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单词 Noticed
1. He noticed that the instruments had been tampered with.
2. I noticed several unfamiliar faces in the meeting room.
3. I noticed a certain reluctance among the teachers.
4. It is remarkable that nobody noticed sooner.
5. I noticed a crack in the ceiling.
6. so as not to be noticed.
7. He noticed her long delicate fingers.
8. The scientist's observant eye noticed the slightest details.
9. He noticed two policemen coming towards him.
10. The alert listener will have noticed the error.
11. The first thing he noticed was that he was perspiring.
12. I noticed him take a little peep at his watch.
13. She noticed a marked difference in the children on her second visit.
14. Alert readers may have noticed the misprint in last week's column.
15. I was lighting up when I noticed a 'no smoking' sign.
16. I noticed the ring on the third finger of her left hand.
17. We noticed tiny bugs that were all over the walls.
18. He noticed a woman in a black dress sitting across from him.
19. He noticed what looked like a bundle of rags beside the road.
20. I noticed she didn't send me a card - I think it was tit for tat because I forgot her birthday last year.
21. As I approached the house, I noticed a light on upstairs.
22. When he returned, he noticed their sickness and prepared an antidote.
23. No one noticed we had been running around emptying bins and cleaning up.
23. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
24. No one noticed that the boat had begun to drift out to sea.
25. He noticed that I spoke Polish with an accent .
26. He noticed a man behind him in a blue Ford gesticulating to pull over.
27. People should not hesitate to contact the police if they've noticed anyone acting suspiciously.
28. She was so quiet that her presence was hardly noticed.
29. Sweep the leaves into the corner where they won't be noticed.
30. I decided the best thing to do would be to try and fade into the woodwork and hope that no one noticed me.
1. He noticed that the instruments had been tampered with.
2. I noticed several unfamiliar faces in the meeting room.
3. I noticed a certain reluctance among the teachers.
4. It is remarkable that nobody noticed sooner.
5. I noticed a crack in the ceiling.
6. He noticed her long delicate fingers.
7. The scientist's observant eye noticed the slightest details.
8. He noticed two policemen coming towards him.
9. The first thing he noticed was that he was perspiring.
10. People should not hesitate to contact the police if they've noticed anyone acting suspiciously.
11. I noticed him take a little peep at his watch.
12. She noticed a marked difference in the children on her second visit.
13. Alert readers may have noticed the misprint in last week's column.
14. I was lighting up when I noticed a 'no smoking' sign.
15. I noticed the ring on the third finger of her left hand.
16. We noticed tiny bugs that were all over the walls.
17. She was so quiet that her presence was hardly noticed.
18. He noticed a woman in a black dress sitting across from him.
19. He noticed what looked like a bundle of rags beside the road.
20. I noticed she didn't send me a card - I think it was tit for tat because I forgot her birthday last year.
21. As I approached the house, I noticed a light on upstairs.
22. When he returned, he noticed their sickness and prepared an antidote.
23. No one noticed we had been running around emptying bins and cleaning up.
23. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
24. No one noticed that the boat had begun to drift out to sea.
25. He noticed that I spoke Polish with an accent .
26. Sweep the leaves into the corner where they won't be noticed.
27. I decided the best thing to do would be to try and fade into the woodwork and hope that no one noticed me.
28. He noticed a man behind him in a blue Ford gesticulating to pull over.
29. be / come to the fore to be/become important and noticed by people; to play an important part: She has always been to the fore at moments of crisis.
30. Jim patched up the broken vase before his wife noticed it.
31. be / come to the fore to be/become important and noticed by people; to play an important part: She has always been to the fore at moments of crisis.
32. Jim patched up the broken vase before his wife noticed it.
33. In fact, there are a lot of feelings are about you, but you never noticed.
34. I noticed a swift change of expression in his face.
35. Once we got home, there was barely time to enjoy our presents. We had to go off to our grandparents' house for our annual Christmas dinner. As we drove down the highway through town, I noticed that the family was still there, standing outside the closed gas station.
