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单词 intelligible
释义 Word family  noun intelligence intelligentsia intelligibility adjective intelligent ≠ unintelligent intelligible ≠ unintelligible adverb intelligently intelligibly  in·tel·li·gi·ble /ɪnˈtelədʒəbəl/ adjective  UNDERSTANDif speech, writing, or an idea is intelligible, it can be easily understood 〔言语、文章或想法〕明白易懂的 OPP unintelligible His reply was barely intelligible. 他的回复几乎让人听不懂。intelligible to The report needs to be intelligible to the client. 报告得让客户能看懂。 —intelligibly adverb —intelligibility /ɪnˌtelədʒəˈbɪləti/ noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusintelligible• Her English was strongly accented but quite intelligible.• It is rare to find a singer who can make every word fully intelligible.• It is sometimes difficult to discuss medical issues in a way that is intelligible to ordinary people.intelligible to• The book makes Eastern culture intelligible to Westerners.Origin intelligible (1300-1400) Latin intelligibilis, from intelligere; → INTELLIGENTin·tel·li·gi·ble adjectiveChineseSyllable  idea be is speech, if can it an writing, or Corpus intelligible,




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