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单词 forefinger
释义  Related topics: Humanfore·fin·ger /ˈfɔːˌfɪŋɡə $ ˈfɔːrˌfɪŋɡər/ noun [countable]  HBHthe finger next to your thumb 食指 SYN index fingerExamples from the Corpusforefinger• He took her chin between thumb and forefinger, tilting her mutinous face up for his cool inspection.• I lifted the vase between my thumb and forefinger.• Uncle Walter remained seated with the thumb and forefinger pressed against his closed eyes.• The bald man beside her raised his forefinger.• At least the socket in the tip of her left forefinger hardly showed.• She licked her undamaged forefinger and rubbed away the tear traces.• Once more Sethe touched a wet forefinger to the stove.fore·fin·ger nounChineseSyllable  your to Corpus finger next thumb the




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