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单词 Wandering
1 The child was found wandering the streets alone.
2 I felt my attention wandering during the lecture.
3 She was wandering aimlessly up and down the road.
4 We spent the morning wandering around the old part of the city.
5 Be careful, he's got wandering hands .
6 I spent a happy afternoon wandering around the shops.
7 She was wandering around the house and thinking.
8 They had taken to wandering through the streets arm-in-arm.
9 I am so sleepy that my attention is wandering.
10 He wore out his shoes wandering around Mexico City.
11 We can't have people wandering about on private land.
12 They perceived a stranger wandering in the garden.
13 She was found wandering in a confused state .
14 Don't go wandering all over the house!
15 There is a small stream wandering through the woods.
16 I've spent two years wandering the world.
17 A bewildered child was wandering among the crowd.
18 Usually his cases involved errant husbands and wandering wives.
19 She was wandering around in a daze this morning.
20 He was found wandering the streets of New York.
21 They found him wandering around aimlessly.
22 The speaker kept wandering off/away from the point.
23 Simply wandering is a pleasure in itself.
24 She was found several hours later, wandering the streets(),[] lost.
25 She was so weak that her pen kept wandering over the page as she wrote.
26 The family is a constant shear flows, flow of mind wandering forever; love is like a hill endless sand, precipitation is the long-term accumulation of care; family like the night sky the Beidou, guided the lost lamb is the direction to go home.
27 If the heart has no place where the habitat is wandering.
28 "Two gates there are for dreams," said Penelope to Odysseus after his ten years' wandering had ended. "One made for horn and one of for ivory.
29 If there is no place for your heart to stay, it will always be wandering wherever you go.
30 She was supposed to be speaking about sales figures, but she kept wandering off the subject.
1 The child was found wandering the streets alone.
2 I felt my attention wandering during the lecture.
3 We spent the morning wandering around the old part of the city.
4 They perceived a stranger wandering in the garden.
5 She was supposed to be speaking about sales figures, but she kept wandering off the subject.
31 We've lost our way and I am sure we are wandering in a circle.We started from that old dead tree there and have come back to it.
32 After two hours spent wandering in the snow, I realized we were on a wild goose chase.
33 Her mind seemed to be wandering and she didn't recognize us.
34 They advise against foreign delegates wandering unescorted in various parts of town.
35 To keep their bees from wandering, beekeepers feed them sugar solutions.
36 After wandering around, we found ourselves back at the hotel.
37 Our only companion is the wandering albatross, which glides effortlessly and gracefully behind the yacht.
38 A phrase from the conference floor set my mind wandering.
39 He's been wandering around all week like a lovesick teenager.
40 Cindy was wandering about her room in a state of undress .
41 The conversation was in danger of wandering into forbidden territory .
42 I spent the next year just wandering. I wasn't focused.
43 His mind is wandering.
44 This should prevent wandering and waffle in your answer.
45 Often they ended up wandering the streets.
46 I don't want you wandering the streets.
47 Wandering out to buy shirts and more cigarettes.
48 Husband wandering about opening curtains, running a bath.
49 He was found wandering blindly in the woods.
50 I go wandering into bookstores for several nights.
51 A wandering supply teacher came to our rescue.
52 They finally found him, wandering around miles from home.
53 She found herself wandering, thinking about Pet.
54 Pablo loved wandering through the streets of Barcelona.
55 So many sickly and feverish people were wandering about, some of them half-maimed, some burned from explosions.
56 Every time you looked up, there seemed to be some former Soviet republic wandering into town for a match.
57 He was for ever wandering off campus and into the streets of the Upper West Side.
58 In normal circumstances, Melissa would have found him stimulating company but that evening she found her thoughts constantly wandering.
59 Sometimes I am in the log cabin, looking at it; other times I am wandering through it.
60 I was trying to daydream, but my mind kept wandering. Steven Wright 
61 On the way, Endill listened hard in case the Headmaster was wandering about.
62 They have been there since October, crowded into donated tents and closet-sized shacks amid piles of belongings and wandering livestock.
63 It does not take much imagination to appreciate what that means in terms of wandering round in circles.
64 Male speaker I fear for Birmingham with this madman let loose, wandering around the streets frightening the children.
65 A few years ago my friend Tim Hult and I spent one steamy-hot and jet-lagged afternoon wandering aimlessly around Bangkok.
66 The leisure time of teenage boys is spent wandering in the forest, from house to house, and in hammock gossip.
67 In the crowded streets of the capital it is hard to tell whether people are going about their business or simply wandering.
68 For ten minutes he becomes a wandering minstrel, illuminated by the bass-player following him with a torch from the stage.
68 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
69 It seemed Blunset was still wandering through the corridors and Endill looked forward to their next meeting.
70 The last thing he needed right now was an angry and errant wife wandering around Berlin.
71 Having found a comfortable Gasthof in the suburb of Spitalhof, I passed a few hours wandering the old town.
72 And over the past few days it had developed an infuriating habit of wandering unerringly back to the subject of Adam Burns.
