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单词 Revive
1) The paramedics couldn't revive her.
2) Attempts to revive him failed.
3) A dead man will never revive.
4) The flowers will revive in water.
5) This movie is intended to revive her flagging career.
6) Here is a dish that will revive jaded palates.
7) The economy is beginning to revive.
8) They made frantic attempts to revive him.
9) Their efforts to revive him were futile.
10) Local people have decided to revive this centuries-old tradition.
11) He is seeking advice on how to revive the stagnant economy.
12) They managed to revive the injured driver with cardiac massage.
13) They recognized that the country would revive only if it thoroughly disengaged from the chaos of the old regime.
14) The government devalued the currency to try to revive the flagging economy.
15) Reforms were made to revive the economy.
16) We tried to revive her sagging spirits.
17) Economists argued that freer markets would quickly revive the region's economy.
18) He presents himself as the man to revive the party's flagging fortunes .
19) A dash of water in his face will revive him.
20) The spin doctors are trying to revive the party's fading image.
21) She has been trying to revive the debate over equal pay.
22) So how does a government revive an economy that is dead in the water?
23) All attempts to revive the fishing industry were foredoomed to failure.
24) Attempts to revive her failed and she was dead on arrival at hospital.
25) A London theatre has decided to revive the 1950s musical 'In Town'.
26) She and a neighbour tried in vain to revive him.
27) He has set himself a titanic task:to revive the country's economy.
28) The party still hopes to revive its flagging electoral fortunes.
29) The company has brought in some new blood in an effort to revive its fortunes.
30) A hot shower and a cup of tea will revive you.
1) The paramedics couldn't revive her.
2) Attempts to revive him failed.
3) A dead man will never revive.
4) This movie is intended to revive her flagging career.
5) Here is a dish that will revive jaded palates.
6) The economy is beginning to revive.
7) They made frantic attempts to revive him.
8) Their efforts to revive him were futile.
9) Local people have decided to revive this centuries-old tradition.
10) He is seeking advice on how to revive the stagnant economy.
11) They managed to revive the injured driver with cardiac massage.
12) They recognized that the country would revive only if it thoroughly disengaged from the chaos of the old regime.
13) The government devalued the currency to try to revive the flagging economy.
31) Now comes a book that tries to revive loyalty.
32) I did not revive his son.
33) Consumer spending could revive the drooping economy.
34) Portions or aspects of his earlier self revive.
35) Both the leading candidates advocated free market policies and foreign investment to revive the stagnant economy.
36) The workman died at the scene despite efforts to revive him.
37) Many congressmen are keen to revive research into renewable energy sources like solar and wind power.
38) I blew over its mouth and nose to revive it even though my tears were rolling on to its face.
39) To mention him would be to revive an old humiliation.
40) Nearly everyone had a very positive outlook and the plans for action to revive the area were discussed.
40) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
41) Firemen who pulled him from the inferno looked on anxiously as off-duty technician James McDonald tried to revive him.
42) Paramedics rushed him to the hospital, but could not revive him.
43) But whether that amounts to a positive incentive for companies to boost production and revive investment plans is open to doubt.
44) The first merit of P. N. Furbank's admirable biography is that it should revive interest in Diderot.
45) Despite desperate attempts to revive her, the trace remained stubbornly flat, until in the end they had to give up.
46) Up to the infamous Distillers bid, Saunders did much to revive the brewing group's fortunes and expand its activities.
47) It is perhaps not fortuitous that Stein made the enormous effort to revive the publication when he did.
48) Cuts in personal and business taxation and social insurance levies are a top priority, to revive weak investment.
49) The commission said it could revive the subpoenas if the editors failed to cooperate with the inquiry, which opens this week.
50) One idea is to revive a bill put forward in 1991, in the wake of a previous corruption scandal.
51) For two decades, the town leaders tried to revive it and rebuild it and rename it.
52) It was essentially a new attempt to revive the Burkeian fallacy of empire through freedom, obedience through liberty.
