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单词 Profoundly
1 Walk groundly; talk profoundly; drink roundly; sleep soundly. 
2 Memory can be profoundly shaped by subsequent experience.
3 Tom was born profoundly deaf .
4 I am profoundly grateful to you all.
5 The regime is profoundly divided against itself.
6 This book influenced her profoundly.
7 She was profoundly scarred by her father's suicide.
8 How odd life was, how unfathomable, how profoundly unjust.
9 Many of these children are profoundly deaf.
10 This has profoundly affected my life.
11 She was profoundly shaken by the news.
12 She is now profoundly deaf.
13 We are all profoundly grateful for your help and encouragement.
14 He profoundly believed in the future victory of the revolution.
15 It disturbs me profoundly that you so misuse your talents.
16 We are profoundly affected by what happens to us in childhood.
17 Society has changed so profoundly over the last fifty years.
18 At the theoretical level, Soul is more profoundly misleading.
19 The workplace began to change profoundly.
20 The social world of the 1950s was profoundly different.
21 Such settlements were profoundly characteristic of the Victorian age.
22 Meditation is profoundly simple in method.
23 There, violence erupts with devastating, yet profoundly contrasting, effects.
24 I will be profoundly relieved when I can escape from the prosaic explanations and defences of this present sprawling mess of words.
25 Here we are concerned with the profoundly symbolic nature of visionary leadership.
26 Ethology has always been profoundly concerned with evolutionary development, with phylogeny.
27 As you might imagine, this has been a profoundly moving and difficult week for all of us and our political family.
28 At this sight Catharine, much troubled, prostrated profoundly and gradually restored the foot of Agnes to its usual position.
29 Susan nodded sagely as if what I had said was profoundly significant.
30 A more specific example of how the culture of work profoundly influences the industrial worker is around the issue of assessment.
1 Memory can be profoundly shaped by subsequent experience.
2 Many of these children are profoundly deaf.
3 She is now profoundly deaf.
4 He profoundly believed in the future victory of the revolution.
5 It disturbs me profoundly that you so misuse your talents.
31 But he does stand a good chance of profoundly damaging the candidacy of Bob Dole.
32 Fact, in this instance, is far stranger and more profoundly disquieting than anything in the annals of fiction.
33 Naturally, we hope every citizen will vote, a simple obligation of democracy with results that profoundly affect our lives.
34 He was the first and only Presidential contender to propose a world-view profoundly alternative to the traditions of imperialist perspective.
35 But family therapists are also aware how profoundly these swarms of narratives can affect what we see and therefore how we live.
36 These writings, buttressed by profoundly moral concerns, are testimony to the complexity of the relationships between health and working.
37 They clearly adore the multi-layered foundations of instrumental funk, and profoundly project this soulful hipster-cool attitude on All Night Burner.
38 The disorienting, profoundly disturbing lesson from Genoa is also the oldest lesson in politics: words alone are not enough.
39 Although we know intellectually that the statusquo can not be maintained for ever, we feel profoundly disturbed when irreversible change actually happens.
40 People born profoundly deaf, or who become so in early childhood, may well not develop intelligible speech.
41 The nature of Gloucester's involvement in East Anglia was, however, profoundly different from that in the north.
42 But he was also a complex, highly secretive individual whose inner workings and motivations are profoundly glossed over in this film.
43 The truckle-bed had been narrow and hard, and she was profoundly unwilling to surrender herself to sleep.
44 A set of battle-scarred Le Creuset pans nestled on the Aga where a Persian cat was profoundly asleep.
45 In his subsequent work, the connection between the two would remain profoundly equivocal.
46 Within the past decade the drugs scene has changed profoundly.
47 Conservatives struggling to reconcile this drive for security with the inherent and seemingly indispensable insecurity of the competitive society were profoundly alarmed.
48 Why was it that he had this profoundly unsettling effect on her?
49 Although several generations of Gunters have called Cannon County home, the lack of local job prospects has profoundly discouraged him.
