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单词 Boredom
1. Some children have a low tolerance for boredom.
2. She's suffering from terminal boredom.
3. A walkman can relieve the boredom of running.
4. Work banishes those three great evils: boredom, vice and poverty.
5. After an afternoon of unutterable boredom I was finally allowed to leave.
6. She has an extremely low boredom threshold.
7. The speaker ground on, oblivious of his listeners' boredom.
8. He found the boredom scarcely endurable.
9. Most teenagers start taking drugs through boredom.
10. A lot of her unhappiness is due to boredom.
11. He was dying of boredom in the isolated island.
12. The books helped relieve the boredom of waiting.
13. He has a low boredom threshold .
14. Unemployment can drive you mad with boredom.
15. They alleviated the boredom of waiting by singing songs.
16. That week was an eternity of solitude and boredom.
17. As usual, Simon affected complete boredom.
18. Boredom is the enemy of learning.
19. The best cure for boredom is hard work!
20. The dull, absent look on her face implied boredom.
21. We are dying of boredom!
22. Boredom is not a ground for divorce.
23. They started quarrelling out of sheer boredom.
24. She has a low threshold of boredom and needs the constant stimulation of physical activity.
25. I noticed her short attention span and low boredom threshold .
26. I'd die of boredom if I lived in the country.
27. He had given up attending lectures out of sheer boredom.
28. He has nothing to do all day and is suffering from terminal boredom.
28. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
29. He started off enthusiastically but at some point along the line boredom set in.
30. Sorting mail is not a job for people with a low boredom threshold.
1. Some children have a low tolerance for boredom.
2. She's suffering from terminal boredom.
3. A walkman can relieve the boredom of running.
4. After an afternoon of unutterable boredom I was finally allowed to leave.
5. He had given up attending lectures out of sheer boredom.
6. Sorting mail is not a job for people with a low boredom threshold.
31. A combination of tiredness and boredom caused me to fall asleep.
32. We played cards to relieve the boredom of the long wait.
33. She relieved her boredom at home by learning how to type.
34. Television helps to relieve the boredom of the long winter evenings.
35. Boredom made him careless.
36. The boredom is caused as much by people's unsatisfying home lives as by lack of work.
37. For her travel was an escape from the boredom of her everyday life.
38. They often find they begin to chat to relieve the boredom of the flight.
39. I started to eat too much out of sheer boredom.
40. Where people were concerned, his threshold of boredom was low.
41. Boredom and isolation were driving Polly to desperation.
42. There was just a kind of suspicious boredom.
43. That is not a possible way to combat boredom.
44. Against boredom the gods themselves fight in vain. Friedrich Nietzsche 
45. I would rather die of passion than of boredom. Vincent van Gogh 
46. Boredom: the desire for desires. Leo Tolstoy 
47. My boredom threshold is next to nil.
48. I yawned, not bothering to conceal my boredom.
49. They are dying from pure boredom.
50. It's bloody living death, living boredom.
51. But it drives you mad with boredom.
52. Boredom allowed no relief from either fatigue or muteness.
53. To Miguel, the boredom of married life seemed never-ending.
54. Meanwhile, the boredom is excruciating.
55. I get more tired from boredom than from work.
56. What he really hates is having to shave his hair and the daily boredom of having nothing to do.
57. He attempts reading it upside down, which temporarily relieves the boredom.
58. Her social worker said the stealing was also the result of boredom and keeping bad company.
58. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
59. Remember how Matt had to learn to hold his babies tight when they cried and had to overcome the boredom he felt?
60. Stallions have an especially low tolerance for boredom, and the best cure is greater variety in work.
61. She could no longer stand the boredom of having nothing to do.
62. The snakes eat themselves at the top of the food-chain out of habit or boredom or sheer bravado.
63. If anything, they served to intensify the boredom by providing a comparative.
64. I sit around all day and eat junk food out of boredom.
65. A sense of boredom may cause feelings of inferiority in the sufferer.
66. The danger, the boredom, the ever-present discipline along with the exhilaration of aviation training are all vividly recalled.
67. Pleasure will also follow from moving from a low level to a higher one: the relieving of boredom.
68. Wearing an expression of utter boredom, Harry turned back to his book.
69. They were free from all boredom and all responsibility; until they reached Saturn, the external world did not exist.
70. I couldn't help contrast the boredom with United's exhilarating 4-3 encounter with Liverpool some years back, also in Belfast.
71. Development, so denied, often results in closed gates, bad affect, boredom, and mindlessness among students and teachers.
