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单词 Admitted
1, He admitted causing a breach of the peace.
2, She admitted stealing the money from her employers.
3, He was admitted to the casualty ward.
4, She was admitted to hospital for observation.
5, No one but ticket-holders is admitted.
6, He admitted possessing and delivering counterfeit currency.
7, He has admitted to acting as a drug courier.
8, That man is not to be admitted.
9, All six men admitted conspiring to steal cars.
10, He freely admitted that he had taken bribes.
11, What percentage of the students are admitted to college?
12, He admitted paying bribes to police officers.
13, He has admitted committing several crimes,(http:///admitted.html) including two murders.
14, He admitted all his mistakes.
15, They frankly admitted their responsibility.
16, In court, he admitted that he had committed bigamy.
17, The thief admitted his guilt to the police.
18, It looks that they'll be admitted to the fellowship.
19, 'I'm very nervous,' she admitted reluctantly.
20, He admitted that he'd made an error.
21, He frankly admitted his error.
22, The prime minister admitted that the crisis had been mishandled.
23, The appointment is now generally admitted to have been a mistake.
24, She admitted conspiring with her lover to murder her husband.
25, It was generally admitted that the government had acted too quickly.
26, After several attempts to untie the knot, I admitted defeat and cut through it with a knife.
27, University teachers generally have admitted a lack of enthusiasm about their subjects.
28, The path was so narrow that it hardly admitted of two persons walking abreast.
29, Members will be admitted on presentation of a membership card.
30, When we faced her with all the evidence, she admitted the crime.
1, He admitted causing a breach of the peace.
2, She admitted stealing the money from her employers.
3, He was admitted to the casualty ward.
4, She was admitted to hospital for observation.
5, No one but ticket-holders is admitted.
6, He admitted possessing and delivering counterfeit currency.
7, He has admitted to acting as a drug courier.
8, All six men admitted conspiring to steal cars.
9, He freely admitted that he had taken bribes.
10, What percentage of the students are admitted to college?
11, He admitted paying bribes to police officers.
12, He has admitted committing several crimes, including two murders.
13, He admitted all his mistakes.
14, They frankly admitted their responsibility.
15, In court, he admitted that he had committed bigamy.
16, It looks that they'll be admitted to the fellowship.
17, 'I'm very nervous,' she admitted reluctantly.
18, He admitted that he'd made an error.
19, The prime minister admitted that the crisis had been mishandled.
20, The appointment is now generally admitted to have been a mistake.
21, She admitted conspiring with her lover to murder her husband.
22, It was generally admitted that the government had acted too quickly.
23, After several attempts to untie the knot, I admitted defeat and cut through it with a knife.
24, University teachers generally have admitted a lack of enthusiasm about their subjects.
25, Members will be admitted on presentation of a membership card.
26, She complained of stiffness in her joints. Accordingly she was admitted to hospital for further tests.
27, 'Okay, so maybe I was a little bit scared,' Jenny admitted.
28, He has admitted misleading the police about his movements on the night of the murder.
29, Under cross-examination, the witness admitted her evidence had been mostly lies.
30, He philosophized, he admitted, not because he was certain of establishing the truth, but because it gave him pleasure.
31, She complained of stiffness in her joints. Accordingly she was admitted to hospital for further tests.
32, 'Okay, so maybe I was a little bit scared,' Jenny admitted.
33, After hours of questioning, the prisoner coughed up and admitted that he had stolen the jewels.
34, The young man admitted to his part in the crime.
35, He has admitted misleading the police about his movements on the night of the murder.
36, We are very happy to learn that you have successfully passed the college entrance examination this year and have been admitted into Beijing University with honor.Allow us to offer our most sincere congratulations on this happy occasion and wish you greater achievement in your college education.
37, Under cross-examination, the witness admitted her evidence had been mostly lies.
38, He admitted he had done her wrong and asked for forgiveness.
39, He philosophized, he admitted, not because he was certain of establishing the truth, but because it gave him pleasure.
