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单词 Gould
1 Gould rejected claims that he had acted irresponsibly.
2 Gould was helped in his researches by local naturalists.
3 Gould is a man of great industry.
4 Gould was an intensely private individual.
5 Mr Gould called for a move towards "one man one vote"
6 Mr Gould was given a standing ovation and loud cheers when he finished his speech.
7 To Gould, though, Lear's enterprise had distinct possibilities.
8 Mr Gould wrote to Mr Major demanding an inquiry.
9 Gould pushed his food around on his plate.
10 Gould stared off into a corner of the room.
11 For this alone, Gould deserves a vote of thanks.
12 Gould wrote in all these forms save opera, plus dance scores, film music, musicals and pops pieces.
13 Mr Smith's chief opponent, Mr Bryan Gould,() does have an explanation.
14 What Lear revered in Gould - his remarkable business sense and financial efficiency - Gould probably found exasperatingly lacking in Lear.
15 As a result, plans were laid for Gould to join Sturt's surveying expedition to the Murray River later that year.
16 Only another woman, Mrs Gould, refused to be intimidated and stripped her finery away.
17 In two years Gould could not possibly hope to cover all the areas he guessed would prove rewarding.
18 If Gould was excited by these discoveries, we hear nothing of it.
19 It is only because Bryan Gould is standing for leader that the soft left of the Labour Party has found a voice.
20 Gould would also have angled for contacts who might help him with his prospective expedition.
21 For the first time Gould came up against the devastating effects of unlimited commercial exploitation.
22 Thus far, Gould has provided a restatement of the collateral or preliminary fact doctrine.
23 Perhaps the Labour pollster Philip Gould could see what one of his focus groups thinks.
24 The entire party, even the persistent Mr Gould, was forced to spend an entire day on board ship.
25 The author quotes Stephen Jay Gould, the noted Harvard scientist, to support his theories.
26 Gould organised the shipment of several complete bowers back to London, where they were put on display at the Zoological Society.
27 Gould discovered in this hardy, middle-aged explorer, a man of great charm and great ornithological ability.
28 In a corner of the room was the slight figure of Jay Gould.
29 It had been thought that Mr Prescott would replace Bryan Gould, the trade and industry spokesman.
30 Labour's election defeat has produced two contradictory responses, writes Bryan Gould.
31 For the cynics of the world, Philip Gould is easy target practice.
32 Mr Gould had gone to Mr Hoad's home in Gloucester to collect unpaid fines for parking and car tax.
33 Gould, always a nimble tactician, has also moved leftwards in the course of his campaign.
34 Gould had stayed with them in their hut on his way to and from Namoi.
35 United's leading scorer was in rampant mood and was twice kept out by superb saves from Gould.
36 Thomas Campbell Eyton wanted as many petrels as Gould could capture for a monograph on the Procellaridae.
37 It was a display which earned high praise, not least from Coventry boss Bobby Gould.
38 It is delightful to imagine Gould being invited in among the thatched huts to watch the famous emu dance.
39 The chance of Damien Gould helping her seemed unlikely in the extreme, unless she could apply pressure on him.
40 Defence counsel William Carter said Gould had been campaigning against drug abuse within the jail.
41 So Gould grew up to become a psychoanalyst, a kind of secular savior.
42 And Bryan Gould could well survive despite his unsuccessful leadership challenge and decision to quit the shadow cabinet.
43 A straight fight between John Smith and Bryan Gould will never be able to generate that level of fall-out.
44 But nothing could have prepared Gould for the transformation he witnessed on the journey back to Yarrundi from Maitland.
45 There is almost no one in the Shadow Cabinet who doesn't, either, since Bryan Gould resigned.
46 But, despite his experience with Darwin, Gould failed to make any evolutionary observations from Sturt's information.
47 Mrs Gould and her niece are lodging in the Rising Sun.
48 Such luminaries as Elliot Gould and Steve Martin join in the fun.
49 For Elizabeth Gould, however, this ornithological cornucopia right on the doorstep did not hold the same all-encompassing fascination.
50 Students lobbed questions at Gould as if he were a backstop, questions on evolution, genetics, religion.
51 The best performance for the Inn came from B Gould with a 21 dart leg win.
52 Despite the beauty of Lear's plates, the young artist felt his work for Gould a great strain.
53 Gould was eventually caught last year, and pleaded guilty to 51 counts of racketeering, wire fraud, and money laundering.
54 After the 1987 general election, Gould was considered Kinnock's natural successor.
55 In a statement Mr Gould said Labour was committed to unitary authorities.
56 Gould was torn between the need to preserve his specimens and the desire to keep them a secret.
57 Anthony Gould was said to be one of the most unpopular men in the prison because of a crusade against drug abuse.
58 Gould was sacked after a stormy 14 months following Albion's failure to at least make the Third Division promotion play-offs.
