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单词 Separately
1. We are living separately now.
2. We are sending you the contract separately.
3. We must hang together, or we'll be hanged separately.
4. We'd like to pay separately.
5. Can I pay for each item separately?
6. He sold his birds separately to separate buyers.
7. Monkeys in the New World evolved quite separately from those in the Old World.
8. Could we pay separately?
9. Text and graphics are prepared separately and then combined.
10. This colour runs, so wash the shirt separately.
11. The two issues should be dealt with separately.
12. They were photographed separately and then as a group.
13. I'll see each of you separately.
14. It's better to hang together than separately.
15. Each order is coded separately.
16. Bulky items will be collected separately.
17. Detectives interviewed the men separately over several days.
18. We saw the play separately and compared notes afterwards.
19. Each event will be scored separately.
20. Last year's figures are shown separately.
21. Husband and wife are assessed separately for tax.
22. Cook each vegetable separately until just tender.
23. It may be useful to consider the data separately.
24. They are now living separately.
25. Count the 'yes' votes and the 'no' votes separately.
26. He said he would see each of us separately.
27. The illustrations are printed separately from the main text.
28. Can the engine and the gearbox be supplied separately?
29. I'll see you each separately.
30. They did arrive together,()() but I think they left separately.
1. We are living separately now.
2. We are sending you the contract separately.
3. We'd like to pay separately.
4. Can I pay for each item separately?
5. He sold his birds separately to separate buyers.
6. Monkeys in the New World evolved quite separately from those in the Old World.
7. Could we pay separately?
8. Living separately from parents after marriage is all the mode.
9. He bought the parts separately and assembled his own computer.
31. Living separately from parents after marriage is all the mode.
32. It doesn't matter much whether we go together or separately.
33. The collar comes off this shirt and can be washed separately.
34. Free gifts are dispatched separately so please allow 28 days for delivery.
35. It's cheaper to buy software bundled with a PC than separately.
36. None of us can afford it separately, so let's pool our resources.
37. If we don't hang together we may all hang separately.
38. That matter will be considered separately from the main agenda.
39. Some drugs which are safe when taken separately are lethal in combination.
40. Husband and wife are now taxed separately on their incomes.
41. They were separately herded into 2 rooms to lock up.
41. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
42. I tend to wear the jacket and skirt separately rather than as a suit.
43. I think we'd better deal with these two points separately.
44. When a piece of music is recorded, each instrument is recorded separately on a 24- or 48-track tape.
45. I like both flavours separately but I don't like them together.
46. We had to travel separately as we couldn't get seats on the same flight.
47. Hot drinks, ie tea and coffee, are charged for separately.
48. Wash the garment separately, as the colour may run .
49. He bought the parts separately and assembled his own computer.
50. Heating is normally charged separately, often by coin meter.
51. It is therefore unnecessary to discuss primary education separately.
52. Cook separately, or use to stuff a turkey.
53. Otherwise, each had separately recognized, the future was circumscribed.
54. Each stood separately in its own little suburban garden.
55. Their natural parents are separately seeking custody.
56. Uncooked meat should be stored separately.
57. In the world before the camps, the unmarried women and men I knew lived separately.
58. Tenneco plans to spin off its shipbuilding unit by issuing separately traded shares in a new shipbuilding company to Tenneco shareholders.
59. Generally, debtors must negotiate with each creditor separately, and must face the ordeal without advice.
60. Do the foals stay with the mares or are they kept separately?
61. Data from both baseline and follow up specimens are shown separately for the two subgroups.
62. They submitted their evidence to the Short committee separately despite the protests of the other craft committees and council.
63. The current rating of the combined secondaries is the same as when they are used separately, 250 milliamps in this example.
64. Analyses were also performed with birth register and delivery register controls separately.
65. Separately, a Socialist appeal to a municipal court in Nis was rejected last week, upholding the opposition victory there.
66. Strain marinade through a fine sieve, reserving onions and marinating juices separately.
67. Ottoman law required them to live separately in their own quarter of the town, and forbade their priests to proselytise.