50 A big increase in the number of elderly people has to profoundly change the nature of the system.
51 Our attitudes are profoundly influenced by our own experiences both in the past and in the present.
52 One of these was Roslyn. During her adolescence she had been deeply and profoundly idealistic.
53 The deaf and dumb are profoundly grateful for this provision made on their behalf for their general welfare.
54 John Cage, composer and performance artist who profoundly influenced the development of avant-garde music, died 12 August, aged seventy-nine.
55 But he was married and was already profoundly committed to destroying himself with booze.
56 But agencies are finding it profoundly difficult to reach a consensus.
57 That they live in a profoundly different world(sentence dictionary), and that they live in it differently.
58 And the new media are profoundly transforming our political system.
59 She was profoundly upset and had never really recovered from the shock.
60 Clearly, although he did not agree with Plato, he too was profoundly influenced by the cosmological view of time.
61 The myth of the self-made man, has to be profoundly hypocritical: it is the self-serving demonstration that a lie is the truth. Che Guevara 
62 This was, unusually for Coronation Street, a duet, and profoundly melancholic.
63 Many members of the parish were profoundly ambivalent about the protest.
64 But by 1990 a profoundly different orientation permeated the Minnesota state government.
65 We had been delivered into the midst of a birth far more significant, profoundly more potent than our own.
66 I sensed all this profoundly when I first began to think about what might lie beneath the surface of the oceans.
67 The three faiths all taught profoundly skeptical views of human existence.
68 But both groups include many profoundly different peoples, owing partly to the accidents of history and partly to regional variations.
69 This piece also illustrates profoundly important innovations of musical idiom.
70 Apologists wishing to exploit a revisionist history of science invariably stress the profoundly religious orientation of many prominent scientists.
71 The commission's recommendations could profoundly affect the political map of the area.
72 The operation left Keith profoundly disabled, he's deaf, he walks with difficulty and suffers double vision.
73 First, the academic study of the concept has been profoundly transformed in the past twenty years or so.
74 The direct realist sees beauty and meaning in the things themselves, to be profoundly or superficially, deeply or shallowly apprehended.
75 And why even today are most scientists still profoundly uneasy about any such notion?
76 It also has become clear that the two sides differ profoundly on what to do with separated plutonium.
77 Individuals are profoundly affected by their occupational socialisation, through training and through day-to-day work.
78 And though there were plenty of strong opinions, much of the parish still seemed profoundly ambivalent about the protest.
79 Private sector led regeneration has profoundly increased the inequality of access to both private and public goods in the area.
80 Like no other manner of death, homicide leaves survivors feeling profoundly violated.
81 It could make that the central point of its election manifesto if it is so profoundly excited by it.
82 The outcome could have widened the already-growing gap between rich and poor and profoundly affected our economic prosperity for decades.
83 During her adolescence she had been deeply and profoundly idealistic.
84 Most of the important Physics that has been done in the laboratory during that time has been profoundly influenced by Sir Charles.
85 It is a relationship supported by an idea that kinship matters profoundly.Sentencedict
86 Penn said a decade passed before he realized how profoundly the experience had influenced him.
87 I am profoundly ignorant of all these stock-jobbing intrigues.
88 Believe palingenesis, profoundly yearn encounter to you again.
89 Such offences as his profoundly endanger public security.
90 Data center culture is going to be profoundly changed.
91 I am so profoundly interested in its miserable inhabitants.'.
92 This film will make every Chinese rethink profoundly.
93 Aleck glowed ; she was profoundly happy.
94 In what language do the profoundly deaf think?
95 He profoundly believed in his future success.
96 Business and economic life were profoundly disorganized.
97 This event profoundly shocked Japan, and has served as a justification for Tokyo to accelerate its adoption of a missile defense system.
98 The research of the dissertation focuses on QuanZhou city, it probes profoundly into the spreading of the Nestorianism in the Song and Yuan dynasty.
99 Tertullian profoundly influenced the later church fathers, especially Saint Cyprian - and through them, all Christian theologians of the West.
