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单词 Upton sinclair
1. Writer Upton Sinclair coins the term white-collar, to describe workers whom he called "the petty underlings of the business world."
2. The fire had come only five years after Upton Sinclair published his book The Jungle, which detailed the plight of the workers at a meat packer's plant.
3. As I said, no surprise: as Upton Sinclair pointed out long ago, it's difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it.
4. Then, in 1906, Upton Sinclair published his socialist novel, THE JUNGLE, aimed, as he later said, at people's hearts but hitting their stomachs instead.
5. Upton Sinclair dwelt on "the inferno of exploitation" in Chicago's meat packing industry in "The Jungle" (1906).
6. Upton Sinclair exposed the stomach-churning conditions of the Chicago stockyards in his 1905 novel The Jungle.
7. As if on cue, anothemail I got last week had the more intriguing title of "China's Upton Sinclair".
8. This has not prevented Soviet readers from coupling him with Upton Sinclair as America's greatest novelists.
9. Turns out American factory culture may not have changed enough since Upton Sinclair wrote "The Jungle," to stop bacterium-infected food products from hitting store shelves.




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