68. You can't have three weeks' holiday all at once, you'll have to take them separately.
69. After completing three rounds of the Barkhor we left to return to the nunnery separately.
70. They can also be wrapped separately in foil and refrigerated.
71. It is caused by the weaver moving to a separately dyed batch of yarn part-way through making a rug.
72. The on-off and zoom buttons are positioned separately, adjacent to the handgrip.
73. Two raising gangs were working separately to construct the next two floors of the steel skeleton.
74. When these two separately evolved features came together, some interesting evolutionary changes became possible.
75. These two sounds may therefore first need to be practised separately in non-differential drills.
76. Separately, Chrysler said it is raising prices on its 1997 Jeep Wrangler by $ 705 to $ 755 a vehicle.
77. As the months passed, however, the latter withdrew to pursue their goals separately.
78. It is splitting the flagship, four-star Forum Hotel from the chain and offering the two for sale separately.
79. She told herself to calm down: at the worst they had lost each other and would have to go home separately.
80. There is some justification for treating user education in universities, polytechnics and the colleges of further and higher education separately.
81. To prevent scratching, store your jewellery separately in a lined jewellery box or jewellery role.
82. After syndication, these warrants can be split off from the bond and traded separately.
83. The other benefit of ordering Washu beef is that the chef cooks the trimmed fat separately, dicing it into tiny pieces.
84. The landscape contract will be let separately and will commence early in 1990.
85. The epidemiology of H. contortus is best considered separately depending on whether it occurs in tropical and subtropical or in temperate areas.
86. Also, subscribers can use any Dialplus node instead of having to register their password on each one separately.
87. These two areas are not entirely distinct, but it may be useful to examine them separately.
88. Justice Frank Murphy dissented separately and voted to affirm the conviction.
89. One simple solution which is easy to interpret is obtained by requiring that each term in the wave equation is separately zero.
90. A dual scan display improves on this by dividing the screen in two and refreshing each half separately.
91. Labour's general secretary, Margaret McDonagh, called for the Short cash to be audited separately.
92. This is of limited use in personal injury work where these items can not be recovered separately on a taxation.
93. They write the ingredients down separately without letting others see their papers.
94. If you stuffed the turkey, remove the stuffing and store separately.
95. In the event of the total loss of one of these separately insured items the proper settlement is the sum insured.
96. At first the Palais advertised separately from the other dancing establishments.
97. Thus virtually every primitive society divides the children and teaches the sexes separately.
98. Risk factors for sudden infant death syndrome were calculated separately for Maori and non-Maori children.
99. One must think in terms of superpositions of all the different possible locations of all the particles separately!
100. It is the case, of course, that terms of engagement for individual assignments will be agreed separately.
101. It is suggested that each subtest is scored separately and no overall test score is obtained.
102. Everything bolted on to the bike is available separately,(http://) apart from the swingarm.
103. Sometimes the clerics among them met separately from the laymen.
104. There's no need to separately collect urine, no mess, and no waiting around for a result.
105. We have already studied the treatment of melodic lines in treble and bass separately.
106. Format Many public libraries now spend large sums on paperbacks, and budget for them separately.
107. We have also noted that all debits and credits are not maintained separately because authorities tend to keep only one cash book.
108. I sometimes carry my poles separately from the tent anyway.
109. If they are lost or stolen, you can recover their value so long as you have kept a note of their numbers separately.
110. Most epidemiological studies have not analysed respiratory symptoms in relation to birth weight and gestational age separately.
111. But by 1989 the company recognised that the interests of the aerospace business and its commercial businesses would be best served separately.
112. Nixon underlined a passage in the book about how private and public lives should be judged separately.
113. Electors before 1804 did not vote separately for president and vice-president, as they do now.
114. But if every worker made pins separately, the factory might make as few as 10 or at the most 200.
115. Go through each group separately, thinking of two short sentences about each name in the group.
116. Consider each one separately and try to apply the guidelines and hints that have been offered so far.
117. Telephone numbers can be kept separately, on a card index or in a contact book.
118. The accrued interest element will be shown separately on the contract note.
119. The plays can be seen separately on weeknights or together in marathon weekend performances.
120. It is a legal entity that lives separately from its owners.
121. The two developments have emerged in parallel, developing separately, but inevitably influencing and interacting with each other.