72. The only thing I see them reaping is a bumper crop of boredom.
73. Grasp your opportunities, no matter how poor your health; nothing is worse for your health than boredom. Mignon McLaughlin 
74. Can you imagine the sheer boredom of doing the same job day in, day out for fifty years?
75. Ann Kite produces an excellent video, very clear and with enough repetition for understanding, not boredom.
76. She felt a superficial moral righteousness and a profound fear about her own boredom.
77. I preferred threadbare hand-me-downs to clothes that exuded boredom from every seam.
78. I could see no way of escaping the boredom of the small-town social scene.
79. Don't overdo it though - the flipside of stress is boredom, stagnation and low self-esteem.
80. And to cap it all, the bland sleazy boredom of it all.
81. Not only is bodily exercise a good weapon against boredom, it is also pleasant.
82. The people, the routine, the boredom: frankly, he had been to hell and back.
83. Then tears, then boredom, then anger, sometimes the whole gamut in an hour.
84. Because when the boredom begins to set in as you lie motionless under the sun, you can do your exercises then!
85. Magnetic board games can help relieve the boredom of long car journeys for kids.
86. A beagle with her intestines lying on the concrete, and lab technicians microwaving animals out of boredom.
87. There might be creatures in the universe to whom a thousand-year voyage would present nothing worse than slight boredom....
88. Bored with the assertion of the central place of boredom in human affairs,[/boredom.html] he wrote.
89. There was nothing like a small fire to take the boredom right out of things.
90. It was his job to keep watch through the night, but boredom and tiredness had taken over.
91. The monotony, boredom and endless waiting gnawed away at the author.
92. She might be infuriated by the sewing-circle boredom; but she would hear no ridicule.
93. It is a bizarre setting, to say the least, where the boredom and indifference can be measured in metric tons.
94. These huge corporations are dying of boredom caused by the inertia of giantism.
95. Even the pop posters were old, they blew my mind with boredom.
96. The only possible reason for your unwarranted interference is boredom!
97. Often, the end of their beaks may be cut off to stop the hens pecking each other out of sheer boredom and neurosis.
98. He no longer felt the need to borrow cars and go lifting round the shops to relive the boredom.
99. Certain forms of discomfort, certain forms of boredom, can be ignored or at least tolerated by means of diversion.
100. I lived in a nursery which smelled of boredom and liniment.
101. Boredom with politics was a state of mind they could only comprehend intellectually.
102. More recent moral philosophy exhibits a certain boredom with Moore's approach.
103. I found that before long I was eating everything - most people did out of boredom.
104. That provides greater flexibility, and allows team members to trade off to avoid boredom.
105. Amazing as it might sound, boredom may play a factor as well.
106. Most people indulge in harmless fantasies to relieve the boredom of their lives.
107. Boredom, isolation and loneliness can lead to alcoholism, marriage breakdowns and a failure to complete the assignment.
108. There is something more terrible than a hell of suffering - a hell of boredom. Victor Hugo 
109. For three hours he sat in the kitchen, discovering how boredom may alternate with terror, trying to stay bored.
110. Some means of escaping the waiting time of boredom and temporary unemployment.
111. There was almost, thought the Doctor, a trace of boredom in those measured tones.
112. Harry tried to relieve the boredom by singing and whistling.
113. In order to live free and happily, you must sacrifice boredom. It is not always an easy sacrifice. Richard Bach 
114. Boredom and hunger, after all, are an integral part of life at my school.
115. In all this, including the boredom, there is nothing new in the annals of adolescence.
116. Anyone who said they liked observations must have a pretty high threshold of boredom.
117. Loneliness and Boredom Perhaps the most serious problem of all was simply that there was not enough adventure or diversion.
118. He made friends, had adventures,[ ] found ways to fight the boredom with his cluster of rat-eyed Latin Bowery Boys.
119. It is a tribute to our impatience and boredom that we are already asking this question three months premature.
120. The Internet is no substitute for real life but it's great for fighting off boredom.
121. All in all, the eatery is a breakfast bargain, with enough different components to keep boredom at bay.
122. These inventions not only relieved the boredom but gave escape from pain.
123. All I could admit to was boredom, and the belief that school was more fun.
124. The concept of boredom entails an inability to use up present moments in a personally fulfilling way. Wayne Dyer 
125. A weariness that was as much chronic boredom as physical tiredness seemed the most dominant thing about her.
126. On the other hand the boredom factor can then set in, and hormone levels may drop because they are no longer stimulated.