73 Al Jourgensen is seen wandering around the hotel foyer hugging a wooden duck, used to frighten off local wildlife.
74 He was talking to one of his girlfriends, wandering the house, phone to his ear.
75 I spend much of my time at the shops; wandering through the aisles, faltering, never knowing what to buy.
76 The wandering spirit was ousted, Diana's younger brother Charles revealed in an exclusive interview, and their beloved dad recovered.
77 I pause, my mind wandering, when out of the haze of heat and depression I notice the name Liliane.
78 Otherwise wandering the boulevards,[] discovering unspoilt backwaters or just watching the people is as much fun as more expensive pastimes.
79 A man found her wandering around and took her to the park ranger, who called the police.
80 And now everyone is wandering around asking how to live.
81 He spends his nights wandering around the streets of Gloucester offering them blankets and hot soup.
82 Guks spent the afternoon wandering about the city, looking at the bombed buildings, avoiding groups of soldiers.
83 I enjoyed my time at Fontainebleau, especially wandering in the forest, hoping to see a wild boar.
84 And Basho: On a journey, ill, and over fields all withered, dreams go wandering.
85 It suited my wandering nature, my penchant for traversing the neighborhoods of San Francisco, honing my skills as a boulevardier.
86 The Lady Amelia would never allow you to go wandering off by yourself.
87 The translator Louis Galantiere, wandering up and down the road in Dorset, calling her name.
88 The hands, wandering hands, so often reprimanded, restrained, searched her body now.
89 I was trying hard to concentrate, but my mind kept wandering.
90 He'd done no more than accidentally bump against some sailors aimlessly wandering from the passage next to the warehouse.
91 But they were not used to wandering by themselves, in the manner of the later homeless children.
92 Rather than wandering around aimlessly, the ovoid twosome decided to visit a nearby castle to obtain directions.
93 He keeps wandering into minor subplots, about a flamenco dancer and a dancing doctors demonstration.
94 They walked on, wandering through a warren of tortuous passageways where the noise and stench grasped Athelstan by the throat.
95 The continuous wandering of the continents also produced a cascade of side effects.
96 Right from the first day of term the two of them started wandering round together during the morning-break and in the lunch-hour.
97 They then have a moment of near romance before wandering off into a different story.
98 Dolezal decides to play detective in a one man undercover operation, wandering naively into deathtrap after deathtrap.
98 try its best to gather and create good sentences.
99 We Israelites, the wandering heirs Of a bewildered dervish, are taught distrust in prayer.
100 Next morning Clarissa was wandering about her bedroom in a state of undress, feeling miserable.
101 After his Bolton wandering had turned into a rout, some of his staff were visibly shaken.
102 After wandering about on the morning of the quake, he found himself hungry and made his way to the hotel.
103 The fivesome are a comfortable shambles, wandering around and, like, being nice and loose about this whole gig scenario.
104 He had two fresh shaving scars on his chin which his fingers kept wandering up to touch.
105 Some people keep wandering aimlessly from womb to tomb. They seek nothing and achieve nothing. RVM 
106 So much discussion of disruption loses its way with attention wandering from one priority to another.
107 Gutfreund took the pulse of the place by simply wandering around it and asking questions of the traders.
108 After her own parents died and she was left destitute, Elizabeth had found her wandering the streets.
109 One night, he stumbled out of his house in the Los Gatos hills, wandering aimlessly.
110 The littlest kid got killed on the Ross road, hit by a truck, wandering about on her own, famished.
111 By wandering aimlessly, all places became equal, and it no longer mattered where he was.
112 Usually, I find myself wandering half-heartedly around the rails hoping some fabulous garment will leap out and grab me.
113 How long had I been wandering about Warsaw like a lost soul?
114 Otis was wandering around the house with a miniature billiard ball in his mouth.
115 The ride back to the city seemed interminable, and he found himself wandering aimlessly.
116 By wielding his lasso in the White House, Ickes can help to stop Clinton from wandering off-message.
117 It hardened to a mask, and she lay under it for three days, wandering inside her body.
118 I thought he was wandering off, but he went up to the counter and asked for a coffee.
119 He missed wandering about the corridors but the thought of walking made his feet throb and ache even more.
120 My mind is wandering, as Isabel has said, I forget things.
121 Mirabai gave up family and fortune to become a wandering disciple of Krishna.
122 Paul finds his mind is wandering, thinking about the poll tax program again.
123 It was like wandering in the lair of giant ants - or something.
124 The horses were found three hours later, wandering in the forest.
125 He spent his days wandering around the rugby pitches doing nothing and refused to return to his cottage.
126 He came wandering towards me, obviously having admitted defeat, and I fell in beside him, companionably in step.
127 I felt there must be something wrong with me, and I kept wandering.
128 I'm sorry, my mind was wandering. What did you say?
128 try its best to gather and create good sentences.
129 People like Billy Crystal and Spike Lee kept wandering in.
130 He remained where he was, slowly revolving to face me, a rotating star to my ellipsis of erratic wandering.
131 Second-hand soul, funky horns, wandering blues-style vocals, all derivative life is here.
132 They remind you of a bunch of schoolboys wandering down a lonely road, kicking a ball along.
133 When wandering over the hills we met a shepherd, exchanged courtesies, and offered him a glass.
134 She was found wandering at a golf course, near Stockport, Cheshire, on Monday.
135 Wandering through the vibrant streets of Rome, one is constantly reminded of the widely differing historical periods.