36. She chattered away happily until she noticed I wasn't listening.
37. He noticed her necklace. Such jewels must have cost thousands, he thought.
38. I noticed a police car shadowing us.
39. Have you noticed how warped these shelves are?
40. He noticed some slight puffiness beneath her eyes.
41. She noticed him merely with a nod.
42. I noticed how well-mannered her children were.
43. Have you noticed any change in him?
44. I noticed drops of water plopping onto the carpet.
45. I noticed a certain hesitancy in his voice.
46. She noticed he was acting strangely.
47. I noticed I had dirt under my fingernails.
48. He jacked off before I noticed it.
49. He fences well, as she had noticed before.
50. Carlson noticed another oddity; his plant had bloomed twice.
51. Several minutes passed before the girls were noticed.
52. The doctor noticed a gradual improvement in his patient.
53. She noticed a diminutive figure standing at the entrance.
54. A sharp-eyed secretary noticed the mistake just in time.
55. He had noticed nothing untoward.
56. We noticed a poster advertising a circus.
57. At first nobody noticed the child's disappearance.
58. I noticed that her hands were shaking.
59. He bootlegged for years before anyone noticed.
60. Cassandra noticed him because he was good-looking.
31. I noticed a swift change of expression in his face.
32. She chattered away happily until she noticed I wasn't listening.
33. The doctor noticed a gradual improvement in his patient.
34. The book was favourably noticed in literary magazines.
35. None noticed her agitation.
36. I haven't noticed any significant reduction in the performance of my car since switching to unleaded fuel.
37. Every visitor noticed that her effusive welcome was not sincere.
38. Nobody noticed her disappearance.
39. How did he sneak off in the middle of the meeting without being noticed?
61. Luckily, I'd noticed where you left the car.
62. I noticed a cigarette burn in the carpet.
63. The teacher noticed that one student was missing.
64. I noticed a certain peculiarity about his appearance.
65. She noticed the slight hollows under his cheekbones.
66. The sparse line of spectators noticed nothing unusual.
67. I noticed several reporters hovering around outside the courtroom.
68. I haven't noticed much decrease in interest.
69. They noticed patterns in the data.
70. She climbed over the gate without being noticed.
71. I noticed the man leaving the house.
72. He immediately noticed the amenity of his new surroundings.
73. I noticed them come in.
74. I've noticed nothing out of the ordinary.
75. He noticed Rolfe standing silently over by the window.
76. He noticed at once that something was wrong.
77. I noticed someone hiding in the undergrowth.
78. He noticed a wrinkle in her stocking.
79. I noticed a certain distance between father and son.
80. She noticed several small errors in his work.
81. You must have noticed how tired he sometimes looks.
82. I noticed the oddity of his behaviour.
83. I noticed a real difference in his attitude.
84. Have you noticed any alteration in the patient's behaviour?
85. She noticed several minor inconsistencies in his argument.
86. I noticed a certain coolness between your parents.
87. They noticed him going into the hotel bar.
88. We noticed how to make the experiment.
89. I noticed he'd cut his finger quite badly.
90. I noticed how she did it.
91. He noticed the situation changed.
92. I noticed two middle-aged passengers.
93. I noticed his hand shaking.
94. I noticed, too, the length of her fingers.
95. The book was favourably noticed in literary magazines.
96. I noticed he left early.
97. She had obviously noticed nothing out of the way.
98. No one noticed the boy as he crept off.
99. I noticed a certain coolness between them.
100. She noticed the peeling paintwork.
101. I noticed a policeman standing nearby.
102. Nobody really noticed the changes.
103. I noticed a few minor inconsistencies in her argument.
104. She wears those strange clothes just to get herself noticed.
105. He's just some nobody trying to get noticed by the press.
106. If we mingle with the crowd, we should not be noticed.
107. She hoped that her diligence would be noticed at work.
108. We've had a few near misses in the raids, as I expect you've noticed.
109. He noticed that fabric was tearing away from the plane's wing.
110. notice I noticed that she was wearing a wedding ring.