127. Every time she caught his eye, she would glance away embarrassed, but with boredom she grew bolder.
128. Misty rain or Sunday lunch, or sheer boredom had dispersed the spectators and Lady Street was deserted.
129. What seemed a promising job turned into months of boredom and drudgery.
130. With tongue and teeth he gave a tight rasp and turned away in boredom or vexation or distaste.
131. Boredom is one of the main reasons kids get into trouble.
132. I get bored, he said, and I run from this terrible boredom that is the opposite of life.
133. Or maybe, as she'd taunted earlier, his actions were governed by boredom.
134. An active social life may make the boredom of work more tolerable.
135. Those parliamentary gossips still in London enduring the boredom of the silly season waited in happy expectation for the scandal to break.
136. A vulturous boredom pinned me in this tree.
137. This not only alleviates boredom, it can reinvigorate you.
138. His eyes glazed over with boredom.
139. The pine tree makes a forest of boredom.
140. People went bananas with boredom.
141. His soul writhed with boredom.
142. Work banishes those great evils: boredom, vise and poverty.
143. Fatigue and boredom combine to cause burnout - one of the biggest reasons people quit.
144. According to psychoanalyst 25)Manfred Kets de Vries, the only cure for the boredom and anxiety is to give something back.
145. A lay person might count boredom and natural weirdness as the most likely fuel for fantasies.
146. Collecting , by occupying spare time so constructively, makes a person contented , with no time for boredom.
147. This treadmill workout is a fartlek workout that will not only help improve your speed, but also help prevent boredom on the treadmill.
148. There cash in hand, but also whether there is now boredom good investment opportunities?
149. Avarice, embarrassment, boredom, depression, jealousy and love, for example, might epitomise the modern age.
150. A meeting's length will be directly proportional to the boredom the speaker produces.
151. Not enough stress leads to feelings of boredom and sometimes, meaninglessness.
152. In one of the most famous scenes in literature, for instance, boredom takes time. Marcel Proust describes his protagonist, Marcel, dunking a madeleine cookie into his teacup.
153. Does the experience of boredom make you unmotivated and unexcited?
154. To fill the boredom and emptiness you have to revile and slander with even more stridency. Once those strident words leave your mouth your feeling of boredome and emptiness will increase.
155. There is something about the post lunch hour, when a sense of boredom creeps in and time weighs so heavy that you can almost hear the clock tick.
156. Work therefore is desirable, first and foremost, as a preventive of boredom.
157. Only a uniformed guard stultified with boredom might have overheard them.
158. Of a truth, need and boredom are the two poles of human life.
159. She observed her guests'expressions glazing over with boredom at the insipidity of the conversation.
160. Walker Percy, a philosophical novelist, once properly described boredom as "the self stuffed with the self."
161. Fidget with small objects when talking, indicating nervousness or boredom.
162. Humming like a bee around the house, I've never had the feeling of boredom and inanity.
163. Job rotation is intended to alleviate boredom by giving people different things to do.
164. He was petrified by boredom and his tiny mind squirmed like the snail-like meat inside a whelk.
165. I think they keep changing the rules mostly out of boredom but, in Marvin's case, I sense a certain underlying malevolence.
166. Colecting, by occupying spare time so constructively, makes a person contented with no time for boredom.
167. It all started about a year ago, with the growing revolt against taupe and a boredom with the minimalist look.
168. We can control our boredom for a while, but is spills out fretfully soon or later – it's part of our "modern" culture.
169. So the distance of the gap needs to be between the outer limits of boredom and overstrain according to Iser.
170. Therefore, we show that boredom affects attitudes and behaviour even after the boring activity, if people have not had the chance to re-establish meaningfulness.
171. It is the vibration of joylessness that causes humans to experience boredom.
172. Denying oneself sweets is like sending a message to the universe to send one boredom and joylessness .
173. The experiment 1 examined the effects of boredom proneness (BP) and signal rate on performance and state boredom in cognitive vigilance.
174. Most of the idle rich suffer unspeakable boredom as the price of their freedom from drudgery.
175. It was nearly seven months of leisurely rustic living before Michael felt real boredom.
176. the double-edged quality of life in a small town—security and boredom.
177. His boredom with life may be due to the desuetude of his brain power.
178. Younger employees and those with more menial jobs were also more prone to boredom.
179. Zhou, who had first put that idea forward,[] hid his boredom behind an indulgent smile.
180. A desperate boredom always lay over those things until they got drunk.
181. Such detours are well worth making and can greatly reduce the soporific boredom of motorway driving.
182. For a high mood monitor, engaging in an activity will require an effortful maintenance of attention, resulting in more frequent feelings of boredom.
183. eyes glazed with boredom.
184. Lean back with your hands behind your head while seated feeling of boredom or superiority.
185. One day, when the boredom hits me like a brick wall, I will be off, hiking to the base of one of the hundreds of incredible rock formations I have seen or heard about, to begin some real adventures.




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