136 The pressure of seeing hunters wandering cross-country may have increased stress on bighorns there in the past.
137 Once he started wandering aimlessly, a trainee risked disturbing the gods at play.
138 The shops had shut and people were wandering around arm in arm and going into pubs and restaurants.
139 I can now see that old people are a real pain, wandering around in their leather jackets and publishing offensive material.
140 Adult males are nomadic, wandering all round the polar ice cap and living mainly off seals.
141 Hugh was now wandering in his speech and scarcely able to stand without Marian's help.
142 So methods have been developed to dissuade you from wandering off to somebody else's cash register.
143 There are locals wandering around in a state of shock you know.
144 Some people not only fail to speak up but talk with their hands wandering to cover their mouths.
145 He remembered wandering off at that point because Wanda had come in looking for a face to sit on.
146 In the midst of all this wandering, family disaster strikes but the travelers continue onward.
147 Guards People were wandering past with their luggage, security guards were on patrol.
148 Explorer-anthropologist Martin Gray has spent 12 years wandering through 800 sacred sites scattered around the globe.
149 But then so am I if I saw a lion wandering around the back alleys of Danang, right?
150 At the world-famous San Diego Zoo, the animals will be sharing their territory with wandering herds of Republicans.
151 Eve had spent the day wandering around Dublin with a heavy heart.
152 Because the innocent bystander wandering into frame is, predictably, the delicious Riva herself.
153 Jane had only found the place by wandering from the path and getting lost.
154 I found myself wandering round with a wry smile on my face and occasionally bursting into laughter at my own presumption.
155 He seemed too depressed to do very much, wandering round the house like a zombie.
156 Jean tried to concentrate as he went on with his list of symptoms, but her mind kept wandering elsewhere.
157 Two or three are always missing, out to lunch, or in the john, or wandering around the building.
158 He was subsequently traced and cleared by Oxford police, who knew him as Stephen Smith, a wandering sheet music salesman.
158 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
159 At the Irving Plaza, a gaggle of girls are wandering around conducting a poll.
160 I told him about the couple of hours I had spent wandering around Copacabana Beach.
161 Inside, the door to the North Bedroom had been nailed up, to prevent anyone from wandering in there by accident.
162 The afternoon was spent in Winchester wandering around the shops and going to the cathedral.
163 But listen, if you lived a nomad's life wandering the high mountains you would understand.
164 Then she checked herself, realising she was wandering in her mind.
165 In her indifferent wandering she turned into Jackson Street.
166 Man is usually a wandering and enterprising animal.
167 The refugee was condemned to a life of wandering.
168 What is the goal of "Wandering Aengus"?
169 His eyes kept wandering to the picture.
170 Turning, wandering night the digger of eyes.
171 Mother the hands of line, wandering body suit.
172 Helping the helpless, cheering fainting, Seeking the wandering sinner to find.
173 People were alarmed by the driverless Chevy Nova wandering down the street; I called it the Flying Landsman.
174 A wolf, likes peripatetic wandering around lonely and prefers listening to the song.
175 Pro 26:2 As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come.
176 Have goals, be a meaningful specific, not a wandering generality.
177 Peter spent more than two years wandering about the country at loose ends.
178 Orpheus spent the rest of his days wandering around in sorrow.
179 Explore and Development Class : dragon boat racing, water gun battle, wandering on Celebrity Avenue.
180 It appears not only grand, glorious and cloud-kissing but also more boundless by leaning upon the wandering mountains.
181 When distracting or wandering thoughts occur, they are not suppressed; instead, the meditator gently brings attention back to the focus.
182 A circle of missing image data smoothly wandering around the film could be imagined as the result of a worm taking a wiggly path as it eats through a stack of frames.
183 The imaginary journey described by Zhuangzhi, i. e. the ultimately free wandering, indicates a way to throw oneself into the becoming of nature.
184 Owing to the limit of export quota, worldwide textile and garment trade has long been wandering out of the free trade system.
185 Just like a gentle breeze wandering among the twigs of trees.
186 The " Wandering Jew " acquires abstract terms with which to describe the various scenes which he visits.
187 She looked over at him. " W. B. Yeats,'The Song of Wandering Engus '. "
188 Last year he played Lorenzo, a stray, wandering man with no purposes, in the De Laurentiis production of "The Decameron ".
189 An old, close - bitten pasture, with a footpath wandering across it and a molehill here and there.
190 The lacy leaves and wandering branches of a Japanese maple lend drama to the grounds of the Biltmore Estate near Asheville, North Carolina.
191 I'd like to look with you at "The Song of the Wandering Aengus" as a kind of model of the kind of poem I'm talking about and its aesthetics.
192 Practice mindfulness in your daily life . A mind free of wandering thoughts develops inner strength.
193 We are poor people, ma'am, and are only wandering about.
194 Nisan was wandering aimlessly around the crowded exhibition hall when he suddenly found himself staring into Nemutan's bright blue eyes.




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