111. None noticed her agitation.
112. Amazingly, no one noticed.
113. Stephen noticed that the people around him looked cheered by his presence.
114. You don't miss much(http://), do you? Nobody else noticed that mistake.
115. Mrs Shedden noticed a bird sitting on the garage roof.
116. The first thing I noticed about the room was the smell.
117. I noticed that he wasn't sitting by the door any longer.
118. The government has noticed us to quit out of the old building.
119. I noticed her entrance because she slipped and fell in the doorway.
120. I had noticed blood on my husband's clothing but he explained it away.
121. In the pause that followed, I noticed that he was shaking.
122. I noticed a slight frown of disapproval on his face.
123. She noticed some bits of fluff on the sleeve of her sweater.
124. I noticed with surprise that the house had not been repainted and the garden tidied up.
125. I noticed her short attention span and low boredom threshold .
126. I noticed little things, a dip of the head, a twitch in the shoulder.
127. Have you noticed how he never looks directly at you?
128. Glancing down the list of runners, I noticed a familiar name.
129. Have you noticed that Mr Dickens lumbered a little in his walk?
130. One eagle-eyed passerby noticed that the window was slightly open.
131. I would have picked it up if I had noticed it.
132. I forgot to thank her for the invitation but I don't think she noticed my lapse.
133. I haven't noticed any significant reduction in the performance of my car since switching to unleaded fuel.
134. If we mingle with the crowd we shall not be noticed.
135. My eagle-eyed mother noticed that some cakes had gone missing.
136. Half-way across the car-park, he noticed she was walking with her eyes closed.
137. I noticed a release of tension when he left the room.
138. I noticed a lone man in the cafeteria swabbing the floor as I passed.
139. No man noticed that she streaked out of the room.
140. She was first noticed by the critics at the age of 12, and went on to become a world-famous violinist.
141. I noticed with great satisfaction that you made great progress.
142. Have you noticed how he's trying to get in with the boss?
143. Have you noticed how he tries to keep in with the boss?
144. The peacock displayed its fine tail feathers when it noticed any gay colours.
145. "I know it sounds silly, but when I get to the beach I feel like a kid again." "We noticed( ), " she said drily.
146. I was dusting the mantelpiece when I noticed a crack.
147. As you will have noticed, there are some gaps in the data.
148. We have to invent a new method for sneaking prisoners out without being noticed by the guards.
149. She just wants to be noticed, that's why she dresses so strangely.
150. Some oscillation of the fuselage had been noticed on early flights.
151. The first thing you noticed about him was his niceness.
152. Every visitor noticed that her effusive welcome was not sincere.
153. It seems very peculiar that no one noticed Kay had gone.
154. All eyes were on the speaker, and nobody noticed me slip into the hall.
155. Nobody noticed her disappearance.
156. I noticed a flicker of a smile on her face.
157. I must go! I have only just noticed how late it is.
158. She noticed her own proud walk had become a shuffle.
159. Both men had just begun to swim towards the shore, when they noticed with dismay that the speed-boat was moving in a circle.
160. How did he sneak off in the middle of the meeting without being noticed?
161. He noticed the crack in her voice as she tried to continue.
162. I noticed that everyone was watching me with rapt attention.
163. Engineers noticed that the pipes were not expanding as expected.
164. Paul was praying that no one had noticed his absence.
165. I suspected something was wrong when I noticed her curtains were still shut at lunchtime.
166. She noticed that only $80,000 had been credited to her account.
167. These clothes will get you noticed and enhance your image.
168. I noticed a chink of light at the end of the corridor.
169. I find it almost incredible that no-one noticed these errors.
170. The Ambassador's wife went on asking questions, when she suddenly noticed a big hole in her husband's hat.
171. I noticed that most academics were writing papers during the summer.
172. With her keen mind and good business sense, she soon became noticed.
173. Then I noticed the car was bouncing up and down as if someone were jumping on it.
174. David had noticed the return of worrying symptoms in the last few days.
175. She's always noticed. But then, to be honest, Ghislaine likes being noticed.
176. I noticed, behind the neutrality of his gaze, a deep weariness.
177. Hers is a body which every red-blooded male cannot fail to have noticed.
178. He noticed that a river of liquid rock was coming towards him.
179. I hardly noticed the man who brushed past me in the corridor.
180. She cast a sidelong glance at Eric to see if he had noticed her blunder.
181. I noticed a couple of prostitutes plying for business on the corner.
182. He noticed a new building going up near Whitaker Park.
183. He noticed you and your team for several times in his remarks.
184. They noticed fifty and twenty dollar bills floating in the water.
185. She hadn't noticed before quite how grey his hair was.
186. If she had noticed her father's entrance, she gave no indication.
187. He was going bald at the front, she noticed.
188. He noticed the artful make-up, the elegant hair style.
189. She noticed the alteration in his looks and manner.
190. Dave barely noticed my new dress.
191. June, too, had wanted to be noticed for herself and not just for fading to attain impossibly high standards.
192. Luce was about to ask why, when she noticed a set of traffic-lights.
193. He noticed that the veins were standing out on Michael's forehead and against his will felt a surge of apprehension.