40, Later, he admitted that the payments had indeed been made.
41, He admitted his guilt/mistake.
42, She was admitted to St Mary's Hospital with profuse bleeding.
43, Only ticket-holders will be admitted into the stadium.
44, He admitted giving a false statement to the police.
45, He admitted conspiring to obtain property by deception.
46, They freely admitted using the drug.
47, He never admitted his guilt or asked for forgiveness.
48, "I'm scared, " she admitted,(http:///admitted.html) with a shiver.
49, John has admitted breaking the window.
50, He admitted to feeling a bit tired.
51, He has admitted the murder charge.
52, What time was she admitted?
53, Children unaccompanied by an adult will not be admitted.
54, He was admitted to the Academie Culinaire de France.
55, He admitted being 'economical with the truth' .
56, She admitted she had experimented with cocaine.
57, He ruefully admitted that he envied her.
58, Both suspects admitted their guilt to the police.
59, The young girl admitted to stealing the jewels.
60, Burke later admitted he had lied.
31, Later, he admitted that the payments had indeed been made.
32, He admitted his guilt/mistake.
33, She was admitted to St Mary's Hospital with profuse bleeding.
34, Children unaccompanied by an adult will not be admitted.
61, They admitted to the most heinous crimes.
62, So far no one has admitted planting the bomb.
63, He was admitted to casualty with head injuries.
64, She admitted having done wrong.
65, She candidly admitted her mistakes.
66, Her husband has admitted having an extra-marital affair.
67, She admitted that she was unable to compromise.
68, 'I owe my parents a lot,' he admitted.
69, He virtually admitted he was guilty.
70, No one admitted responsibility for the attacks.
71, 'I'm not sure what to do,(Sentencedict)' Seb admitted unhappily.
72, Journalists are rarely admitted to the region.
73, She admitted the theft of three pairs of trousers.
74, Children not admitted by law.
75, Children are admitted only if accompanied by an adult.
76, He admitted that intercourse had taken place.
77, The patient was admitted presenting with flu-like symptoms.
78, She was admitted to hospital with a soaring temperature.
79, He finally admitted that his film career was kaput.
80, The number admitted must not exceed 200.
81, She admitted giving false evidence to the court.
82, She admitted having driven the car without insurance.
83, He admitted the charge of kidnap.
84, Has she actually come out and admitted it yet?
85, He admitted having stolen the car.
86, Under oath, Aston finally admitted that he had lied.
87, Smith admitted indecently exposing himself on Wimbledon Common.
88, He admitted that he had acted foolishly.
89, Latecomers will not be admitted until the interval.
90, The small window admitted very little light.
91, Dana admitted feeling hurt by what I had said.
92, He grudgingly admitted he'd been wrong.
93, He admitted he'd completely fouled things up .
94, She was admitted to the university.
95, Two crash victims were admitted to the local hospital.
96, No organization has admitted responsibility for the bombing.
97, We admitted him into the society.
98, He tacitly admitted that the government had breached regulations.
99, He was admitted to the bar.
100, Foster admitted punching and kicking the man repeatedly.
101, Women were only admitted into the club last year.
101, try its best to collect and build good sentences.
102, Drake was admitted into the club in 1997.
103, Greene admitted causing death by reckless driving.
104, He was admitted to hospital with minor burns.
105, To her credit, she admitted she was wrong.
106, The patient was admitted to hospital yesterday.
107, He admitted his guilt to the police.
108, Late arrivals will not be admitted to the theatre.
109, He admitted adultery with several women.
110, The doctor has admitted that he was in error.
111, He admitted bumping off Baines.
112, After questioning(), he admitted to the murder.
113, She admitted to having stolen the car.
114, He admitted that their marriage was in trouble.
115, She admitted that she had perjured herself.
116, He more or less admitted he'd done it.
117, He admitted his part in the robbery.
118, Spain was admitted to the European Community in 1986.