53) The 35-year-old Beane is faced with the daunting challenge of trying to revive the fortunes of a once-successful organization.
54) He muttered an invocation but the machine's soul had perished and did not revive.
55) While the oven and the dough are warming up, the yeast may revive and give forth one final push.
56) She also tried hard to revive interest in Idomeneo, thus proving that she was no musical ignoramus.
57) In those circumstances, if she returned or offered to return, her husband's liability to maintain her would revive.
58) It has a tourist potential which is bound to revive as the election images of intimidation fade.
59) An attempt to revive the contest in 1871 failed, as did another in 1882.
60) By simply massaging it on to your scalp every week you can revive and restore your tired tresses.
61) His mere re-election can be relied on to revive the market and solve those problems - without costing the public purse one penny.
62) He could therefore revive his right by giving reasonable notice.
63) But when confronted with such a defeat, changes at the top are needed, if only to revive enthusiasm and ideas.
64) An ambulance was called but efforts made to revive her proved unsuccessful.
65) Staff made frantic attempts to revive him but he is thought to have suffered a massive heart attack.
66) Still, he argues that any break in the stock or bond markets could help revive investor interest in commodities.
67) But it was also clear that the governmental machine had failed to revive the economy or reform social institutions in the 1950s.
68) He has lived ever since on the ThaiBurma border, seeking to support and revive the democracy movement in his country.
69) The Labour Party will not revive until it can show how to achieve jobs for all who need them.
70) Upper Gumtree, it seemed to me, might revive spectacularly on the morrow, given oats,[http:///revive.html] fresh air and exercise.
71) He started to pour cold water over me, inpart to staunch the blood, inpart to revive me.
72) A tidy wench was unlikely to revive memories of a ragged boy aboard the Princess.
73) The city built the California Center for the Arts, Escondido downtown and has taken other measures to help revive that area.
74) After taking a drubbing in the 1987 stock market crash, Schwab looked to the booming mutual fund industry to revive earnings.
75) Than when the ambulance men arrived they also tried to revive it.
76) He worked to revive her and eventually she recovered enough to be wrapped and put on the sledge.
77) Minutes later a team of paramedics began a futile effort to revive the boy.
78) A festival held to revive the art attracted hundreds of people, many of them complete novices.
79) He was taken to an Alameda hospital, where efforts to revive him failed.
80) They said they tried to revive him and that all the injuries were inflicted accidentally.
81) Pollution largely ended the shellfish industry although there have been recent attempts to revive it.
82) Analysts said that as long as credit business remained negative it was unlikely consumer spending would revive significantly.
83) Newham council, whose east London borough includes Stratford, wants the terminus in Stratford to revive the run-down area.
84) They moved quickly to revive an anti-Castro sanctions measure that had languished in Congress for lack of support.
85) And with all of this expansion under way, companies have virtually no incentive to revive moribund refineries.
86) If organized labor is going to revive, the experts agree this is the year it must wake up and start stretching.
87) They are planning to revive the old Saint's Day parades through town.
88) They will then try to revive his spirits while they consider which offer of a new home is most suitable for him.
89) Amid much fanfare, Shugrue tried to revive Eastern Airlines in 1994 but failed to gain sufficient financial backing.
90) But the distribution of the supplies involves a tortuous journey and an agonising delay.Faqir spends another half-hour trying to revive the engine.
91) It is ironic that the man who did so much to revive Gothic design, Thomas Rickman, was himself a Quaker.
92) Others sculpted new statues or built temples or traveled to caves or ruins to revive ancient rituals.
93) I must revive in the listening public their own sense of moving about in worlds unrealized ....
94) Shaw executives hope the nationwide rollout of stores will revive the ailing carpet industry.
95) Inside the kitchen it was warm, and smiling Scandinavians gave him hot blankets and drinks to revive him.
96) Carpets, tiles and flooring, the Steamatic helps revive all sorts of surfaces leaving them more hygienic, cleaner and brighter.
97) Can we turn back the clock and revive the system of predetermined roles?
