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单词 Cut it
1, Players who can't cut it soon quit the team.
2, He doesn't think English-born players can cut it abroad.
3, Peel the onion and cut it in half lengthwise.
4, My finger is tender because I cut it yesterday.
5, I'm sick of you two arguing-just cut it out!
6, "Cut it out, Chip," I said.
7, Cut it with a knife.
8, Duncan shampooed my hair and then Tracy cut it.
9, Cut it into four equal parts.
10, Cut it into bite-size pieces.
11, Can you cut it quite short on top, please.
12, If he can't cut it, then we'll get someone else to do the job.
13, I'm sick of you two squabbling just cut it out!
14, Cut it out, buster!
15, Your article's too long -- please cut it down to 1000 words.
16, He cut down the tree and cut it up for firewood.
17, Hey, you guys, cut it out - Mom's trying to get some sleep.
18, I cut it out and pinned it to my studio wall.
19, Don't just hack at the bread - cut it properly!
20, The cake just broke into pieces when I cut it.
21, Just cut it out! I've had enough of your silly jokes.
22, His accent is so thick you could cut it with a knife I can hardly understand a word he says.
23, Her accent is so thick you could cut it with a knife— I can hardly understand a word she says.
24, This article is too long,you have to cut it down to 1,[http:///cut it.html]000 words.
25, You shouldn't cut it out completely.
26, So why not cut it down like they do?
27, They feared that the mummy would fall to pieces when they cut it open.
28, Align the ruler and the middle of the paper and then cut it straight.
29, I used to go out nearly every night but I decided to cut it out because I couldn't really afford it.
30, They feard that the mummy would fall to pieces when they cut it open.
31, We cut it to four and those four are still our major selling products and the foundation of our business.
32, Cut it down, dye it red and press it into service for that next dinner dance?
33, Players who can't cut it soon realize it and quit.
34, My colleague saw it and cut it out for me.
35, We may have to cut it off, in which case, what about this - drapes across as you had them!
36, Don't you wish you were joined by the umbilical cord again and nobody had the power to cut it?
37, I liked that picture so Marie let me cut it out and stick it on the wall.
38, So it pays to cut it down to the bare essentials - the minimum you feel is necessary.
39, Simply cut the appropriate external mitre on a length of cove then cut it off square.
40, It's easy to see the fat on a lamb chop - and easy to cut it off.
41, Lightly trim the grass using a sharp mower if the surface is looking rough, but do not cut it short.
42, We have a long narrow area and the motorway has cut it in half.
43, Learned how to combine the ingredients for pasta, to roll out the dough, and cut it.
44, Unmould the stuffing, cut it into slices and serve with the duck.
45, Peel it, quarter it, core it, cut it in pieces and then poach it in a sugar syrup.
46, They've cut it down and agreed I pay the arrears back at a pound a week.
47, Clooney will show that he can cut it as the leading man of a light comedy.
48, Then they cut it up, with everyone crowding round, ready with banana leaves in which to wrap their piece.
49, Thereupon, she said a prayer, took a pair of scissors and cut it off.
50, He cut it up lengthways and its tangy smell flooded out.
51, It turned the party in on itself and cut it off from the wider society.
52, If the strip becomes curled when you cut it, put it on a hard flat surface and hammer it flat.
53, Apparently, he had cut it, then lost his footing on the slope as he attempted to run.
54, He cut it in and holed the putt from about 12 feet.
54, try its best to collect and build good sentences.
55, One spun the thread of life, the second measured it and the third cut it.
56, My mom cut it out and gave it to me.
57, The introduction's too long. Can you try and cut it down?
58, The monster fell asleep in a drunken stupor and Susa-no-wo then cut it to pieces and settled down with the maiden.
59, Peel and core the fruit, cut it into crescent-moon slices and put it into the dish.
60, Rusty, cut it out, I'm trying to study in here.
61, Once the design has been traced, you must then cut it out very carefully with a very sharp knife.
62, If you sent a great army against him, he'd simply cut it down with his sorcery.
63, Half way through rehearsals, we realized he couldn't cut it.
64, To cut it loose now could be to see it sink.
65, Split the leek in half lengthwise, and cut it into 1/4-inch pieces.
66, As for refined sugar - cut it out, as much as you can.