100 Finally, the external trigger and internal trigger are profoundly studied to solve the question of time when the processes are migrated.
101 Indeed, I recall after I asked a young deaf man about his new baby, being told by him with enormous pride that his son was " profoundly deaf, third generation."
102 And it will take a important meaning in the process of the profoundly studying and designing EPS emergency power supply.
103 Now we are all commemorating him, which shows how profoundly his spirit inspires everyone.
104 Because of solitariness, both of them chose the same way of living, and were able to criticize traditional culture and query the existence of human beings profoundly.
105 I can't imagine anything since the invention of the spinning jenny that will so profoundly change the lives of people in the deepest rural parts of the emerging market.
106 The narrative that Alex Haley crafted is, in certain respects, profoundly comforting: it transforms those twin strands into a distinct before and after.
107 These changes profoundly affected the political circumstances at that time, foreshadowing the following changed situation.
108 It was a hard matter to preserve the innocent deceit of which they were profoundly unsuspicious.
109 Besides, Schopenhauer has also profoundly influenced modern aesthetic thought in China.
110 Moreover, changes in endocrine status by adrenalectomy or ovariectomy in the rat profoundly increased the density of the nerve fibres in the anterior pituitary as a result of active axonal sprouting.
111 From cell phones and computers to hybrid cars and deep-water oil platforms, advances in engineering are profoundly changing our lives.
112 There are also a few tablets that are already for sale here, all of which have one thing in common: Most of the reviews of them range from so-so to profoundly negative.
113 The economy virtualization has changed the world proceeding pattern profoundly, formed the new international division system, and reversed the mechanism which the traditional economy crisis occurs.
114 Cochlear implant(CI) is a neural prosthetic device used to provide the sensation of sound to those who are profoundly deaf by delivering electrical stimulus to auditory nerve directly.
115 Law is a pervasive feature of social life that profoundly affects us.
116 Worse is that the long era of stagnating incomes has been accompanied by something profoundly un-American: declining income mobility.
117 This article probe mainly about component law of the superacid. so that we may researed profoundly natun of superacid and discover continually it.
118 Bell's father, grandfather, and brother were all involved with work on speech and elocution, and both his mother and wife were deaf, profoundly influencing Bell's life's work.
119 Willard Van Orman Quine (1908-2000) is one of the most important figures that have profoundly influenced western philosophy and logics in the twentieth century.
120 As we know, the profoundly deaf patient cannot resort to the hearing aid device, however, through cochlear implant, such an effective way, it is completely possible for them to restore hearing.
121 The venture capital organizations profoundly realized the essentiality and necessity of risk analysis and risk precaution.
122 Their theoretic have effected the society profoundly and extensively and a great lot of art have come to teem in the each history phase and many geography district.
123 Travel in a time of atypical pneumonia has become a nightmare of minimal flight schedules, unsettling health checkpoints, official no-go zones and profoundly unwelcoming hosts.
124 The wandering Saddhu with a begging bowl is profoundly eco-friendly, while your Bonos and Geldofs, not to mention your yacht-owning oligarchs, consume enormous amounts of oil.
125 Rasputin, a writer profoundly disappointed about reality and holding his ground of moral idealism, frequently employs the dream image in his works.
126 Perhaps, it is the impact of osmosis, is profoundly nurtured.
127 The impact of small non-coding RNAs has profoundly touched the fields of development and cell biology, functional genomics, human disease and drug therapy.
128 One of the reasons why"BASE Program"(an oral English instruction program) profoundly influences college students improvement in oral English is that it has abundant theoretical basis.
129 The ragweed Ambrosia artemisiifolia, an alien invasive weed, can profoundly influence natural ecosystems, agriculture, and human health.
130 These particularities exhibited profoundly both in the utmost disproportion in dimensional distributions and multiplicity in the function that they could play.
131 REM sleep also profoundly affects brain systems that control the body's internal organs.
132 Objective:Myelosuppression secondary to radiochemotherapy profoundly affected the therapeutic process and prognosis of cancer patients.