119, He was admitted to Middlesex hospital with stab wounds.
120, They subsequently admitted that the story was pure invention.
121, Carey admitted misspending company funds.
122, She herself admitted that it was wrong.
123, He admitted to having taken the money.
124, The prisoner has admitted his guilt.
125, He was admitted into their fullest confidence.
126, After several days of questioning, he admitted to match-fixing.
127, She grudgingly admitted that I was right.
128, Some children were well brought up, despite family breakdown, he admitted.
129, It is the firm conviction of the governors that this child should not be admitted to the school.
130, He admitted he did not hold to the traditional view of God.
131, The gang admitted they had committed four recent bank robberies.
132, "It was the worst moment of my life(/admitted.html), " she admitted.
133, Before execution, he admitted to taking the lives of at least 35 more women.
134, Julia finally made a clean breast of it and admitted that she had stolen the money.
135, We were relieved to hear you were admitted to a university.
136, Hospital authorities admitted that a tragic mistake/error had taken place.
137, 18% of the adults sampled admitted having had problems with alcohol abuse.
138, He admitted that he had maybe stretched the truth a little.
139, New teams won't be admitted to the league if their stadiums don't pass muster.
140, Everyone present admitted that the judge's decision was eminently fair.
141, Weaver admitted a strong emotional involvement in her client's case.
142, About one sixth of the children admitted to taking drugs.
143, The government admitted that there was a petrol shortage(), but warned people against panic buying.
144, He admitted that the party had followed policies which were now considered as wrong-headed.
145, He broke down under cross-examination and admitted his part in the assault.
146, He thinks he would lose face if he admitted the mistake.
147, The foreign minister admitted he was still anxious about the situation in the country.
148, Under cross-examination, he admitted the state troopers used more destructive ammunition than usual.
149, The airline admitted being involved in a dirty tricks campaign to win customers from their rival.
150, Seven men, all from Bristol, admitted conspiracy to commit arson.
151, The fact is admitted.
152, The students were admitted to the concerts at half price.
153, He admitted that the whole project was a dead duck.
154, It was a no-win situation. Either she pretended she hated Ned and felt awful or admitted she loved him and felt even worse!
155, At first he denied stealing the money but he later admitted it.
156, In the end he'd done a good job, Caroline admitted grudgingly.
157, He admitted falsely representing to police officers that the car had been stolen.
158, He opened the door and admitted me to the house.
159, He admitted attempted robbery and was given a suspended sentence.
160, She opened the door and admitted me into the house.
161, The company admitted that their system of penalties had been misapplied.
162, It's time you came down off your high horse and admitted you were wrong.
163, He admitted to the murder and mutilation of between 12 and 16 young men.
164, He admitted his crime.
165, Sheila admitted that she did sometimes exaggerate the demands of her job.
166, The company admitted that it had been a tough year.
167, We regret that latecomers cannot be admitted until a suitable break in the performance.
168, She admitted her guilt.
169, She cheerfully admitted that she had no experience at all .
170, At the risk of stating the obvious,(/admitted.html) people who have not paid cannot be admitted.
171, Nicholas frankly admitted that the report was a pack of lies.
172, The hospital provides extramural care to patients who do not need to be admitted.
173, He admitted that with the benefit of hindsight the original launch had not been large enough.
174, The judge admitted the notes of the interview as evidence.
175, A man has been admitted to hospital with gunshot wounds.
176, The child's voice sank to a whisper as she admitted that she had broken the window.
177, He admitted the security forces might have made some mistakes, as he put it.
178, I confronted him with my suspicions, and he admitted everything.
179, The bar was licensed subject to the condition that no children under 15 be admitted.
180, He as much as admitted that it was his fault.
181, The trial collapsed after a key prosecution witness admitted lying.
182, The lawyer admitted that he was the firm's second lawyer. The first one had struck out completely.
183, He has admitted the charge and will be sentenced later.
184, She admitted 33assault charges.
