification can be ensured by this verification methodology.
103. The initial modernization of hospital is a systematic engineering with completeness.
104. Their genuineness, objectiveness and completeness all bear upon the study of music figures in history.
105. Holy God fulfills you with fruitfulness , prosperity , completeness and souvereign while you follow His words.
106. The aim of this article is to establish the completeness theorem of elementary first-order temporal logic.
107. Each of the three parts has its own systematic structure while interacts with each other, so to bring completeness and fuel the development of the science of chorography.
108. These statistics, however accidental and therefore uninstructive they may appear, as they have a certain completeness , have a certain value also.
109. Reviews staff time and expense reports for completeness and reasonableness - identifying as applicable.
110. I suppose, for completeness, we should consider the reverse possibility.
111. Therefore though music has to wait for its completeness like any other art, yet at every step it gives out the beauty of the whole.




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