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单词 Outnumber
1. Their failures vastly outnumber their successes.
2. Flats outnumber houses in this area.
3. A new pet census showed that cats now outnumber dogs by a whisker .
4. Men in prison vastly outnumber women.
5. Men still outnumber women in the paid workforce.
6. Payments by cheque easily outnumber cash transactions.
7. In nursing, women still outnumber men by four to one.
8. Men outnumber women here in the ratio of three to one.
9. In our office, the women outnumber the men 3 to 1.
10. In this profession, women outnumber men by two to one .
11. The failures, however, far outnumber them.
12. Their numbers will outnumber us, as do insects.
13. After all, the dead far outnumber the living!
14. After that, the women outnumber the men.
15. Today, tax-raisers outnumber tax-cutters by nearly seven to one.
16. Sergeants and corporals outnumber private soldiers.
17. The indifferent continue to greatly outnumber the inspired when it comes to decentralized management in that important segment of the management population.
18. Women who undergo cosmetic surgery still far outnumber their male counterparts.
19. Yet in the long run, diet failures vastly outnumber the successes.
20. So does Sedimentary Petrology, whose pages outnumber those of its older competitor by three to one.
21. Women teachers outnumber their male colleagues by two to one.
22. Beyond 75, women outnumber men by almost two to one.
23. The navy's 52 admirals and commodores outnumber serviceable ships by a ratio of six to one.
24. Thinly veiled portraits of actual people in fiction vastly outnumber this type of unlucky strike.
25. But what will happen when the holders of all those assets outnumber the buyers?
26. The table below shows that private and semi-official schools far outnumber state-run schools at secondary level.
27. It is a key prediction of this chapter that in the future analogue computers will outnumber digital ones.
28. According to a national survey of 50 salons, requests for red hair outnumber those for blond for the first time.
29. And by the fourth issue of Oz the plaudits were beginning to outnumber the brickbats.
30. It's now estimated that by 2010, children in stepfamilies will actually outnumber those living with two biological parents.
1. Their failures vastly outnumber their successes.
2. Flats outnumber houses in this area.
3. A new pet census showed that cats now outnumber dogs by a whisker .
31. For starters, those ignoring it greatly outnumber those embracing it.
32. Male passengers seemed to outnumber women about three to one, by my rough calculation.
33. But those in need of organs or tissue far outnumber donors, according to Karahalios.
34. Moreover, the pretty paper kites in the clear blue skies still outnumber the documentary versions by a long way.
35. Aware that women outnumber men on voter lists, politicians from both parties are tailoring their campaigns accordingly.
36. Because school people vastly outnumber business-people in most school-to-work partnerships, the tendency is for educators to take over.
37. The years of central planning had already produced food shortages in a country where livestock outnumber people by about 12 to one.
38. A unit of Goblins fears any unit of Elves which it does not outnumber by at least two to one.
39. In sheer bulk of biomass, organisms without brains or even without central nervous systems far outnumber those possessing these desirable features.
40. Final evidence that rhynchosaurs were herbivorous is that they occurred in large numbers; in general we expect the herbivores to outnumber carnivores.
41. The unit fears any unit of Elves it does not outnumber by at least two to one.
42. Women outnumber men by three to one in residential care.
43. Although popularly thought of as a female offence, women do not outnumber men among those found guilty.
44. Payments by check easily outnumber cash transaction.
45. Blacks outnumber whites by better than 5 to 1.
46. Democrats far outnumber Republicans among registered voters statewide.
47. Payment by cheque easily outnumber cash transactions.
48. Coffee shops even outnumber teahouses in some neighborhoods.
49. Male online shoppers outnumber women, accounting for 55 percent.
50. I am simply saying that the non - calls easily outnumber the superstar calls.
51. The percentage growth rate has slowed, but it is projected to reach 9 billion by 2050. The excess will almost all be in the developing world where the young hugely outnumber the old.
52. There, time almost stands still and horse - drawn carts outnumber motor vehicles.
53. Analysis of demographic data from 117 countries has shown that when men outnumber women, women have the upper hand: Marriage rates rise and fewer children are born outside marriage.
54. You can find them everywhere on our planet, they easily outnumber non-parasitic or "free living" lifeforms and almost nothing lives entirely free from their influence.
55. Donkeys outnumber cars in this landscape of tiny stone-walled fields.
56. Men substantially outnumber women, and heavy drinking is a commonplace.
57. By most accounts,() the vendors hawking trinkets outside the stadium outnumber the foreigners who go there to gawk.
58. All in all, opportunities outnumber challenges and hope outweighs difficulties.
59. Short interest fell in mid-July and firms with insider selling activity outnumber those with buying activity two to one, according to research firm
60. T : In most big enterprises, transactions involving the receipt and disbursement of cash far outnumber any others.
61. The former outnumber the latter by about a hundred to one.
62. In war the heroes always outnumber the soldiers ten to one.
63. And will our national identity fade away as foreigners and naturalised citizens outnumber the original citizens?
64. A new pet census showed that cats now outnumber dogs by a whisker (7 million to 6.9 million).
65. The girls in the class outnumber the boys two to one.
66. Since that historic expedition questions about the moon still outnumber answers.
67. Net result: dogs now outnumber children aged 10 and under.
68. According to a spot check, disagreements on the posting outnumber agreements more than six to one.
69. De Montfort marched to join forces with his son at Kenilworth, in Warwickshire, to form a joint army which would outnumber Edward's men.
70. They outnumber the high elves and can outmaneuver most enemies.
71. The most likely reason for this is that male plovers outnumber females.




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