98) Sandison did not even bother to check his pulse or try to revive him.
99) He managed to revive the half - drowned girl.
100) A little whisky may revive him.
100) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
101) They failed to revive her sagging spirits.
102) The flowers with revive in water.
103) We tried to revive him but without avail.
104) He tried to revive his interest in farming.
105) Ultimately activate skin cell vitality, revive skin youthful complexon.
106) These flowers will revive in water.
107) Zhang had a desire to revive the legitimism.
108) Thirdly, extensively implement industrial restructuring and revive project.
109) From 2008, efforts accelerated to revive the public distribution system and clamp down on markets.
110) Because say I have two, an aubergine, one falls revive.
111) Speaking on behalf of the Nigerian Textile Manufacturers Association (NTMA), the producers stated that, disbursal of textile revival funds was in fact important to revive the sector.
112) Mr Singh's trip to Washington is seen as the opportunity to revive and reinvigorate those ties.
113) Leggo says Lotito is aiming to revive Lazio for the new season with a raft of Argentine signings, including Boca striker Rodrigo Palacio, River Plate goalkeeper Juan Pablo Carrizo and Riquelme.
114) The Tardigrade is almost dead in the cryptobiotic stage, other than the fact that it can revive itself from this state.
115) There are plans to reintroduce fish to the water and revive the fishing industry.
116) The author argues for the necessity and suggests implementing measures to re-introduce Modernist education into China, which also presents an opportunity to revive Tongji's tradition.
117) While he is almost certain to win Senate backing for another term, the hearing the Senate Banking Committee will hold on his renomination will likely revive criticisms of his tenure.
118) This is a book, after all, in which a friendly centaur can revive a languishing maiden with an 'arc of fire' from its 'enormous' phallus .
119) Confidence is the ingredient needed to revive Nigeria's chastened political fortunes.
120) Some policy makers, including Fed governor Kevin Warsh and Jeffrey Lacker, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, Va. , are reluctant to revive Fed purchases of U.
121) As it is, already-low home prices coupled with low rates haven't done much to revive housing, especially following the expiration in April of the home buyer's tax credit.
122) Conditioning botanicals of Comfrey and Ginseng soothe and revive dry, thirsty skin.
123) Can Harry Potter wave his magic wand and revive a dead language?
124) Among such friends, however, and such flattery, he did revive.
125) A dash of cold water will revive a person who has fainted.
126) For example, as financing of exports returns to normal with the fading of credit disturbances, then exports should revive.
127) But the clearest signal that things are looking up for private equity is the news that the granddaddy of the industry, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR), is to revive its plans to go public—and fast.
128) The Pakistani government is also encouraging tribesmen to revive traditional militias, known as lashkars, to rout out militants in their areas.
129) This paper is a discussion of, in respects of the arising of scientific humanism and the revive of occultism, the cultural background of the appearance of Paracelsism.
130) Such statistics suggest that mixed income estates help to revive neighbourhoods and attract further investment.
130) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
131) The new head, Francis Gurry, is trying to revive the organisation's development agenda, and 't Hoen said WIPO has offered UNITAID technical support.
132) The new ownership group appears confident that it can revive The Washington Times.
133) But to start the next wave of opportunities, we need to revive the kind of wanton cross-pollination that got us this far.
134) Ham-fisted attempts by Brazil and Turkey to revive the deal would have provided Iran with 20%-enriched uranium but brought none of the other benefits.
135) With interest rates now so low central banks can no longer hope to revive ailing economies by cutting the price of money and making it cheaper for people to borrow - they have run out of ammunition.
136) Because the person enrages flourishing, switzerland depends on Asia-Pacific of wave road company CEO Ou revive big on the spot clappers: All get on for emancipatory tablet set up shop.
137) So when demand begins to revive, a sharp rise in prices is inevitable.
138) Thanks to the potbs Doubloon desperate efforts of central banks to revive their economies, most currencies yield virtually nothing.
139) This is likely to revive consumer spending and a whole raft of consumer industries.