185, She admitted that the interview had been a complete farce from start to finish.
186, A toddler was admitted to the emergency ward with a wound in his chest.
187, He admitted a lack of motivation and a feeling of sloth.
188, Twenty-five senators have admitted they are still uncommitted on the taxation question.
189, It is generally admitted that he is a trustworthy person.
190, "Actually, most of my tennis is at club level," he admitted.
191, He was studying in the hope of being admitted to an engineering college.
191, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
192, He admitted driving recklessly.
193, The Prime Minister admitted, off the record, that the talks had failed.
194, He is claiming damages from London Underground, which has admitted liability but disputes the amount of his claim.
195, Club members will be admitted on presentation of their membership cards.
196, He admitted that the government was in "a dreadful hole".
197, When I tackled Susan about it, she admitted she'd made a mistake.
198, He made a clean breast of everything and admitted taking the money.
199, Paul admitted to me that he sometimes feels jealous of my friendship with Stanley.
200, Many voters admitted being disturbed by the tenor of the election campaign.
201, If you are improperly dressed, you will not be admitted.
202, She admitted/conceded defeat well before all the votes had been counted.
203, He was admitted yesterday for treatment of blood clots in his lungs.
204, The policemen admitted beating the student, but said they were acting on orders from above.
205, The company admitted reducing prices to get a corner on the market .
206, To have admitted this would have courted political disaster .
207, They admitted counterfeiting documents.
208, He baulked for a moment. 'I can't afford it,' he finally admitted.
209, He admitted last week he paid for sex with a prostitute.
210, In an unguarded moment, he admitted that he wanted to quit his job.
211, Her face expressed great joy when Mrs White knew that her son had been admitted to Harvad.
212, He admitted that he had smoked marijuana when he was a student.
213, and admitted the truth.
214, It was the first time we admitted to ourselves that we were tired.
215, To her discredit, she never admitted her role in the scandal.
216, You will not be admitted to the theatre after the performance has started.
217, Men will not be admitted to the restaurant without a tie.
218, We admitted that the attraction was there, but decided that we would put the feelings aside.
219, He was admitted to hospital in critical condition, but is now off the danger list.
220, She had brazenly admitted allowing him back into the house.
221, When he came down to earth after his win he admitted: 'It was an amazing feeling'.
221, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
222, Latecomers will be admitted at a suitable break in the performance.
223, She admitted she was wrong in an article in the newspaper.
224, He felt very attracted to his best friend's wife, but admitted that it was partly because she was forbidden fruit.
225, They admitted they had taken a vehicle on the spur of the moment.
226, Fear is the thought of admitted inferiority. Elbert Hubbard 
227, Rachel admitted that she had made a mistake.
228, Children under 17 will not be admitted.
229, Vaught freely admitted that he is a follower.
230, Jones was arrested the next day and admitted responsibility.
231, They admitted manslaughter and gave evidence against Allen.
232, Blake finally admitted he had stolen the money.
233, All three had admitted burglary and related charges.
234, Dana admitted feeling hurt by what I said.
235, The company has since admitted this was a mistake.
236, The boy admitted five charges of joyriding and absconding while on bail.
237, She was admitted to hospital on 21 January because of a productive cough and mild dyspnoea which had appeared four days earlier.
238, A 72 year old man with ischaemic heart disease and poor ventricular function was admitted to hospital after collapsing at home.
239, This suggests to Ishmael that the entire universe is more closely interrelated than man has yet admitted.
240, Each cohort of students will be admitted to only one institution and will normally remain registered with that institution until graduation.
241, New chairman, Tory councillor Keith Bland admitted that the council had made mistakes.
242, In recent weeks, three others in the scam admitted to charges of money laundering and wire fraud.
243, Later in the war, they openly admitted that perimeters were used as bait.
244, One weekend in mid-July seven new patients were admitted, bringing the hospital total to twenty-nine.
245, However, many were referred for compulsory admission where they were subsequently not admitted, or admitted informally.