122. Aberdeen was examined separately because of its special place in the North Sea oil industry.
123. Text and images handled separately A combination of the above but not a particularly helpful treatment.
124. He placed his cup and its flooded saucer separately on the coffee table and sat back in his chair.
125. The water for this system circulates quite separately from that in the body cavity.
126. I analyzed the information from the print media separately from the information from the broadcast media.
127. Since these may be binary files or indexed files, the header file is created separately.
128. We pay rent separately, but we share the other bills.
129. A formal notice requiring you to attend here for such an interview will be delivered to you separately from this letter.
130. There is no logical reason for teaching boys and girls separately.
131. It is safer to cook the stuffing separately from the turkey to give the turkey a better chance of cooking right through.
132. Behind the scenes Pilger, still fuming from the Kennedy Hotel showdown,(http:///separately.html) was working separately.
133. The effluent from the distal Tygon cannula was collected separately during the experiment, and constituted the fifth segment.
134. Carter preferred to put the emphasis on the word separately rather than Defense.
135. A separately organised night-nursing service tends to fragment patient care.
136. Up to ten needles can be operated separately by computer programme producing endless designs and colourways at the touch of a button.
137. Pour fresh cream over the cheese, covering it completely; serve caster sugar separately.
138. Externalities requiring the regulation of safety and noise can be treated separately from competition policy.
139. You can combine, or merge, documents that are stored separately on the disk.
140. Urine is processed separately through a more stringent filtration process than the waste water.
141. Arrange on a hot serving dish, pour a little sauce over and serve the rest separately.
142. Therefore, comparisons of bowel function and transit time were made separately in the two age groups.
143. The items I am listing and discussing separately are interrelated in Hughes's analysis.
144. It is convenient to consider separately in this chapter a number of other exact solutions that satisfy this same condition.
145. And alas, I thought, my penitential journey over, they didn't do it separately in the first place.
146. The delivery times for different categories of material are, therefore, discussed separately in the sections which follow.
147. Always keep your cheque card and cheque book separately - a thief needs both to encash a cheque.
148. Because various factors determine the thickness of egg white, eggs from different flocks are graded separately.
149. If you are using hardboard or plywood, cut each of the four sides separately and join them with glue and nails.
150. If Q x: we need to consider each case of R separately.
151. Convertible debt is to be displayed separately from other liabilities.
152. The simulation proceeds by computing, for each age-group and for males and females separately, the number of deaths.
153. The manufacturing plant once surrounding it, is today located separately about half a mile away.
154. Separately, shares in forestry companies declined after a steep fall in cellulose prices over the last two months, analysts said.
155. Picture and sound had to be recorded separately, one on film, the other on audiotape, and then painstakingly synchronized.
156. Since the change to independent taxation in April 1990, husband and wife are assessed separately for tax.
157. But it is commonly held that Mind and Matter both have existence, separately, one from the other.
158. Booksellers are asked to return copies, which should be packed separately, to the Penguin warehouse for credit.
159. The proposal, which requires shareholder approval, will create a new company with shares that trade separately.
160. Although no announcement of a national conference was made, Kolingba met separately with opposition leaders on Sept. 14.
161. You may choose to pay income tax jointly or separately from your spouse.
162. Adjusted rate ratios and their 95% confidence intervals were calculated for men and women separately by this method.
163. People might gossip if we arrived together. It would be much more discreet for us to go there separately.
164. Many management researchers choose to publish the reflexive account separately from the study findings.
165. Here we shall deal only with growth theory and shall tackle crisis separately,() even though they are intimately connected.
166. The income tax assessment should be made separately on that person in respect of the business.
167. Links also occur between the two optic lobes and run from the medial part of the protocerebrum to each medulla separately.
