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单词 intelligent
释义 Word family  noun intelligence intelligentsia intelligibility adjective intelligent ≠ unintelligent intelligible ≠ unintelligible adverb intelligently intelligibly  in·tel·li·gent /ɪnˈtelədʒənt/ ●●● S3 W3 AWL adjective  1  an intelligent person has a high level of mental ability and is good at understanding ideas and thinking clearly 有智慧的,聪明的,悟性强的 a group of highly intelligent (=very intelligent) students 一组聪明异常的学生 Sontag was once famously described as the most intelligent woman in America. 桑塔格曾被称为美国最聪明的女人,这是众人皆知的事。2  an intelligent comment, question, conversation etc shows that you have thought about something carefully and understand it well 〔评论、问题、谈话等〕机智的,有才智的 an intelligent question 机智的问题 You can’t have an intelligent conversation with him. 你不可能和他进行有见地的谈话。3  INTELLIGENTan intelligent creature is able to think and understand 〔生物〕有智力的 Are there intelligent beings on other planets? 在其他行星上是否存在着有智力的生物? forms of intelligent life 有智慧的生命形式4. an intelligent machine, system etc is able to learn and use information 〔机器、系统等〕智能的 —intelligently adverb THESAURUSintelligent having a high level of mental ability, and good at thinking clearly and understanding ideas 聪明的,有智慧的The top universities aim to select the most intelligent students. 顶尖的大学力争挑到最聪明的学生。clever especially British English, smart especially American English intelligent, so that you can think and learn quickly and find ways to solve problems 聪明的That was very clever of you. How did you do that? 你真聪明,你是怎么做到的?I wasn’t smart enough to be a lawyer. 我不够聪明,当不了律师。bright intelligent – used especially about children and young people 〔尤指儿童和年轻人〕聪明的He’s a very bright kid. 他是个很聪明的小孩。the brightest student in the class 班上最聪明的学生brilliant extremely intelligent and good at the work you do 聪颖的,才华横溢的a brilliant scientist 一位才华横溢的科学家gifted a gifted child is much more intelligent than most other children 〔儿童〕天赋高的,天资聪慧的a special school for gifted children 天才儿童学校wise able to make good decisions and give sensible advice, especially because you have a lot of experience 〔尤指因阅历丰富〕有智慧的,明智的a wise old man 一位睿智的老人cunning/crafty good at using your intelligence to get what you want, often by making secret plans or tricking people 狡猾的,狡诈的She was cunning enough to keep this latest piece of information secret. 她很有心计,对这条最新消息秘而不宣。He’s a crafty old devil! 他是个诡计多端的老狐狸。brainy informal intelligent and good at studying 聪明的,多智的My sister is the brainy one in our family. 我姐姐是我们家里的聪明人。Examples from the Corpusintelligent• Mark was an intelligent, ambitious young man, with a great future in front of him.• an intelligent decision• Do you think there are intelligent life forms on other planets?• Vlasic is a very intelligent player.• Anne was surprised to hear such an intelligent question coming from a very small child.• Have you got any intelligent suggestions to make?• Some scientists claim that dolphins are more intelligent than humans.• "We're looking for highly intelligent young people, with a genuine interest in their subject, " a university spokesman said.highly intelligent• Alix seemed to her to be both practical and highly intelligent.• By the time she was ready to go, this highly intelligent and capable woman spoke the language fluently.• Now as then, Gielgud is acute, highly intelligent and concerned to help draw a full portrait.• City Hall insiders described Cruz as highly intelligent and ultrasensitive to minority issues.• Baboons are highly intelligent animals and learn to satisfy their biological needs in many often diverse ways.• He was 24, highly intelligent, could drink Malc under the table and had a dry, lightning wit.• First, that rugby players are a highly intelligent, dedicated and wise bunch.• A highly intelligent, highly motivated, and extremely personable young woman, Crystal has had numerous supports along the way.intelligent life• Most of these universes will not provide the right conditions for the development of the complicated structures needed for intelligent life.• Thus intelligent life could not exist in the contracting phase of the universe.• Yes, well, I suppose they also told you that intelligent life has been found on Mars?• It decrees that intelligent life in some way selects out its own actual universe from a variety of possible alternatives.• Obviously there is pleasure in watching Hollywood recognise intelligent life in the typing pool.• You have to know about stuff like this or your program is going to claim it's found intelligent life on Mars.• Two years ago, we discovered the first evidence for intelligent life outside the Earth.• However, a strong thermodynamic arrow is necessary for intelligent life to operate.Origin intelligent (1500-1600) Latin present participle of intelligere, intellegere “to understand”, from inter- ( → INTER-) + legere “to gather, choose”in·tel·li·gent adjective →THESAURUS1ChineseSyllable  level intelligent an high a person of has Corpus




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