59 I stopped at the house to give my condolences to Mr and Mrs Gould.
60 Gould would have been happy to remain in the same spot if it would continue providing him with novelties.
61 As Gould rightly assumed, vast areas of terraincognita held enormous possibilities for new and exotic species.
62 Gould you get me something to drink please ?
63 The position of James Gould Cozzens is more complex.
64 Mr. Gould supported this theory.
65 Stephen Jap Gould was an important American scientist.
66 Stephen Jay Gould died at the age of 60.
67 In the Beethoven concerto Gould played his own cadenza - with a noticeable nod to Max Reger...
68 In these endeavours he joined other campaigners against pseudoscience, including scientists Carl Sagan and Stephen Jay Gould and the magician James Randi.
69 George Gould, a friend of Carnarvon, went to Egypt after hearing of his death.
70 "Spend some time online reading about bariatrics abroad," said Vicky Gould, 48, who had adjustable-band surgery in Monterrey, Mexico, in 2007.
71 Gould you give me the schedule before 4 o'clock this afternoon?
72 Gould you give me a number that I can reach you?
73 And Stephen Jay Gould has a very nice example of this.
74 Gould theorized that over the course of evolution, a tendency toward neoteny might have helped give rise to human beings.
75 So the panda must... settle for an enlarged wrist bone and a somewhat clumsy, but quite workable, solution, " wrote Stephen Jay Gould in 1978."
76 George Gould had a Southdown Stud and in 1913 imported the first Suffolks into New Zealand.
77 But when SARS reared its ugly head, it caught Gould Rothberg's attention.
78 The implications for science and for our understanding of ourselves are profound, as Stephen Jay Gould makes clear in his introduction to the revised edition of Goodall's In the Shadow of Man.
79 For example, Harvard anthropologist Stephen Jay Gould was diagnosed with a rare abdominal cancer at the age of 40.
80 On jacket of this fine book, Stephen Jay Gould says: This book stands for reason itself.
81 The great biologist Stephen Jay Gould called it "the most potentially interesting and ethically unacceptable experiment I can imagine."
82 Government sales of gold would keep the price down. So, Gould and Fisk urged President Grant to stop the Treasury Department from selling gold.
83 Among the giants were Jay Gould, J . P . Morgan, Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller and Henry Ford.
84 On the dust jacket of this fine book, Stephen Jay Gould says: This book stands for reason itself.
85 Ornithologist John Gould told him the birds he had studied on the Galapagos Islands were perfectly adapted to the island environment.
85 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
86 Members of the Conservative Party Robert Neville Gould said: " This is mentally disordered. "
87 The Tycoons: How Andrew Carneigie, John D. Rockefeller, Jay Gould, and J. P. Morgan Invented the American Supereconomy.
88 Stephen Jay Gould has a wonderful essay where he discussed this, looking at the evolution of Mickey Mouse from the Walt Disney character.
89 As Gould described the events of the afternoon and early evening his voice was strained.
90 Steven Jay Gould believes the exact transformation periods are removed from the sight of the fossil record by their incredibly instantaneous ( evolutionarily speaking) mode.
91 For instance, some systems could house only Earthlike planets and no gas giants, Gould said.
92 On the dust jacket of this fine book, Stephen Jay Gould says.
93 Finally, I want to end with an example from Stephen Jay Gould.
94 Many picnics manage without this sophistication , but we like to be couth and feel that the delicacies of gracious living enhance the chancesJohn Gould.
95 In 1977, Stephen Jay Gould weighed in with his neoteny hypothesis: nakedness was part of an evolutionary strategy for acquiring larger brains.
96 Stephen Jay Gould used the complexity of ammonite sutures over time to argue that there is no evolutionary drive toward greater complexity and that we are a "glorious accident," alone in the universe.
97 I have incidentally examined the manipulations of Jay Gould Daniel Drew Commodore Vanderbilt and all the other important Wall Street manipulators from that time to the present day.
98 Gould enjoyed working in restaurants as a waiter and bartender.
99 In 1886, the Knights of Labor struck against the Union Pacific and Missouri Pacific railroads, owned by robber baron Jay Gould.
100 This is Niles Eldredge. He was the co-developer with Stephen Jay Gould of the theory of punctuated equilibrium.
101 Stephen Jay Gould and Richard Dawkins are famous evolutionary biologists and influential media scientists. They have disagreements about many aspects of evolutionary theory.
102 Mr. Gould studied fossils, the ancient remains of animals that lived during earlier periods in history.
103 Many people have written me to ask what became of Stephen Jay Gould.
104 The image strongly resembles the toothsome snarl of Bruce, played by Barry Humphries, as he faced Nemo, played by Alexander Gould.




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