246, Tickets are $ 10, available at the door, with children under age 12 not admitted.
247, I would have admitted to murder to keep her out of it.
248, After the death of Asbury, the Methodists in 1816 adopted a report that admitted they were powerless to abolish the evil.
249, The six have admitted the charges, committed at a rented factory in Burn Road, Hartlepool.
250, Eventually he was admitted as a voluntary patient to Napsbury Hospital, where he was diagnosed as schizophrenic.
251, She never admitted that Edwin was an alcoholic, never talked about the pain and suffering his drinking had caused the family.
251, try its best to gather and create good sentences.
252, There I was admitted by the butler, of all people.
253, Only members will be admitted to the club for tonight's performance.
254, Twenty-five students were admitted to the National Honor Society in a ceremony yesterday.
255, She had no academic qualifications of any kind, but most exceptionally the faculty had admitted her for doctoral study.
256, Human nature and human achievements have come to appear far more ambiguous than the progressive hopes of the nineteenth century admitted.
257, If you are admitted to hospital for in-patient treatment, your allowance can continue for up to twelve weeks.
258, His wife had been admitted to hospital for observation, and then evacuated to a hospital in Shropshire when war was declared.
259, She was admitted to hospital and the baby was induced because the doctors feared both Esther and the baby were in danger.
260, Ridgeway strongly resisted freeing the men, though he admitted that the evidence placed before the court had not demonstrated their guilt.
261, Gingrich admitted to charges, brought by an investigative subcommittee of the ethics committee, that he brought discredit to the House.
262, He went down without taking a degree and was admitted to the Inner Temple in 1770.
263, That evening, as a cold rain began to fall, we were the last family admitted to the receiving camp.
264, Symington and our Legislature have never admitted that Arizona school financing is unfair.
265, That mythical policeman whom your Major saw for just one second, as he admitted?
266, As described earlier, in Ipswich a multi-disciplinary psychogeriatric team maintained involvement with all patients whether or not they were admitted to an institution.
267, So are five former high-school students or others whom Hudson admitted sexually abusing or trying to abuse when he was a coach.
268, She was admitted to a London hospital on 10 October 1992 with ruptured membranes and in spontaneous labour.
269, I will accept your tequila, but not until after you have admitted your wrongs.
270, Shortly before his third birthday, Andrew was admitted to the same country hospital in which he had been born.
271, He came wandering towards me, obviously having admitted defeat, and I fell in beside him, companionably in step.
272, She freely admitted that when she was shoplifting she was, in a way, hoping to go to prison.
273, Samuel admitted to the burglaries but not to the robbery.
274, Parker, 87, had been admitted to Valley Hospital on Monday.
275, He was admitted to hospital earlier this week after showing no signs of recovery.
276, This he freely admitted, although, even so, neither he nor Mama would ever reveal what his real name was.
277, The judge agreed to this, but continued to question the youngster, who admitted to be a professional pickpocket.
278, In Congress, proposed legislation would: Slash the number of refugees and immigrants admitted to the United States.
279, Since 1990, Bradley said two children besides Jessica have been admitted to the hospital with severe streptococcal toxic shock.
279, try its best to gather and build good sentences.
280, The company admitted responsibility, but managing director Peter Barrell said the gauge had been damaged by trespassers.
281, Even Packard admitted to himself that the unusual wildflower must have been a fluke, or misidentified.
282, Mr Irving admitted making mistakes, but said these were made innocently.
283, It is also possible for patients to be admitted directly to general hospitals and never to psychiatric hospital.
284, He admitted to smuggling 20 tons of cocaine and pinned Noriega to the shipments.
285, He also admitted other charges of dishonestly handling a stolen ring and theft of a car.
286, She admitted four charges of making a false representation to obtain benefit and asked for 18 others to be taken into consideration.
287, She freely admitted although only to herself that this was because Maxim would be there.
288, "Well, I suppose there is some truth in what you say," she admitted.




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