140) Alternately, you can commission a spiritualist at your home point to revive you for a minor experience point penalty.
141) Paradoxically, the real problem for governments may only occur if they manage to revive their economies.
142) Perhaps an enlightened Urban Council will one day revive this great Surrey festival.
143) That is to say, only economic strength, the nation can revive.
144) We would revive them with humor or a sympathetic word.
145) He had his own phrenic nerve tied to revive the memory of what happened to the patient and to test the effectiveness of phrenicectomy.
146) The Tourism Bureau hopes to revive Taiwan's tourism industry through the charm of Times Square.
147) The executive said Geely would retain Volvo's current management as it gears up to revive the storied but troubled car maker.
148) Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive me: thou shalt stretch forth thine hand against the wrath of mine enemies, and thy right hand shall save me.
149) A coffee break can revive your energy in no time.
150) Enrique Bola?os, then president of Nicaragua, sought to revive the Nicaragua Canal scheme in 2006 when the Panama Canal was close to capacity.
151) Brian O'Neill now sought to revive the old high kingship.
152) Essential oil, Andaman sea salts, white orchid and chamomile extracts help draw out impurities, soothe and revive tense muscles.
153) He also had the power to revive slain warriors who had fallen in battle.
154) In 1932, to mark the bicentennial of Washington's birth, Gen. Douglas MacArthur spearheaded an effort to revive the medal.
155) As she finished, the ducks began to revive and a search of the yard revealed a leaking beer barrel surrounded by webbed footprints.
156) An effort to revive Mongolian script to replace the Cyrillic alphabet imposed in the seven decades of Soviet domination petered out.
157) This is Yang Zhiyuan undoubtedly revive ambuscade below countless landmine.
158) Molecular chaperone may rescue the conformational diseases and revive the inactive enzymes in lens.
159) King Pyrrhus of Epirus was an ambitious ruler whose aim was to revive the empire of his second cousin, Alexander the Great.
160) Republicans deride the overall plan as a “job killer” intended to revive class warfare, soak the rich and burden business too much at a time of economic hardship.
161) Let's revive the country in the name of martial art to compose and praise hero legends.
162) Feel the pulse of the world economic trend, open ideas to revive growth.
163) What aspiring Japanese fashion designer would want to, say, revive historical motifs when the rising sun still draws revulsion in Nanjing or Bataan?
164) The ministry said the reference work would help users reinforce,[] learn or revive these dying languages and cultures before it is too late.
165) This judges Mao Zedong metabolic process, with in revive two parties concern evolve having close relationship.
166) The bottler has been struggling to revive soft-drink sales in the U.S.
167) This week Stephen Bosworth, America's point man on North Korea, was in Seoul, the latest leg in a dogged mission to revive the six-party process.
168) Even an exquisitely prepared dinner couldn't revive her jaded palate.
169) "As markets revive, fear of inflation will drive up interest rates, which will choke off recovery," he said.
170) Rob: Everybody moved away from the Salton Sea cos it smells kinda bad here. But I think that LP is gonna revive this place.
171) Meanwhile the Brackish-water Aquaculture Centre aims to play its part in a process to revive Aceh as one of Southeast Asia's prestige breeding grounds for top-quality fish and shellfish.
172) The improved broth medium could revive Helicobacter pylori from its transformed coccal form.
173) Bu Xianghuo in Japanese under the shadow of Asia to revive the King!
174) Peter tried to revive the frozen robin but it was stone-dead.
175) The Balkans still smolder, and inattention to Bosnia could revive apprehensions about the EU's ability to offer security, even on its own continent.
176) Anzheluo to revive her, tearing her clothes, will be in the spirits dumping her body, with hands desperately Guozhao, the exhaustion of a night time, he finally saved her life.
177) The advantages of integrating stratigraphical features in studying the history of geological and biological evolution revive stratigraphy as the cornerstone of many branches of geosciences.
178) The Reformist leftist wishes to revive social conflict and improve economical situation of the working class by making the constitution function properly.




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