194. An hour into the flight he noticed a woman in a black dress sitting across the aisle from him.
195. Along the way we noticed young pine trees with cloth wrapped around the top shoots to stop deer eating them.
196. Help me get started, get noticed, and get my name out there in the public arena.
197. I must confess that in all the times I read Madame Bovary, I never noticed the heroine's rainbow eyes.
198. A euphemism is most apt to be noticed if it is new.
199. Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac? George Carlin 
200. Here he will have to serve a form of apprenticeship before he is accepted or even noticed.
201. It was a hot day, and I think I must have been half asleep when I noticed something very strange.
202. While he was pleading I noticed the young black woman was becoming agitated.
203. I noticed a small bald patch on the crown of his head.
204. She noticed the black bruise on her arm and a wicked light glowed in the back of her eyes.
205. He said nothing at all and she averted her face, staring out of the window,(http://) hoping he hadn't noticed.
206. They were flying at a much lower altitude, without any fighter escort, and obviously had not noticed us.
207. Have you noticed that whatever sport you're trying to learn, some earnest person is always telling you to keep your knees bent? Dave Barry 
208. One thing you might have noticed, though, is that there is only Heather who actually wants to sit next to Gowie.
209. I noticed that some of the upstart ash trees were already bearing seeds, and some were loaded with them.
210. The Prince rule of strict liability as to age, which applies equally to indecent assault, has already been noticed.
211. Manescu had noticed a network of aerials, wires and dishes mounted on the roof.
212. Then we noticed that the Pike head was sort of pulsing backwards and forwards like a mechanical toy.
213. But the policeman wouldn't even have noticed, if you ask me.
214. As Tom made his way to the door he noticed a particularly evil-looking group lurking at the entrance of a narrow alleyway.
215. The 4. 3 cents were little noticed when they were added, and will be little noticed if removed.
216. Her work suffered and her supervisor noticed an unusually negative attitude towards colleagues and customers alike.
217. Even in Britain people noticed dazzling, lingering sunsets last winter which left a distinctive purple afterglow.
218. I noticed that the door to it was ajar and realized what had happened.
219. So had the cheerful chat and bustle that had formed the barely noticed background to our conversation.
220. Then I noticed my digital altimeter watch had gone blank, a casualty.
221. She noticed for the first time how Frederick had aged.
222. As I passed the ladies I noticed that the beer crates stashed in front of the Fire Exit had been moved aside.
223. As I slunk back to the alcove, I noticed half-suppressed smiles on the tear-stained faces of several of the mourners.
224. Men often mistake notoriety for fame, and would rather be noticed for their vices than not be noticed at all. Harry S. Truman 
225. Then, as we neared home again, I noticed Iobates' bodyguard hiding in ambush.
226. Have you ever noticed the response when a car alarm goes off in a busy street?
227. Mungo noticed a red admiral caught in cobwebs on the window overlooking the green.
228. The baby boom generation lined up for their Sabin sugar cubes and hardly noticed that the Salk vaccine was disappearing.
229. Some of them had noticed the sea-fret by now and had jumped up in alarm.
230. Ballater, advancing into the garden, noticed a heap of uprooted dead cannabis tangled with chickweed on the small cleared area.
231. I've noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born. Ronald Reagan 
232. It was also noticed that he ceased to whistle unconsciously as he walked up the aisle from the vestry.
233. It was when they were assembling for dinner that they had noticed her absence.
233. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
234. I came over to give him a hug and noticed a cigarette still burning in the ashtray on the desk.
235. When I look at narcissism through the vulnerability lens, I see the shame-based fear of being ordinary. I see the fear of never feeling extraordinary enough to be noticed, to be lovable, to belong, or to cultivate a sense of purpose. Brene Brown 
236. I also noticed how Corin and Alleyn, once we had reached Royston, switched their allegiance to him.
237. Owners of dogs will have noticed that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they will think you are god. Whereas owners of cats are compelled to realize that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they draw the conclusion that they are gods. Christopher Hitchens 
238. Helen noticed one little boy standing apart from the rest of the group.
239. McKee suddenly noticed tire tracks on the bank ahead.
240. First, the noticed material must be specifically identified.
241. I testify on oath that I have not noticed the accident.




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