67, Unmould the stuffing, cut it into slices and serve with the duck. Spoon the sauce over the duck and stuffing.
68, If you want to diss us, you got to cut it loose.
69, Most of the kids who start here are young and haven't worked before. Some just can't cut it.
70, We could make a lot of excuses, but excuses won't cut it.
71, This calculation is correct, you've cut it fine.
72, Cut it out. Stop being so mushy!
73, There is a snake; cut it in sunder.
74, If I cut it at work, well up now.
75, The sharp knife cut it at a touch.
76, Cut it out! You know I'm ticklish.
77, Personally I like to cut it into diagonal pieces.
78, Cut it into two exact halves.
79, The activation record isn't needed anymore, so we are going to cut it out and redirect the tail-called function back to the function that called us.
80, His gynecomastia eventually went away when they discovered he was drinking 3/4 of a GALLON of soy milk A DAY and told him to cut it out.
81, Cut it out, Perry. You've performed your heroics. It's all over now.
82, And if thy right hand scandalize thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is expedient for thee that one of thy members should perish, rather than that thy whole body be cast into hell.
83, And he shall flay burnt offering, and cut it into his pieces.
84, To begin the months-long process[sentencedict .com], doctors removed one of Thornton's canine teeth—aka an eyetooth—along with part of the jaw and cut it all down to a shape small enough to replace the cornea.
85, I cut it fine getting down the hill to catch my ferry, " Melissa said. "
86, Big, baggy t-shirts and your husbands sweat pants, just won't cut it!
87, UNWRAPPED Amy's kind of fantasies wouldn't cut it in the straight-laced law firm where she's fought her way to partnership.
88, Once you have found a suitable stem, use a pair of sharp pruning shears to cut it from the plant.
89, It wasn't impossible, but I was clearly aiming to cut it fine.
90, You should smooth out any unevenness in the cloth before you cut it.
91, I had a lovely head of hair till you cut it off.
92, Next, it developed an interest in its "you-know-what"—its parents cut it off.
93, When the offerer has cut it up into pieces, the priest shall lay these, together with the head and suet, on top of the wood and the fire on the altar.
94, Some of my classmates always cut it fine before the deadline of handing in term papers.
95, Just remember that "doesn't cut it" means the same as "doesn't cut the mustard" .
96, How high does the sycamore grow if you cut it down that you've never known?
97, Cut it out along the eye's line with Polygonal Lasso Tool.
98, He would cut it down in the twinkling of a bedpost.
99, My tie went into the grinder which cut it to pieces.
100, This mountain chain that so neatly divides the Iberian peninsula from the rest of Europe also seems to have cut it off for so long from the European cultural, political and economical mainstream.
101, Peel the taro, cut it, steam it , and finally smash it.
102, The best way to remove this lever is to cut it off using a hack saw.
103, Dump it, or at least cut it back. You can save hundreds of dollars a year by downgrading your cable service.
104, You take the potatoes and you just cut it up all different ways, and then you kind of mush it together and then flatten it and fry it and then you get a little potato pancake, flat pancake almost.
105, Mt. 5:30 And if your right hand stumbles you, cut it off and cast it from you, for it is more profitable for you that one of your members perish than for your whole body to pass away into Gehenna.
106, To control a cowlick at the back of the head, you'll either need to leave the hair long enough so the weight of the hair holds it down or cut it short enough so it doesn't stick up in the first place.
107, If it isn't the God tree, numerous people would have cut it down early.
108, Maggie: Cut it out Ben...and Chrissy you just eat all the green jello you want.
109, These two words have almost the same meaning. Can you cut it fine?
110, Unable to capture the Leningrad (today known as Saint Petersburg), the Germans cut it off from the world, disrupting utilities and shelling the city heavily for more than two years.
111, Marcus: Well I know that. I want you to cut this organic toupee. It's growing way too fast. Don't wig out on me. Just cut it.
112, YLT:'And, if thy right hand doth cause thee to stumble, cut it off, and cast from thee, for it is good to thee that one of thy members may perish, and not thy whole body be cast to gehenna .
113, Gomes made a 3 - pointer and Jefferson dunked over Dikembe Mutombo to cut it to 53 - 50 .
114, If it isn't being the God tree, numerous people would have cut it down long time ago.




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