168. Meals and drinks are usually paid for separately by the guest unless it is included in the package agreement.
169. In each, list votes would be separately counted and seats separately allotted to parties.
170. It explains the position of tenants whose rates were not paid separately but were included in their rent.
171. The damaged left eye seemed to turn in another direction, to be preoccupied separately with different matters.
172. Alternatively the course can be taken in combination with private tuition or separately.
173. Together or separately, the two of them may hold the key to power after the election.
174. By tacit, mutual understanding they returned to the school separately.
175. From about the twelfth century and until the Council, every priest was expected to say Mass separately each day.
176. Each came separately to look at particular aspects of the collections and the project, then there were several group sessions.
177. This gives researchers the ability to study the abilities of each hemisphere of a single brain separately.
178. What with that and the dried blood, his wife refuses to eat them, so berries for eating are grown separately.
179. Wind players are listed separately from string players, while those who play continuo instruments and accompany singers form yet another unit.
180. The package involves splitting off the interest payments on the mortgages from the principal and selling each separately.
181. Separately, shares in forestry companies declined amid forecasts of a steep fall in cellulose prices, analysts said.
182. Their functional link severed, Co-operation and trade unionism went on separately to join the system they could not defeat.
183. They would come separately, and Claudel would keep them well apart.
184. The data for risk ratings and accident estimates were considered separately and are plotted in Figures 4.1 and 4.2 respectively.
185. When all the eggs are done wrap them separately in clingfilm.
186. The proliferation index was also calculated separately for each of five compartments of equal size into which each crypt column was divided.
187. A lady dies having willed money separately to her husband and the family Dalmatian.
188. Pour two-thirds of sauce over mussels, sprinkle with chives and serve rest of sauce separately.
189. We can predict an increase in equilibrium price greater than that caused by either change taken separately.
190. These univariate survival analyses were also separately performed for the group of patients with preoperative radiotherapy and the group with surgery only.
191. As their days there passed, the delegation members did more and more things separately.
191. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
192. Each seems to be specified separately and to initially develop quite independently of its future neighbours and associates.
193. Separately saute the livers in butter until just pink and set aside.
194. This is the case if the firm treats its capital assets separately.
195. As soon as a female begins to swell up and start coming into season she should be taken away from the males and kept separately.
196. If there are viewpoints to consider other than that of shareholders, they should be considered separately and with like rigour.
197. On this basis then the 24 films which showed turns were analysed separately.
198. Plus, enter your cash flow assumptions, operating statistics ratios, and project Cost, Sales and Wage inflation separately.
199. Waist-hip ratio, age and body mass index were separately related to probability of conception per cycle.
200. I asked the couple, during the following week, to write down separately what each would expect of marriage.
201. First, she looked at each emotional state separately.
202. Each separately called program is a program invocation instance.
203. Corporation's earnings are accumulated separately from its paid - in equity capital.
204. The amount undertaken by the insurer shall be calculated separately from the compensation for the losses of the objects insured, with the maximum amount not exceeding the insured amount.
205. The relocation was phased with departments relocating separately to the new location.
206. With characteristic astuteness, he spoke separately to all those involved.
207. Also children with cerebral palsy were divided separately into spastic diplegia, spastic hemiplegia and spastic quadriplegia, while risk was evaluated.
208. Article 44 The FSC shall separately prescribe the formats under these Regulations.
209. Magnetic resonance imaging and spectrum were used to study the changes of whole brain and frontal area and hypothalamus area separately.
210. Graph of changed scope of compliance about renal participating in compensatory adjustment were drawn out in chronic respiratory acidosis and alkalosis separately.
211. In fact, a gap must be provided between any two zones which might be updated separately.
212. Ane-version of the Quotation (in WORD format) that is separately sealed must be furnished at the same time.
213. This factory leadership product belt, rubber hose, high- pressured air hose and so on, presently separately through state-level, provincial level appraisal.
214. Inside is a neat fishtail skirt can be worn separately.
215. Then, it investigates the most effective evaluation index of left-turning traffic forbiddance system, discusses of two cases a section of a road and an intersection, separately.
216. The sulfur emissibility during burning cement clinker with calcium sulfate, calcium sulfite gypsum and desulphurize slag that consist of CaSO3 separately were studied in laboratory electric stove.