133 This kind of unique self-concern profoundly infected the cainozoic era.
134 Someone will immediately bring up South Africa, but that nation-state and its experiences were profoundly different.
135 The emergence of the English legal profession affected profoundly the development English legal system.
136 And if they continued to lionize him in a public fashion, that these kinds of public demonstrations can only have a profoundly negative effect on our relationship.
137 Broad sense of friendship and in the strict sense of friendship, not the former would be cautious, which has not profoundly difficult.
138 The cold forging procedure and die design courseware helps and instructs people who engaged in cold forging die design to understand cold forging process and die design profoundly.
139 I wish to fill you with sympathy with a contemporaneous tendency in which I profoundly believe.
140 Taking cornstalk as raw material to produce newsprint, domestic paper etc. elaborately and profoundly processed projects.
141 Is a small tube-shaped container, in have a letter. Sink to eliminate to fire to took a look merely profoundly Cu eyebrow.
142 Jean-Paul Sartre, as one of the most outstanding cultural tycoons in the twenty's century, influenced profoundly philosophical field as well as literary theories.
143 Though postmodernism stage it will surely effect future philosophy far profoundly.
144 The thing to keep in mind is this guy had huge psychiatric problems. He was profoundly depressed and self-stimulation did not appear to help.
145 What seems certain is that the nitrogen cycle is changing faster and more profoundly than the carbon cycle(Sentence dictionary), which has attracted much more attention.
146 Can the mind-heart know and profoundly appreciate this state of endlessness, this ceaseless becoming?
147 This article explored the reflects of tapa dress, which influence profoundly the development of human dress.
148 It has covered masculine and feminine elements Yi Li extremely profoundly as well as is making widely known the cosmic inventory structure style profoundly.
149 The Socialist Party was profoundly divided and hence very weak.
150 The philosophical reflection and profoundly cultural basis help people purify the souls and understand the meaning of life in the course of construction of visual literacy.
151 Any person who is really profoundly humane can't believe in everlasting punishment.
152 Giovanni, the most illustrious of the three, profoundly influenced the Venetian school of painting with his interest in light and color. His works include Saint Francis in Ecstasy.
153 The theories and practices of CAS ad hoc arbitration deserve to be profoundly studied and used for reference.
154 The differences between the thinking in Byzantium and the west were most profoundly highlighted with the Great Schism, the division of Christendom.
155 The theory had profoundly affected Shen Con - gwen and became his best means to annotate humanity.
156 These children lost their hearing very early in life, before they had learned to speak, and are so profoundly deaf that conventional hearing aids are of no use.
157 A very ripe, assertive, profoundly structured and traditional warm year for Grange whose dark, brooding and brambly fruit and lavish oak are supported by drying, firm and chalky tannin.
158 Why doesn't it arouse the subject immediately, if it is true that he is so profoundly libidinal?
159 Maoism not only strayed from Marxism in turning to the countryside but was also profoundly non-Leninist in celebrating the spontaneity of peasant revolt.
160 In politics, as in other areas, he is profoundly conservative.
161 Being considered as one of the most influential and widespread sects on contemporary western philosophy stage, existentialism is destined to be influenced by voluntarism profoundly.
161 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
162 Second, the Chinese government will profoundly implement the strategy of rejuvenating trade through science and technology and continue to create a sound policy environment for the export of software.
163 Robust estimation theory is profoundly studied, and several weight functions are discussed.
164 America's founders would have been profoundly annoyed by this kind of unreflective ancestor worship.
165 We have been profoundly affected by his originality, creativity and amazing body of work.
166 But if you're afraid to fail, you're afraid to take risks, which begins to explain the final and most damning disadvantage of an elite education: that it is profoundly anti-intellectual.
167 Obviously, the court had been profoundly influenced by the progressive upheaval.
168 It feels profoundly artificial yet deeply real, both high-tech and earthy-crunchy, human and mystically divine — in a word, transcendent.




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