217. Suppose the Life of each of them obeys general distribution separately. For the testing sub-system, the condition is not belongs to the former after repair but correspond to using time Y.
218. OTC financial derivatives come to an agreement separately by financial facilitating agency, which have the flexible form, uniform price and centralized bid and have no standard products.
219. Watermelon blast fungus sporule suspension cultured in two kinds of medium was inoculated to watermelon seedlings separately.
220. It is difficult to realize the natural and realistic plant simulation only by use of the traditional L system or iteration function system (IFS) separately owing to the limitation of each method.
221. Based on the mathematic model of separately excited DC motor, the control structure of the single- feedback-closed-loop controlled DC velocity modulation system was obtained.
221. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
222. REG must be separately activated or deactivated in the menu.
223. Oddment : A book section with fewer pages than the others and which has to be printed separately.
224. Among the structure variable of the website characteristic, except interactive is not confirmed, other three variables separately have the immediate influence to the sensation characteristic.
225. Weld switchover pieces separately on embedment and I-steel, and then connect the mullion with bolts and switchover pieces.
226. In the theories on the relation of international law and municipal law, there is monism and dualism which can get supports from practices separately.
227. In this paper, the three label - placement tasks are discussed separately.
228. In the past, it negotiated with each country in ASEAN (the Association of Southeast Asian Nations) separately, not with all of them as a unit.
229. This paper researches on the pass ability of pipeline robot at bent pipe, mainly aimed at robot which has three separately driven wheels distributed around the body.
230. Reduce the balsamic vinegar and veal gravy by half separately . Mix well and add rosemary.
231. Separately, the Labor Department said its producer price index -- a gauge of prices received by farms, factories and refineries -- dropped 0.6 percent last month after rising 1.7 percent in August.
232. Corporations'earnings accumulated separately from its paid - in equity capital.
233. In the in vitro experiment, the targeting probe and control materials were incubated separately with A549 cells which had high affinity to gonadotropin releasing hormone.
234. Results Cigarette smoke solution and chrysotile could enhance cell proliferation at lower doses, both separately or in combination, but inhibit it at higher doses.
235. Secondly, the paper analysis three kind action mechanisms by using deductive method separately.
236. The financial company can't set the branches in principle, but it shall be handled separately if the corporate body is changed into branches as the result of reorganization of the enterprise group.
237. Before independence, each colony was governed separately by the British Crown.
238. Next, the researchers tweaked their model to simulate stiffening the wings and, separately, to mimic straightening the wing’s curved shape, to see how those changes affected flight efficiency.
239. If special packing or shipping instruction are agreed, charges will be billed separately to Buyer.
240. Although PBT, PET crystallized separately in their own cells, only one exothermal peak could be found in the crystallization of the blends.
241. Article 24The income tax expenses shall be presented separately in the profit statement.
242. Since the legal cost is singled out in civil judgments, therefore the legal fees are listed separately, not included in the reasonable expenses range, in the judgments of IPR infringement cases.
243. A reinsurance company shall, in light of main insurance business categories, separately disclose the reinsurance premium incomes and the ceded insurance premiums.
244. In case the tax payer has more category of income, state them separately.
245. Separately, King Hamad of Bahrain announced days ago the establishment of an independent investigation committee to look into its domestic turmoil.
246. Chris had insisted that we went separately to the club.
247. Oxic zone and anaerobic zone were not set up separately in interchannel clarifier oxidation ditch system, gathering all the functions of the aeration, sediment and circumfluence in it.
248. Separately, Libya announced plans to charge TNC leaders with a series of national security crimes.
249. Carrageenin, aspirin and cryo- aerotheapy were applied separately in 4 groups with glass container method to mensurate the size of the tumorous toes.
250. Just as bat and bird wings evolved separately yet work using the same fundamental principles, numerical representation may have developed in many separate instances.
251. Discussed the thought according to the respective social contract, Hobbes and Locke have formed the statism theory and the limited government theory separately.
252. The light waterproof overshoe consists of an integral vamp including front part, back part and side parts and a sole with anti-skid part and heel part separately in the front and back parts.




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